bichhaithanhthien · 6 years
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you can’t keep em apart
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bichhaithanhthien · 6 years
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It’s new chapter week which means my soul is once again more yulma than anything else
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bichhaithanhthien · 6 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile. 💕 I'm sending this to you because I think you and your blog are wonderful. Smile!
Thank you so much!  (^ω^)
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I hope this made you smile, too! ♡
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bichhaithanhthien · 6 years
Please give me a long distance relationship au in which Kanda and Alma are separated as kids after the Sixth Laboratory incident, and Alma lives in North America department. 
They are allowed to send letters to each other, and Alma writes lots about every detail of his daily life, even if he considers it boring himself. He just likes writing and decorating the paper with coloured ink and glitters and drawing small sketches. 
Kanda rolls his eyes every time he opens the envelope, and his answers are really short, but he really does his best too. He even makes a tough decision to ask TIedoll for a couple of drawing lessons, because there’re things on his missions he knows for sure Alma would like to witness.  
When they get older, Komui gets a permission for them to have a phone talk once in a month, because of their good behaviour. At their first time they are both nervous and embarrassed; Kanda is somehow afraid that Alma is changed because of his new voice, but after the other drops the receiver for at least three times because of being nervous, he pushes all of his fears away. 
It is a great shock for a newcomer Allen Walker to see Kanda one day on a phone; he doesn’t say much, mostly humming and giving short answers, but it feels like he’s another person, because Allen has never seen this grumpy asshole with such a stupidly happy look on his face. 
Of course, after hanging a phone, he gets an angry glance and “What are you staring at?” question, and it’s not like he’s surprised. No one in the Order is surprised, though.
But one day they see a cheerful young man, who jumps out of the Arc’s gate right to the frozen out of embarrassment Kanda (he’s able to make such kind of face??? what a surprise???), and the mystery is solved and accepted wholeheartedly. 
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bichhaithanhthien · 6 years
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they deserve to be happy!!! 👏👏👏
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bichhaithanhthien · 6 years
Thank you very much. ❤️❤️❤️
Gray Log: Black-Gray-White Crosstalk (Part 4)
Other translations / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
An incredible three-man talk between the author, Hoshino, the voice of the Millennium Earl, Yutaka Aoyama, and the voice of Allen Walker, Ayumu Murase! Secret stories regarding D.Gray-Man’s birth and other details are coming!
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bichhaithanhthien · 6 years
Thank you for your hardworking. ❤️.
Gray Log’s Monochrome Gallery: Hoshino’s Chapter Covers Selection
Other DGM translations
Presenting the chapter covers that Hoshino herself has selected with her commentary! It includes the her personal Top 3 too!
First place: 
Chapter 167 “Hint”
I like the balance of the whole picture and how it combines scariness and cuteness. You can feel the bond between them, but at the same time something feels off. Moreover, I think I did a good job at giving it a meaningful air.
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Second place:
Chapter 193 “Friend”
My second favorite.
I drew this cover just after the last scene of the chapter, the one where Kanda destroys the rampaging Alma, and I remember being overcome with emotion. Alma had become very dear to me by then, so I wanted to give him one of his lovely expressions for last.
However, drawing him smiling was difficult to do. Regarding the letters saying “friend” behind Alma, they are supposed to be made with “blood.” Had this been a color page, I would have probably painted them in a black to red gradation, instead of pure black.
I’m sure this Alma is turning towards Yuu, a smile coming to his lips.
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Third place:
Chapter 105 “A Stage in Rouge”
I adore Krory and Eliade’s tragic love.
It’s a pitiful one, but I love it (laugh) and I think this cover was able to express it well. I think it’s a shame that, due to time constraints, the rose garden in the background ended up looking so rough, but there is something in how you can only see Eliade’s shoulder that’s really sad and painful. The situation, with Krokins holding an umbrella, is cute too, to the point I feel like praising past me (laugh).
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The Nominees:
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
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“It’s so hard to breathe in this world, and it’s always dark. But that day … when I tried to laugh like you, it felt like it got a little easier to breathe.”
