Burning yourself out with productivity
Burning yourself out with productivity
One of my resolutions for 2018 is to decelerate and pause productivity. What do I mean by this? In a post not long ago I told you about a period in my life where I had lost the passion for my job. In the post, I describe how the environment that I was working in had suppressed my spark and initial excitement for my profession – ultimately leaving me depressed and discouraged. After reflecting my…
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3 things for Friday to prepare for Monday morning
3 things for Friday to prepare for Monday morning
  My least favorite day of the week is Sunday. This is going back to high school days where Sunday was always fun until about 4 p.m. when my mind started to shift from weekend mode to “Oh oh, it’s almost Monday morning”. That’s when the panic started setting in: Is the next week going to be stressful? Do I have all of my assignments ready? Have I studied for all the subjects that I could be…
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How to stay productive on a slow day
  In every job, there are certain periods of time where things slow down. The amount of work that piles up on your desk becomes less, the phone is not ringing as much and you are overall less stressed. These periods are inevitable and they are important to catch your breath for a little bit.    What I have learned about myself over the years though, is that the less pressure I have, the less…
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How not to lose your spark in a job that doesn't deserve you
How not to lose your spark in a job that doesn’t deserve you
  After college, at the beginning of my career, I grouped people in the working force into two groups: The ones who had “fire” and the ones who didn’t. I had it. I had that drive to shine. To thrive in my career and become the best in whatever field I chose to pursue. I talked about it a lot too. It was just such a big part of me and I wanted to share my motivations and desires with the people I…
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Motivational Quotes for Instagram
Motivational Quotes for Instagram
  Have you ever had one of those days, where you just feel really unaccomplished? Nothing is really going the way it was supposed to, you don’t think you will ever get where you intend to go and frankly, you are kind of exhausted. Well, I have had a few of those lately. The first thing I usually do after a bad day is open a bottle of white wine and curl up on the sofa with some Netflix. It helps…
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The Four Types of Procrastination
The Four Types of Procrastination
    This has just been one of those weeks. My workload is pretty much growing by the minute and I am at the point, where all I wanna do is cover my face with a blanket. Please tell me you’ve been there?!? The worst part of it is, I could have prevented it. What I should have done is start working on my To Do list at the beginning of the week. Maybe then it wouldn’t have just magically piled up.…
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Concentration in a Busy Environment
Concentration in a Busy Environment
      As you know, in my day job I work at a PR agency. That in itself can be quite the hectic environment. Telephones ringing, people talking to journalists day in, day out and running around, trying to make deadlines. Additionally, the agency has grown quite a bit in the last 6 months. We are now up to almost 40 people, trying to fit into an open plan office that is honestly much too small to…
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Why you Need an Office BFF
Why you Need an Office BFF
  Your job, just like every other aspect of your life, get’s way better when you don’t have to go through it alone. So it’s crucial that you have somebody on a day to day basis that can brighten your life at the office.    Before we jump in, let me tell you a little bit about my office BFF and why I adore her so much. Her name is Melli and she makes my days at work just so much more enjoyable.…
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Soft light
Santa Catarina, Porto 
October 2014
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What would Olivia Pope do?
What would Olivia Pope do?
  The right TV show can be so much more than just than just a form of procrastination. Some of my favorite shows are the ones that make we want to accomplish, inspire me to create and work my butt off. This week, one of the best girlboss-shows has hit its 5-year mark on television and I believe that is something worth celebrating.    Let’s give it away for … Scandal.    For those of you who have…
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What every boss needs to know about millennial employees
What every boss needs to know about millennial employees
        If you’ve been around for a while, you might know that this month I have made my one year mark as a graduate in the workforce (whoop whoop!). During that time I have made some observations about the discrepancy between millennials and their executives.    Every generation works a little different they say. I get that. And I do understand that because of small inventions like the…
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Misty Copeland
American Ballet Theatre
NYC Dance Project
I’m posting this because she’s one of my dance school’s alumni. It is such an inspiration to see where she has gone in her career and it makes me work harder everyday in class.
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How to Knock Off Procrastination
How to Knock Off Procrastination
  Today I have another treat for you guys. I am very excited to announce that Mercyll from Bitchy Chicken kindly graced us with a guest post on the blog. She covered one of my favorite topics: Procrastination. A big word for a big problem that slumbers somewhere inside every one of us. I don’t know about you, but I need all the help I can get on it.    So without further ado: Mercyll Jamila…
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Life lessons I have learned in my twenties so far
Life lessons I have learned in my twenties so far
  I think most of us who have passed the age of 15 have found out that adulting is not a peace of cake. Obviously, I can’t speak for all of you, but this whole growing up thing is really not how I pictured it. I remember being ten years old and dreaming of making my own decisions about when I would go to bed, clean my room or brush my teeth. I never anticipated everything being so complicated and…
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30 things that make me happy
30 things that make me happy
  Hey guys,   In the last few weeks, our little community has grown, which makes me so excited. And with all of those new faces, as well as those of you, who have been there since the very beginning, I felt like it was time to get to know each other on a more personal level than only me giving you advice and sharing my stories about productivity.    I want to get to know you. And I want you to…
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20 ways to unwind after a stressful day
20 ways to unwind after a stressful day
  Have you ever had one of those days where you just thought “I can’t do this anymore. I am going to quit. I am going to quit right now.“ ? I know I have. But quitting is the easy part. The hard part is having to live with yourself after you have quit. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of things that are worth quitting. However, you should never quit anything just because you had a…
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Empowering Talks for the ambitious twenty something
Empowering Talks for the ambitious twenty something
  Whenever I don’t feel like working but kinda wanna be productive, I watch TED. It gives me the feeling of doing something for myself and learning something valuable. There are hundreds of amazing TED Talks out there by now. However, they don’t always apply to me or don’t peak my interest that much. For me, I love watching the empowering talks about success, creativity, and productivity. They…
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