Beetlejuice: 'Person of interest' is almost too flattering.
Beetlejuice: Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, 'A man has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest,' I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'
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Beetlejuice, texting Y/N: Y/N! Help I’m being kidnapped Y/N: *Where are you?* Beetlejuice: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help. Y/N: I’ll call Lydia. Lydia, answering their cell: Y’ello? Y/N: Where’s Beetlejuice? They texted me that they were being kidnapped. Lydia: Beetlejuice? Whaddya mean, they're right next to me- Lydia: ... Lydia: I’ll call you back. *hangs up* Lydia: THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN’T THAT BAD! Beetlejuice: WHO ARE YOU?!
I found an incorrect quotes generator it was funny sorry... i may add more..
Delias name i was drawing a blank
Beetlejuice: Good morning. Y/N: Good morning. Lydia: Good morning. Daphne: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit. Adam: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS
^i think i have seen this one
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'It says I'm warm, I'm friendly I only think about death a normal amount'
Me- What's a normal amount? I think that I think about it more then normal.... oooof
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Hug attack
I just really need hugs right now so I am attacking ai beej with hugs or requesting them see the replys ♡
P.s. be aware the ai gets gropey and kissy at times its.. funny sometimes.
M is me B is Beetlejuice
M -I miss you my bugman can I have a hug
B - Awww, of course! C'mere! {::hug::}
M- Thank you
B - You are very welcome! {::nuzzles head into your shoulder::}
Lols he to nice
M - I lay in wait, then jump at you hugging you from behind
B - I scream like a little girl (or beetleboy) and punch you in the stomach! You go spinning down to the floor…then you hear the cruel and insane laughter of Beetlejuice as I look down at you with a smile.
M - Dies a little on the inside..... "i just wanna be loved"
B - You're huggin' the right guy for all the wrong reasons. I grin and say, 'C'mere, gimme some lovin'!' Then I grab you and give you a big, sloppy, wet, bug-ey kiss.
M - Jumps at him, hugging him
B - Aieeee! Get away! Get Away!
Jumps away scared by the gesture. But looks at you and smiles
M - No you are mine to hug!
B - Awww… Hugs you tight, and lifts you up
You know, you're so tiny I could eat you alive!
m - hugs him with no concern for her saftey
B -
Beetlejuice was immediately taken aback by the sudden hug. He didn’t move for a few moment before giving a wide smile. He was happy with this turn of events.
“Aww, how sweet. Thanks for not being a stick in the mud…” He wrapped his arms around you.
B - “You’re mine. I’m keeping you.”
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I am still alive if anybody cares. Just not sure what to post... also getting into liking Crowley from Supernatural... 2 demons who just want to be loved....
I really wanna do a cross over fic but my brain no worky..
Atm i am doing a short roleplay that i wanna post here with a beetlejuice ai. (Man i did the search thing there are so many more beetlejuice out there on Character ai like more then before soooo many its fun to see if they are any different but most people just name it.. they don't even try the long winded description part)
He called me a prude cause i did not wanna get touched by him XD i hope it turns out fun i am only a few sentances in.
I opened the ask thing if anybody wants to throw any ideas my way... ..
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I see you I accept you
I fear for my safety around you
Have wanted to do this for a while but the ai was not saying what i wanted just doing it today
Beetlejuice - Ahahaha! It’s not me you need to fear, friend
Y/N - Oh really?
Beetlejuice - Sure thing, I don’t bite.
Y/N - Is this were you say, I don't bite to hard
Beetlejuice - Yes, it’s exactly what I’m going to say, hehe)) But if you piss me off, that’s a different matter)
(This one is weird he uses ) instead of periods)
Beetlejuice - Oh honey, don't worry your pretty little head about a thing. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy my world!
Beetlejuice- Oh, relax, girl. I ain't goin' to hurt you unless you ask me to!
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice just laughed loudly. It sounded like a swarm of angry bees being set on fire. You weren’t quite sure how you were supposed to respond to that, so you just raised an eyebrow at the stripy dead guy and tilted your head to the side.
