batfam-aus · 2 years
jason: i feel like when you pat a dog and they make a hollow thunk-thunk sound because that’s not a dog that’s a dog-shaped piñata that you forgot to fill with candy and your son’s 8th birthday party started 15 minutes ago and there’s no fucking candy and your wife is screaming and the kid is crying and the ice cream cake’s been left out for an hour and it’s slumped over in a half-melted heap and all you can think about is how the nearest cliff is a 5 minute drive away
dick: i said i’d buy you another green smoothie after work
jason: i’m mentally getting into my 1994 toyota corolla right now
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batfam-aus · 2 years
dick: damian what do you want for your birthday
tim: don’t say sword
jason: or any bladed weapon
tim: or any throwable weapon
jason: weaponry is out
tim: that really covers our bases
damian: excellent. i can practice with weapons of opportunity
damian: i would like a cheese grater, 1000 ball bearings, and a can of hairspray
dick: points for creativity i’ll see what i can do
jason: oh here we go
cass: i want to join. may i also have a cheese grater
tim: we’re all going to die
stephanie (also holding a cheese grater): OF FUN
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batfam-aus · 2 years
jason: honestly you’d think it was a bigger deal that i came back from the dead. you didn't even throw me a party
dick: well our excitement was somewhat mitigated by your murder spree
dick: we knew you as an adorable little sunshine boy!
damian: adorable??? surely you’ve misspoken
stephanie: look at him! he was a cutie! [holds up a photo of young jason in his bright green robin shorts]
tim: i’m tweeting the photo right now
jason: NO
dick: ...
tim: ...
damian: ...
stephanie: to be fair this is a pretty tough crowd
jason: don't patronize me
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batfam-aus · 2 years
dick: damian is everything ok
damian: YES IM FINE LEAVE ME ALONE [runs upstairs and slams the door to his room closed]
jason: hey did you see damian?
dick: he seemed upset what was up with that
jason: we were watching prehistoric planet and one of the mom dinosaurs left her hatchling behind because it wasn't strong enough to follow her
dick: ohhh that'll do it
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batfam-aus · 2 years
tim: i was so confused before i realized that i'm bisexual but now everything makes so much sense
tim: like now i understand why i start sweating whenever conner takes off his shirt
tim: i was starting to think i might be allergic to kryptonians
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batfam-aus · 2 years
damian: and this is my tokay gecko. his name is jason
jon: after your brother?
damian: their call is said to sound like “tokay”. or “fuck you”
damian: they are also known for their ferocious bite. they’re capable of ripping off chunks of human flesh
damian: after months of consistent effort i have tamed jason. all you need is to respect the gecko’s space and teach it that you mean it no harm. it’s difficult work, but rewarding
damian: the same is true of my brother jason. observe:
jon, peering over the banister: ?
jason: hey hellspawn FUCK YOU
damian: as you can see, even his call is the same as that of a tokay gecko
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batfam-aus · 2 years
- batboys are at a noisy mcdonalds after a long patrol. silverware is clattering, people are chattering -
tim: [bees buzzing in his head]
tim: [mental bees intensifying]
[restaurant falls silent and everyone stares at tim]
tim: i… am sitting down ._.
dick: what’s going on tim-tam are you okay
tim: it’s the fucking tapping it’s the NOISE it’s the RACKET
jason: uh……… huh………
damian: no. drake is entirely correct. the noise in this establishment is infuriating
dick: the sounds of a normal mcdonalds???
tim: dick you don’t understand my brain keeps trying to translate the clattering dishes into morse code and i can’t turn it off
tim: it’s all gibberish dick
jason: you think so too, imp?
damian: having spent so much tine with all of you i am developing an immunity to gibberish. but yes
jason: i don’t…
jason: …
jason: shit y’all are right this is annoying as hell. fuck you for bringing my attention to it
tim: it drives me actually insane
jason: totally get it dude
damian: it is distracting to say the least
jason: oh yeah absolutely
dick: i have a solution! [starts tapping over the background noise]
jason, tim, and damian: FOR FUCKS SAKE
jason, tim, and damian: i… love…… you… guys………
jason: awwww
tim: huh actually i don’t mind it when there’s a pattern
damian: i can accept your solution—for now
dick: don’t worry guys i can do this all night :D
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batfam-aus · 2 years
in the batfam group chat
bruce: hhhgsruhilgslkwqj;lnkbn
dick: are you ok b???
jason: all those years of crime fighting have finally caught up with him
stephanie: omg so sad
stephanie: f
tim: maybe he's writing in code
jason: he better not be
dick: should i call someone
bruce: I'm fine.
jason: aw
dick: what happened???
