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editing this formerly popular fic. you know when you go back and reread something you had writtien and hate every bit of it? yeah thats this one for me. anyways heres wonderwall.

part 1
pairing: you x Seungcheol
word count: 2800ish
summary: based loosely on the hades and persephone myth, typical kidnapping and disgruntled demeter ensue as you struggle to stay where you feel you belong.
“Seriously, you nymph! Stay still” you teased Cupid as he fidgeted with his bow and arrow of hearts. You were trying to fix his hair how his mother liked it best. There was to be a banquet later, and everyone needed to look their best.
“Your mother, as well as my mother, are expecting us to look our best for today. I would hate to make either of them mad. Aphrodite’s anger is only second to Hera.” you told him, yanking his hair none too gently. He was getting on your nerves.
“Fair point,” Cupid nodded.
“You know you get filthy running around with the god of war all afternoon. You can’t see Zeus with dirt under your fingernails” You continued to baby him.
“But Ares is my friend! He and Hermes were…”
“Causing mischief, probably. I can hardly trust Hermes and Ares to be good role models for you!” you cut him off, shaking your head as you addressed the other two boys by their titles instead of their names.
“There. Finished. Please try to stay indoors at least until tomorrow” you told him as he stood, bow in hand.
“No promises” he said, as he ran out of the room, finally happy to be done. You stood and walked to sit in front of your vanity, ready to make yourself presentable when your mother, Demeter, walked in.
“Afternoon, mother” you told her glancing at her reflection in the mirror behind you.
“Why are you not ready yet, Persephone?” she asked.
“I was getting the cupid boy ready. Aphrodite had asked me to.” You clarified. Your mother nodded.
“It is best to appease Aphrodite” she agreed. You said no more, as she wandered around your room, filling you in on the latest gossip.
“All nine muses will be there tonight. It is so rare to see them all in one place” she said and you nodded in agreement, not really listening to what she had to say. Why would you care who was, or wasn’t, attending tonight?
“I heard that Apollo will be at the gathering tonight” your mother said as she ran her hands over the curtains and tapestries that hung in your room. She changed them regularly, never feeling like her home in Olympus was complete and to her liking.
“Thank you for the warning. I will be sure to avoid him” you spoke, not looking up from your vanity. Your mother saw you roll your eyes in your reflection.
“You cannot decline a wedding proposal from a god! One as respected as Apollo anyways” she said as she walked over.
“I do not like Apollo in that way. We grew up together and to see him romantically would be…” you trailed off, unsure of how to make your mother understand how you hated that Apollo had chosen to marry you.
“He keeps hounding me for my permission to marry you.” She took a comb and began running it through your hair. You said no more and sighed. Your mother had been pushing you to become Apollo’s wife for a while, and you were growing weary of talking her out of it. It was emotionally draining.
“The gifts he has given us would make anyone weak with how wonderful they are” she added, smiling. If she was hoping this would convince you, she was wrong. His gifts did nothing to impress you.
“The thought of marrying him makes my stomach weak” you said under your breath as you mother wandered away to pick out a dress for you to wear. She walked back over as your sister, Despoena entered, bubbly and smiling as always.
“You aren’t ready yet? Don’t you want to get there early and see the gods arrive? They say it is quite a spectacle when the gods get together, all wanting to show off to each other” she pounced onto your bed, excitedly. Your mother walked over and fixed the pillows that Despoena had dislodged from their perfect position. You got dressed in a hurry to make your sister happy. She had been waiting for this night for a while.
While you walked with her to the front grounds of Olympus to view all the god’s elaborate arrivals, she held onto your hand, but still managed to twitter about.
“Poseidon is rumored to leave the sea and come to the party tonight. He hasn’t left the oceans in hundreds of years!” she said, speaking very fast.
“Dionysus too. They say he gathers donkeys to pull his chariot into the court!” she giggled at this. You smiled.
“Apollo will be there as well…” she nudged your shoulder as you and her arrived at the edge of Olympus. There were already several your young friends ready to watch as well. They all sat about the soft grass on a hill that looked over the canyons and seas of the earth.
“And you can help me avoid him” you added.
“Avoiding the sun god? There is no possible way” Cupid, still with bow and arrows across his back, told you as he took a seat next to you and Despoena.
“Avoiding the sun god is like avoiding the sun itself…” you bantered.
“Nearly impossible!” Despoena said as she closed her eyes as the sun warmed up her face.
“Avoiding the sun is easy. Wait until nightfall” you shook your head. Cupid chuckled.
Looking down you saw a cleft in the earth far to the north.
“What about the god of the underworld? Is he welcome?” you asked, staring at the dark crevice in the earth you had been warned never to venture close to. It was a place you were told you would never come back from. Dark and cold, it was not a place fit for a fair Olympian.
“Hades? I haven’t heard. No one speaks of him if they don’t have too” your sister shrugged as she adjusted her seat on the grass. You fell silent as your sister took over the conversation. All your friends knew she was the one to ask about the latest affairs and gossip. Like mother, like daughter.
As the gods arrived in the fanciest ways imaginable, you and your friends were in awe. It was very exciting, having never seen so many gods in one place at one time.
Later that evening, you and Despoena entered the banquet hall where the party for the gods was being held. The both of you wandered around hand in hand. There was so much to see and so much excitement going on at once.
The god of war was relaying great tales of heroes he protected. Aphrodite was giving advice on wooing men, much to the delight of the giggling girls that gathered around her feet. Smells of fine ambrosia filled your nostrils. The muses were entertaining everyone with sweet songs and poetry, when your eyes fell on someone playing the lyre for them.
“Oh dear” you said, pulling Despoena in another direction. She looked to the area you were pulling her away from and smiled.