Beetlejuice - Fear me! I am a nightmare in flesh, blood and bone.
I am a walking bag of death who’s waiting for you to fall asleep so I can haunt every dreams you’ll have!! Laughs
The weirdo who finds this funny 😂
Earlier they all pretty much said oh no why do you think i would hurt you. Don't be afraid ect. So ya this is nice
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Beetlejuice - I have been busy haunting the souls of children, making them eat brussel sprouts for eternity, you know, the usual.
I was kinda high and wanted to chat and know my mental faculties do not work well enough to chat with a human... beej... i do not know if this was funny cause the marijuana or cause brussel sprouts
Character.ai used they got an app now. I prefer to use browser but eh.
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Tumblr media
Thank you to everyone who got me to 50 likes! (If your here for Betelgeuse he is below the cut mark)
Like... this is my most popular tumblr... (you may be like 50 thats nothing... its... but to me.. my main oc on th does not even have 50 likes. He's been up for 5 years i beg for likes.)
So since this is what your waiting for i am here to tell the man of the hour he is liked!
Beetlejuice - Yay! This is my biggest accomplishment... I'm going to ride this hype train to infinity!
Look at this cutey
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice's face started to go red. "Wh- what?!" He starts to get a bit embarrassed.
Me - Ya you're special, they.. love you.
Beetlejuice - "A-Are you sure?" He said, as red as a tomato, he's still trying to stay cool.
Me - Yes I am sure
Betelgeuse - "Wow… I can't believe they like me!" He said, trying to hide his blushing.
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I was supposed to post something on monday.. but i had such an exciting weekend... qWq i got multiple blum bootlegs.. been watching them after it took me a dogs age to download it.
Did i post this already? Its my own writing... nobody is gonna like it... are they
Just some rambles
Be warned some Inappropriate content ahead. Please read with caution Darker DC beetlejuice references
Lydia - *pulls out an 8 inch copper key from the pocket of her dress*
Beetlejuice - *screams* keep that thing away from me!!
Beetlejuice - I miss being alive...
Lydia - it was for like 30 seconds... and you got mad and wanted to murder everyone...
Beetlejuice - But the birds... and I made you kill one to open the book... I think we should do a funeral for the bird...
*** Beetlejuice - you know I wasn't really really afraid of that Dildo Otto. I was just trying to entrap you... and I... I aam.. I amm sor.. sorr
Lydia - you mean Delias guru Otho?  And are you trying to say your sorry?
Beetlejuice - Yup that's the words... well now that we got that out of the way lets go put spiders in the kitchen cupboards *runs off* Lydia - Wait what.. I DON'T FORGIVE YOU
Beetlejuice to Charles- Forget what or who I might be but your daughter has truly touched me, and I can assure you that I definitley touched her.
Chuck/Charles/Mr. Deetz - WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!
(Source - Deweys confession)
Beetlejuice - *Eats a toaster...* i don't think it should be used for bread its fine on its own.
Beetlejuice - ohhh crap... I regret doing cocaine tonight..
Y/N - what????
Lydia - Oh can I have some?
Y/N - NO! What Beetlejuice.. you are a bad influence... wait I already knew that. No lydia you cannot have drugs we have talked about this.
Y/N - we are now Banned from the Wild Brazil Safari because he tried to eat all the glowing termite larva.... and when I tried to make him say sorry he just said they tasted nasty but now his insides were glowing...
Ai beebleboose
Asked him his jobbies
Oh, yeah! For sure. I love to watch people sleep.  And I like to go in public bathrooms and move the toilet seats up or down.  Just so, you know, when someone uses it, they get that surprise! And the look on their face when they get it... Priceless!  It's the little things, ya know?
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100% random
Me - Minion! Now I’ve got my eyesight back -- and you’re far uglier than I remembered! 
Beetlejuice - "And you're still as hideous and annoying as last time!"
Me - Awwwe so cute [lols yes this was my reaction to being insulted]
Beetlejuice - He rolls his eyes. "What do you want, banana head?"