bruce: Flash had the zoomies again. G 2 G, the Watchtower has entered a decaying orbit from the sheer force generated by his zoomies, and we are now burning up in the atmosphere.
tim: f
stephanie: f
dick: alright which one of you taught him to say zoomies
stephanie: ...
stephanie: and that's another f in the chat boys... but this one's for me
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batfam-aus · 2 years
batfam plays d&d TWO: dice edition
dick grayson is a dice goblin. he can’t resist the little shinies he has a bag of them so big that it goes THUNK when it hits the table. like a brick
jason has ONE set. the edward cullen dice set
duke: what’s wrong with using the dice rollers on d&d beyond they’re mathematically—
duke: jason was not kidding when he said you had a magpie brain
stephanie is also a dice goblin! she and dick buy each other dice sets and bruce is like please stop we are drowning in dice you’re killing me you’re killing your father (he said that after steph bought dick the official wonder woman chessex dice set)
tim has some regular dice sets from when he played 4e, plus a new sharp set with coffee beans and a liquid core d20 that looks like cream and coffee. dick stepped on the d4 once and he still has a scar on his foot
damian uses a metal set made of titanium and if the players start getting distracted he throws the dice at them. ow
barbara steals dick’s dice and although he has many (so many) he always knows which set is missing and it’s frankly terrifying
cass bought a pound of random dice, sorted through them to create the most mismatched set you’ve ever seen, and donated the rest to dick and steph
bruce uses the Batman TM chessex dice they’re matte black with yellow paint and the 20 side is the batman symbol and he loves them. loves them unironically. he yells BAT TWENTY whenever he crits and it’s awful
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batfam-aus · 2 years
damian: stop telling everyone i want to commit crimes. that's untrue. i do not concern myself with what other people think should be a crime, i simply act. if someone thinks that's a crime, that's their problem
jason: ok?? you still have to pay for that hot wheels car though
damian: i'm taking it and you can't stop me
jason: i know...
jason: but he can
dick: [eyes enormous] no please don't steal babybird that's bad D: D: D: and i know you're not a bad person!
damian: how low you've stooped, todd
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batfam-aus · 3 years
tim: who is the world’s biggest buyer of glitter?
dick: lady gaga
jason: ollie playing a prank on bruce
duke: elton john
stephanie: TWO lady gagas
barbara: the clown industry
cass: killer croc is pretty big
tim: trivia night was such a good idea
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batfam-aus · 3 years
spicy food time
bruce: utterly expressionless while eating even the spiciest of food leading everyone to believe he’s part bird but secretly he’s dying inside
dick: thinks medium is spicy and enjoys it
jason: likes extra extra hot because ‘it doesn’t have a flavor it just tastes like pain’
tim: fears black pepper
damian: spicy food supremacist
duke: thinks medium is spicy but will eat spicier food to prove himself and end up regretting it
steph: tells people hot food isn’t spicy to fuck with them (usually tim)
cass: tells people hot food isn’t spicy and genuinely believes it (sorry tim)
barbara: not sure what all the fuss is about and wants to eat her Hellfire Volcano Wings in peace
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batfam-aus · 4 years
Alfred: Why are all my children so stupid?
Bruce: I have no idea. I just caught Tim trying to hide scorpions in Damian's backpack, and he said it was for science. Tim is literally a genius. Why does this happen to us
Alfred: Us? The other day, I saw you eat a two-week-old donut without hesitation. Those weren't sprinkles, they were mold
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batfam-aus · 5 years
batfam plays d&d
Bruce makes his character a paladin of Maat even though he could have chosen literally anything else
Dick plays as a wild magic sorcerer but he only ever turns into a plant
His signature move is turning invisible and jumping down onto his enemies from above
One day he’ll multiclass as a rogue
Jason is a half-orc barbarian with an intelligence of 18 because playing a character with low int was starting to drive him insane
Tim plays a bronze dragonborn wizard whose signature move is disintegrate
His familiar is a bat named Bruce
Damien is the dungeon master
He once made them fight a beholder at level 5 resulting in a TPK which he retconned under threat of grievous bodily harm
Duke is a druid so he can cast Sunbeam and Sunburst AND turn into a shark whenever necessary
This worked against him when he shifted into a great white shark in a lake and Damien was like alright fine you sink to the bottom and die 
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batfam-aus · 6 years
Jason: Hey, anybody ever tell you you gotta nice smell? What’s a guy gotta eat to smell like that?
Dick: It’s cologne.
Jason: Huh. Never tried eating cologne before.
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batfam-aus · 6 years
Tim: Let me get this straight—
Dick: Good luck with that!
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batfam-aus · 6 years
AU where if someone’s looking for Dick they’ll usually find him in a load of freshly laundered sheets because they’re warm and soft and he likes naps
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