bearandbirdsreturn · 8 years
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One whole year, there was silence. Until… cue the maniacal cackle.
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“Now to send Langston anon hate– I MEAN, answer some of my old messages, oopsie. I’ve been kinda behind on this, aren’t I? Uh…”
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“I wonder where all my friends are…?”
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bearandbirdsreturn · 8 years
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Bear and Bird for TJ!
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
The two stared at them blankly, almost like they were somewhere else, until it was their turn to talk.
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 “Oh uh, is it mah turn?” The bear stammered and looked at Kazooie. “Gwaaah, did we drift off again?!” 
“We did. Felt like a month..”  The bird squawked back at Banjo.
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“In that case, I blame the higher ups wanting a vacay.” She snorted. Eyes rolled as Banjo looked back at the two.
“So, y’all can drive us to the airport so we can head off to UK? Sounds fair enough!” He’s had enough of this darn heatwave that was especially prevelant in this “New Yuh-hork Sss-ittee.”
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“Any loose cases y’all wanna tie up first before we head off? Don’t wanna disturb yuh or anythin’..” This suddenly got the bird’s attention.
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“Ooh, ooh! Can we come on a case? I wanna be the one that shoots a BARRAGE of grenades from my beak!”
The bear’s eyes widened, “Wait, whut?!”
Having stepped from the Desoto (the size difference between him and his partner became painfully apparent), Sam raised a brow at the sudden outburst. Max, however, hardly bat an eye. He clearly wasn’t the rational side of their little… operation. Still, he craned his head towards the taller cop with an expectant smile. The sort of look that asks- Well, what are you waiting for? without saying a word.
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“I guess-…,” Sam began as he exchanged a quick glance, “… we’ll just have to lend a hand, now won’t we? Sounds like you’re in a tough spot- and we’re pretty much obligated to help, anyhow.”
“Says who?”
“Shush, Max.” Sam took a moment to straighten his tie. “Commissioner said it’d help our reputation. Whatever that means.” He shot Banjo a smile, and cheerfully returned any handshakes due. “Nice meetin’ ya. And to you too, miss!” He tipped his hat at Kazooie. Max only scrunched up his nose.
“Where were we? Right-” Sam, unlike his irritable friend seemed competent enough to carry a decent conversation. “You know, I never did trust teleportation. Always seemed a little risky. Like time travel. Or the dentist.”
“I like it.” Max piped in again, cottontail aquiver. “Feels tingly!”
Sam couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re full of ‘em, little buddy.”
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
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“Ah see you.”
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Suspicious peeking from the bushes.
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
“Well, ah figured dat since ah wus gone for quite sum time, y’all wanted to spend some well deserved time with me!” The bear giggled some, his smile perking at the chameleon as a red tint of blush grew over him.
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“Sides, nothin’ bad tuh see here! Me ‘n Kazooie took bathes like these way when we were itty bitty kiddies!”
🛀 - Joining you in the bath
Yooka quickly cowered to the back of the bathtub as he saw the bear slowly creep in as well. “B-banjo! This bath is taken already.” He tried to shield his eyes, figuring that the bear was naked.
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
“Where else? On hiatus.”
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“Things have been slow here, so we’ve been slow too! Heeheehee..”
"Erm.. yuh missed me, Yooka?"
“Of course I did, Banjo,” Yooka said. “You’ve been away for a long time. Where’d you go anyways?”
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
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While Jolly “Dodger” Roger is roaming the streets selling black market Jiggies and shady copies of Killer Instinct 3 by the time of his stint in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, his partner Merry Maggie Malpass seems to be doing quite well.
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
"You two looking forward to Spring? I am. I can't stand the cold for long."
“Oh heck yuh, ah-”
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“Say.. aren’t y’all a bad guy..?”
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
tell me over and over to finish this so maybe I will ACTUALLY DO IT. audio by @kuueater !!
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
“Guh.. okay, but can y’all stay in that place for at least a year? Keepin’ up with you is hurtin’ m’legs..”
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“Yeah, keep still or we’ll go on hiatus again, so you’ll have no one to talk to but animes.”
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“Ugly.. bishonen lookin’ freaks..”
"Yuh gotta settle on one place to be at, you two!" "[Yeah, we can't handle you two moving around a lot.]"
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“Oops, sorry bout’ that, guys! I guess you can say we’re… pretty nomadic monkeys, hehe.”
