bcorpmotes · 1 day
hello!! our system adores your emojis- and the general vibe of yalls blog ^^!! We were wondering if we could request some black cat emojis? (We were originally going to request gargoyle ones, but those feel like they fall under the “complex characters” category)
we hope you all have a wonderful day!! 🌟✨☀️
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you didnt specify what kind of black cat emojis so i took some creative liberties. (link) you are free to request gargoyles but to be completely honest that'd take me a while longer ... but anyways, thank you, there's always more coming from us. :3
art credit ;; nakame77 twt
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bcorpmotes · 1 day
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✦ sleepy black cat... // sleepy black cat but faster black cat hiiiiii + textless ver ✧ ✦ black cat BUMP + textless ver
requested by : @labyrinth-walker
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bcorpmotes · 4 days
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okk thats a lOT. reqs closed for now. we'll get to em' soon.
art credit ;; @/pearl-the-artist
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bcorpmotes · 4 days
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a Small Reminder that requests are Open !!!
Refer to our Pinned Post (link) for guidelines . We plan to make a Rentry for it , however for the time being , they will be in our Pinned Post . : ]
art credit ;; @Zygyzy_031 twt
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bcorpmotes · 4 days
your emojis are so pretty do you wanna be friends holds out my juicebox
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[ID : A sparkly big bold text with animated yellow sparkles with a small dark gradient coming from above which reads " I'M ENDOGENIC " End of ID]
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bcorpmotes · 5 days
Hallo!! Your emotes are very pretty!
Just wanted to give some feedback as it may be a little hard for some people to find where your requests are open or closed and it is farther down your intro post! :;'D
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yeah i was planning to fix that pretty soon and move it to... the ask button !!! :3 thanks btw >_<
art credit ;; 朱鴿 pixiv
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bcorpmotes · 5 days
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✦ magical thinking           paranoid ✧ ✦ mind fog
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bcorpmotes · 5 days
Not a request! Just wanted to say oh how we adore your emojis. Thank you for creating and remember to drink water, plus breaks! :]
The Lethal System
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thank youuuuu :33 we're still getting around to make them... better.,, since thin lineart and the fact they're long makes them a bit!!! unreadible :(((
art credit ;; @HimeCUTie twt
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bcorpmotes · 6 days
:000 can i request some dove emojis similar to your crow ones? Maybe with a preening variant as well? They r so cute !!!
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of course. :^)
here they are. (link)
art credit ;; @REMSRAR twt
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bcorpmotes · 6 days
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✦ dove Zzz // textless ver     dove loaf + textless ver ✧ ✦ dove flop // textless ver     dove preen + textless ver ✧
✧ requested by : anon ✦
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bcorpmotes · 14 days
various crowmojis
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Zzz crow + no text ver // Loaf crow + no text ver Flopped crow + no text ver // crow love (dog ver)
fancier layout coming soon
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bcorpmotes · 15 days
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Children of the city sees only the neon stars,
Reflected upon the murky gutter sky.
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                                      Don't ask me why,
             I desperately wish to be included in the city's night.
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✦ This a blog run by @roachie-paradise,for ourselves to post emojis we make as well as make some for our Audience.Keep in mind as always,we prioritize the requests of our Regulars but of course,still make art for new attendants.
✧ Refer to us as LUCIAN or B CORP,we are a plural something (idk its company secrets).Our employees deal with PDs from each cluster as well as audhd so on their behalf i ask you to be patient.: ]
✦ Any being can use our emojis,personally we'd prefer if radqueers, proshippers, exclusionaries, syscourse participants and consang/incest supporters didn't interact however,as that is distressing to our workers,speaking of things you shouldn't do,do not bring discourse into the company's ask box,you will be privately ridiculed.
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✦ You are free to request Anything besides: headmates, complex characters, nsfw related things.Along with this we kindly ask for our emojis to not be reposted, traced over or stolen.
✧ Requests are closed
✦ Our PR team has requested I state that we call our members employees or workers,we do not have anyone working for us except for ourselves.
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