Digital artist, born 1986 and residing in Poland, usually looking for work in illustration, cover art or as a comic book colorist. e-mail: [email protected] deviantART | Artstation | Tapastic
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The Falcon (Marvel Comics).
Started out as a 30 mins sketch. I prefer the more modern look for the character, but not this time, I guess?
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Leia Organa (Star Wars) fan art
inks by @paulmooregallery
colors by me
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Batman (DC Comics) fan art,
inks by @paulmooregallery
colors by Biram Ba
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Beast (X-Men), fan art, coloring. First of all, check out the original artwork by my man SpiderGuile ! I decided to change my workflow again, being dissatisfied with my color compositions lately. I tried making up a universal palette that I would use for all my work, reworked it a couple of times, but this time I went back to setting up a specific palette for a specific picture. Which is something I used to do, but with some mistakes. Now I think I'm getting close to what actually suits me. I've noticed that I pause a lot and think a lot about physics of light while painting. This time I worked out all the colors I'm going to need before painting, and so I was able to work in a more loose manner. I basically went with more of how I understand traditional (oil) painters to work.
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She-Hulk (Marvel Comics) fan art.
I haven’t painted her in a while.
dA | artstation | commissions
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webcomic fan arts #7: Slavonica, Warlock’s Apprentice.
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The Emperor protects.
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[commission info]
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(status for October 2016, I’ll try to update this post if anything changes)
Currently, as stated above, my pricing is set at:
$30 usd for sketchy, but fully colored art with a single character (bust, above waist or full figure, doesn’t actually matter that much to me), and minimum background
$25 to $60 usd for coloring work on single artworks, this really depends on both level of detail and style of the linework
$100 usd for full, complete illustrations, and also any kind of portraits or art that requires replicating complex real life objects
That being said, I can work between those prices, for me it’s more about keeping a reasonable hourly rate.
Payment is through Paypal.
contact: [email protected]
I have an old computer, so 300 dpi B5 is the best resolution for me to work with.
Also, I reserve the right to decline working on anything that disagrees with me politically.
And my work is usually SFW, but I’m open to paint more kinky stuff. To an extent. If in doubt, you can send me an anonymous ask (unless asked otherwise, I will probably answer publicly, so keep that in mind), or just ask in an e-mail.
credits for the linework in the coloring samples:
sketch by Kris Anka for “The Pride“ comic by Joe Glass
Furiosa by Paul Moore
T’Challa by Guile Sharp
all reblogs are appreciated, and thanks for reading.
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Major Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell) fan art. I pretty much re-used the design from an older work. As some of you may know, I wanted to start doing digital art commissions, this picture was an attempt to figure out how fast can I work while keeping quality. So I timed this at about 3-4 hours, this was a second attempt, first being quicker but terrible. Anyway, I decided to try setting up commissions through dA for a single type of work (something like this one above, probably), and then for a broader range of options I just need to figure out invoicing through PayPal (which makes me anxious, but seems to be the most reasonable option at the moment). I haven't set up a proper set of prices yet, but if anyone's interested, something like this picture (digital, B5 300 dpi) would cost around $30 USD. e-mail me at [email protected]
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Deadpool (Marvel Comics) fan art.
my dA | artstation
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Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Book One: Water
Book Two: Earth
Book Three: Fire
Just to comment a little bit on the works, "Avatar:TLA" is one of my favorite animated shows and I wanted to do something that would reflect that. With each painting I tried to do something that would summarize that specific part of the story. My works usually aren't that heavy on symbolism, but in this case I guess they kind of turned out that way? What i mean is, I usually think like a comic book artist, so I try to present a specific moment in a story/headcanon. These three paintings I still tried to keep fairly "historically accurate", but ultimately they're each made to depict a whole particular season of the show. Actually, I've been struggling with what to do about the last one, finally the idea that "clicked" in my opinion represents the last chapter and the whole story at the same time. I hope you guys like them. Peace.
my deviantART | Artstation | Tapastic
#avatar: the last airbender#fan art#water#earth#fire#fantasy#appa#toph beifong#avatar aang#illustration#digital painting
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Avatar: The Last Airbender. Book Three: Fire.
Book One: Water
Book Two: Earth
Book Three: Fire
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Amanda Waller.
deviantart | artstation | tapastic
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Amanda Waller.
Repost from my personal blog. This was done for 2014 #woctoberfest [more info on that]
deviantart | artstation | tapastic
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Raven, DC Comics. First of all, I openly admit I'm not that familiar with the character, this piece started as a DSC thing. I'm more of a "Young Justice" than "Teen Titans" type of person, I guess. Later, I asked in a dA journal which one of five sketches I picked people would like to see me finish. This one has been chosen.
I struggled a bit, after the first day had to throw most of what I had away and just paint over. That happens.
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