Backroads Magazine
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
Big Things
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
Babes & Booze With Harry Hughes
Name & Age
Harry Hughes, 24
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Where are you from?
My mothers womb.
How long have you been doing Art?
I had surgery to remove the crayola's fused to my fingers at birth.
What is your favorite bit about creating Art?
The scent of fear that greets my nostrils when people see it.
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Who are your favorite artists?
Norman Rockwell, Karl Kopinski, Adam Hughes, Gil Elvgren, Harrison Ellenshaw (and all the other Matte painting masters who worked on the original Star Wars trilogy for that matter) Drew Struzan, Chris Riddel, Bob Ross... There are more!
Is there any purpose going to art school?
Having not gone to an art school, I would feel a little hypocritical judging its necessity, but I don't feel that I lack creative enrichment as a result of not enrolling.
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How did you get involved with snow?
I ran into this kid called Nick Goode back in high school, apparently he can still tolerate my company.
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You have done art for a t-shirt company, where can we buy these garments?
Well, you might struggle to find those any more, I still have the designs mind. So I'm sure if you were desperate we could come to an arrangement...
How does it feel knowing that your artwork can drop jaws?
I wish my income did the same.
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What is your daily routine ?
Pass out at three, wake up at ten, go out to eat, then do it again?
What projects do you have coming up?
After I finish the last couple of pages for Goode, I have a commission to work on. After I finish that I'm getting some prints made and working on a few paintings for a personal project, with any luck I can convince a gallery to display it.
Are art galleries looking at you?
No I'm looking at them... Longingly.
What do you think Galleries look for in an artist?
Sometimes I struggle to get my head around what they are displaying, so I can't fathom exactly what it is they are looking for.
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I see on your Behance page that you have your own version of the Alphabet, do you plan on teaching your future kids with it?
I would love to create an encyclopaedia for infant sociopaths.
Coming from the ghetto of Shipston-On-Da-Stour , how do your surroundings influence the dystopia of snow?
Naturally the two go hand in hand. But I won't be first in line when it comes to drawing environment, I don't enjoy background work.
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What art gets you inspired?
I call it alcohol.
Does a strong glass of rum help you out?
Depends how close I am to the deadline.
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Are there a lot of changes going from when you storyboard to when you illustrate it for real?
It depends on how much detail I do the storyboard in. Some panels I have a strong visual concept, so those look quite similar when you put them alongside a finished page. Other times I work really loosely on the storyboard so they can end up looking quite different. All of my comic stuff is pretty raw though so it's not unusual for me to find irregularities.
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What went through your mind when you drew Energy? especially with that one panel of intimacy between the Quins and the journalist, fucking hell boy.
All kinds of profanity, I shut myself away for a month to get that one finished because the deadline was pretty tight.
What pre-planning do you do before you illustrate a comic?
I could do a lot more, my checks don't usually go beyond whats in my fridge.
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Looking at your artwork, it seems you are fascinated with boobs, has Escort magazine given you any recognition?
I think that is a universal fascination right? I tried to contact them a couple of times but got nothing back... Im barely an A cup.
Back In the early 90’s when women used to go up to Jack and be all “ Paint me like your French girls “, do you think women will go to the 2016 Jack and say “ Paint me like a Hughes Girl”?
I would like that, maybe if I paint more girls... wouldn't it be awfully convenient if I had planned to do some pin ups early this year...
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Any shout outs?
Lemmy and Bowie. Kings.
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
Unfortunately work got in the way of Snow Week, Harry’s interview will definitely Drop! Here is the needed information
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
Why did you throw in a relationship in a Dystopian future?  
I think it's important for any story to have a relationship, its a core human element. I think as well it always gives characters a lot to fight for, love is pretty powerful especially in any superhero story. For James it's a big reason why he chooses to fight the good fight. For Sarah it's something more as you'll see in Codename
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Do your battles with Love get translated through snow?