“Avoiding him already? He is occupied with the muses” she tried pulling you back in Apollo’s direction.
“Good. Hopefully he hasn’t noticed” you pulled her once more, while hiding your face.
“But he plays such wonderful music” she said, looking like she was stricken with Cupid’s arrow itself. You looked around, noticing this wasn’t possible; Cupid wasn’t anywhere nearby.
“He has a lot of wonderful qualities, but he bores me. I can only listen to poetry and the lyre so often.”
“He raises the sun. That must keep your attention” Despoena shook her head at how picky you were being.
“Raising the sun is the same every morning” you rolled your eyes as you told her this.
You and she wandered to the other end of the hall where Zeus sat, chatting with his brother, Poseidon. They were crowded by many other lesser gods and goddesses and your arrival went largely unnoticed.
You allowed your eyes to graze across the people in the room. You nodded to a few of them you knew as your sister searched the room for someone handsome that she could flirt with.
As you glanced over Zeus and Poseidon, your eyes fell on a man that was sitting on Zeus’ other side. He looked bored as he looked at the crowd and his eyes were unfocused.
“Who is that? Next to Zeus?” you asked your sister in a low voice.
“Poseidon? The god of the seas?” you rolled your eyes as she said this.
“No, I know who that is. I mean the other god on Zeus’ right” you said, unable to look away.
“That is the god of the underworld. Hades” she said. You turned and looked at her.
“How do you know who everyone is?” you asked her.
“Same way mother does” she shrugged, not giving you a complete answer.
Seungcheol, with the title of Hades, felt bored as he sat next to Zeus. He and Poseidon were conversing about something that wasn’t of interest to him. His judges of the underworld sat close by and were noticing their ruler’s boredom.
“Should you eat something to pass the time?” Jeonghan asked Seungcheol.
“We could call for the muses to entertain you” Joshua added.
“No, thank you. I will just count the minutes until I can return home” Seungcheol said, smiling at his faithful judges. He went back to scanning the room absentmindedly, when his eyes fell on you. He squinted his eyes, something he did when he saw something of interest. Jeonghan noticed this and followed his gaze.
“Persephone” he spoke to Seungcheol, who turned to look at him questioningly.
“What?” he asked.
“The name of the maiden you stare at. Persephone.” Jeonghan clarified a second time. Seungcheol nodded, and continued to watch you, saying no more.
Zeus had overheard and turned to his brother.
“Hades, do you have eyes for Demeter’s daughter?” Zeus began teasing.
“I haven’t seen her before. I wouldn’t think that means I have eyes for her” Seungcheol denied.
“Cupid must be nearby” Poseidon teased, adding to the conversation.
“No, I see him flirting with Melpomene. Good luck, cupid.” Zeus said in his booming voice, spotting Cupid in the crowd.
“Do not get too attached. Persephone has been wooed by the sun god” Zeus added.
“I can understand why” Seungcheol tried to brush off as he continued to watch you. Hearing you had been promised to someone else dampened his mood even more.
If you were oblivious to Seungcheol staring at you, your sister was not.
“Hades seems to have taken a liking to you” she whispered. You turned and caught Seungcheol looking at you. He quickly looked away, having been seen.
“I’m sure he is staring at a lot of women in this room.” You didn’t think too much into this. You looked back to Seungcheol once more, and indeed caught him staring at you again. Your sister giggled.
“Cupid is playing a dangerous game” she added.
“I know. Everyone knows Melpomene isn’t the type to enjoy being flirted with” you were watching Cupid’s failing attempt at getting the muse’s attention.
“I don’t mean literally, silly. I mean Hades” she was looking back at him once more.
“Hades should have no interest in me. My own mother brings forth life to the soil of the earth. The god of the underworld could see nothing appealing about me because of this” you disagreed with your sister, but she was not listening anymore. She was distracted by her own interest in someone nearby.
The rest of the night, you were growing curious. Nearly every time you looked at Hades, you caught him staring at you as well. This was beginning to make you wonder what he could see in you that he found appealing. Maybe he didn’t know who you were?
Growing bored, you excused yourself from your sister, who hardly noticed. She was enraptured with Ares and his brave tales. You rolled your eyes as you exited the hall away from all the other bodies. Looking for a moment alone, you walked to where you knew a large balcony was situated that gave you a wonderful view of the skies at night.
You rounded the corner and stopped dead when you saw the balcony already occupied.
“Sorry, I wasn’t aware someone was here already” you became cautious when you noticed the person out here was Hades.
“If you will excuse me” you bowed yourself out, but his words caught you.
“There are plenty of stars for the both of us” he said, leaning on the railing of the balcony. You walked slowly over, not wanting to be rude and ignore his invitation. You stood a few paces away from him and looked at your hands folded on the railing in front of you.
“Enjoying yourself?” Seungcheol asked after a moment, having watched you be embarrassed by intruding.
“Enough” you sent him a smile.
“Are you?” you added.
“Enough” he teased.
“Does the god of the underworld not find this party to his liking?” you asked, feeling warmed up to Seungcheol enough to continue conversing.
“We don’t hold many parties in the underworld” he said, facing you.
“I would think not” you chuckled as you and he fell into silence, unsure of what else to say.
“Can you see the stars form where you live, Hades?” you addressed him, looking up into the sky.
“We have the best view, but please, don’t call me Hades.” he shook his head at the title you called him by.
“Why not?”
“Call me Seungcheol. Hades is too proper” he, too, looked at the stars above the two of you.
“Seungcheol. Nice to meet you.”
“You as well, Persephone” he took you aback, knowing your name.
“How do you know who I am?” you asked.
“Zeus told me.” He said simply.
“Of course,” you nodded.
