beau moore 28 || he/him you'll n e v e r be what is in your heart weep little lion man you're n o t as brave as you were at the start
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Beau shrugged. Truthfully, he saw nothing strange about striking up conversation. Small talk could be like pulling teeth, but being polite was just how he was raised, and down here that meant conversing. At least she wasn't trying to talk about the weather. As for the mention of it being personal? "Everything's personal in this town. Most of us have been here so long, it's all middle school grudges and no good dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfathers." Ok, so that's just from Holes, but whatever.
"Trust me, though. Didn't need to tell me you're new. Spotted that a mile away." Even if he doesn't know everyone in town personally, you get used to seeing faces. New ones stick out. All things considered, he doesn't feel too easy about new faces. "It's not a bad place, though, when there's not some homicidal maniac runnin' around. You've just got great timing."
Beau had lived in Hidehill all his life. He was used to the usual small town drama, moms taking it too personally when their kids didn’t win student council elections, guys who peaked in high school trying to throw their weight around like they hadn’t graduated twenty years earlier, the never ending drama of who was sleeping with who or had dated who in the last four years, that sort of thing. But all of this? If he didn’t have Wyatt, and a business, to think of, he would be long gone. Hometown memories be damned, this place was going insane.
“With three people dead and two injured, I’d even wager that’s an understatement.” He shrugged, typical blasé expression firmly in place. He didn’t recognize her, which combined with the way she spoke now, meant she had to be new. “Pardon the language, but it’s kinda fucked.”
‘‘No need to worry about your language around me — I’ve heard it all.’‘
Laurie barked out a laugh edged with amuesment, she hadn’t expected someone to strike up a conversation so easily especially over that statement. Moving was a lonley endevour when made with someone else but she was still waiting for her partner to arrive, the fake wedding ring sitting on her finger. It felt too heavy and wrong but it was part of their ploy. The murders were not just being investigated in town anymore, it’d reached state lines and spilled over until it’d landed upon Laurie’s desk.
‘‘It is fucked. For somewhere so small…everyone knows each other…I don’t know? Feels kinda’ personal, don’t you think?’‘ — It was the narrative she’d been running with since she’d read over those stomach turning files about what’d been happening here. ‘‘I literally moved here a week ago and I’m rethinking this move, honestly.’‘
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Beau had lived in Hidehill all his life. He was used to the usual small town drama, moms taking it too personally when their kids didn't win student council elections, guys who peaked in high school trying to throw their weight around like they hadn't graduated twenty years earlier, the never ending drama of who was sleeping with who or had dated who in the last four years, that sort of thing. But all of this? If he didn't have Wyatt, and a business, to think of, he would be long gone. Hometown memories be damned, this place was going insane.
"With three people dead and two injured, I'd even wager that's an understatement." He shrugged, typical blasé expression firmly in place. He didn't recognize her, which combined with the way she spoke now, meant she had to be new. "Pardon the language, but it's kinda fucked."
For: @hidehillstart
When: 13.03.2023
Where: Outside a street vendor in front of a paper stand.
Being here in this place in the face of such atrocities would have had most squirming. But not Laurie. She’d became accustom to this kind of tragedy after the years she’d put in the field. Each murder or missing person here was connected and for some time now her team had been brain storming. Was this a sieral killer? A group? It was part of her work and responsibility to get to the bottom of it. There were answers lurking in this town and it’d take someone talented to snuff it out. Laurie had been tasked with doing exactly that.
‘‘ — I can’t believe this.’‘ She feigned innocence, in reality she could believe it. Some sick bastard was roaming these streets getting a thrill. What she needed to figure out was what the trigger was, how they get to this point, once she had that it’d narrow the search. The quicker she did the faster she could go home. ‘’It’s sick and twisted.’‘
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beau: i didn't have anyone available to watch wyatt so i had to rain check beau: you're at least helping them get ideas. that's better than what it looked like everyone else ended up doing. too many cooks.
📱: Beau
@beaumoore alas: hey b are you going to join the search? alas: imma show the fbi lady some places i know don't get a lot of traffic alas: but other than that im not much help
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"Don't have time for--? Jax. C'mon. You're one of my best friends." Are or were, though. Beau gets it, he does, but. Not feeling a little bitter about the constant coming and going is hard. This town is all he's known, but he knows it isn't like that for Jaxon. Still, every time he comes back feels strange. "Can't I just miss you?"
˙ ˖ ✶ Beau
"So is this your way of finishing what we did that night all those years ago to completion, or am I here for something else entirely? Cause, to be honest, I didn't think you had time for me. Not that I'm not happy to be here or anything, just been kind of out it."
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beau moore: instagram
ft. @jaxonfrchld @briellepercz @alascquinn
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𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: anywhere public & outdoors
alas stood quietly, looking around until something caught his eye. the auburn haired boy bent down, eyeing his camera. he went to snap a shot only for someone to walk in front of his shot.
alas rose a brow, looking up at the person who stepped in his way before he stood. “can i help you?” he asked in broken speech, moving his hands as he spoke.
Knew I could find you out here. Sorry for ruining your one billionth bird picture. Even now, Beau’s signing was a little shaky, a bit too loose, but he got his point across and Alas didn’t really correct him unless he really fucked up, so he tended to forgo speaking. It was good practice for Wyatt, anyway. Did you get that weird message, too? Good thing I don’t go to therapy, I guess.
