beaconrelicguardian · 4 years
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Imagine not seeing you student for forever, not even knowing if shes alive or not, and suddenly seeing her on tv far too grown up for her age.
Saw some peeps doing a redraw of this screencap and gave it a shot. Tweaked a few things about Glynda tho (it's been months give her sum new clothes pls 😭)
Spot the difference lolol
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beaconrelicguardian · 4 years
my headcanon that glynda is originally from atlas ( and as such she has a giant gripe with james’ constant military showmanship and bravado. also i think she had a few moments with weiss in the manga that have a real added weight to them if she too is from atlas and chose to leave, ) and chose her last name herself after leaving will be dragged from my cold, dead hands.
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beaconrelicguardian · 4 years
I have this headcanon, and I hope the show doesn't prove me wrong, that Glynda would be the one in Ozpin's inner circle to treat Oscar as his own person from the moment they meet and he introduces himself as the newest reincarnation.
To be honest, after having to deal with Qrow, Ironwood and Lionheart after Ozpin's fall of grace, I think Oscar deserves a bit of peace and quiet. No matter how ok he may be with Ozpin himself now.
And Ozpin himself seems to be totally chill with the idea and probably knows why she's doing it.
So Oscar asks her at one point "Don't you wanna talk to him? Don't you miss him?"
And she says "Of course I do but I would never ask for something that could make you feel unwanted"
Bonus point if she knows more about the reincarnation than the other members of the inner circle, remembers Ozpin himself sharing to her about his insecurities and his fears of being "just another life" and knows that reincarnates sometimes feel like they don't have agency.
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beaconrelicguardian · 4 years
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you ever think about how each individual ozma has always walked the paradoxical line between having perpetually finite relationships but also outliving all of their loved ones 
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beaconrelicguardian · 4 years
Sooo ozglyn (or as I call it Second Chances) yes or no on the shipping?
First of all, I love that name! I might start to use it from now on.
Secondly, it's currently my favorite Ozpin ship (second is probably Ozbleck)!
Not only because I fell a bit out of love with Cloqwork, but also because, during my latest rwby rewatch, I got the impression that theirs is the healthiest relationship between Oz and his inner circle. I would like to think she wouldn't react too badly about Jinn's revelations, and that she may have known more than the other ozluminati did.
Of course, I could be wrong. We can't be too certain until Glynda comes back - or even IF she ever does, tho I think never having her reappear would be the only true case of the "wasted potential" claim that the fandom throws around so much.
Until then, I'd like to think that she'd be the one who immediately treats Oscar as his own person, even just because it happening FOUR times would become tiresome and predictable. But that's another thing.
Anyway tl;dr: I stan Beacon mom and dad.
Send me a ship and I will explain why I do or don’t ship it
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beaconrelicguardian · 4 years
I have this headcanon, and I hope the show doesn't prove me wrong, that Glynda would be the one in Ozpin's inner circle to treat Oscar as his own person from the moment they meet and he introduces himself as the newest reincarnation.
To be honest, after having to deal with Qrow, Ironwood and Lionheart after Ozpin's fall of grace, I think Oscar deserves a bit of peace and quiet. No matter how ok he may be with Ozpin himself now.
And Ozpin himself seems to be totally chill with the idea and probably knows why she's doing it.
So Oscar asks her at one point "Don't you wanna talk to him? Don't you miss him?"
And she says "Of course I do but I would never ask for something that could make you feel unwanted"
Bonus point if she knows more about the reincarnation than the other members of the inner circle, remembers Ozpin himself sharing to her about his insecurities and his fears of being "just another life" and knows that reincarnates sometimes feel like they don't have agency.
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
A bitch is still thinking about how Oscars eye’s are green and amber a combo of Ozpins and Glynda’s,,,,
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
i like to imagine there was at least one inner circle meeting where ozma came in like, ‘okay so i’m 100% listening, but i’m also going to be flipping through this paperwork, because if ozpin doesn’t finish this semester report, glynda just might send me through the cycle early’
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
Ironwood, Qrow, Winter, and uh...Ozpin (sort of) in the same room gave me v3 flashbacks. Throw us a bone and name drop Glynda please I’m begging
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
that qrow and ironwood moment was nice but still no glynda mention.......