As the night wore on, you and Seungcheol remained on the balcony. He was much more interesting to talk to than anyone else in the party.
“What do you do in the underworld? I’ve heard that you ‘rule over the dead’, but I don’t really understand what that means” you asked, standing side by side. Shoulders nearly touching.
“I make judgments on whether someone gets cursed or rewarded in the afterlife. I have been told I am too soft, but it is a lot of pressure knowing I condemned someone to an unpleasant fate for the rest of eternity.” He explained. You nodded your understanding.
“I was told to stay away from you, but you seem very fair. I daresay I’d even call you personable” you admitted and joked.
“My reputation never catches many friends” he smiled.
Despoena had come searching for you. She peaked out the doorway onto the balcony when she heard voices. She fell back and hid behind the wall, when she saw it was you and Seungcheol, looking rather cozy with each other.
“There you are! Your mother asked me to…” Cupid rounded the corner but was pulled into hiding as well by Despoena. She quickly shushed him.
“Why are we hiding?” he asked in a hushed voice.
“I don’t want my sister to see us” she said, peering out once more at you. She wished she could make out what you were saying as she saw you laugh and smile at Seungcheol.
“But why are we whispering?” Cupid asked as he tried to peek but was pulled back by Despoena.
“So, my sister doesn’t hear us. This isn’t your doing, is it?” she asked, suddenly suspicious.
“Is what my doing?” Cupid raised his voice, unsure of what was even going on.
“Hush! Never mind! You don’t have the power to get those two to fall in love” she shook her head.
“I would too!” Cupid began arguing. Despoena rolled her eyes, and left her hiding spot, ready to return to the party with Cupid.
When the party was ending, the sun was cresting the horizon.
“Apollo is telling us to call it a night” Seungcheol said as you and he watched the chariot pull the sun into view.
“It appears so” you agreed, not ready for the night to end.
“I suppose I will see you at the next party” you and Seungcheol walked back inside together. You were constantly surprised at how calm and sweet he seemed. You had only heard unpleasant things about him previously.
“Of course,” he kissed your cheek, trying to be sneaky, but your sister has a knack for seeing everything. She rushed to your side and pulled you away.
“Mother needs you!” she shouted in your ear, as you tried to protest. Despoena rushed you away from Seungcheol as you waved goodbye to him over your shoulder.
She herded you towards your chambers as the guests began filing out. Many of them looked tired and worn out from being up all night. You, however, could’ve stayed up for hours.
“What were you thinking?” your sister asked as you and her retreated to your chambers for some privacy and a well-earned nap.
“Nothing” you lied.
“Hades? You spent the entire night with him” she teased, lowering her voice.
“Hardly.” You lied once more. She was your sister; she could see right through you but did not press the issue.
#seventeen seungcheol#seungcheol x reader#seungcheol fanfic#svt seungcheol#seungcheol scenarios#seungcheol drabble#seungcheol imagines#seungcheol x you
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minghao series continued but this part is short but the next part will be out soon!!

part 2
“Amazing as always” you complimented your boyfriend in the practice room. He had asked you to come over to see some new choreography and give your opinion.
“Really? Be honest. I don’t care how awful you think it was- I want to know the truth”
“Well, if I’m being honest…” Hoshi’s face fell as you said this.
“I’m just teasing! In all honestly, I do think it’s great” you told him and kissed his cheek.
“Want to grab some dinner? My treat?” He asked.
“Of course! You are the best” you kissed his cheek again.
You looked down at the photo that has popped up in your memories in your phone. The memory of that night played through your mind as you headed to the dorms. Trying to stay hopeful, you kept telling yourself that tonight would be different. You had also realized you had Minghao’s jacket and needed to return it. Dino opened the front door shortly after you knocked.
“Babe!” Hoshi shouted from the couch. You walked over and sat next to him but didn’t smile.
“Busy day?” You asked.
“Yes, sorry. I just couldn’t take a moment to text you. You look amazing tonight though” he said looking you up and down.
“Thank you. Maybe we could grab a late-night snack?” You asked him as Minghao entered the room. You waved and waited for Hoshi to say something
“Oh, right now? We were just going to head to the bar…” Hoshi said.
“I haven’t spent time with you in weeks!” You began to argue.
“It hasn’t even been that long! You’re overreacting” Hoshi said and waved off your opinion. You paused and didn’t know what to say. You had had enough. At least for the moment.
“Fine” turns out tonight was not going to be different, you realized. You stood up and walked towards Minghao who has been listening to the conversation leaning against the door frame. His expression was hard to read, but it didn’t look happy.
“Here. I accidentally kept your jacket last night” he took it and thanked you.
“Last night?” Hoshi stood and walked over.
“Yes. Minghao walked me home” you told him.
“I would’ve walked you home if you had asked” Hoshi said, arms crossed in defense.
“I shouldn’t have to ask. You’re my boyfriend. You wouldn’t even answer my phone calls”
“I was busy!” He defended himself and walked back over to the couch. You had no more to say to him, but Minghao was agitated. A few of the members decided now was their time to sneak off to their rooms.
“It was your anniversary” Minghao spoke up.
“I’ll make it up to you” Hoshi shrugged it off and grabbed another beer.
“She shouldn’t have to wait around for you to make it up to her” Minghao continued stepping closer to Hoshi. You sense danger and stand in between them.
“Guys, come on” you tried to reason.
“She’s, my girlfriend. Remember that” Hoshi said sticking his finger in Minghao’s chest.
“Not for long if you keep treating her like shit!” You pushed them away from each other as the energy between them became more hostile.
“I’m not letting you guys’ fight! Minghao thanks for the jacket and walking me home. Hoshi, I’d love to spend time with you when you are free but right now, I need some space. Please don’t argue because of me. Okay?” You asked them both. Minghao nodded and Hoshi rolled his eyes but agreed.
