bichenxi · 1 month
"wolfstar is canon" I say into the microphone. the crowd boos. I sigh and begin to walk off stage. "she's right" a voice says, I turn and there he is. David Thewlis.
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bichenxi · 3 months
I joined this fandom when I was around 11 years old, I was just a shy and crybaby girl, this year I turned 22 and right now I'm at the middle of my architecture career...
Sometimes I forget that people in the marauders fandom aren’t just silly teenage girls, like wdym your husband proof read this fic for you?!?!?!?!?
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bichenxi · 3 months
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found this on pinterest and haven’t slept well since
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bichenxi · 3 months
638 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
Casting patronuses didn’t come naturally to most people, which is why when teaching it for her seventh year NEWT class, Professor Khurana said she didn’t expect people to actually achieve it, it was just good DADA practice.
However, two people almost immediately managed to achieve it, and when they did, they looked at each other with furious blushes staining their cheeks. James’s patronus was a stag, and Lily’s was a doe. Soulmates.
Remus returned to waving his wand and speaking the incantation with a tense jaw and furrowed brow, but no outcome. Beside him, Sirius was also struggling. Made sense. They both had dark minds.
He wondered if his patronus would match with someone else’s the way James and Lily’s did, the way soulmates’ did. Not an exact copy, not an identical clone. Not a patronus which had changed to look like someone else’s. Not one which had changed as a result of heartbreak; intense, overwhelming despair. Not one which had changed out of hopeless, cruelly remorseless unrequited love. Not one which had changed due to obsessive infatuation.
No, Remus wanted someone else’s patronus to match with his, to say they were destined to be because their personalities were compatible. He didn’t want a patronus which had changed for him, because that meant someone was trying to change their personality for another, and that wasn’t healthy. The patronuses of soulmates weren’t identical, they were compatible.
They meant that people were being themselves, being individual, being unique. They signified that a person could survive independently, yet also work beautifully with another.
A patronus was the representation of your warmest emotions, of your happiness, of how you deserved to be happy with yourself. It symbolised hidden depths of your personality, of your feelings; the way you processed things, the way you saw things, the way you learnt, understood, hurt, spoke, yearned, thought. A patronus forced you to confront yourself, to dig deep into the recesses of your brain and draw out something you never knew about yourself, yet you wondered how you never knew this about yourself, because you needed your patronus, it made sense because it was you.
A patronus was your core, and if it was compatible with someone else’s core, if you made each other better, if you consistently worked together and battled all the odds and retained your senses of identity… that was love. That was the mark of soulmates.
So Remus took a breath, plastered this knowledge to the forefront of his mind, telling himself, This is for you. Be happy with who you are.
And he cast, “Expecto Patronum.”
A wolf burst from the tip of his wand.
He froze. No. Not that. Anything but that. He wasn’t that. The werewolf wasn’t his inside; he tried so hard not to be, but still?
Sirius paused in his frustrated spell-work, glanced from Remus to his patronus, and without a second thought, took Remus’s hand in his own and squeezed. “It’s not a werewolf, Moons. It’s an ordinary wolf. And you know what those symbolise?”
Remus couldn’t respond. He stared at the patronus, not his, not his, not his—
Sirius squeezed again. “They symbolise strong, unwavering friendship. They’re loyal and protective and so clever. And you know what you are?”
Sirius didn’t wait for an answer. He firmly stated, “You’re all of that and more. And I…” Sirius glanced at Remus, gripped his hand even tighter, as if now in reassurance for himself, and whispered, “Expecto Patronum.”
A dog burst from the tip of his wand.
It was faint at first, but then it moved towards Remus’s wolf, and together, they glowed. Two huge, shaggy canines, equal in size but different in personality, equal in the affection they held for each other but different in how they learnt, understood, hurt, spoke, yearned, thought. That was love.
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bichenxi · 3 months
yes, i am
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bichenxi · 3 months
when i was immersed into kpop i distanced myself from the hp and marauders fandom until i found my deep wolfstar and hogwarts obsession again like 2 years ago and now i can't read anything that isn't a good canon divergence with better writing than the entire canon saga
do you guys ever like forget you're interested in something until you start engaging with it again and you go "oh wait i'm like crazy crazy about this yeah"
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bichenxi · 3 months
tobio and shoyo's telepathy works on another level
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bichenxi · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic | Word count: 341
"Soulmates aren't real."
Remus looked up from his book to see Sirius, who was staring intently at a blank spot on the wall, his own book abandoned.
"What?" Remus asked, uncertain if Sirius meant for him to hear that. It seemed like he had mumbled it to himself.
"This book," Sirius explained, gesturing to the text in his lap. "It talks about soulmates, how you're attached by a red thread to someone. And it doesn't matter if it stretches or tangles; it will never break, and it will eventually bring two people together."
"And you don't believe in it?" Remus frowned, glancing at the book on the table before looking back at Sirius.
"I—well, it's not that I don't believe in it. It's just... I don't like the idea of being attached to someone from birth."
"Oh," Remus said, and Sirius must have heard the disappointment in his voice because he quickly added, "No, not like that, Moony. It's just..." He shook his head, as if trying to organize his thoughts. "All my life, I've been told what to do. My last name has always been a curse, as if the moment I was born, everything was already written for me, like I had no other option but to follow what I was supposed to do. I don't like the idea that who I was going to fall in love with was also written, because I get to choose this. I get to choose you."
He was looking at Remus with an intensity that Remus couldn't quite decipher, but it was love, without a doubt. "Yeah?"
Sirius nodded. "I love having the option to keep choosing you over and over again, even if the world is too bitter to understand. Even if everything else is predetermined, my love for you is something I decide, every day."
Remus felt a warmth spread through his chest. He had the sudden urge to kiss him right there, even if there were people watching. "I choose you too," he said softly. "Every single day."
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bichenxi · 3 months
Good evening dear friends, i have another fic recommendation tonight.
This piece of literature art is a delight, you will love it as much as I did.
It's settled during the Ootp book but is canon divergence, totally divergence, I like it very much, and it has a very beautiful and nice outcome at the end of the story.
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bichenxi · 3 months
guys, i love james, sirius and remus so much it hurts, ao3 is not enough anymore I need to transmigrate into the books and time travel to the marauders youth days and save everyone by defeating freaking voldy so they can live happily ever after without suffering so much and losing their precious lifes to a lost cause
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bichenxi · 3 months
I was re reading this again and I had a very different memory from the end of the story, like, the last line was supposed to say "and that's the art of getting by", or I'm just hallucinating??? God I'm so confused lmao
this is one of my absolutely favourite wolfstar fics I've ever read, is beautiful and warms your dark and sad heart for the next 30 years i swear
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bichenxi · 3 months
I'm in love
F1 AU timeskip
kageyama drives for ferrari now
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bichenxi · 3 months
wolfstar canon, whatever anyone says doesn't matter and if you disagree you can suck my tits, good evening
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bichenxi · 1 year
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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bichenxi · 1 year
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. September will bring blessings.
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bichenxi · 1 year
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"ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪ ᴍɪɢʜᴛ ʙᴇ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ" 😍👨‍❤‍👨
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bichenxi · 1 year
james mistaking sirius for reg and wrapping his arms round sirius’s waist from behind and kissing the side of his face and sirius is just like,, ‘hmm I guess our friendship reached the next level!’
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