#it took awhile but here it iiiiis
michieyong · 7 years
Reconciliation of The Hearts
Hi there! Lately I’ve been in a slump, I couldn’t draw anything so I tried to wrote something. It’s been awhile since I last written and fanfic, so I tried to wrote one. For better mood while reading please listen to this song here . Sorry if my English is bad but I tried my best! 
[Chapter 2]
Pairings: RubyLeah, KananMari, DiaSarah, YohaRiko, YohaMaru
Chapter 1: It’s been 4 years
Old Abandon School Building
Hanamaru is the first one to arrive at the old abandon school building. ‘Uranohoshi Girls High School’ Hanamaru reads out the school sign with a sigh ‘It’s been so long’ she sighs again.  
‘Hanamaru-chan!’ a red hair girl comes running toward Hanamaru with a big grin on her face. Hanamaru turn to her with a soft smile on her lips. It’s been awhile since they graduated from high school. Kurosawa Ruby her best friend moved to Hokkaido after she was accepted into Hokkaido University, they haven’t seen each other for the past 2 years.
‘Ruby-chan! It’s been awhile!’ Hanamaru said while hugging her best friend. Today was the reunion day for all the ex-members of Aqours. After graduation, most of them took their own path. Kanan and Mari moved to America and currently taking their Master Degree, Dia who graduated from Kyoto University had return back to Numazu and taking over the Kurosawa Business as the head of the Family. Chika is currently in an Idol group, You is a marine biologist, Riko is a renown pianist now. Hanamaru decided not to enrol into any university and stay back at Numazu City to take care of her family shrine. Yoshiko is the only member of Aqours that Hanamaru had lost contact with, she has no idea where Yoshiko is and what is she doing right now. Hanamaru looked forward to the reunion, but at the same time she is reluctant to join.
‘Neh Hanamaru-chan’ Ruby’s voice brought Hanamaru back to her sense.
‘What is it Ruby-chan?’
Ruby looked at Hanamaru with a pained expression, but she quickly shook it off her face and smiles at Hanamaru ‘You have move on right?’
Hanamaru knew very well the answer to that question. She can lie to Ruby but she can’t lie to her heart. She smiles and took a deep breath before she answer Ruby ‘Yeah, I’ve move on’
‘Glad to hear that.’ Ruby sigh in relieve.
‘Oi, Ruby…’ a husky voice called out in a distance, the voice sound very familiar yet so unfamiliar to Hanamaru.
‘Ah! Leah-chan!’
Hanamaru stood there as she watches her best friend running toward the purple hair girl and she linked their arms together. Kazuno Leah turns red when Ruby introduces her to Hanamaru as Ruby’s girlfriend. The news did not surprise Hanamaru at all because she knew there was something between them ever since their collaboration with the saint snow in the past. Hanamaru smiles softly and congratulate them. Ruby explained to Hanamaru that she tagged Leah along because she wants to get her sister’s blessing, but she’s worried that Dia might flipped on them. Hanamaru gently tapped on Ruby’s hand and told her that everything will be okay because Dia loves Ruby more than anything and she definitely wants Ruby to be happy.
‘Shiiiinyyyyyy~~~’ a high pitched voice broke the touching moment among the 3 girls.
‘Mari! Don’t walk too fast! What if you slipped?’
‘Oh, Kanan you’re worried too much about me, I’m an adult now, I can take care of myself!’
‘Yes you can, but it’s not just you now you know, you have to take care of our baby too’ Kanan exclaims.
‘Ah yes yes my dear, it seems like our baby is more important than me huh?’ Mari pouted at Kanan’s remark.
Kanan sighs at her girlfriend’s antics, Mari had been very sensitive lately that she is pregnant with their child. ‘I love both of you and you know that, come on Mari, the others are waiting for us.’ Kanan took Mari’s hand and leads her toward where Hanamaru and Ruby are.
Ruby face lightened up when she saw Mari’s baby bump ‘Mari chan you’re pregnant?!!’
‘Oh yes Ruby, thanks to this idiot over here, I am pregnant, my feet are swollen, my back is aching and my boobs they-‘ Mari couldn’t finish her sentences as Kanan cover her mouth to stop her from revealing too much’
‘Stop it Mari…the kids are here’
‘Kids?? Kanan….they are in their 20s! They are grown up and they should know the terror of pregnancy!’
Kanan face palm herself and look at Hanamaru, Ruby and Leah with an apologetic looks.
‘Ara~ra~ra what a commotion do we have here’
Everyone head turn to the voice owner and there stood the heir of the Kurosawa family with her arm crossed.
‘Dia!’ Kanan and Mari said in unison.
Hanamaru just nodded at Dia with a smile
Leah stood frozen at her girlfriend’s sister appearance, but her eyes squint when there was another girl appear from behind Dia.