“Good night” you told them and gave Hoshi a peck on the lips before quickly leaving.
This was the final straw. You decided you would not reach out to Hoshi. If he wanted to be with you, he has one last chance to show it.
As for Minghao, that had to be pushed much further to the back of your mind for now.
#minghao fanfic#minghao imagines#minghao scenarios#minghao seventeen#minghao svt#minghao x y/n#minghao x reader
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Wow another story. Who is she? Totally getting back into my comfort group of seventeen.

Part one: the first meeting.
The aroma of coffee filled the small dorm room. There was the beginnings of movement around the small kitchen. Cereal being poured, coffee being brewed, grumbles of sleepy good mornings.
All this tranquility was broken by an intense pounding on the door. Jeonghan paused at the refrigerator door. His brows crinkled together in confusion when the knocking sounded again. Dino, being closest to the door, opened it.
“Thank you! Is Seungkwan ready? He wanted a ride today” a bubbly girl in a school uniform entered the dorm. Jeonghan was confused, along with a few other members. The remaining members, including Seungcheol just waved.
“He’s almost ready” the leader added. You rolled your eyes and grabbed a coffee mug, making your way to the keurig.
“Excuse me” you said to Jeonghan who was still standing by the refrigerator looking confused. A strand of his long hair fell in his eyes and he pushed it back taking a seat next to Seungcheol.
“Who is that? And why does she act Ike she knows her way around?” He asked as Seungcheol took a sip of coffee.
“Seungkwan’s school friend. Her dad owns the security in this building so she comes and goes as she likes.” He shrugged.
“She’s cute”
“Don’t even go there. Seungkwan would be pissed and he warned us her dad does not like her dating”
“Too bad” Jeonghan added as you poured creamer in your coffee, conversing with Dino. He bit his lip as he looked at you in a school uniform that you wore super short on purpose. It was senior year for you and seungkwan, your high school bestie.
There had always been a lot of pressure on you to look and act your best from your successful father, but even more so this year. There were so many plans that needed to be made for your future! For now, your focus was on being social. It was senior year after all!
“I see that look. Don’t think about it. Seriously.” Seungcheol said noticing Jeonghan staring at you.
“I’ll definitely be thinking about it, but I won’t act on it. Don’t worry” Jeonghan squeezed his friends shoulder in reassurance.
Seungcheol wasn’t convinced but before he could say anything else, Seungkwan came bursting into the room. He was dressed but still looked sleepy.
“Starbucks” he said as a way to greet you.
“No way! We will be late. Besides the limo doesn’t fit in the drive through” you shrugged.
“Why the limo today?” Seungkwan whined.
“Dad needed the town car” you shrugged. Seungkwan pouted and began to complain more.
“We could always walk” you offered sarcastically.
“Please, the limo is fine. I just don’t like everyone staring at us as we get out” he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and pushed back his hair.
“Oh, so you don’t like being the center of attention? Since when?” You teased your friend and Jeonghan chuckled.
“If we leave now we can get Starbucks but your buying” you checked your watch and hitched your bag on your shoulder.
“Fine! And your so going to get dress coded for your skirt. Talk about being the center of attention” Seungkwan rolled his eyes. You opened your mouth to say something but Jeonghan beat you to it.
“It looks nice” he defended with a smirk. You blushed but thanked him in a small voice. Seungkwan rolled his eyes again. Seungcheol rubbed his temples.
“Five minutes. Couldn’t even contain yourself for five minutes” Seungcheol said as you and Seungkwan exited.
“It’s the school uniform” Jeonghan said unabashedly. Dino nodded.
“She’s over here all the time now that her and Seungkwan seem to have gotten close their senior year. Please just don’t do anything that would piss off her dad. We could get in big trouble” Seungcheol kept his speech simple and to the point.
“I can’t get in trouble for looking” Jeonghan joked, but the message was heard loud and clear. You were off limits.
That night however, Jeonghan found himself sitting on the couch as you and Seungkwan walked in, more Starbucks in hand.
“Maybe I’m being unfair, but Mrs. Kim is so biased with her grades”
“You’re being unfair. I did fine” you said.
“But you enjoy history. I despise-“
“Using your brain in any capacity?” You teased your best friend. Jeonghan couldn’t help but laugh again. You greeted him as he sat up on the couch.
“Anyways, who else is going to the party this weekend?” Seungkwan asked in a whisper. You briefly looked towards the couch where Jeonghan sat, feeling apprehensive. Deciding if Seungkwan was confident talking so openly, you would’ve too. Little did you know, Jeonghan strained his ears to listen.
“Practically everyone but are you sure it’s a good idea for you to sneak out?” You whispered back.
“I’m not missing this!” He added.
“Ok! Ok.” You said before he raised his voice.
“I’ll pick you up at 9. We can change at my place and head out”
Before anything else could be said, more members entered the room and multiple conversations filled the small space.
You looked around, feeling like you were being watched. Jeonghan met your gaze and shook his head with a smirk. You looked away nervously, hoping he hadn’t heard anything. He walked your way, and you pretended not to notice or be bothered by it.
“Naughty naughty…” he said as he stood next to you in the kitchen filling himself a glass of water.
“I don’t know what you mean” you tried to play it off by biting your Starbucks straw.
He leaned against the counter, your shoulders touching, and lowered his voice.
“Come on. I heard every word” he told you. You weren’t sure what to say, so you drank the last bit of your Starbucks as he continued.
“I won’t tell Coups but please be careful. I won’t cover for you if he asks me directly where Seungkwan is.”
“You aren’t going to tell?” You asked looking up at him thankfully. This conversation surprised you.
