Hey there! I`m not really active at this site, but here i might to share some of my artworks and processes. Welcome!
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Ready for Chapter 2? by Bembiann
Actually the making of this one - was only my dream, like “Someday, somehow… When i will have time and new PC…” but now i’m totally happy, i’m finally free and can start a preparation for a holidays! And okay, pretend that they watching the second chapter, which will come out in the New 2019,yayyy! 20 characters (2 Georgie’s and Pennywise included), 29 chairs, 1 cinema and 2 weeks of hard work. I also did a good job with a video, by saving more than 70 pictures. I really need to learn Adobe After Effects tand buy new steel to make my life easier… okay. I guess, this is my last work of this year… I thought that the commission for @frasernash was hard and insane. Nope! this one - really insane! The most hard digital project for all my life! Ah well, i remember how i’ve lost my first big artwork with the losers and Pennywise out of tv and the final step of process a year ago, and drew it again from scratch. .. Sad and happy to realize that i grew up so much for this year. I really gave it to IT fandom, and no any regrets… I also happy that i completed it yesterday and now i can write this: guys, Merry Christmas to all of ya!! You making me stronger, inspired and happy! thanks for this year of your attention and love! I’ve met a many friends here for this year. I grew up soooo hard! if you want a commission, or a print - write me in direct messages!
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My little NYC bedroom is now @bembiann themed! I bought a few of her digital pieces and I plan to add more, like the recent mirrors picture! She is very talented and I’ll will definitely enjoy sleeping next to these fellas! Haha! . 🤡🎈💉🍷♥️ . I have a place in NYC and a place in NJ. My place in NYC is small and was looking boring, so now I’ve spiced it up!
. . Follow me on Instagram! Beccag_nyc … https://www.instagram.com/beccag_nyc/
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Can`t act against him by Bembiann
This week and this month was the most intinsive in this year, lol. The fifth in this month and the third “double” artwork in this month - done. I thought it`s inscane, but it became real. The people`s reaction made me do another one. And i was afraid i won`t make it till Sunday. It took almost 2 days and it`s the third work for this week. I made it!
Photoshop CC2018
If you want a commission or a print - write me!
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Will You Fight Him? - I can`t… by Bembiann
Gueeeesss whaaaaat! Watched the new #FantasticBeasts a couple months ago, and you know what? That was awesome and really few for me! wanted to draw this a during a long time and finallyyyy! It took more than 4 days but i did it!
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Send in the clowns... by Bembiann
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And the Oscar goes to.... by Bembiann
Aaand the Oscar for the best leading role goes to......... Joaquin Phoenix! The "JOKER" movie!!!!! I'm honestly happy for Joaquin, that he taking all the awards, he totally deserves all of it and much more! No doubt! I've never been so hyped by Oscar like this! 11 Nomitations! Get it, guys @toddphillips1@jokermovie @wbpictures!!! The picture IS COMPLETELY DRAWN with a brushes in Photoshop, this is not an edit from photos, you can see it on a zoomed versions. Also, please, tag me, if you reposting this. Thanks😍 A couple days left! Waiting for the Oscar! If you want a print - write me :)
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Realistic Crossover Of Fran Bow and Misfortune. by Bembiann

Such a pleasure to make some art only for my own, only for fun, having a rest. No contests, no commissions. it's a real rest, when you do only what you want. Been wanting to make a cool crossover of #FranBow and #LittleMisfortune. Was interested to make an art, which can show us how these girls would look like, if they were a real people, with the realistic animals. Added #palontras even. Reached some free time for it and now i don't even want to rush...
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Niken Anindita - https://nikenanindita.wordpress.com - http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2130339 - http://megatruh.tumblr.com - http://society6.com/megatruh
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I Hope My Death Makes More Cents Than My Life by Bembiann
How about that theory? That Arthur didn't get out a fridge and stayed there, and everything that we see after that scene - is a dream before a death of freezing? Been inspired by that scene since October. The first artwork, drawn for fun and myself since summer (all this time been addicted to commissions and contests). I just love that movie. There are so many moments which made me enter to the deep thoughts. It brings me soo many emotions. It was tough, i wanted to show exactly the same fridge and stuff as in the moment of the movie, soo, lovers of canon - you can sleep well now, you can compare it with the movie, everything is the same, lol. There were a lot of questions, why my first Arthur weren't skinny enough. The answer: because i wanted to make him just like this. I hope, now the people, who loving the skinny Arthur will get the real orgasm🤣 And, guys, if i were you, i wouldn't mention any comment about the watermark. After a lot of stolen works to a Wish platform by some assholes, who decided to make a money on my art - it's a real miracle, that i decided to post ANYTHING. Also, when you reposting that - give the credits, if you want to see more work! :)
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The Turning1 by Bembiann

Yeah, this one didn't won in another contest, but probably that's not my luck, the 8th one without success, but i'm proud and happy, that i pushed all of them from myself through fatigue and lack of energy.
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Meet The Fantabulous Birds! by Bembiann
It was for the contest but it failed, so... Drew it in Photoshop. With a brushes, and with a help of my Wacom tablet. It was difficult, because there was such a few references which needed me exactly how i want, so.... Waiting for this movie! Love HQ since the Suicide Squad times!
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It will never let you go by Bembiann
Made it for a 11 hours in Photoshop CC 2018, and finally happy now!I`ve seenThe Grudge and The Grudge 2 when i was 12-13, and it got a real influence on my psyche. I`m really scared of those hands, which can appear from everywhere.It was a tough experience, to watch the trailer, because that sound of Kayako... Brrrr!
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Little Women by Bembiann
Ough! I thought that i won`t gonna make it till the submission period will be closed! Buuuut... Been inspired by the idea of the Christmas eve! Hope you like it!The picture was drawn by brushes in PS. I wanted to make it warm and cozy ,and used their unusual costumes from trailer. This one took almost a week, and it was kinda hard, but i hope i made it!. At least i love the result and kinda hyped by the near winter`s celebrations!
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Yaoyao Ma Van As - http://yaoyaoartblog.tumblr.com - https://twitter.com/yaoyaomva?lang=es - https://www.facebook.com/Yaoyao-Ma-Van-As-Art-484891181889354 - https://www.instagram.com/yaoyaomva/?hl=es
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