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✦ FINN COLE, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ✦ BEAU MOORE the TWENTY-EIGHT year old has been in Hidehill for HIS ENTIRE LIFE and was a FAMILY FRIEND to Miyeon Kang, the murder victim. Whispers on the streets are that the SORRY MOM OWNER who lives in HORWICK are said to be OBSERVANT and DISTRUSTFUL but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
full name: beau tristan moore nicknames: n/a age: 28 years old date of birth: april 13, 1994 zodiac: aries sun, pisces rising, taurus moon gender: cis male pronouns: he/him orientation: panromantic demisexual
(cw for custodial interference & strained/toxic family dynamics, & implied infidelity)
you’re born into the lap of luxury. old money, from your granddad’s grandpa’s uncle’s...whatever he did. you learn young that asking too many questions gets you answers you don’t like. you grow up in harlow estates in a typical family. you’re the youngest of three, so needless to say your parents are completely over each other by the time you come along. you’re aware before your teenage years that “working late” is probably the stupidest excuse in the world, and you learn to forge your mother’s signature on permission slips halfway through middle school. in all, things are fine. your dad puts you in baseball and you pretend to like it all the way through high school graduation. you learn from your older siblings which stairs creak and where the loudest sections of the floor are in the foyer. you learn to shotgun a beer at some gross house show. you become a regular at a bar in nashville, always down to check out the music passing through. even if it means having to do it sober because you’re pressing your luck already being 17 in there. you break your collar bone in 10th grade and you get a hard clap on the (uninjured) shoulder for the way you bite your lip and won’t cry about it.
you and your friends grow up and they discover girls. you follow, not really getting the hype but knowing better than to announce that. you get your first girlfriend, and your buddies seem pretty supportive. relieved, almost. you try not to dwell on that. you like her well enough, anyway, but. something felt off, something you didn’t have an explanation for. she thought you were just being gentlemanly, taking things slow. maybe that was it. you didn’t know how to explain why else you just didn’t even think about much for the first couple of months. she breaks up with you anyway, and you’re kind of glad. her taste in movies was abysmal, and her voice cracked if she laughed too hard. someone else would find that endearing, probably. your friends console you, or try to. truth be told, you really weren’t that bothered. she had been nice, and pretty, but you’d sort of known from the beginning the two of you weren’t a great match.
you kiss one of those friends at his graduation afterparty, and you think maybe. maybe that makes sense. he leaves the following august. you stay in town. things are only a little more complicated when you find out your friend had apparently been an anomaly. you date casually --girls, mostly, but you dip into other dating pools-- and you’re twenty years old when the term demisexual answers, like, every question. you apprentice under a tattoo artist, much to your parents’ annoyance. your parents, if possible, know you less now than they did before. (still, years later you’ll ask for their help buying the shop, and they’ll acquiesce. they never really get you, but they don’t stop you.) you meet a girl. she’s going to throw your life in a tailspin. she’s going to try to ruin you. you think even if you knew that, you would have still walked up to her.
your son was born almost six years ago. wyatt’s your heart and soul, and so much like you it’s going to drive you nuts when he gets older. but things aren’t easy. she leaves you a month before he’s born, and you jump through all the hoops to establish paternity. you’re content with your visitation for the first couple of years. but then things change. you don’t talk specifics, but it’s surprisingly simple to get primary custody. probably helps you’ve got a steady job and your own home in horwick, and your parents are all too happy to help you afford the best in legal counsel. they might not have really cared too much about being parents, but being grandparents becomes their world. so, you think things will be fine. wyatt comes to live with you, and you’re more than accommodating with visitation. especially while he’s so young, you really encourage her to spend as much time as she can with wyatt. things are going to change once he starts school.
things change faster than that. the story is long, and stressful. you don’t like telling it. it’s the kind of thing you hear about, but you don’t think will happen to your kid. you keep telling yourself you got lucky. it took about a week to resolve, and wyatt didn’t even seem to comprehend what had happened. he’d been so young, he probably just thought they’d gone on a trip. still, even a couple years later, the event leaves you paranoid. she’s not allowed contact with wyatt, and even once she gets out you’re going to fight to uphold that. wyatt starting school had been a nauseating concept, and you cried in your car for a solid five minutes before driving back home and just...waiting. he did fine, because of course he did. he’s bright and friendly and he’s going to be fine. you hope. you really, really hope.
(these are just basic ideas and anything here can be tweaked and tailored, and all except the first are open to multiple muses!)
i’m not leaving because i don’t care / i have to go because the idea of being in love with you / makes me so scared / and i don’t know / who i am anymore / but i know i never even questioned it / before i met you
male/nonbinary, 27-29
ok yeah the friend i mentioned at the start of the bio? this is them. i gave like a brief backdrop but tbh it can be tweaked to fit. the two of them had been friends for years, and it never really went that far between them. he’s not, like, beau’s first love or anything, but he meant a lot to him and now it’s weird. maybe that can be patched up or maybe they’re just doomed to be worse than strangers.
what a way to go out / something this town will forever talk about / the two kids who were laying down / and struck by lightning in front of your house
any gender, 26-31
childhood friends! they’ve stuck by each other through a Lot of shit. beau had that stereotypical rich kid upbringing so ducking out with his friends was about the only thing keeping him somewhat normal. even now that he’s doing the whole dad-business-owner-nervous-wreck thing, they’re close. he makes time for them. or they just show up who knows honestly both are probably true.
did you wanna hear my voice / or have i just lost my mind? / did you call me last night?
any gender, 26-31
love a good exes plot. beau’s had a lot going on for a While and maybe that didn’t make him the best partner. he’s also got a thing about the people he dates meeting wyatt, and how long he’ll keep them completely separate. it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about his partner, he just has his reasons. not to mention he’s kind of married to his work and sometimes he’s too emotionally constipated for his own good. he’s not winning any partner of the year awards here, but he does care. caring’s not always enough, though, is it?
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