Bless this honestly
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Simon Pegg talks Benji Dunn’s tinder profile and his crush on Ethan Hunt (x)
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A New Years Eve Story BenjiXEthan
“Come on Benji, just come to my new years party it’ll be fun. Everyone else is going to be there. Even Ethan.” A sing songy tune as Brandt rolls over Ethan’s name, “So what do ya say?” I hate parties they make me terribly horribly anxious and normally I wouldn't go, but I could hang out with Ethan. New Years Eve is very romantic I’ve been meaning to tell him how I’m feeling for a while, “I guess sure I’ll come. Do you want me to bring something?” my hand subconsciously finds my way to my hair and I brush it back. Brandt raises and eyebrow, “Nope, just look nice for Ethan.” Ugh Brandt. 
9:00 PM 
I’m bringing a pack of beer anyway. Just to spite Brandt also he has a terrible taste. Not really that great of a helper either. But Ethan, Ethan was going to be there. Ethan Hunt, his beautiful name just rolls off of my tongue. Everyday I talk to Ethan and it just keeps getting harder. I want to be with him. He’s so strong, I feel so protected in his arms. I’ve been dreaming of kissing him on New Years Eve as the ball drops in New York. I’m just walking down the street to Brandt's house when I hear,
“Hey, Benji!” I turn around in the direction of the voice
“Hey Luther!” I stop and wait for him to jog up to me.
“You going to Brandt’s party?” 
“Yep.” I hold up the beer. and we start to walk
“Heineken, good choice. You know Ethan is going to be there. Are you going to tell him?” 
“Luther I just you know how awkward it would be and well maybe -Oh look that's Brandt’s neighborhood right there.” We walk in and find Brandt’s house among the many we all up to the door and ring the bell. It opens, 
“Hey guys, I’m so glad you could make it!” Brandt opens the door with a smile he motions for us to come in and we walk into his house. It’s a typical modern house with beautiful wood floors I can see everyone is sitting on the couch crowding around the TV and then I see Ethan. He looks over at me and smiles bearing his pearly white teeth. He gets up from the couch and walks over. 
“Hey Benji!” 
Ethan and I sit down facing the TV with the beer on the table behind. I manage to spark up a decent conversation talk for a long time he asks me about myself and I ask him about himself. It just flows so naturally with Ethan. He used to take Ballet when he was younger! He talked about growing up and I stood and listened to him talk. He didn’t usually talk so much about himself, but after some careful coaxing it all came out at once. This was a moment that I wanted to stay in forever. If I had stayed right here forever right now I would be perfectly happy
10:00 PM 
We were talking everything was perfect Ethan was going on a long monologue about how much he hated his first grade teacher and then he looks back at me, “Hey, Benji I’ve been talking forever tell me about yourself.” It is true we’re friends, we work together, but thinking about it Ethan doesn’t know that much about me, 
“Well, um what do what do you want to know?” Ethan looks up to me, “Tell me about your love life.” I felt my cheeks blush a little and I felt my hand go straight to the front of my to brush through it out of embarrassment, “Um, okay I had a boyfriend his name was Andrew we were together for almost a year.” Andrew poor lad I miss him.
“Why aren’t you still together?”
Oh no. It’s because of Ethan, because I couldn’t be in a relationship when I loved someone else, “I’m sorry excuse me for a moment Ethan.” 
“Wait Benji, no, come back. I’m sorry that was out of hand I shouldn’t have said that can you just stay.” 
Ethan wants me to stay, “sure.” We sit in blank silence for a bit. Ethan seems to be just sitting enjoying the smiling faces of people watching the hockey game. However I’m truly upset. I love Ethan, but he just reminded me of Andrew and everything is so confusing. I truly hate parties why did I come. Every sound is echoing a thousand times and I can’t stand it. Im getting complete sensory overload, I feel like I'm going to scream at everyone here. Ethan is still right next to me I think I see him look up at me. My heart begins to race at the thought. I feel sick. I feel my hands shaking as sweat drips from my forehead. I need more beer. I reach to grab one when I feel a hand on my wrist. 
“Benji, we need to talk. I’m worried about you.” Ethan cuffs my wrist and drags me to the backyard. Ethan sits me down on the steps leading to the backyard and sits there with me, 
“Ethan what’s going on? I’m fine, I’m just not a party person is all.”
He looks me dead in the eyes to a point where it’s uncomfortable, “Benji, I’m sorry about earlier that was inconsiderate of me to say. People aren’t like files and I can’t just open them and get all the information I want.” 
Of course he apologizes perfect bloody Ethan Hunt. Should I look down and upset to make it dramatic? Should I just confront him? What would Ethan do? well maybe, “You’re just so perfect. You’re Ethan bloody Hunt and you could get any boy or girl or anything in between that you wanted. I had Andrew and I had to chose between him and my job and I ended up choosing my job because it’s not just the job Ethan. It you and how bloody perfect you are.” 
Ethan looks up, “You think I’m perfect?” 
“Ethan, I’m just going to say everything I’m thinking right now and put it all out on the table because its too much for me to think right now. I hate parties. Can’t stand them I feel crowded and gross and they make me truly anxious and it’s like the whole world is closing in-” I stop Ethan pulls me into a hug a warm hug. He flexes his muscular arms around me and squeezes. His  long sleeved REO Speedwagon shirt protecting me from the cold. I feel a wave of calm wash over me like this was a thousand birthdays wrapped into one single moment. I could stay here forever. I turn and I hug him back. I carefully tuck my chin into his neck. 
“Benji, I can’t let anything happen to you. So I better just hold you for the rest of the night to keep you safe.” 
“I love you, Ethan.” Ethan lifts his head and suddenly our eyes meet. His brown eyes filled with golden specks of determination and love. 
