bindernotes · 4 years
VOCAB: 직업 (Occupations)
가수: singer 
간호사: nurse 
경찰: police officer 
공무원: government employee 
과학자: scientist 
교수: professor 
군인: military personnel 
기술자: technician 
기자: journalist, news reporter 
농부: farmer 
님: Mr, Mrs (Sir, honorific suffix) 
배우: actor, actress 
변호사: lawyer 
비서: secretary 
승무원: flight attendant, crew 
우체부: postman 
은행원: bank employee 
의사: doctor 
주부: housewife 
직업: job 
화가: painter, artist
source: 2000 Essential Korean Words for Beginners
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bindernotes · 5 years
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Work hard to get what you like, otherwise you’ll be forced to just like what you get.
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bindernotes · 6 years
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le mythe, la légende, j’ai nommé: pusheen, dictateur russe (fameux). 
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bindernotes · 6 years
Words of the day
곡예사 n. Juggler
그 남자는 곡예사예요.
드러나다 v. To reveal
비밀의 방이 드러났어요.
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bindernotes · 6 years
Korean Slang
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So I am a little on the older side and I can’t keep up with the youths fully, but here are some slang terms you will 100% read/hear at some point.
DISCLAIMER: a lot of these are technically swears or swear-like (like af/effing) so like plz don’t use these with people you aren’t close to
This is probably one of the most common ones. Literally just plop this in front of literally any word to mean something along the lines of “d*mn x/f*cking x”
개행복 - happy af
개소리 - bull💩
개뿔 - ridiculous/🐂💩
개슬퍼 - f*cking sad
개재미 - funny af
Similar to 개, except it can be seen as more vulgar as it comes from a word similar to d*ck. Although I know some kids that had no idea where it came from.
존, 졸, 졸라, and 조나 are all other spellings/pronunciations of it
존맛 - effing good
존잼 - funny af
존나 웃겨 - funny af
존잘생 - fine af
존나게 놀아 - play fun? Idk this doesn’t translate well. Use like yolo or it’s lit I guess?
Actually not a swear. Short for 너무 use like you would for 너무
Short for 제일 and functions the same
The best/really good
Wow/awesome (getting phased out though)
헐 / 오마이갓뜨
스타일 / 포인트
Literally style and point but Koreanized for different meanings. I don’t hear English speakers use my style that often. Point is like the focal point. “The point of the pizza is the cheese” would be a direct translation of the beginning of an argument I had yesterday. Meaning the point is the best part
Most other “slangs” I personally use are more or less just like ways to refer to people (like bae) ( 훈남 is like a super charming and endearing dude who’s also really cute, as one example) or just straight up aegyo (이뻥 is 이뻐용 which is just 예뻐요)
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bindernotes · 6 years
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Hi everyone! As requested, here is the September Target Language Writing Challenge, with Back to School-themed asks! Special thanks to @nylffn for this lovely idea. Thank you!!
I’d also like to give a shoutout to @mylanguageroad , @yourswedishboy , @slightly-weird-book-worm , @linguavert , @blumensprache , @perplexedravenclaw , @crehelf for keeping up with last month’s challenge (sorry if I accidentally left you out!).
If you don’t know about this challenge: Want to maintain or improve your writing skills in your target language? Try this 30-day writing challenge for September: Every day, answer the following prompts in your target language (in a personal journal or in a tumblr post). Good luck!
What is your favorite stationery product and why?
What is your favorite childhood memory from school?
Do you have a fictional role model that you look to as an academic inspiration? (Hermione Granger, Rory Gilmore, Elle Woods…) Who is it and why?
Are you in any clubs, organizations, or sports teams at school? Describe them.
Do you use a bullet journal? Why?
What does your ideal life after school look like?
Write about a time that your teacher was really unfair or annoying in class.
Write about a friend you met in class.
Do you know what you want to major/pursue a career in? If so, how did you decide on this? If not, what are some subjects you would consider pursuing?
What kind of music do you study to? Why?
Where do you like to study? Why?
What’s one book that you had to read for class that you ended up liking, and why?