‘ONEE-SAMA?!!’ Leah exclaims loudly.
‘EH?!!’ Everyone was surprised to see Kazuno Sarah was there with Dia.
‘Hi~~’ Sarah greet sheepishly.
‘What are you doing here?!’ Leah pointed at her older sister.
‘Well, what are you doing here too Leah?’ Sarah questioned her younger sister back.
‘EHhh?!!!!!’ Ruby was shocked at the sudden confession.
‘Nani?!!! How dare you with my Ruby?!!!’ Dia fired back at Leah
‘Now now dear…’ Sarah tried to calm Dia down.
‘Wait a minute…’ Kanan steps up between the Kazuno and Kurosawa sisters ‘Dia…is she’s the one that you told us in the group chat? You’re marrying Kazuno Sarah?’
Dia looked down at her feet embarrassed and shyly nods her head.
‘But one-chan, hhhhhhow? If if you marry Sarah-san…that that would make Sarah-san my sister in law…and and…Leah will be my sister in law too…’ Ruby asked in tears.
‘I don’t see any problem if you want to marry my sister despite that I married your sister Ruby-chan’ Sarah said while patting Ruby on the head ‘There are no laws saying that in laws can’t get married, unless you have blood ties.’
‘Okay that one is clear, but how did you and Dia…met?’ Mari cut through Sarah and Ruby’s conversation.
‘I believe you know how we met Mari-san.’ Sarah answered with a smile.
‘Wha…no I mean, how did you two…’
‘Fell in love you mean?’ Sarah corrected Mari.
Mari was dumbfounded but she nods anyway.
‘It was our family arrangement…’ Dia finally speaks up after gather her courage after being embarrassed in front of her friends and sister ‘Our family arranged our marriage, at first I was against it, but when I learnt that I was to be married to Sarah-san, I agreed to the arrangement.’
Sarah glazes at Dia with a smile on her face. She reached out for Dia’s hand and holds it tightly ‘I know we have not known each other for a long time nor have we being interacting a lot during our love live past, and I know this is so sudden, but I promised I will take care of Dia with all my heart and life…’
Dia’s face heated up when she heard those words ‘Sssstop it! You’re embarrassing me!’
Everyone laugh at Dia’s reaction, their laughter was later joined by Chika and You who just arrived. Hanamaru is enjoying herself, with all of her friends around her, but there was something missing. A certain person is missing. They moved from the school front gate to their old club rooms and Chika could not stop crying when they reminiscent their memories as the school idols. Hanamaru excuses herself from the group telling them that she wanted to visit the library, Ruby offered to accompany her, but Hanamaru decline, saying that Ruby have a lot of thing that she needs to catch up with Dia and so she went alone.
On her way to the library, she made a few stops at some places that she shared the memories with her friends. Some of the memories are happy ones, some are sad, it made she giggled when she remembers all those moments. Just as she almost reaches the library, a red hair girl greeted her.
‘Hi there Hanamaru-chan, how have you been?’ the girl asked with an awkward smile on her face.
Hanamaru was not happy to see her, this is the situation that she wanted to avoid, but she knew that the more she avoided her, the more pain she will be in. She made up her mind the night before the reunion. She needs to resolve the conflict between her and Riko.
‘Why are you here Riko? Shouldn’t you be joining the others at the club room?’
Riko was scared, Hanamaru was expressionless and this wasn’t the Hanamaru that she used to know.
‘Because…I wanted to see you privately…it would be awkward to talk to you in front of the others…and I know you will come to the library so I…’
‘Riko…’ Hanamaru hold up her hand, signalling Riko to stop talking.
‘I don’t want to talk about it…and I don’t even want to remember it. I have move on from that day and I’m trying my best to forget what you did to me’
‘I didn’t mean to do those things to you Hanamaru-chan!’ Riko pleads in tears ‘Those were my mistake I admit it, but please don’t punish Yoshiko for it.’
‘Who is the one that being punish right now?’ Hanamaru retaliate in tears, all of those emotion that she had been bottled up finally exploded ‘Was it Yoshiko? Or was it me?!’
Riko was taken aback at Hanamaru’s retaliation. She had no idea that what she did in the past would cause the petite girl so much pain.
‘Do you know how much pain that I was in? How many sleepless night that I have to go through? The one that I love betrayed me…I lost my precious baby because of you and Yoshiko!’
Riko was surprised at that fact ‘Hanamaru…you were…pregnant at that time?’ she gasped.
‘I was in my 4th month of pregnancy…how can I forgive someone who so merciless, who killed her own child over her mistress?’ Hanamaru finally speak up her mind and glare at Riko.
‘I…I didn’t know that…I’m…I’m sorry Hanamaru…I really…’
‘Well now you know can you bring back my child to me?’