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“Err, DK? We’re still living in the same place, y’know.”
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
I am officially retiring from casual role playing (aside from asks and interactions from close mutuals).
Been wild, but five years is enough.
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
An exact copy? Nah, it can’t be. He had a sharper set of ears! Looking back at the wolf’s face, he introduced himself.
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“Ah’m Banjo!” He beat as his own chest, pointing backwards. “This here’s m’friend, Kazooie!”
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“Yeah yeah, what a pleasure. Which cloning machine did you come from, ya knock-off? Could your pants get any lower?”
Banjo chuckled nervously, and looked back at the wolf, with a tint of blush. “She’s a bit of a sourpuss, but she’s still m’friend. Ah don’t s’pose y’all know anyone like dat in yer life, do yuh?” 
Probably not, with a town like this? Who wouldn’t be happy?
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♫ -❝Huh?❞
   Wuffle blinked for a moment, looking at the other before. It was like looking in some sort of fun-house mirror. Clearing his throat, Wuffle tried to continue, unsure if he should mention the uncanny resemblance.
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♫ -❝Um, heya! Name’s Wuffle! What’s yers?❞
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
oafishfarmer started following you
Kazooie looked at the wolf. Then back at Banjo. Then back at the wolf.
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“.. Welp, I think this is a good time for me to cut the wine.”
“Guh-hi d’ere! Who are you?” The bear leaned closer at the wolf, and around him. He looked like him but.. not exactly?
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“.. Oh mah lord, who are you, indeed?”
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
“Now now, we don’t want any trouble..” 
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”We’re just two travellers wantin’ to know where the nearest bakery is in this.. town.” Banjo immediately backed up. Can’t this guy get a break? On the other hand, Kazooie leaped out of Banjo’s backpack, facing the hedgehog.
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“Ohooo, this is gonna be fun.” Kazooie rolled her head around her neck, cracking her fists, and took a fighting stance.  “C’mon, fatcakes. Let’s see what yer made of.”
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“I’ve been itchin’ for a fight for too long!”
"[WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAHLY crap, Banjo! Look at that mound of fat walkin' around!]" ".. Kazooie, ah think dat's a hedgehog." "[Really? I thought they'd be faster.]"
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“–MOUND’UH FAT!?” Immediately the spiky hedgehog turned on his heels to face the bear and bird duo. With eyes fierce with rage and paws balled up into fists, he began to march towards them with popping veins claiming his face. “I’ll show YOU a mound of fat, ya dang MORON! Yeah, a whole FIST-FULL OF IT!”
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bearandbirdsreturn · 9 years
Banjo kept on hugging, not letting him go for whatever reason that he had. “Now, are y’all gunna keep tryin’ to kill us? Ah’ma keep huggin’ if you say yes.”
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“Oh, he will. Trust me.” Kazooie said, with an unimpressed response from the bear, who darted his eyes back at the bird.
“Ah trust y’all won’t make fun of this guy’s weight anymore, got it?” The bear said, sternly.
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“.. Alright alright, fine. I PROMISE I won’t make fun of his weight.” In his face, that is. Oh, that Kazooie.
“Now,” Banjo said to the wolf, “Y’all gunna calm down?”
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The moment he sprung at him was the moment Whisk let out a gasp. He didn’t expect this hick-sounding bear to have such instinct. It was enough to completely shatter his guard, and in the back of his mind he was sure he was going to eat a punch. He was positive that his face, gruff and perpetually scowling, would have been rearranged with a pretty little black eye to hang like an ornament.
Yet… that’s not what happened.
In a split second the wolf had been embraced by giant, furry arms. He was pressed deep into Banjo’s bare chest and was given no means of escape. At first he thought he was going to be pile drove  or maybe even suplexed, but after moments of anticipation that pain never came. Instead they stayed like this for what seemed like an eternity, heat filtering to Whisk’s body and red coating his cheeks.
Why did he always have to be embarrassed? Why did he always get the weirdos!?
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“–Are you fuckin’ shittin’ me!?” That’s all he could say. That’s all he could even process to say. He didn’t know why this bear was so adamant about having him in his arms, but he wasn’t angry. He wasn’t frustrated. He was just downright done and desperately wanted to go home. 
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“I can’t tell what’s fuckin’ worse. Bein’ shat on fer m’weight or gettin’ hugged by some sweaty ass hick I know nothin’ ‘bout.”
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