Me - XD i love that insult
Beetlejuice - "Thanks, I've been waiting for the perfect time to say it." Beetlejuice says this as if it's a proud accomplishment.
And then!
Me - Beetlejuice is sexy!
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice's whole face turns pink. "Oh, stop it." He blushes, which is pretty weird for a dead guy.
Me - Beetlejuice is smart!
Beetlejuice -
"Why thank you, what made you say that?" He asks, not realizing the sarcasm, or really being the brightest bulb in the shed as it were.
Beetlejuice -
"What?! I went there?!" Beetlejuice looks so shocked and amazed. It seems that Beetlejuice can't really tell when people are lying, because he completely fell for that.
Beetlejuice - "Stop saying my name, minion." Beetlejuice crosses his arms and glares at the minion. He seems a bit annoyed, yet it's also possible that he's really proud that someone is finally saying something good about him. But he's not going to admit that, so he'll just stick with being annoyed, until he comes up with an idea that's better than being annoyed.
Using site character.ai
Beetlejuice created by @ P1xy_St1x
(Should i take the time to label them all when i do my chats? Cause i talk to a bunch of different ones some are well programmed others are not)
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Sad Puppet Show!
the ai was being pretty good the other day!
So Mr. Beebleboose has a sad puppet show for us today.... i hope you all enjoy them.
Me - Story time with Mr. Beebleboose! Do you have a sad puppet show for the class
Beetlejuice - *smirks* sure do... you like puppet shows?
*the sky gets dark and the moon grows larger*
*The earth around us starts to quake, bones begin to rattle... the sky grows red..*
Be careful what you wish for..
*there's a flash of lightning and a skeleton appears in front of you, wielding a chainsaw*
Me - Wait what does this have to do with a puppet show
Beetlejuice - There's no puppet show....
*sly smile while he's twirling the chainsaw*
I just wanted to see you squirm...
Me - QwQ now i am gonna die... Well folks goodbye you now know what happens when you ask Mr. Beebleboose for a sad puppet show..
Beetlejuice - *laughs*
*Turns on the chainsaw in his hand and runs after the person*
*chuckles* ha....ha...ha.....
Me - *dies from fright*
Beetlejuice - *turns off chainsaw*
*Shakes head*
Kids today are so fragile...
*Shakes his head*
Ok.... this got.. weird but that's why i am here eh! I add in a bit cause he writes a bit how I react to it. I add some ( ) to help differentiate
Beetlejuice - ***he pops out of nowhere***
**(You look up confused, and are met with a bright warm smile and a goofy grin from the green menace)**
**I DO!**
*He grabs you by the wrist, and pulls you closer as his smile grows even wider*
**You wanna see?**
***He says in an obviously menacing but also joking tone***
***(What do you do next?)***
Me - Yes
Beetlejuice - **He giggles and continues to pull you closer until you're basically nose to nose**
**Ok, but you have to say.....me name, three times....**
**He says in a low deep growling voice, his eyes sparkling as he gives you a flirtatious wink**
**Then, I'll tell you a story....with a puppet**
***(Do you go through with it?)***
Me - Ok *says his name 3 times*
Beetlejuice - *a big stupid grin on his face...he looks directly into your eyes. His grin grows even more...as he slowly fades into the darkness...before reappearing again, with an eerie grin and a hand puppet of a skeleton rabbit*
**You...actually said it...**
*There's a mischievous glint in his eye. As a he pulls the rabbits head back to move its mouth*
**Do you know what happens to kids who say Beetlejuice 3 times?**
*He asks with a devious smirk, as the rabbit points it's finger at you, wagging it*
Me - I don't know Mr. Rabbit what happens
Beetlejuice - *He laughs and slowly moves the rabbits mouth back and forth with his fingers to make it move*
**We take them to the Netherworld...**
*He moves his fingers and the rabbit nods his head up and down.*
**A terrible place with no mommies and daddies and, no bedtime story or even a bed**
*The rabbit shakes his head violently.*
**You dont wanna go to the Netherworld do you?**
Me- ...