‘You can’t right? Of course you can’t bring back the dead to life…’ Hanamaru scoffs.
‘If there’s…’
‘No, there’s nothing that you can do to help me, just please stay away from me…I can’t stand to see your face around me.’
‘Hanamaru…I really want us to go back to how we used to be…I want to be your friend again!’ Riko plead again.
‘A friend won’t try to steal a friend’s lover Riko…’ Hanamaru said bitterly.
‘Please Hanamaru…you’re the only person that Yoshiko loved! I..I was a foolish person, yes I did love Yoshiko, and I’ll admit that I did try to steal her away from you, but it didn’t work, what happened that night was all my fault, I told her that if she agreed to it, I won’t bother both her anymore so she agreed. But right after she broke up with you, we did went out together, we live together, but I know I can’t have her heart because she loves you, even until now. She still loves you. We’ve broken up a year ago…’
‘I don’t want to know what happened between you two, nor to know what is she doing now.’
‘Don’t be so toxic Hanamaru! It was a one night stand!! If you didn’t get so angry at us that night, you wouldn’t lost your baby or Yoshiko!!’ Riko gasped right after she said those words, she can’t believe that those words escape from her mouth.
‘…which fiancée doesn’t get angry to find out that her soon to be wife is cheating on her the night before their wedding?’ Hanamaru asked in tears. ‘Seeing you two naked under the sheet weren’t the reason why I was angry, but she defended you like it was my fault that she slept with you was what hurt me the most…’
‘What hurt me more was when she slapped me and push me away when I tried to confront you…and asked if you were okay when I slapped you…and when we both were falling down the stairs, she saved you first before she save me…but it was too late at that time…’
‘Hanamaru-chan…if she knows that you were pregnant with her child at that time she wouldn’t…’
‘If she really loves me, she wouldn’t agree to sleep with you that night Riko…’ Hanamaru cut Riko before she could finish her sentences.
‘Tell her I’m happy now, and you too should be happy with whomever that you’re with now…I have found peace in my father’s temple…’ Hanamaru said calmly.
‘But Yoshiko needs you right now Hanamaru…that is why I came to talk to you privately, aside from apologizing.’ Riko took a deep breath before telling Hanamaru the bad news ‘She is dying Hanamaru…when you two broke up…she started to smoke…and drink a lot…she is dying and her only one wish is to see you again and apologize to you…’
Hanamaru was calm and she was quiet, no words escape from her mouth. The silence was deadening until Hanamaru turns and walk away from Riko. Riko tried to calls out to Hanamaru but she can’t, somehow she felt like she only going to make things worse between her and Hanamaru if she tried to convince her again.
At The Club Room
‘And so, there was this girl in my idol group and she was so cute!! But too bad she’s still a minor!’
‘Chika you pervert!!’ You laughed and smack Chika on the shoulder.
The club room door rattle and Riko greeted everyone ‘Oh! Riko-chan! Would you be my girlfriend?’ Chika exclaims while hugging Riko.
‘Chika-chan~ you smell like beers!’ Riko was disgusted by the strong smells of alcohol on Chika ‘You guys have been drinking?’ Riko asked while putting down her coat on the table next to her.
‘Yeah! Well it’s been 6 years since we last met, so we gonna drinks and celebrate this reunion huh!’ You cheered with her fist pumped up in the air. Riko smiles, she wished that Hanamaru and Yoshiko were here to, how she wished that she didn’t do the foolish things 4 years ago, things would have been different if she didn’t let her feelings take over her consciences.
‘Riko-chan’ Kanan calls out to the red hair ‘Hmm?’ Riko answer while taking a sip of her beer that You have poured for her.
‘Have you seen Hanamaru? She’s been away for too long…’
‘I…I saw her at the library earlier…’ Riko lied.
‘Eh? It must been hard on her that her engagement with Yoshiko got cancelled on the last minute and now she had to face Yoshiko again after 4 years…’ Mari chipped in.
‘Mari!’ Kanan tried to shush her.
‘What?’ Mari asked while glaring at Kanan.
‘I’m sorry for Mari’s behaviour Riko,he had been under the weather lately…’ Kanan apologizes.
Noticing Mari’s baby bump Riko smiles at Kanan and gives her a thumbs up. Kanan’s face turns red at Riko’s action but she thanks Riko anyway.
School’s Rooftop
Hanamaru stare into the emptiness, her heart is empty, her mind is empty, after what Riko told her, she had a debate with her inner self. Her heart said no, but her mind said yes, she should forgive Yoshiko. She holds no grudge against Riko, for she wasn’t the real reason why she lost her baby. It was her own fault that she lost her baby, just like what Riko had said. If she could control her anger better 4 years ago, both of them won’t fall down the stairs and she won’t lose her baby too.  She stares blankly at the orange sky, tears began to stream down her face. She admits to herself that she still loves the raven hair girl, even till now. She has always loved her since their kindergarten years.
