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Portland tumblr friends! (Think there might be some, not sure)
  Get in touch. Looking for interesting things to be a part of out here, before school starts up and my life is books and tests.
  Oh yea......we're coming at you from SoCal and the Pacific Northwest. Whaaaat.
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Shows aren't what we go to. 
Shows are a way of life. 
--yea, just found some old pictures. Peep if you like. 
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Oh Temples, you are worth every penny I've ever spent on ya. <3
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Spring Semester is over.
Psych Fest is over.
Let the picture taking and Etsy listings commence!
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Raw Heart Radio
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Oh, hey.
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I don't know...check us out if you want. 
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More items up as I type this out!
Let's finish out this year on a good note.
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Ahh Harry Browne. I've embraced you at last. 
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A little beauty and wonder to start this day off. 
follow us @strangehousevtg
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Oh, hello there. 
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