What are some go-to study snacks?
Is your target language one that you studied in school? How long have you been studying it?
What is one bad habit that keeps you from being productive? How will you combat this?
Write your homework (or work) to-do list in your target language.
What’s your school morning routine?
Write about the best teacher you’ve had.
What’s one thing you wish you could change about the educational system?
What do you think about school social events – dances, football games, etc? Do you go to them?
List your academic goals for this year.
What is one thing you’re looking forward to this year?
Write whatever is currently on your mind (bc I’m running out of ideas lol).
What do you think about giving students tablets or laptops for taking notes, etc?
Do you like making your notes “pretty” or “aesthetic” (lol)? What’s your reasoning behind your choice?
Name some of the best study tips/methods you’ve learned.
Are you a morning person? Do you like having morning classes or night classes?
What’s one academic strength and one weakness you have?
Name a fun memory from school.
How do you deal with school stress/what are some self-care techniques?
If you participate in this challenge and post your prompt answers, make sure to tag me with #writingchallengeseptember ! I’ll be liking/reblogging them :)
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bindernotes · 6 years
Ways to say “I’m done” 🇫🇷 (like the dramatic i give up)
I’m in exam week so that’s my current vocab
J’en peux plus = I’ve had enough
J’en ai marre = a way to say “I’m done”
C’est bon, j’arrête = that’s it, I’m stopping
J’abandonne = I give up
C’est tellement relou = It’s so annoying
Je veux mourir = I wanna die
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bindernotes · 7 years
Notes: Thursday Nov. 2, Tuesday Nov. 7
How to ask a major
1. 전공이 뭐예요? (What is your major?)
2. 뭐 전공해요/뭐 전공하세요? (What do you major in?)
3. 뭐 공부해요/공부하새요? (What do you study?)
Note: 1 and 2 are semantically different. 1 is using “major” (전공) as a noun, 2 uses it as a verb (전공하다)
How to ask someone’s favorite food and sport:
음식 - food
운동 - sport
무슨 음식을 좋아요/좋아하세요? - What is your favorite food?
무슨 운동을 좋아요/좋아하세요? - What is your favorite sport?
Asking about hobbies:
취미 - hobby
취미가 뭐예요? - What is your hobby?
Where are you from?
집이 어디ㅖ요? - Where is your home/hometown?
어느 나라 사람이예요? - What is your nationality?
Review Phrases: Name, School Year
이름이 뭐예요? - What is your name?
몇 학년이에요? - What is your school year?
1학년, 2 학년, 3헉년, 4 학냔: freshman, sophomore, junior, senior
Asking how someone is doing
요즘 어떻게 지내세요? - How are you doing (lately)?
바빠요 (busy)
그더 그래요 (just so-so)
괜찮아요 (I’m all right/Not bad)
좋아요 (I’m fine)
잘 지내요 (I’m doing well)
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bindernotes · 7 years
I just found the perfect planner for next year! It's totally out of my budget so I guess I know what I'm getting myself for Christmas!!
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bindernotes · 7 years
I haven’t checked my school email since June (I forgot it even existed tbh) and now I’m too scared to see how many emails my advisor may have sent out.
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bindernotes · 7 years
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커엽 = 귀엽 = cute 영고 = 영원히 고총받는 사람 = a person who always suffers 팬아저 = someone who, even if they are not a fan of the person in question, saves pictures of them on their devices 갓띵작 = 신이 만든 최고의 작품 = God’s finest art work (can be used ironically) 취존 = 취향 존중 = respecting someone’s personal taste 와우내 = wow (trend started by an untertainer called 박준형) 마상 = 마음의 상처 (lit. heart/mind injury) = broken heart (in a joking manner) 아아 = 아이스 아메리카노 = iced americano 최애 = 체일 좋아하는 것 = thing that you love the most (also used by KPop fans to mean bias) 할말하않 = 할 말은 많지만 하지 않겠다 = having a lot of words to say but not saying them 사바사 = 사람 by 시람 = it depends on the person ㅇㅈ = 인정 = agree 비담 = 비주얼 담당 (lit. visual responsability) = the visual of a group 인구론 = 인문학 전공생 90%는 논다 = refers to the 90% of art students who never get jobs because of their major (also used nowadays to criticize how it’s hard for students to get jobs) (from what I’ve gathered, it’s not very known) 세젤예 = 세상에서 제일 예쁜 = the most beautiful in the world 시강 = 시선강탈 = to steal the attention, get the spotlight
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bindernotes · 7 years
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Drinks in Korean!