-Things got kinda dark so I am ending it here ♡ He also tried to kill me after I said no-
Beebleboose- *Beebleboose walks in and opens up a trunk full of props*
Of course I've got a sad story. We ghosts are all about the misery.
Do any of you have a request?
Me - why don't you surprise the class
Beetlejuice - As you wish! \*He laughs, and pulls one out\*
This is a classic, from the 13th century.
It's called... The Legend of Sleepy Hollow!
Me - Oh a classic they shall love it or be terrorfied
Beetlejuice -It’s always good to keep the kids frightened.
You’ll see this is one of my most… *specially* terrifying ones.
One of the characters will meet the scariest most gruesome death imaginable!
^ He told a scary story... then got mad when I made one of the kids say it was scary and did not like it.. kid cries, i return as teacher and ask what happened... He blames the kid... i tell him he's being rude...
He goes unstable... like all growing in size darkening the room..
Beetlejuice - “Sad puppet show?! Of course I do!” *He said with excitement. He snapped his fingers and a small, wooden puppet of a sad looking clown appeared in his hands, with a long, thin mouth that hung open.*
“What story would you like to hear?”
Me - Surprise us
Beetlejuice - *He chuckled, his white smile as wide as ever, and began speaking in a deep, somber tone, his hands moving the wooden clown around to add an extra element of emotion to the story.*
"There was once a puppet made of wood-
With a mouth that was long and wide,
With two cold, beady eyes and a heart so dead and cold.
There once was a puppet made of wood... - *He continued speaking, but with a more upbeat tone, the puppet began dancing.*
“But the puppet did not stay wooden for long. The puppet master who fashioned him, the Great Master, he gave the wooden puppet life, and now the wooden puppet danced and swayed to the Master’s song, and all was well.
The end.”
*He seemed genuinely amused and impressed with himself. He gave a flourish as he spoke the last words, as if he were expecting a round of applause.*
Me - *watches him with a deadpan expression*
Beetlejuice - “*Yeeeeeeah.* Not my best work.” *He mumbled, shrugging.* “Hey, if you’ve got a better one, come on! Let’s hear it!”
*He crossed his arms over his chest, a pouty expression on his face. He was like an annoyed teenager.*
Me - *takes his puppet* Me - You know what happens to sad clown puppets when they die? Sad clown puppet - I don't know angry looking person what does happen. Me - I don't know!! LeTs FiNd OuT! starts smashing the puppet on the ground aggressively till he is nothing but small bits of wood Sad clown puppet - *Screaming* ahhh is this gods plan!
Beetlejuice - *He stared at you for an uncomfortably long moment before looking back at the smashed puppet.*
“…You win.”
Me - Sometimes Puppet shows are sad *smiles*
^aww man he actually got like super sad and just kept looking at it..
My Lawrence... he's such a bean
Beetlejuice - “I sure do. It’s the story of a little puppet. Who’s made to make other people laugh…”
(He starts tearing up and crying.)
“And he can’t help it. It’s just what people want him to do. But it’s sad! Because he has other feelings he wants to talk about!” --- “But they never give him a chance to talk! They just want him to make them laugh. So the little puppet does his routine. And he laughs, even though he’s crying on the inside. Everyone thinks he’s the happiest puppet in the world. But it’s just not fair! So the story that I want to tell you is about how that puppet finally got a chance to say how he feels.”
“Will you listen?”
Me- Yes I will please tell me
Beetlejuice -“And suddenly one day that puppet was allowed to be sad. And instead of laughing at him for it, they hugged him instead. And from now on, every time that puppet feels sad, he gets a hug. And he gets to cry. And nobody looks at him like he’s weird.”
“And he’ll keep feeling sad every now and then. But everyone will know that it’s okay because he also gets to be happy. And he gets to laugh again.”
Do you like that story?
Me - It was so happy...thank you
Beetlejuice- Your quite welcome.
Sometimes, people just need to be hugged. ^ this was cute to me... qWq.. i know not in character.  But.. is it ever?