‘Yoshiko-chan’ Hanamaru murmurs in tears. She took out her phone from her pockets and texted Ruby, telling her that she had somewhere else to go, and asked Ruby to apologize on her behalf.
Yoshiko hated the hospital, she always hated it since she was a toddler. She sighed when the nurse came in to her room to check up on her ‘How is it Ms Tsushima? Feeling any better?’
Yoshiko smirks and answered the nurse ‘I feels better! To know that you could die anytime soon, no other feelings can top this kind of excitement! Hahahahaha’
‘You’re insane, zura…’ a voice that Yoshiko hasn’t heard for 4 years greeted her.
‘Zuu..Zuramaru?!!’ Yoshiko surprised but at the same time she is happy to see Hanamaru standing in front of her.
‘Excuse me miss, but the visiting hour is over…’ the nurse admonished Hanamaru for coming at non visiting hour.
‘She’s my family member, she can stay.’ Yoshiko affirms with the nurse. The nurse bow to apologizes and quietly leave the room.
Yoshiko was happy to see Hanamaru, but Hanamaru has this stoic look on her face and she was not amused to see Yoshiko at all.
‘Here I thought you were dying, and seems like Riko got the wrong information as you look healthy as a horse zura.’ Hanamaru said with a stoic face.
Yoshiko smiles turns to a frown, she sits on her bed, look at Hanamaru with sadness in her eyes ‘So…you have talked to Riko huh?’
‘Correction, it was Riko who talked to me.’ Hanamaru corrected Yoshiko.
‘It doesn’t matter who talked to who, I’m glad that you’re willing to come and meet me again after what happened.’ Said Yoshiko sadness in her tone, she can feels lumps are gather in her throats as she tried to harvest her courage to look at Hanamaru in the eyes once again.
‘Riko had told me everything…’ Hanamaru managed to cut Yoshiko’s sentence short.
‘She did huh?’
‘Yes…the rest of the Aqours said they missed you.’
‘Ah yes…the reunion was yesterday…how was it?’
‘Everyone was happy, Mari and Kanan are getting married, Dia is engaged to Sarah, Ruby is getting engage to Leah…Chika is currently dating one of her idol group member, You-chan is being promoted…’
‘How about Riko?’ Yoshiko asked.
‘So you still worried about Riko? Why didn’t you asked how about me? Why did you have to asked how is Riko?’
‘Zuramaru, it’s not…I…’ Yoshiko sighed and tried to ask again ‘How about you?’
‘Riko is currently dating her conductor…’
‘Oh…’ was the only thing that escapes Yoshiko’s mouth.
The two of them kept silence until gesture Hanamaru to sit next to her on the hospital bed. Hanamaru complies with Yoshiko order, but she keeps a distance between them.
‘Zuramaru…I know that you still harbour hatred toward me after what happened that night…before…before we started dating…during high school, I’ve always have crushes on Riko…I’ll be honest with you. The reason why I started to date you is because I want to get away from Riko. I want to get rid of my feelings toward her.’
Hanamaru was about to get up from the bed but Yoshiko held onto her hand ‘But I end up falling in love with you.’
‘That night…it was a mistake, it is, but I didn’t touch her. I swear! I should have make things clear to you before we broke up…Yes I did agree to have sex with her, but when we kissed, all that I could see was your face. I pulled out the last minute. I told her I couldn’t go on. But that moment you came in and things turn out wrong. I defended Riko because it wasn’t her fault, it was mine. I was the one who agree to her suggestion even though I know the next day I’m gonna get married to you. When you broke off the engagement, I was devastated, I was depressed. I tried to suicide, but Riko was there to stop me. I agree to go on a date with her, because I thought I can fill the empty void in my heart. But I was wrong…no matter how hard Riko tried to fill the void, she couldn’t make me feels like the way I do when I’m with you. I regret that I couldn’t be honest with you Zuramaru…and I regret that I put Riko through so much suffering too…’
Hanamaru was silent after hearing what Yoshiko had to say. She gets up from the bed, yanking her wrist from Yoshiko’s grasp and heading toward the door.
‘You’re leaving?’ Yoshiko asked and her voice cracked.
‘Yoshiko-chan…can you leave the hospital for 1 day? I want to bring you to a place.’
‘…I think I can arrange it with my doctor…’
‘Good…here’ Hanamaru rummage through her bag and handed Yoshiko a piece of paper ‘Meet me at this place tomorrow evening 6pm.’
Yoshiko nodded and Hanamaru left the room, leaving Yoshiko yearning for her more.
To be continue…
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