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
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RWBY Volume 7, Episode 2: A New Approach
Arresting people isn’t exactly the best way to make a first impression. However, once the initial shock has worn off, Ruby and her friends learn there’s a lot more to these Ace Ops - and even General Ironwood - than first meets the eye.
Duration 18:18
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
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so uhhh @ava-marie-rae suggested maiden glynda so uhhhh heres summer maiden glynda!
gonna started putting the date 6-14-19
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: RWBY Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Glynda Goodwitch & Ruby Rose, Glynda Goodwitch & Ozpin, Ozpin & Ruby Rose, ozpin/glynda if you squint reeeeallyyyyy hard, mention of renora being two halves of the same idiot Characters: Ruby Rose (RWBY), Glynda Goodwitch, Ozpin (RWBY) Additional Tags: Teeth rotting cuteness, Fluff, with a teeny tiny hint of sadness but it’s gone once you blink, Ruby is a cinnamon roll, Ruby has Feels about things, Ozpin does too, Glynda is not amused, Glynda and Oz bicker like an old married couple but they deeply care about one another
So yeah, I wrote another RWBY fic. /o/
It contains Feels and someone cries, but not necessarily sad tears.
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
Got any headcannons on ozglyn if you're interested? Also ps, I love your blog, especially when it's about ozpin. Thanks for sticking up for him
Hell yeah defending Oz! 💚And hmm… ozglyn headcannons. Here, have some hastily written stupidity: 
Ozpin, considering he’s old as balls, maintains a number of manners and traditions that have fallen out of style at best and are seen as borderline offensive at worst. It used to rub Glynda the wrong way, until she realized that Ozpin didn’t hold open doors or shed his coat because he thought she was some delicate thing in need of protection (he’d have to be a fool to believe that anyway). It was literally just how he’d been taught to show appreciation. And then later, affection and intimacy. She might not need any of his silly little formalities, but there’s something to be said for a man who pays you such close attention and values your company so highly that he intends to treat that gift appropriately. 
Glynda can 100% kick Ozpin’s ass in hand-to-hand. He might have magic on his side, but the reach of a cane has made him iffy about closer combat and Glynda was never the sort of fool to rely on her semblance alone. There’s really nothing better than humiliating him in a private training session… and then making up for it by accidentally coming out of that flip wrong and landing in his lap… 
As headmistress one of Glynda’s duties is to produce daily reports for Beacon. Otherwise the school would fall into chaos without a strict, inhumanly organized itinerary of everything that has happened and everything that needed to be done in response. After the Fall she still makes a report. Every day. Glynda bundles them safely in her desk drawer and wonders exactly how long she plans to keep this going with no one to turn them in to. Every day she decides to answer that question later. 
Ozpin is a Tired Insomniac who sometimes thinks he’d sell what’s left of his soul for a week–a few days even–of consistent sleep. Admittedly though, things have gotten better since he and Glynda moved in together. Oh, he doesn’t sleep more, but now he has a treasured way to spend the formerly empty time. Hearing her breathe, watching her dream… it’s more peace than he deserves. 
Glynda never particularly wanted children. It was one of the things—after all the giant “Hello, I’m a reincarnating wizard from a former version of humanity fighting one messed up witch” issues—that made her wary about starting a relationship. Because she knew how many kids Ozpin has had throughout the centuries and how, despite it all, that was always one of his greatest joys in life. He never pressured her, of course. It was really a non-issue between them once discussed, despite Glynda’s initial worries, and for that she was grateful. Thus, it took her a good five years to wake up and realize that she’d accidentally adopted a whole school full of children with the man and sweet dust, she wasn’t even mad about it. 
There’s a “joke” board in their bedroom where Ozpin has printed Days Since Our Last Nonsense at the top. He didn’t expect Glynda to start updating it regularly with furious glares shot his way each night. He really should have. Mistakes were made and there was, maybe, a hint of regret. 
Massages are a big thing between them. To be entirely frank they don’t often have the energy for other forms of intimacy. At the end of the day they’re both ready to collapse, so the chance to do so with one of them kneading the latest stress away is something they are both fiercely possessive of. 
That being said, you know Glynda would use her semblance when they do have the chance to have some fun in bed lol. 
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
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me: alrighty i’ve got time to start another piece. what should i draw?
brain: glynda with a crown
me: but...again??
brain: glynda. crown.
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beaconrelicguardian · 5 years
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oh hi miss goodwitch or a glynda i will probably render more....some time later
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