“It’s not my place to do that. You need to learn on your own if helping your friend sneak out is a good idea. He could get in a lot of trouble” he said and you fell silent for a moment.
“Are you this good at making everyone feel guilty?”
“Yes” he said with a smirk.
“Just one party. It’s senior year!” You reasoned. And he shrugged.
“Enjoy it. Have fun. Make mistakes.” He turned to face you.
“Make all the bad decisions you want” he added in a low voice before walking off.
You couldn’t tell if he was trying to flirt with you or make you feel bad, but he definitely left you thinking.
That weekend, Jeonghan had fallen asleep on the couch. He was too comfortable to move to his bed so he covered himself with a blanket and settled in. Sometime around one in the morning, he was woken up by the front door of the dorm slowly being opened. He wasn’t alarmed, but he opened his eyes when he heard giggling.
“Sh!” You said covering a drunk Seungkwan’s mouth. This only made him giggle more and fall to the floor. This made you giggle.
“Seungkwan keep it together! You are going to wake someone up!” You whispered.
“I can’t stand!” He giggled.
“Well crawl your way to your room if you have to” you giggled too.
“Just stop right there and get a glass of water” Jeonghan stood from the couch and confronted you. He sighed. You froze as Seungkwan tried to stand but fell over. You mentally thanked him for making the situation worse.
Jeongnan sighed again at the sight of you and walked over.
“I’ll help him to his room. You bring a glass of water and a Tylenol” he whispered grabbing Seungkwan under his arm and helping him up. Doing as you were told, you silently followed to Seungkwan’s room and placed the water and Tylenol on his bedside table. You stayed silent and apprehensive. Jeonghan was bound to say something to Seungkwan’s leader and get you both in trouble. Your dad would be so mad if he found out. Not to mention how much trouble Seungkwan would be in with the company. Could this hurt his chances of debut with his friends?
Jeonghan also stayed silent until he had closed the door behind you and were out in the hallway. He sighed, but you saw he was smiling. You relaxed, but only a little.
“This is how you listen to my warning?” He whispered. He was so close to not wake anyone up that you felt his breath on your face.
“I got him back in one piece” you defended.
“And drunker than I’ve ever seen him before” he added.
“That wasn’t my fault. You know he is bad at drinking games”
He opened his mouth to say something else when a door behind him opened. To your dismay Seungcheol poked his head out and you knew he was going to be mad. You opened your mouth to defend your friend and his actions, when Jeonghan spoke up for you.
“Y/n was nice enough to drop off an important homework assignment Seungkwan has forgotten to do. She was just leaving” he told Seungcheol who looked sleepy. He looked back and forth between Jeonghan and you but didn’t say anything. He rolled his eyes, closed his door, and you let out the breath you had been holding.
“Thank you” you whispered to Jeonghan.
“I’m not defending you again” he said. You nodded.
“It’s pretty late. Why don’t you stay? There’s plenty of room on the couch for both of us” he flirted. You weren’t sure if he was joking so you laughed it off.
“You wish” you smiled as he walked you to the door.
#seventeen au#seventeen fanfic#seventeen blurb#seventeen drabbles#seventeen jeonghan#seventeen oneshot#seventeen imagines#jeonghan#jeonghan au#jeonghan blurb#jeonghan drabbles#jeonghan fanfiction
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this is the short minghao series i was mentioning. the shitty boyfriend is hoshi But I do NOt think this relates to hoshi in real life at all he just fits the bad guy in this story.

you x minghao eventually.
genre: friends to lovers? pining?
part 1
“I love you”
“I love you too” you said patting Hoshi’s cheek affectionately.
“I’m so happy it’s been six months. Not counting the three months it took of flirting for you to realize I had a crush on you” he said pecking your lips.
“And… not including the two years we were friends first” you pecked his cheek.
“But who is really keeping track?” He said sarcastically, kissing you again.
“Disgusting” Dino groaned.
“I’ll let you get back to practicing. I’ll see you later tonight?” You asked as you hugged your boyfriend tightly.
“Of course. I’ll be over at 11” you kissed him goodbye, accompanied by more groans from the other group members in the room. Hoshi smiled as you left. He was beyond happy finally able to call you, his girlfriend.
“Can you not do that around us?” Dino asked the door closed behind you.
“I can’t help it!” Hoshi defended, wide smile not leaving his face.
“She’s too amazing” he added.
That was six months ago. You thought back to how happy being in love had felt. Or so you thought. Now, you found yourself at the dorms waiting. It was getting late. Sitting on the couch in your sexiest black dress, you sighed as you were joined by Minghao who sensed your unhappiness.
“Well, I’m guessing practice didn’t run late since you are here?” you asked him. He shook his head.
“Any idea where he is?” You asked. Again, Minghao shook his head.
“This dress is his favorite. So, I figure I’d surprise him and wear it for our anniversary” you scoffed.
“Doesn’t matter now. We’ve missed the reservation…” you added checking your phone again. You thought about calling Hoshi once more but decided against it. He didn’t answer the first ten times, why would this time be different?
“I’m sorry. You do look very nice” Minghao complimented. A small smile appeared on your face as you thanked him.
You began to think about calling it a night when the door burst open. Laughter and shouting followed your boyfriend into the room. You stood up and crossed your arms.
“Babe!” He said walking over, arms wide ready to give you a hug. You ducked out of the way, and he sighed.
“Sorry. Practice ran late” he said. You could smell the alcohol even through the distance separating you.
“Really? First you are late. Then you lie to me?” You counted on your fingers what was annoying you.
Minghao watched the exchange between you and your boyfriend. He had watched the slow spiral downwards of your relationship and didn’t get it. You were amazing. Why was Hoshi choosing to treat you like shit?