More Hallow art because I rewatched episode 6 in the dub this time and these two broke my heart all over again.
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
Gray Log: Black-Gray-White Crosstalk (Part 3)
Other translations / Part 1 / Part 2
An incredible three-man talk between the author, Hoshino, the voice of the Millennium Earl, Yutaka Aoyama, and the voice of Allen Walker, Ayumu Murase! Secret stories regarding D.Gray-Man’s birth and other details are coming!
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
Gray Log: Black-Gray-White Crosstalk (Part 2)
Other translations / Part 1
An incredible three-man talk between the author, Hoshino, the voice of the Millennium Earl, Yutaka Aoyama, and the voice of Allen Walker, Ayumu Murase! Secret stories regarding D.Gray-Man’s birth and other details are coming!
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
Gray Log: Black-Gray-White Crosstalk (Part 1)
Other translations
An incredible three-man talk between the author, Hoshino, the voice of the Millennium Earl, Yutaka Aoyama, and the voice of Allen Walker, Ayumu Murase! Secret stories regarding D.Gray-Man’s birth and other details are coming!
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
Well, about Alma's last words for Kanda, Japanese rarely use "aishiteru" for telling their love, they use "daisuki" or "suki" most of the time.
“Aishiteru” is the most serious and strongest way to say you love someone in Japanese, and they only say it when they really really feeling it. In fact, there is somebody never say it in their whole life. (Kanda said it to Alma) However, if somebody uses "daisuki", it doesn't mean their love isn't a romantic love or they aren't serious in their feeling.
Anyway, Kanda smiled happily after hearing Alma still loved him. Even death can't kill their love.
@norowarerumono replied to your post “@norowarerumono replied to your post “@norowarerumono replied to your…”
I guess I’m fortunate because I managed to avoid those debates, but I really feel you. That sucks so much.
ye really ;;-;;
Well in that case, it’s like… first there’s the translation in the official english manga that kinda goes in that direction, remplacing the “i love you” from the “daisuki” with this:
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And that, I’ve seen people argue that it wasn’t supposed to be romantic. Which. Still kinda blows my mind.
More recently, something similar happened in the manga Tokyo Ghoul: Re, where one of the character, Hide, is asked why he would try so hard to protect Kaneki, and he replies “Because I love him”, and the word he uses is “suki”, and the full sentence itself in japanese (i don’t have it saved) have him put a lot of focus on the “suki” ,showing it was the focus of the sentence and it was important. aaaand I’ve seen a shitstorm out of it, going “ye but “suki” is platonic”, so i’m just. Exasperated. Especially since it happened, like, two days after I saw that panel of the American version of that sentence (and the fact i did in fact see a lot of people arguing it was only platonic). 
So I suppose i’m just slightly petty because it’s not even up to debate when m/f says “suki” or “daisuki”, people never debates on whenever it’s platonic or not. so it becomes just exhausting when this sort of shitstorm always happens when it’s not the case.
And I agree love doesn’t mean romantic per se, i’m just tired that in those exemple in particular, it’s questioned when it wasn’t meant to be this way
djkfhdfkjhfdk i’m just slightly petty i guess :’D 
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
Send me a ship and I'll tell you
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
Who does chores around the house?
Who’s the better cook?
Who’s the funniest drunk?
Do they have kids?
Do they have any traditions?
What do they fight about?
What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
Who always wins at Mario kart?
One thing I like about this ship?
One thing I don’t like about the ship?
The song I would say fits them?
Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
(Please feel free to add more if you are asking people to do this with you.)
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
He didn't only count the days, but also remembered exactly how long they spent together after long nine years. 🙃
I’d like to point that
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counted the days
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bichhaithanhthien · 7 years
It would be worse more than a horrible winter haha XD
They're adorable!! I love your art! ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Hijirai, could you draw Alma sits between Kanda's legs and they read a book together? Alma says: "Yuu, winter isn't a human!" and Kanda replys: "It's a season, baka..." Thank you very much. :"D
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it take me like year but here it is
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