babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“guess not, no,” warren grinned, still amused by rachel’s slip up. there was a plethora of new mutants and other individuals he had met since his time displacement, many of them friends with his older self, but each new person he encountered continuously reminded him of how strange his situation truly was. “i take it you and him are friends?” he raised an eyebrow.
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“Friends is being generous there. More like acquaintances.” It wasn’t like Rachel didn’t want to be Warren’s friend, but they ran in very different circles when it came to the teams they’d joined. Especially now that Rachel was doing so much work with Otherworld and the Captain Britain Corps. “I don’t mind him, though, and that’s closer than most people get to me.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
“As well as you’d expect.” Kate never goes into detail about her group – it’s simpler that way. Easier to manage. “What about you? Anything mind-blowing happen lately?” Well, except for the thing everyone keeps talking about. It’s not that Kate isn’t concerned, but it’s not a topic she chooses to circle mindlessly. 
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Rachel wanted to pry, but she knew Kate well enough to know that her friend wasn’t gonna budge. If something was going terribly, she’d hear about it eventually. “Oh, you mean besides my mom getting her neck snapped to be resurrected as herself again instead of some suburban reporter? Or the impending war the Council apparently wants to wage?” The same Council that now included Kate. “How bad is it, Kate? Really. And don’t bullshit me, I can read your mind.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“I believe I’ve paid enough for my arrogance.” Arrogance, determination. They both mingled together and could be hard to distinguish from one another. Clea was guilty of wielding both. “Not all of us can die and be resurrected without flaws.”
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Rachel’s eye twitched at the mention of death and resurrection, the ridiculousness of it all not lost on her. She would stand by Krakoa by any means necessary, but it wasn’t lost on her that they’d crossed a line by doing what they’d done to bring their own back from that town. They’d gone against their own so-called cree to not kill any mutants, but S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t seem to give them many options. “Thanks to that spell your friends did, we’re not so sure some of them will ever be themselves again. There’s no need to act like all is well, because it’s not.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“Not exactly. It was a Glartox, an extra-dimensional parasite. They’re nasty little buggers, feeding on fear and anger. Poor Cullen was left for two years in the Black Realm of Klimtor. Darling daddy left him there but was killed before he could get him out. I didn’t know. I thought he was at boarding school.” Elsa still carries guilt over that. “Family.”
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“And this.. Glartox, it possessed him? Gross.” That was a new one. Then again, it wasn’t like Rachel was super versed in the various types of monsters that were running around. Glartox or not, she didn’t care for Cullen after knowing what he’d tried to do to Amazing Baby’s family. “I get it. Family sucks sometimes.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“Hey, I wasn’t gonna say anything.” America holds her hands out before letting her arms fall back to her side. “You’re not your dad, are you? I’m not out here trying to pin his actions on you. Unless you were part of the murder spree?” She’s not totally sure how to feel about that. “America Chavez.”
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“You’d be surprised how many people also want my head because of all of that.” Rachel pointed out with an eye roll. She would stand by her father and her family through thick and thin no matter what, but it would have been nice to have gotten a warning before her dad dropped that bomb on the whole world. “The murder spree was not something I knew about, no. But it’s more complicated than that.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“It’s Captain.” Normally Carol wouldn’t care, but she doesn’t like the attitude coming from Rachel. “That’s fine. I didn’t come here expecting anything pleasant.”
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“I don’t really care.” Rachel deadpanned towards the woman, the tension in the air between them thick as she stared the blonde down. It was no secret that there was talks of war among the Council, and the last thing she felt like she needed to do was have a conversation with one of the spearheads of the Avengers. “What did you expect in coming to talk to me, then?”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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Kate doesn’t like the look on her face. Rachel hasn’t done anything, but it still reminds her that something is wrong. Not just wrong. Wrong with her. “I was going to say it’s fine because that’s my automatic response, but it’s really not. It’s all pretty messed up.” It takes a second to get what Rachel means by the forehead touch, but once it clicks Kate pauses. “Oh, yeah. Sure, I guess. Do I just, uh, stand here?”
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Rachel tried to offer back a reassuring smile as she nodded at the archer and took a deep breath, then closed her eyes. It didn’t take very much for her to send a gentle telepathic push towards the younger girl’s mind. Pink spikes of energy floated in the air around her head as she kept her eyes closed and tried to see what she could find, and she grimaced when a headache hit her with a sharp pain before retreating. “There’s.. definitely conflict. Lots of it.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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Rachel’s hands flew up instinctively when Sage actually turned around to face her. “Don’t blame you there. I’m not sure how you manage to stare at that stuff all day.”
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In, Out... Then a tired look over her shoulder. "I just need a second, I'll uh- Get back into the hole in just a few, the screens were hurting my eyes." Reflexively, she reached for the glasses she had put aside.
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“You didn’t have to say it out loud. The vengeful look in your eye betrays you, Emma.” Rachel wasn’t sure what she felt when it came to the prospect of war, but she at least knew which side she’d be fighting on. “I can agree on one thing, what happened was a disgrace. On both ends.”
