autistickdragon · 1 year
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He posted this without providing any context whatsoever
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autistickdragon · 1 year
Regarding porcelain pillows
English added by me :)
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autistickdragon · 1 year
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autistickdragon · 1 year
the 5 love languages are:
- Sharing a blunt
- All forms of cooking
- Being incredibly stupid on purpose
- Collaborative hating
- Ignoring things
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autistickdragon · 1 year
The average life expectancy of a Chinese citizen is now higher than the life expectancy of an American.
Life expectancy has gone down in the US for the last two years, dropping to an average of 76 years to China's 78 years.
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autistickdragon · 1 year
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autistickdragon · 2 years
You can gauge the seriousness of the environmental movement by their absolute silence on the destruction of the Nordstream pipelines by the Biden Administration, one of the worst gas spills in human history.
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autistickdragon · 2 years
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autistickdragon · 2 years
A few more photos of actual grocery stores in the Soviet Union during Socialism:
As one can quickly see, there were neither breadlines, nor mass rationing in normal times.
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However, once Capitalism began to be re-introduced in 1985, the Soviet system quickly unraveled, leading to the breadlines famous in photos like this one from 1988:
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autistickdragon · 2 years
“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”
- Anthony Bourdain
The reason this bot exists can be found here.
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Updates at 5 AM CST.
Other shit at 3 PM or whenever I feel like it.
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autistickdragon · 2 years
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When you want to give your fan fiction a home of it’s own, Jetpack Mobile will be there. I mean, this sword has it’s own website now.
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autistickdragon · 2 years
i land on another planet. i immediately make a judgement call and french kiss an alien.
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autistickdragon · 2 years
trying to watch things for an actor you find hot is like
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autistickdragon · 2 years
every time a woman talks about getting cosmetic surgery lip fillers botox buccal fat removal PREVENTATIVE botox labiaplasty rhinoplasty any of the plastys i feel like i'm being sucked down a fucking storm gutter. it's so bleak and it's so grim and it's so profoundly upsetting. here's how to sleep so you don't get wrinkles! here's how to laugh and smile so you don't get wrinkles! here's this horrifically over involved skincare routine that you should start as a teenager to prevent any indication that you've lived a life free from the omnipresent fear of being observed and subsequently found lacking! you are empowering yourself by constantly placing every piece of your body into separately managed boxes of routines and standards! this should be your hobby! your body is not just for you! the world is entitled to dictate how you look and how you feel about yourself and the unattainable goals are always changing and you will never ever rest! but you should get more sleep! don't look old! look fresh! be fuckable! be cool! make this look low effort! don't be high maintenance! your earlobes are ugly! you're ugly! you're so beautiful! beauty is everything! beauty is worth! self consciousness is so unattractive! make the other women in your life feel inhuman for not sticking to the rules as well as you have! this is a sisterhood! this is a direct competition! kill the competition! support women! other women are doing it wrong! don't be like other women! be the best woman! we'll stop punishing the best woman! i'm going to be fucking sick on myself.
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autistickdragon · 2 years
the thing about disabilities is that almost nobody sees how bad they actually get. i know there are people out there who only see what I post on instagram and facebook- photos of the best times of my life when I'm either doing good or pretending I am- and think "he's not actually disabled because he can do all that."
What they don't see, what nobody but the people I live with sees, is the in between. The nights I spend unable to sleep because I'm in so much pain my brain can't shut down. The mornings when someone has to roll me over because I physically cannot turn myself no matter how hard I try. The clutching at the kitchen counter trying not to pass out because I'm so light headed I can't even get to the perching stool 3 feet away. The sobbing while waiting for the last bus home after a long day because I'm in so much pain that the thought of that extra 20 minutes before I can lie down just makes me fall apart. The days of doing nothing after something as simple as a hospital appointment because everything hurts too much for me to even walk to the bathroom. The hours I spend every day trying to coax my joints back into place so I can continue about my day. The trips and falls and collapses, the pain induced puking, the sleeping for an unhealthy amount of time because I'm so fatigued I can't stay awake. The way picking up a cup can exhaust my muscles past the point of movement.
Nobody sees these things but the people I live with, and a lot of them even they don't see. You don't know- can't know- how disabled someone is by looking at them or their social media. You just can't.
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autistickdragon · 2 years
The moral of Matilda is that if you’re autistic enough you can destroy your enemies with your mind
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autistickdragon · 2 years
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