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auxinue22 · 17 hours ago
How do I tell fanfic authors that I'm leaving basically detailed reviews in my bookmarks about how much I like their fic and what exactly are the best bits. like it's different to a comment because it's from a third party perspective rather than informing the author directly, but also I hope they know if they open the bookmarks they'll find me. the essays I could write if bookmarks didn't have a character limit (insane btw. discovering this was a thing felt like a statement directed at me)
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auxinue22 · 18 days ago
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mark what’s yours… a very happy (very belated) birthday @plumfragments!!! 
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auxinue22 · 6 months ago
MHA Ship Names
Because I want to talk about fun ship names for everyone. List is composed of names I've created + names I've seen online, includes rarepairs and popular ships too. Very open to new ideas for other ships as well as the ones on the list, because I'm doing this to have fun, so have fun with me :))))
- Bakugou/Deku - Matchabomb / Dynanotes
- Bakugou/Iida - Fast and Furious
- Bakugou/Momo - Popquiz (could be bkdk/bakuiida too but it feels more them)
- Bakugou/Jirou - Boombox
- Bakugou/Hagakure - Flashbang
- Bakugou/Aoyama - Glitterbomb (Flashbang works for them too)
- Bakugou/Kirishima - Poprocks (ik it's well known but I'm adding it anyway) (also I know bakugou is here a lot it's just easy to come up with names for him 😭😭)
- Kirishima/Aoyama - Glamrock
- Jirou/Momo - ClassicRock (want some new ideas for them tbh)
- Jirou/Ochako - Airpods
- Jirou/Kaminari - Sparkplug
- Kaminari/Shinso - Brainstatic
- Kaminari/Deku - Sparknotes
- Sero/Deku - Stickynotes
- Momo/Deku - Greentea
- Deku/Todoroki - Brainfreeze / Icedmatcha (want some new names for them too)
- Todoroki/Iida - Freezeframe
- Iida/Mina - RobotDancer
- Dabi/Hawks - Hotwings (duh)
- Toga/Ochako - Bloodbubble
This is all I've got so far but I especially want some ideas for Iida/Deku, Iida/Ochako, Sero/Todoroki, Mina/Hagakure, Hagakure/Ojiro, Tokoyami/Shouji, Erasermic, and any others people want to talk about!! I think it's fun to find puns or double meanings or even just matching the ships vibe with names like these, even if they don't catch on.
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