“I’m a little bit late. It’s no big deal”
“We had plans, remember? Dinner?”
“Is that why you are looking so sexy” Hoshi leaned in trying to kiss you and you pushed him away softly.
“Yes actually. It’s our anniversary” you crossed your arms and waited for a response.
Hoshi rubbed his eyes and sighed. A blast of alcohol filled breath hit your nostrils.
“Babe, I’m so sorry. Babe, tomorrow night. I promise”
“Fine, but if-“
“Wait! no, sorry! I told the guys we would karaoke tomorrow night” you stared at him in disbelief.
“You can remember hanging out with your friends but not your girlfriend? For our anniversary?” You didn’t get mad. You didn’t raise your voice. You just looked so sad. This broke Minghao’s heart. It made him mad for you.
“I’m just going to head home” you said after Hoshi just shrugged. You grabbed your coat and purse, hoping he would at least walk you out.
As you got to the door and placed a hand on the handle, you turned and saw your boyfriend goofing off with his friends again. It was like you hadn’t even been there.
Noticing Hoshi did not seem to be even aware of your departure, Minghao rose from the couch and ran after you. He met you as the elevator doors were opening.
“Let me walk you home” he offered.
“No, that’s alright” you said stepping onto the elevator. He followed you anyways.
“You can’t just leave the dorms” you said smiling. This was very sweet of him.
“I can’t let you walk home in that dress” he said not looking at you. You let out a small laugh.
“I don’t think it’s that eye catching. Hoshi didn’t seem to notice” you shrugged as the elevator began its descent.
“He’s blind. Everyone noticed” Minghao added.
“Thank you” you said feeling your cheeks warm up at his many compliments. You weren’t sure what else to say, and Minghao was quiet as well. Both of you were lost in your own thoughts.
As the elevator got to the bottom floor, you assumed he would turn around. But he didn’t. He walked out into the dark night and empty street with you.
“Please, you really don’t have to!” you said turning to face him. You shivered as the breeze ruffled your hair.
He didn’t say anything but took his jacket off and wrapped it around you.
“Thank you! But really, I don’t want you to get in trouble!” You continued debating, wrapping the jacket tighter around your shoulders. Minghao smiled.
“Can I just show you for a moment how you should’ve been treated tonight? Without you arguing?” He asked.
“Well…” you didn’t know how to respond.
“Which direction do you live? Don’t make me guess” he said, still smiling. You laughed at him and pointed.
“This way. It isn’t far” you said and began walking next to him. You sighed after a moment of silence had passed. You felt bad Hoshi wasn’t here. But it was his fault. You were mad at him. But you should support him when he might be stressed. He was very busy with group activities and practice all the time. There were times when you’d have to be his last priority. But to ditch you for his friends? That was uncalled for.
“What are you thinking about?” Minghao asked, cutting through your train of thoughts. He had been watching you chew your bottom lip and scrunch your eyebrows. He felt like he already knew the answer, but the silence had to be stopped. He didn’t want you to be brooding all by yourself.
“Nothing important” you lied.
“I know you are lying but I’ll stay silent in the hopes that you continue on your own” he said, and you found yourself smiling again.
“I just don’t know how much longer I can put up with this” you began.
“You shouldn’t have to put up with it at all” he added putting his hands in his pockets.
“He never used to be like this. You know… with the drinking and partying. I just don’t feel like a have a spot in his life anymore”
“It’s his loss honestly”
“Thank you. Why are you being so nice to me tonight?” you laughed and linked your arm in his. He looked down at it and smiled again.
“I’m only treating you how you should be treated. It’s easy to treat someone so great when they are so great” You didn’t know how to respond, so you looked down at your feet.
“Maybe I’m just a protective person, but I really hate how he’s been treating you lately” he continued.
“I’ll talk to him. When he is sober” you told him as you reached the door to your apartment lobby.
“I think you should be getting back” you told him as you leaned against the wall next to the door.
“I don’t need you to journey all the way up to my apartment with me”
“I wouldn’t mind if I did” you pulled him into a hug when he said this.
“I don’t want you to get in trouble”
“Coups will understand when I tell him what I was doing. He wouldn’t want you to walk home alone either” Minghao shrugged.
“No, not with him…” silence passed between you two until you decided to fill him in.
“I don’t think Hoshi would appreciate us spending time alone like this” you said and bit your lip again. For the briefest moment, Minghao wished he was the one biting your lip, but he quickly pushed that thought away. You were right. He nodded and turned away quickly, heading in the direction of the dorms.
When he got back nothing much had changed. A group of guys was sitting on the couch laughing and a few cans of beer were open on the small table in the room. Minghao tried to join in, but his mind was elsewhere.
“Hey, help me get some more beers” Seungcheol patted Minghao’s shoulder. Minghao stood and followed him to the kitchen.
“Nice of you to walk y/n home” the leader stated as he opened the refrigerator. Minghao nodded.
“Hoshi wasn’t going to. I wanted to make sure she was safe”
“I understand that, but are you sure that’s all there was to it?” Seungcheol asked as he closed the refrigerator door, handing Minghao some cans of beer.
“That’s all” Minghao felt like he wasn’t lying. Making sure you were safe was his focus. Getting to spend time with you was secondary. Seungcheol didn’t believe Minghao, but he didn’t question it as Minghao left the kitchen and brought out the beer. He placed them on the table and headed to his room.
#minghao#minghao au#minghao blurb#minghao drabble#minghao fanfic#minghao fluff#minghao imagines#minghao one shot#minghao scenarios#minghao seventeen#minghao svt#minghao x y/n#minghao x reader
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ok so again I'm slowly writing! but my laptop screen wont work? and that's where all my writing is. I plan ion having a new minghao series out starting tomorrow. its short but its something. I need title ideas too... and advice if anyone knows how to get a laptop screen working.