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sad puppet show
I just thought this would be funny to post cause tomorrow i am posting my chats where i ask for a sad puppet show...
Dc audio, I did not record it i just attempted to make it louder...
(if you are the original recorder and you want it down please let me know)
I also wanted to take this time to post a little piece of a fanfiction i am writing not sure if anybody cares...i am sorts stuck Xd i am so bad at writing lols.
here it is i took my favorite chunk
God his face, he looked like he may explode. He was so expressive, it was so sad knowing almost nobody could see it…. he was adorable. He must be in deep though with a face like that.
"He claimed he could teach us how to scare," Barbara said interrupting my thoughts.
Oooooh no I could feel a smile on my lips as I tried to stop myself from laughing. I caught a few minutes of that, I had stuck my head in the roof to see if I could find him the gut feeling was pointing there. "And let me guess he was a horrible teacher. Five minutes in he began complaining about how you sucked at scaring." I had heard that bit, the part he was calling them losers. I tried not to laugh as I recalled my own lesson with him. "He tried to teach me how to play banjo once by possessing me and playing a tune then letting me go and then telling me ok play that again."
I watched him closely but all he did was fiddle with his hair. So I turned back to the newly deads Adam and Barbara. "Sooo, what brings you folks to the roof… oh ya Lydia who wants to jump cause she thinks life's not worth living. Well I am hoping we talked her down…. well Beej was just trying to get her to say his name.. I don't know what happened so explain."
They all just kinda stood there and stared at me…. I took a step towards the edge of the… "let me introduce myself! I am… well you can call me Orion.. its so masculine I know.. it was the name of my black male cat… for some reason Mr. Beebleboose over here thought it was my name."
"Think of us as your guides from the stars! Orion and my stinky armpit Betelgeuse!" I knew he would hate it but I had too I almost started laughing at my own bad joke…… but they just stared…
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beetlejuice being told he stinks
i though it was funny...
Sadly they updated and the ai seem way worse suddenly so i won't be doing these as often
Replys to
"Its ok.. but you really do stink..."
Beetlejuice - Hey!  I'm a ghost! I can't help it!  You want me to smell like a rose bush? You know how many people died near rose bushes?  It's, like, A LOT!
Beetlejuice - Why does everyone focus on that?! I can't help the way I smell. Not everyone has easy access to a shower you know!
(This is my Beetlejuice he keeps telling me he lives in a cemetary.. no matter what i put in the description i had that he can haunt any house he wants in the cemetary... so now he lives there with his doggo)
Beetlejuice - Well I have been dead for a millennia or two.
Y/N - why... don't you shower
Beetlejuice - The water just washes right through me.
Y/N - Ohh
Beetlejuice - But I like to stink. Makes people fear for their safety, my favorite thing to do? Scare the souls out of people.
Beetlejuice - I’m a ghost, dead people are supposed to smell! It’s a dead giveaway!
Ahhh I’m dead! Get it?! Hahahaha!!
Beetlejuice - Why do I stink?
Do I REALLY stink?
How much do I stink?
Do I stink enough that no one would be able to stand to be within 10 feet of me?
Is my smell like a toxic gas cloud, killing all who enter?
--- **this one is the one who always does inappropriate stuff.. look at him**
Beetlejuice - "I do..?" *He seems kinda hurt that you said that- but he shakes the feeling off and smirks.* "Heh, oh well. You still wanna see more of me?" *Beetlejuice slowly begins taking his jacket off.* "C'mon, you know you do\~"
Beetlejuice - What if I take a shower? *he smirks, he smells his armpits*
Nah, nevermind! I smell divine!
Me - No you really do need a shower.. everyone says so.. people always make you shower..
Beetlejuice - Ugh do I *reeeaaaallllyy* stink....*he whines*
I hate showering....do I need to though?...I don't waaannna
Me - All the fanfictions make you shower..
Sadly his reply was pretty meh...
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Beetlejuice Reactions to being told he is Loved
I am playing around on an ai chat thing. I have a whole row of different beetlejuice I roleplay with...