Sometimes, i think for everyone you write a bit of what you know and feel. I guess for me thats part of making a character relatable. If i know i've gone through something and then I merge it into a character or two then it should come across as real
Deep, you mentioned earlier another One-shot with the Villains, did you write them from experience as well, you know, when you used to be a mercenary? 
hahah you've caught me on that one, no the villain one shot is again making them a bit human. I think if you look at any great villain they always have a human element to them that you relate with or understand. I think the villains that don't work are one's where they are just aiming for world domination or just to kill someone. Giving a character something human and a connection with the reader is a powerful thing
Where do you draw influence from to create the elements that shape the world, corruption, shortage of foods & one can only guess that there are peak levels of unemployment. 
Corruption. The world got hit by something catastrophic and in its wake crime took over. Politicians didn't know where to begin.
So what the meteor did to the dinosaurs , Corruption did to London
Yeah. It wiped out a lot and no one knew where to begin. The characters that we follow are mostly looking to create a better England.
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Since all your one-shots are side stories , expanding the Snow universe one issue at a time,  what life was like in 2060? 
maybe, Harry and I have a couple of ideas regarding the history of this world and also the future of it. So maybe someday we'll explore that. I don't think it'll be until Snow is finished though
By the looks of things, Snow will never be finished, what can we expect this year from your camp?
hahaha it'll be finished, so this year we will have 3 one shots at the start of this year and then it'll be back to Snow for a little while. The one shots that are coming out work well before #3 as they provide enough detail and insight into some things that will be happening in future issues of Snow
From my understanding it seems that you are taking some time to provide a big cushion because once issue 3 is released, mankind will just collapse in awe
I think #3-6 are quite impacting in the world of Snow, we tell them almost as a mini series within because it is really defining James as a hero. So when I looked at the story a couple of months ago, it was pretty clear that we didn't have time to tell some of the aspects that i wanted to. Good and bad thing, good because i have plenty to say with this world and characters. But bad because i guess you could call it lazy writing? i guess. Either way the way i've done it now i think works better, it gives all these details room to breathe before we step back in and following James's tale
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With it being 2016, what is the NewYear NewMe for Camp Snow ?
Well I think it's going to be a good one, i'm very excited for these one shots. I think their going to show off some really great talent and the stories themselves i'm hoping people enjoy and connect with. I think past the 3 one shots, i'm thinking the new way we're approaching Snow is a lot more streamlined. I think before we saw it as a big big story and now it's one story arch for James and then we have the option to tell stories around him or in that universe
I see you have added a Calligrapher to the team, are there any more team changes ?
For Snow there isn't, Snow will always be Myself and Harry. For these up coming one shots we're using a few new illustrators and i'm co writing one of them as well. We're looking at bringing in an composer as well for Snow and maybe one of these one shots. We'll see, as for Syaza her work was amazing! That was a very cool thing we were able to do and if we have the opportunity to use her again we definitely will. I think what's great about our one shots is it allows us to pull in other talents and help out where we can
Soak it in world. Are you going to any Comic Cons to promote your work this year?
potentially, it's something we're looking into. We'll keep you updated on it but there's definitely some that i would like to attend. There's a night in Norway that i'd like to go to as well to talk about comics
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TedTalks but for Comics?
haha that'd be amazing, i love TedTalks. Must be so intimidating to do one though. You have to really know your stuff
You better! Any shout outs before I wrap this up?
Everyone that has read or continues to read Snow, you guys are awesome! Everyone that continues to support Harry and I on this crazy adventure thanks!
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
Set 10 years before Snow: The Dawn, Codename sheds some light on the inner workings of the post apocalyptic England. Sarah Brown, a young and driven woman from the 2nd Borough is introduced to Oliver Faust and begins her journey into the broken system that runs the newly established boroughs. Written by Nick Goode Artwork by Harry Hughes Calligraphy by Syaza Rahman
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
“A story should never be for a grade, it should be because you feel it needs to be told.” - Nick Goode
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Hello Nick, how are you today?
I'm very well thanks how are you?
Not bad still, could you tell us where you currently live and describe the area in full detail? 
I live in Moreton-In-Marsh, just past the radiated crater that is Shipston on Stour (No offence meant) It's a nice place, Cotswold town, very quiet, but picturesque. How about you?
I live in the Cayman Islands, it speaks for itself to be honest. Lets keep the focus on you, where have you previously lived and what makes it so special?