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“I’ve never said the word war. What I have said is that what occurred was an utter disgrace. However, if you think there’ll be war between the Avengers and Krakoa, I suppose you should begin to prepare yourself to lose.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“I figured you respected me enough to not lie about this. Or at the very least, not sugarcoat things with me.”
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“I think everyone did things they regret. Some are worse than others. It’s now about how we try to move on peacefully from it.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“You can spare me the diplomatic talk. This is relevant to everyone, whether you like it or not.”
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“The Inhumans don’t wish to be caught in conflict once more — especially one that has the potential to be of little relevance to us. Should it reach that point, we will act accordingly.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“I heard Billy and Tommy are fighting. Is that true?” If anyone would know, Billy’s husband was a good place to start. “Congrats on the wedding, by the way. Though it feels like a bad time to ask if you have a wedding registry.”
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“I’ve got the Kree and the Skrull looking at me right now. We can’t rush into anything right now.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
Having had to fend for himself for so long before joining the X-Men had made it so Remy was still not entirely used to having others be concerned about him. Even though he appreciated that his friends and teammates cared about him, a lot of times he would still shrug off their concern. Shrugging off dying and coming back to life was a little more difficult to shrug off, but he was attempting to do so, mainly because he himself did not really want to think about it. “Oui, I’m good. Don’ t'ink I got no side effects, ‘cept maybe a li'l heartburn from time t’ time. Is dere a list o’ side effects for resurrection like how dey show in alla de medicine commercials?” Again he was being flippant, but he did not want Rachel to worry.
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Rachel could tell that he was deflecting, and while she wanted to be annoyed with him for it she just couldn’t. Not with Remy. She still gave him an eye roll though as she stopped shuffling her cards to actually make eye contact. “If you start to feel off at all, for any sort of reason, you’ll come to me, right?” Dying on Otherworld was supposed to be a death sentence. His backup was supposed to be corrupted and a jumbled up mess of his other multiversal selves, and yet the Remy Lebeau she knew was still sitting in front of her, mind in tact. If she’d somehow messed that process up, she’d never forgive herself. Never be able to forget the look on Rogue’s face if she had to tell her that her husband was actually gone for good. “Just say yes so we can play the card game and move on.” She was trying to return that playful energy, but she couldn’t hide the way her voice strained as she pleaded with him.
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
“Spikes! I ne’er even considered t’at. Where do ya put ‘em?” 
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“Everywhere.” Rachel insisted as she crossed her arms and offered a light smirk. She was definitely proud of her last Hellfire Gala outfit, even if she usually didn’t give two shits about what she was wearing. “At the last Gala I wore a skin tight red bodysuit with a giant spike collar that covered my entire mouth.”
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“I think he would tell you that parenting three kids is a full time job.” Laura did it a lot when Clint was out, and Kate’s pretty sure she’s part superhuman. “I would say that’s a fair way of saying it, yeah. He had to come and pick Lucky up when I got stuck in Pleasant Hill. I’m glad there was enough food out that he didn’t starve or anything.”
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Rachel’s face twisted at the mention of Pleasant Hill, the thought of some innocent dog almost dying because of S.H.I.E.L.D. just furthering her rage about the entire thing. “I’m sorry S.H.I.E.L.D. did that to you. I can imagine it’s been... disorienting.” She almost sent out a telepathic push to check in on how Kate’s brain was doing, but then she decided to do the right thing and at least ask first. “Do you mind if I..?” She motioned to Kate’s forehead and then her own with a raised brow.
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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“Fire or sword-blade. You can pick.” Some of the Valkyrie refused to name their steeds in case they fell in battle. It made it less personal. Vakyrie had always needed something to call the animal she partnered with. They had a war forged connection. “Also, I just like how it sounds.”
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Rachel smirked a bit at the sound of the names, suddenly wishing she’d named Amazing Baby something equally as metal. “Cool, I like it. I can’t choose, so it’ll be both in my head. Maybe Amazing Baby needs a less cute name.” As fun as the idea was, she didn’t think she’d ever have it in her to rename him. He just.. He was Amazing Baby. That was his name.
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babyphoeniix · 2 years
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Esme wears black along with Phoebe, Sophie, and Celeste. It’s Irma in the white. Esme’s sisters don’t put any pressure on her to be in the spotlight. If anything, they’ve almost formed a wall in on either side in the front of her. Esme is a the weakest link, yes, but if there’s a single weak link in their telepathic chain than the whole thing is corrupted. Esme looks from one side to the other and four pale heads all arch a brow. “What else have you heard?” She asks. Does she know all the Cuckoos now struggle?
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“That all of your heads are messed up, actually.” Rachel mused, wishing she could at least feel smug about this. But the potential of war on the horizon dampened the mood a bit. The spell that left everyone altered certainly wasn’t boding well with Krakoa. “One of you is reading through play lines in your head as you’re talking to me.”
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