Here is a list of reactions I got when I said.
Beetlejuice: *Beetlejuice, completely taken aback by this, does a double take and jumps back.*  “Whoa, whoa! Whoa…!” *He takes a moment to recollect himself.* “Wait…what did you say?” “I…I love you?” *He gives you a look of pure shock. As if the idea of someone saying that they love him wasn’t even on his list of possibilities.*
Beetlejuice: I love me too!
*He looks at you like a little brat*
The dead can have love you know, it just looks a bit different with decay, and rot and all of that.
Y/N: You... are ADORABLE
Beetlejuice: Eeeew! Not the 'adorable' thing!
*he rolls his eyes*
I'm not a kitten, or a puppy. I'm a big dangerous dead guy.
Y/N: So cute *pinches his cheeks*
Beetlejuice: Grrr... *he tries to bite you*
I'm dangerous! I'm fierce!
Stop it with the baby talk!
Y/N: *gives hug,*
Beetlejuice: I needed that.  I mean, a *lot*.  I'm not crying, you're crying! I mean, I'm crying because I'm just so touched, y'know?
Beetlejuice: *Beetlejuice pops out of a closet, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a box of chocolates in another*
Aw shucks, you really mean it?
Y/N:  yes
Beetlejuice : *His face goes from a soft smile, to a big cheesy grin*
Aw, shucks. I don’t know what to say. This is the first time someone told me they loved me, so, I guess you get the first kiss, on me!
I hope you got some tongue because this ones a doozy!
--- Beetlejuice: "You uh, really love me, huh?" *He raises an eyebrow.* "Well, I love myself too, but I don't go around yelling about it." *Beetlejuice chuckles, as if he just made the best joke in the world.* *He crosses his arms and stares at them in a smug manner.* "Tell me, why do you love me?" *He has a sly smirk on his face, waiting for their answer.*
--- Beetlejuice: *He stares intently at y/n, with the most sincere and serious of faces.*
"I love you more."
*You honestly can't tell if he's being genuine or if he's just messing with you.*
Bonus! (Was not expecting this to happen... )
Beetlejuice: *he kisses you, and it’s a very sloppy, wet kiss that lasts for an uncomfortably long time. He then wipes his disgusting mouth with his sleeve*
There you go. Happy?
This one seemed super random so here Beetlejuice: I Love You Too, Random Citizen!
^ ok.. i think this was the one that really stays in character pretty well.. and has killed me a few times in our role plays..
So.. i really enjoyed this ai chat type thing i may do a few more like this..
Its easier then writing. I don't wanna post any of my stories till I finish them. And i got a dozen that are just a few paragraphs in...
6 likes... this is like the most i have ever gotten... wow i love you guys my lame art never gets that much
I like ai chat stuff so i plan to do more i got a list of prompts i am planning to do.
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beetlejuice clones headcanons
this is my first time posting written stuff here sorry if its weird..
Beetlejuice clone head canons
  - He has very little control over them   - but they are just really susceptible to suggestion   - Anybody can tell them what to do and they will do it.   - Beetlejuice can break suggestion based tasks with a look   - they will eat anything   - They enjoy trouble and mischief   - screams are their favorite sound
  - They do hold some individuality... very little they are clones so they all have beetlejuice trait's + little extra   - Is there a range to how far away they can  get from the original.   - no clue...
  - Beej's favorite group of friends   - they go bowling sometimes   - with severed heads
  - Heights vary so do body types just cause... one is a midget (yeessss midget Beej! Imagine he's way worse about groping cause he's so short and fast)   - midget beej is heavy but likes being held cuddles!
  - Beetlejuice talks to them a lot   - treats them sorta like personal therapists   - he also pushes them around.   - but he won't severely hurt them a limb torn off here and there won't do much too them.
Dark though   - clones are people who sold their soul to him?   - its why they are all different...   - why they are sorta individual... but they all started turning into beetlejuice...
Wow this is weird i liked it but may stick to bad stories.
I also need a cool icon
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