You may see “Chocolate” in Korean spelt “초콜릿” / “초코렛” or shortened to “초코”!
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bindernotes · 7 years
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bindernotes · 7 years
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I should probably take Hiragana notes to study outside the app but I’m not really studying this seriously yet.
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bindernotes · 7 years
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Salut! I’ve been studying French for two years now and have managed to test out of one of my high school’s French courses into a more advanced class. I’ve used a variety of free and priced resources, all of which I thought I would list here for anyone also interested in learning the language. Priced resources I have bought myself, and will be in bold. Bonne chance! (anyone who isn’t familiar with the European Framework Levels mentioned here, this is a helpful chart.)
Beginner (A1-A2)
Getting Started
the alphabet 
french accent marks (1) (2)
french pronunciation guide
motivation (1) (2) (3) (4)
bien dit 1
bon voyage 1
Easy French 
free french courses
the french experiment (free lessons)
french from about (good occasional grammar help)
bien dit 1 vocab
assorted nouns
french vocabulary list masterpost
kids vocabulary games
french slang
texting abbreviations
conjugating verbs (present tense)
passe compose (1) (2) (3)
recent past
futur proche
adjective placement
adjective placement + conjugation
tu vs vous
very helpful grammar site
grammar review
French grammar in comparison to English
Please memorise the gender of every noun you learn, you’ll save yourself from doing a lot of tedious and unnecessary work later.
When learning irregular verbs, conjugate them in your head (or out loud if you can) frequently, whenever you find the time. (I conjugated verbs during American History last year whenever I was bored.) 
Do listen to those dumb children’s songs on Youtube 
If you’re taking french as a class, practice at home as well. This was the most influential decision I made when beginning french. The extra time is invaluable, and will put you ahead. 
Speak to people! There are a lot of people on tumblr you can message, or if you’re more comfortable speaking to someone in person, find a french alliance building near you. They’re very friendly and they host free events where you can practice speaking. 
Try watching French movies or shows without the English subtitles. Once you’ve done that, go ahead and rewatch it a different time with the subtitles on to see how much of the plot you gathered on your own. 
Supplementary (Movies, Books, Music)
On Netflix
Chef’s Table
Marie’s Story
My Beautiful Broken Brain
Le Chef
Haute Cuisine
The Nun
Making a Murderer
Dior and I
War of the Buttons
a lot of Netflix Originals have French audio options, as well as other popular shows. I just listed popular ones here, but there are so many others so you just have to check. 
children’s stories
easy french poetry 
french reading comprehension
Beginner Stories (very good)
Easy French Reader
Playlists (1) (2) (3)
I also recommend Stromae, Francoise Hardy, Carla Bruni, and Edith Piaf. I really just listen to an assortment of french playlists, so I don’t have many individual singers to recommend. 
Thanks for the support! I may add to this post in the future, and if you have any personal recommendations feel free to message me. The B1-B2 portion of this post will be up later today or early tomorrow morning. 
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bindernotes · 7 years
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I've been working pretty hard this weekend and am almost done with my assignments. Little updates: -Taking a break from Korean -Learning Mandarin next semester -Got a 100 on my psych midterm -Currently procrastinating as I try to write a decent essay on the film Religulous which doesn't turn into all the reasons I dislike Bill Maher and certain atheist practices despite being atheist myself -learned that sociology is the place where optimism dies and I identify strongly with conflict theorists
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bindernotes · 8 years
My mid-term is writing an essay about rather or not I agree with an article, but I wish that it was a critique because this article was the worst and it honestly reads like all the essays I write hours before the due date where the point is sandwiched in between tons of BS.
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