“I love you too, Benji” he puts his chin back on my shoulder and I follow suit. We sit there for a while just relaxing in this moment. Except I can’t relax Ethan said he loved me. Ethan loves me. I feel like a giddy school girl, but I just might start jumping around. 
“Move it love birds.” Luther’s voice echoes. 
We look up and get off the stairs. Luther walks down and out to the yard. He’s setting up for the fireworks. He takes out so many different kinds and he fills a bucket with water. I get so excited watching everyone set up the fireworks i hardly notice Ethan wrapping his hand around mine as our fingers interlace. Luther looks up from placing all the fireworks about and looks to the door.
Brandt practically jumps out into the yard, “10!”
“9!” everyone starts to join in.
“8!” Ethan squeezes my hand a little tighter
“7!” He wraps around my waist
“6!” He rests his chin on my shoulder from behind me
“5!” Ethan spins me around to face him
“4!” I wrap my arms around his neck
“3!” his hands go to my hips
“2!” our foreheads touch 
“1!” Before I can even say happy new year Ethan pulls my lips into his and we share a beautiful kiss. Feeling his lips against mine is like pure heaven on earth. It feels like riding on a shooting star. I know that Ethan feels the same way as he squeezes my shoulder and pushes my head back towards his. We’re moving in sync with each other. I feel a jolt of electricity sparking through my entire body. My calf muscles start tightening and I feel like I could run a marathon. As people start to leave the yard we slowly pull away from each other resentful to break the kiss. We stand there foreheads touching we stand taking in the sounds of the night combined with the heat of each other’s breath suddenly Ethan breaks the silence, 
“My place?”
“Your place.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
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Blackbird: A BenjiXEthan Story
Inspired by Blackbird by: The Beatles 
Ethan’s POV:  
“Ethan, Benji’s mine now. I took Julia and now Ill take him. Your little tech rat stands no chance against me.” Lane walks closer and closer to Benji sitting tied to a chair a face pure terror etched into him. Lane’s hands slowly move around his neck and he starts to squeeze and squeeze. I try to run, but I’m stuck I’m paralyzed. I try to scream, but nothing comes out. I hear Benji choke out his last words, “Ethan I, need you.” his head falls on his shoulder losing all of its color.
“AHHHHHHHHAAHHHHHHHH!” Oh my god, it was just a dream, Oh my god.I need to see Benji I need to know he's okay. What if he’s not okay I have to go right now. I can’t sleep anyway, sleeping is just teeming with the nightmares of Lane and everything he has done to us. He’s destroyed us all. That Psychopath if he puts another hand on Benji ever again I’ll... I’ll ...     I’ll....
I need to see Benji I’ll do whatever I can I just need to see him and know if he’s okay. Let me grab my jacket and, should I bring running shoes or boots? Ethan just run what if something has happened to Benji. I’ve somehow convinced myself something has happened to Benji and I break into a sprint. I feel the cold night air dancing on my face. My coat flowing behind me. I think I like Benji. I think I really like Benji. I have to protect him and make sure nobody ever touches him. I need him. I haven’t dated a boy in a long time. I’m not sure if I ever want to date one again, but I can’t ignore my feelings any longer. 
There’s Benji’s door 
Knock Knock 
No answer
Knock knock knock knock 
BENJI, BENJI answer I slam myself against the door with all my force somethings happening in there I’ve gotta help Benji somebody’s getting to him I’ve got to keep going and-
“Jesus Bloody Christ Ethan it’s three in the morning. What the hell are you doing here.”  
Benji, Oh, Benji he’s alright, “Benji, Benji you’re okay.”
“Of course I’m bloody okay. Can I go back to sle-” 
Benji he’s alive I gotta hold him I gotta hug him. Benji, he’s alive, he’s here I don’t know what I’d do without him I can’t let anything happen to him. I can’t let anything happen. 
“Ethan you wanna sit down on my couch and tell me why the hell you’re here.”
“Okay.” It barely comes out like a child admitting he’s done something wrong. Benji looks upset. I can’t hurt him, I can’t make him upset no no no not Benji.
“Ethan, what’s going on? I’m worried about you. you practically broke down my door. What am I going to do with you? Ethan you need to sleep I’m worried about you. What are you doing, you can't just ugh!” 
“Every night I go to sleep and and I have these nightmares.” I can’t admit this to him I must be strong Ethan what are you doing you’re showing weakness, “I, I see you in these dreams and, and I see Lane and and and and and I see him hurting you. It feels so real, It feels so real. And I just stand there and I can’t do anything and I just stand there watching him strangle you and I can't move or speak or do anything. I can’t let anything happen to you Benji.” 
Because I love you. 
He’s about to scream at me again, but he just sits down and hugs me. 
“I get those too.”
I feel Benji’s warm embrace and he pulls me closer. I can allow myself to be vulnerable, but just for a little bit. I feel broken and sunken deep down into the depths of the earth. A deep depression coming over my entire body when I’m not working, but when I look at Benji I feel whole. When I look at Benji I can fly, I feel him slowly rocking me back and forth in to him and I slowly fall into a deep sleep. All my life I was waiting for something like this. I was only waiting for this one perfect moment, I can fly.
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Ethan Hunt Is Bisexual (Proof 1)
I've been collecting evidence as to proving that Benthan can work. 
In Mission Impossible 1 Ethan’s team gets annihilated mainly his Tech Guy, his name is Jack Harmon and is Played by Emilio Estevez. After the beginning of the mission Kittridge says to Ethan, “I’m sorry I know how much Jack meant to you personally.” He pauses and then says, “And Professionally.” I believe that this eludes to Ethan being in a relationship with Jack and after his death chasing to only date women until he starts to fall in love with Benji
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