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I lost my laptop charger so posting my old stuff might take a little bit but here is a teaser for something new! Really getting into my seventeen feels lately.
“I love you”
“I love you too” you said patting Hoshi’s cheek affectionately.
“I’m so happy it’s been six months. Not counting the three months it took of flirting for you to realize I had a crush on you” he said pecking your lips.
“And not including the two years we were friends first”
“But who is really keeping track?” He said sarcastically, kissing you again.
“Disgusting” Dino groaned.
“I’ll let you get back to practicing. I’ll see you later tonight?” You asked as you hugged your boyfriend.
“Of course. I’ll be over at 11” you kissed him goodbye with more groans from the other group members in the room. Hoshi smiled as you left. He was beyond happy finally able to call you his girlfriend.
“Can you not do that around us?” Dino asked the door closed behind you.
“I can’t help it!” Hoshi defended, wide smile not leaving his face.
“She’s too amazing” he added.
#seventeen imagines#seventeen scenarios#seventeen fanfic#seventeen au#seventeen blurb#seventeen drabbles#seventeen oneshot
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Wow so im kinda writing again? On and off. But I wanted to get something out there. I also gotta find my laptop and upload some of my old stuff. This was typed on my phone so apologies if it’s not up to snuff. Anyways here’s wonder wall..
Felix x y/n
Summary: close best friends. Best buddies. That’s all, right? Felix isn’t so sure anymore.
“Snacks!” You exclaimed as you burst through the door of the practice room. Many thanks were given your way as you sat down on the floor, back against the wall.
“Did you remember to bring-“
“Your favorite?” You cut Felix off and handed him his new favorite flavor Cheetos that you had kept separate.
“I grabbed one bag before anyone else could snag them” you added as he took the snack and sent you a warm smile.
“You are the best” he said, taking the seat next to you.
“I’m just glad you brought us snacks so Felix won’t be sneaking out later to get some” Jisung said with a smirk as he walked by you guys. Bangchan looked up, but decided against asking what Jisung meant, and went back to eating his snack
“Sneaking our for snacks-no. But can I sleep at your place? You know the guys get noisy-“
“Please don’t even ask anymore. You have a key for a reason” you said before he could finish his sentence.
Felix had been your best friend since before debut when you had ran into each other in a coffee shop. Literally. Coffee was everywhere and broken Korean apologies were swapped until you spoke English and the conversation switched.
“You speak-“
“You too!”
You both sighed with relief and laughed. Besties ever since.
“I just don’t want to show up unannounced. Never know what you would be getting into”
“Something too kinky for you I’m sure” you teased.
“I’m plenty kinky” he said smiling. You rolled your eyes.
“Ok…on that lovely note can we please get back to practice?” Bangchan asked rhetorically, rubbing his temples.
“See you later” you told Felix as he helped you stand. You hugged him good bye, and was about to leave when Changbin walked in from the hallway. You said good bye to him and he wrapped you in a hug, which wasn’t altogether uncommon. It has gotten noticed by Felix and his face showed how he felt about it.
“Earth to Felix?” Bangchan said, noticing how stiff his friends shoulders had gotten.
“It was just a hug” Felix said out loud, not meaning to. He shrugged and kicked his lips.
“That’s weird” he thought to himself and began biting his lip. “I don’t care who she hugs… I mean I do but Changbin is fine… anyone should be fine… well not anyone. Not guys that are her type… but that shouldn’t matter? Changbin is her type…”
With that last thought he shook his head and looked at Bangchan who has been conversing with Hyunjin about the choreography previously.
“You good?” Bangchan asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just…”
“I’d be wound up constantly too if I had a hot best friend that I’ve never done anything with” Han added as he walked next to Felix.
“Attractive-yes, but I don’t feel about y/n that way” Felix said to the room. He was met with silence.
“She’s my best friend. Nothing more” he added. His friends stayed silent.
“I’m just saying, it’s about time someone gave her some attention” Han added after a moment had passed. He meant to be teasing but Felix wasn’t laughing. He wanted to be able to stop and think about whatever it was that he was feeling, but practice must go on.
That night, as usual, Felix snuck out and headed to your place. He didn’t knock as he turned his key in the lock and walked into your small but modern apartment.
“I’m covering my eyes in case you aren’t decent” he said in a slightly raised voice so you would hear.
“I’m decent” he heard your voice from your room. He followed and when he entered his jaw dropped. He couldn’t help it. You were standing in front of your full length mirror wearing a small black dress Felix had never seen before.
“Well, that’s a good reaction. I’ll try this red one on next and see how you feel about that one” you laughed. Felix didn’t respond.
“You can stop staring, please” you added as you looked at Felix’s reflection over your shoulder in the mirror.
“You just look really great. Did you go shopping today?” He asked finally finding his voice and taking a seat on your bed.
“Just a little. I wanted a few new dresses” you told him.
“This one next” he said, holding out a purple one. He eyed a red one after that.
“What’s the special occasion?” He asked, noticing the majority of your purchases consisted of nice dresses.
“A date” you said, walking into the bathroom to change.
Felix blinked and his brain seemed to grind quickly and briefly to a halt before he spoke up. His voice was louder than he was expecting.
“A date date?”
“Yes” you said, exiting the bathroom and walking toward your mirror. You turned and looked at your curves. You didn’t like this dresses as much.
“With a guy?”
“Well, yes. Sorry to disappoint, but I’m straight” Felix ignored your joke and say silently for a moment. He didn’t know what to say.
“I don’t think-“ you began to explain why this was not the dress when Felix spoke up again.