I lived in Stratford Upon Avon, it's special to me because it's where i grew up. My friends live there and it's where i started everything so it'll always be important to me i guess
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what makes that town so great, is it people with staggered walks like Tom E or is it Shakespeares great legacy ?
That's an intense question, i've always liked the Shakespeare elements. I plan on going to the theatre a lot more this year, my favourite part of Stratford is the road leading from the theatre to The Dirty Duck and into Old Town
Do you think that the Town of Shakespeare drugs everyone by putting artificial brain tissue of William in the water to create such great writers like yourself  The universe of Snow is lyrically-father than most nations obesity problems. , you have to see the angle I am coming from.
I'm not sure what to say ha
Don't choke fam, it's only your career
haha i don't think there is anyway to compare me to Shakespeare....maybe this filthy tache i've got going on though
Send a copy of Snow the Dawn to the Shakespeare birth-place, they'll tell you exactly how you've been experimented on to carry the torch of high-grade writing
bold words, bold words i'll let you know
I don't understand how you can be so humble about this, the Snow Universe is fatter than most Tesco security guards , how do you get a story so fat? (FAT = Detailed)
hahah great line, the universe of Snow has evolved over a number years (Too many) it continues to be a lot of fun, it's all about keeping myself inspired. I have moments that hit me and i just come up with scenes or ideas that i want to explore with characters and from there i integrate it into the universe
I think you’ll see when we release the last few pages this month
instead of going forward with the main story line, you have released two one-shots which are different stories in the snow universe that give an insane amount of depth for 3 of its characters, why
Thanks man, yeah we wanted to hit the ground running with The Quins. They’ll be explored a little more in an up coming one shot. 
So the one shots have kind of come out of just small ideas i had, the first one Energy was because we wanted to explore what another borough felt like and from that we had some cool ways of linking it to Snow, for Codename i felt it was crucial to tell this tale before #3 because it delves into who Sarah really is. By the end of Codename i think you see Sarah in a new light.
Upcoming one-shot? Before we get too far I just wanted to say that the new light I see Sarah in is that she needs a proper man to protect her and make her feel safe, not some 5′2″ bus boy who stinks of cheese and onion sandwiches and reposts gang memes on social media. 
hahah what makes you think that? Oli is a very cool character, i think you'll see when we release the last few pages this month.
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If you see Sarah in the first issue, she really likes James, Harry even made it obvious in his illustrations how she is so attracted to him and its not because he's a fat cat in this dystopian future, its because he can protect her. Look in issue 2 how she's so happy that James came to rescue her after the bomb blew up. Emergency services can't even make her feel that safe.
haha maybe you should be writing the next one
I would be honoured to but there is a magazine that won’t run itself. If you could give any advice to professors squashing your ideas in a scriptwriting class, what would it be? 
i'd say anyone pursuing writing, you've gotta write how you want to. If a lecturer gives you advice on one thing take it on board but don't let it change your idea. Keep your idea the same and work in their notes where you can, at the end of the day you have to write this for yourself as much as for other people. If your heart isn't it then it comes across on paper. The story is yours and no one else's; stick to your guns and take advice from those around you that you trust. A story should never be for a grade, it should be because you feel it needs to be told.
Since you are the creator of the romantic relationship between James & Sarah, is that something you’ve always dreamt of being, a strong man for the lovely ladies? Preaching the gospel of Pride & Prejudice in the smoking area right?
Yeah i don't know the relationship aspect of James & Sarah is more that i try to put myself into their situation, so see the relationship from both sides and understand what it feels like if someone hides something from you, or how it feels to be saved etc
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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Man has a present! It’s Snow Week!
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
Set 10 years before Snow: The Dawn, Codename sheds some light on the inner workings of the post apocalyptic England. Sarah Brown, a young and driven woman from the 2nd Borough is introduced to Oliver Faust and begins her journey into the broken system that runs the newly established boroughs. Written by Nick Goode Artwork by Harry Hughes Calligraphy by Syaza Rahman
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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The Birth Of Venus
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backroadsmag-blog · 9 years ago
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