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Avid reader, writer, and artist; also a big fan of mythology and fantasy. Currently obsessed with The Owl House.My AO3 | My Deviantart | Masterposts
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azure-wolf-227 · 19 hours ago
Demonlings: King’s lost family (part one)
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azure-wolf-227 · 20 hours ago
Demonlings: King’s lost family (part one)
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azure-wolf-227 · 2 days ago
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azure-wolf-227 · 2 days ago
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
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azure-wolf-227 · 6 days ago
Hey guys I did a fanart (Because spending my time daydreaming about a nameless character with exactly one line and maybe a minute of screentime over three seasons of a children's TV show, and then drawing said character, is clearly a better use of my time than working on my PhD research).
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Anyway, the show doesn't give her a name or any kind of character but I have arbitrarily decided that her name is Roxanne Slitherman-Rath, and she is Warden Rath's niece (her mother is the warden's older sister) and thus Braxas' cousin. Her dream in life is to write and direct theatrical productions for the crystal ball. She prefers to read and write period-piece romances (if she had any interest in the human realm, her favourite book would probably be Pride and Prejudice). Her palisman's name is Scribbles.
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azure-wolf-227 · 6 days ago
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Owl House sketches
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azure-wolf-227 · 6 days ago
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So uh *vomits cursed Raine AU on you*. I don't have a normal witch design yet but it's similar to canon. The beast is meant to be a fox (or at least fox-like) and it's a little inspired by Haku from Spirited Away.
I imagine this Raine would be a wild witch like Eda, just less public about it. Lemme know what you think about it ^.^
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azure-wolf-227 · 8 days ago
Adding on to my recent posting, I want to say this: If you do not accept moments in which belos is genuine, you fundamentally miss what makes him terrifying.
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Belos loved his brother very dearly. The only times we have ever seen him genuinely happy were when caleb was still in his life, he keeps his old coat in pristine condition, uses his art to decorate and symbolize his glorious empire, some could say he idolizes the human realm so much because that's when caleb was still around, still loving him. Belos's love for Caleb is in everything he does.
Which is terrifying when you think about Belos's crimes, and one by one, they all lead back to love. Trying to kill everyone on the boiling Isles-it's all because Caleb married a wild witch and left Belos all alone. Hunter's existence and the genuine love he has towards him? It's love more like a worshiper at an idol's feet- belos worships hunter more than hunter does him, tries to lock him in his mind forever so he never leaves him after Hunter finds out the truth, refuses to kill hunter only because he needs Caleb to come home with him no matter what. He recreates his brother over and over and it hurts him every time but he kills him because they need to love him the most.
In kings tide, he offers Luz mercy. Belos empathizes with her, away from home, a symbol of who he still thinks he is, painfully nostalgic for the past. But why does he love the human realm so much? Why does he miss the past?
Because that's when Caleb was his.
The idea that Belos is a "narcissist who can't love anyone" is, first of all, kind of abelist to real people with NPD, secondly, patently untrue, everything he does is because of love, and thirdly, missing the point of why Belos is disturbing. Because he thinks doing these things in the name of love is just. It exhonerates him in his mind, that him loving his brother to death means all of this means something, when really Belos is at a point where his love for Caleb is more of a religion than the one he's performing.
Belos is supposed to be loving and warm. That's how he lures in his prey, convinces Hunter to devote his life to him, how he wins over an island of people he wants to kill. He loves, and it's real as rain, but his love is like cancer. It kills everything in you but itself.
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azure-wolf-227 · 10 days ago
Look I know Rapunzel paints and Tiana cooks, but if you guys don't think Mulan is the Most Creative Disney Princess, you're wrong.
She's literally introduced in this perfect scene that highlights her whole character, flaws and strengths:
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The first time you see her she's:
Cheating, which is totally the opposite of what honor-code General Shang would do.
Undisciplined, which is what going to the army fixes.
Problem-solving—by writing the recitation she can't remember on her wrist—
BUT LISTEN. That last one is the first hint you have that she's the Most Creative Disney Princess. Because guess what? She's not the first young woman to cheat at the matchmaker test. The Matchmaker specifically checks to see if she's cheating when the test begins. But the rest of them wrote their cheat sheet on their fans.
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The Matchmaker was prepared for the usual kind of tricks. But Mulan's full of her own ideas, not everyone else's.
You guys know the rest. She dresses up like a soldier—nobody suspects her because the idea that someone would do that never occurs to everyone else. She climbs the pole by tying the medallions around each other when none of the other recruits can figure it out. She lights the cannon by grabbing Mushu instead of searching for flints. She creates an avalanche instead of just taking Shan Yu out. She tricks the Huns by dressing her friends up as concubines. She defeats Shan Yu with his own sword and a bunch of fireworks.
But even beyond problem-solving, Mulan never does things like other people do. She doesn't even do things like other women do.
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She doesn't just walk across a bridge, she jumps from pillar to pillar. She doesn't just bring her father tea, she puts a spare teacup in her sleeve because she knows she's clumsy.
Mulan is creative. But you know what that moment proves? That she's not just a representation of all women-versus-men. Mulan is representative of a human, who sees where she has strengths, and sees where she has weaknesses. She uses her strengths to her advantage and works to improve or make up for her weaknesses. She doesn't try to be exactly like a man. She just tries to use what she's got to do the right thing. And finding ways to use what you've got, even if it's not like what everyone else has, is creativity.
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azure-wolf-227 · 10 days ago
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the suffering never ends
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azure-wolf-227 · 11 days ago
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making a thing
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azure-wolf-227 · 13 days ago
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azure-wolf-227 · 13 days ago
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The Owl House: Furry AU
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azure-wolf-227 · 13 days ago
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Titan Luz
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azure-wolf-227 · 13 days ago
I’m not super fond of the way vampires turn pale no matter their skin tone so here’s a proposal:
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Colder tones!!!
This was loosely based off livor mortis which is the bluish-purple discoloration of the skin of dead bodies. It’s a result of the gravitation of blood but fuck that vamps are purple now
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azure-wolf-227 · 18 days ago
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The One Trainer Who Has a Reason For Catching Shiny Pokemon
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azure-wolf-227 · 21 days ago
creating a new OC. He's a doctor who treats weird kink furries. his bit is that every patient who comes into his office he has to figure out how to complete the checkup while working around some weird toon-logic contrivance. He's like the doctor house of kink because he's the only one in his field capable of getting results. He's massively overworked and he's been IP banned from the e621 forums.
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