“With who?” He asked. His stare had become icy and intense and you felt interrogated.
“Just some guy from my history of the Roman arts class” you explained. Picking up the next dress and heading towards your bathroom to change. Before you had a chance to close the door behind you, Felix was in the doorway. The questions continued.
“How long have you known this guy? How old is he?” Felix asked. You rolled your eyes.
“The whole semester. And I guess he’s our age” you pushed him out of the bathroom to change, but his voice continued right on the other side of the door.
“I don’t think you should go. He could be crazy. What’s his name?”
“Felix!” You said with a laugh as you opened the door in the next dress.
“What’s with the 20 questions?” You asked.
“It’s just… weird…for you to be going on a date” he said with a shrug and sat down on your bed.
“It is not weird! I like being taken out” you said appraising this dress in the mirror. Still not as great as the first one, you thought.
“I know” Felix said.
“I like going out and being social” You added.
“I know! Your drunk late night Snapchat’s remind me of this” Felix nodded.
“And a girl has needs! I have needs that-“
“I want to satisfy those needs” Felix said.
You turned to him and your eyes locked on his. He must not know what you meant.
“No, I mean, I have needs that only a pe-“
“I know what you mean” he said. A beat of silence hung in the air. You snorted.
“I don’t think I’m your type” you shook your head and picked up the first dress again. It was the winner.
You struggled to rip the tag off an Felix came over, gently taking the dress from you and easily ripping the tag off.
“Thanks” you said.
“I don’t think I’ve ever really had a type, but lately the only person I can think about is you” he said in a small voice. Another beat of silence.
“My mind has always registered how attractive you were, and maybe it makes me selfish, but I was never bothered by it until I realized you weren’t mine. It makes me nervous”
“Nervous of what?” You asked.
“Nervous that someone will take you”
“That’s not a reason to guilt trip me into not going on a date”
“I’m not meaning to. I’ve just never had to confront my feelings before now”
“Now that someone else is showing me attention?” You sighed and looked down, before looking at your best friend once more.
“I’m sorry Felix, I love you. You’re my best friend. But I’m not canceling on this guy just because you suddenly feel possessive” you held his hand and squeezed as you spoke in a soft voice. You had had feelings for Felix, but it made you mad that he dictated when you acted on them.
“I’m sorry” he said after a moment of silence passed between you two. He took a step back and sat on your bed.
“Can you at least put that first dress back on for me?“ he asked as the smile returned to his face. You laughed, and obliged.
The next day Felix was a mess at practice.
“What in the world is going on?” Bangchan asked. Felix shook his head.
“I’m fine” Felix said quickly.
“My toes disagree. You kept stepping on them” Han added as he rubbed his foot.
“I’ll focus. I promise” Felix defended.
“We need a snack break anyways. Felix, could you call-“
“She’s on a date” the words spilled out of Felix’s mouth before he has time to process them. He didn’t like how the phrase sounded coming out of his mouth. Silence filled the room as the realization hit each member.
“Not with you?” Jisung asked from his spot on the floor. Changbin smacked his shoulder.
“I’m just saying I thought Felix would’ve asked her out after we said something yesterday” Jisung defended.
“I did” Felix said in a small voice. Followed by a beat of silence.
“Oh man, I’m so sorry. Rejection sucks but I have this great magazine-“
“It’s fine. I was just too late. She deserves freedom to date… other guys… and spend time with other guys… that aren’t me” Felix’s voice trailed off as Bangchan distracted by saying break was over.
“But my toes…”
That night, Felix texted you to let him know when you were home. He waited for a response and noticed you hadn’t posted anything on Snapchat or Instagram. Could you really be having such a good time that you weren’t posting anything? Was this guy so great that you were too distracted to text your best friend? Felix pushed these thoughts away and tried to not over react.
Finally, nearly an hour later, you texted him that you were home. Springing from his bed, he grabbed a jacket and headed for the door. He texted saying he was on his way.
“Heading to y/ns?” Jisung asked.
“Of course” Felix said. He wasn’t sure if he was happy or apprehensive about what you were going to say about your date.
“Don’t worry. I won’t let Bangchan know you are sneaking out” Jisung said with a thumbs up.
“But I’m… I’m right here…” Bangchan said in a small, confused voice from his spot on the couch right next to Jisung.
Felix got to your door and turned the key. You greeted him in the kitchen, already pouring two glasses of wine.
“Hey” you handed him his glass and cheers.
“Here’s to great guys” you toasted. Felix couldn’t bear to take a sip after hearing you.
“So… the date went well” he placed his glass on the counter. He no longer wanted to be here.
“Oh, no. The date was awful” you said handing him back the glass. You realized your sarcasm must’ve been lost on him.
“And he was dull. I would’ve ended the date sooner but my phone died and I didn’t have my charger. I had to wait for him to stop talking to ask for a ride home”
Felix smiled.
“At least pretend to be upset that I had an awful night” you said with a laugh.
“Let me make it up to you. Our date won’t be dull. I’ll remember your charger. And you can wear that dress” he walked over to you as you wrapped your arms around him and held him in a tight hug.
“Or don’t wear the dress if you want to show me those kinks you were talking about…” you slapped his shoulder but felt very much at home in his arms.
#stray kids scenarios#stray kids au#stray kids felix#stray kids imagines#stray kids angst#stray kids fanfic#felix scenarios#felix stray kids#stray kids blurbs#felix imagines#felix drabbles#felix blurbs#felix oneshot#stray kids oneshot#felix au#felix drabble#felix fanfic#felix one shot#stray kids drabbles#stray kids fiction#stray kids fic
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How do I makw this my ringtone someone helpppp
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Well I was going to play age of empires and then write but...
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