atreefox Ā· 6 days
CLEARLY THE PERSON IN T_3 (I thought they were someone new, they technically are, but I didnā€™t remember or really connect the dots before when I watched the videos in the past, so thatā€™s why the post above sounds like this is all new.) IS clearly infiltrating the channel. They break through and send messages, stating tings like how the people in TSE were already gone but what showfall is doing needs to be stopped. Soooooo, as of right now, I think that this person has infiltrated the Genloss channel, and renamed it generation loss (maybe the stories will get more more worst, more and more bad things will happen to the production of the show, hence why TSE was replayed so many times. Why generation zero is perfect, yet gen 1 was not, so the next generation could be even more imperfect, and the cycle repeats OMFG-). The channel promotes showfall, yet somehow the videos keep the persons warnings, which would directly make showfall look bad. So, maybe this is a way this person is slowly taking down showfall? By showing the uncanny nature of it all..
Lmao, this is a really long tangent jusy about my current thoughts and ā€œtheoriesā€ on Genloss cause OML I had a neuron activation when I saw T_3
So so
First thing thatā€™s noticed me was the noises preceding the door scene in the newest video (T_3). They were physical noises, and what I mean is that itā€™s happening in real time, it physically happened so clearly there is something on the physical plane that went on. Maybe itā€™s this person breaking into a room, and this door symbolizes (either metaphorically or physically) represents a barrier they have to get past. Thereā€™s something important behind that door! It hasnā€™t been opened, cause this is the second time itā€™s seen. And no room or animation or anytning has been shown to symbolize that door opening.
Thatā€™s the first one, this door, I feel like, represents a barrier that this person has to get past in order to achieve their end goal.
Now secondly, the person. This secret person thatā€™s somehow managed to break through any barriers or censorship Showfall could have placed up to prevent any of the truth getting out.
Now I feel like this person can be trust worthy, and hereā€™s why (though itā€™s up for debate! Iā€™d love to hear more about this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ OML ITS SO INTERESTING)
When I first watched generation one, Hetch seemed a littleā€¦ weirdā€¦ the way he was so dismissive of Genloss!Ranboo (ofc the environment at the time, or the perceived/fake environmentšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø, made it so Hetch couldnā€™t fully explain the situation at hand), all throughout the episodes always ticked me as odd. Especially in episode three.
The way Hetch was so dismissive of Ranbooā€™s concerns and questions, very valid questions too! Struck me as odd. He was so set on his end goal on trying to finish the show, to make it good (was that is end goal? Iā€™m still tryna figure it outšŸ˜…, something like it!) that it felt like his concern was fake (which it was). It all felt very uncanny. Even Ran said that Hetchā€™s lines in the founders cut were redone to make him sound uncanny!!!!
Yet this person in T_3 is different. They seem to be more human.
And okay o feel like thereā€™s a difference in Showfallā€™s performance of, well, acting human and actually and being human. Showfall desensitized its characters and forced them in character tropes, made them feel like their 2D. Such as in the carasoul of death and the streamers shown in episode three. These people are forced into character tropes and they seem inhuman, just 2D characters for the thrill of the show.
Yet with Jay and Zero and this person, they all seem human because, at this moment, they arenā€™t forced into a role. They arenā€™t necessarily being controlled.
This person has similar goals to Hetch. They wanna reach their end goal by stopping a connection (shown in timestamp 1:16, the blotted out text possibly reads ā€œThere is something coming, the connection has gotten strongerā€) because they themselves seemed to have been affected by it.
Yet the difference is that, unlike Hetch who was more or so ā€œaggressiveā€ (not angry but antsy to hurry on) in trying to reach his goal, Hetch seemed to know EVERYTBING about the facility. The ins and outs of the absconded mall and was able to control the camera man and employees, EVERYTBING was basically under his control.
YET THIS PERSON ISNT LIKE THAT! They donā€™t even seem to have full control or technology to reach their goal. They seemed unsure, yet certain, throughout the entire video. They seemed concerned and didnā€™t rush anything. They felt genuinely human. Which is what I love about this fucking horror project.
Maybe the person is Jay.. a reach, but Jay seemed close to Zero, or Miss RoadsšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø, so maybe Jay somehow figured out whatā€™s going on and wants to stop whatever this connection is.
And that brings into question, what is this connection?? Did it already happen (such as GL!Ranboo being in his own dimension (a theory, but one I believe) and yet showfall somehow connected to us on earth), or is it going to happenā€¦? Why is this specific video, one thatā€™s clearly opposing Showfallā€™s goal, posted on a channel where it seems to promote showfall. Is this channel a point of. Neutrality, showing any and all sides, or is showfall also controlling it. Mostly likely controlling it, but Jesus Christ I want to know so much about this world. DUDE.
Okay, rant over. But Jesus I canā€™t wait for morešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ no rush ofc, Iā€™m just so excited about this!!!
Edit: but rewatching ā€œwelcome to generation zeroā€ and what if Zero is the founder! Itā€™s a long stretch, but just a random thought-. Also the wormhole/portal is going backwards possibly indicating that gen one happened and now a new story is being shown.
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atreefox Ā· 6 days
hahahahah okay okay for you!
the crane wives is something iā€™ve loved for ages but my top favourites as im writing this is say it, arcturus beaming, the moon will sing, pretty little things, black hole fantasy and river rushing!
with the oh hellos i love second child restless child, bitter water, dear wormwood, soap and exeunt
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atreefox Ā· 6 days
Just another random thing, Iā€™m gonna cosplay as Genloss!Ranboo for Halloween and doing a painting for the four year celebration!! (Has it really been four years?? Damn dude itā€™s been too longšŸ˜­)
I wish I could get merch, but alas, it is what it isā€¦ but SERIOSILY, I might post the cosplay and painting on here! Iā€™m really proud of the mask so far so I think itā€™ll be cool for people to see! But itā€™s also cool to just share cool stuff too!
Happy four years to Ranboo and their community!!!!
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atreefox Ā· 6 days
Lmao, this is a really long tangent jusy about my current thoughts and ā€œtheoriesā€ on Genloss cause OML I had a neuron activation when I saw T_3
So so
First thing thatā€™s noticed me was the noises preceding the door scene in the newest video (T_3). They were physical noises, and what I mean is that itā€™s happening in real time, it physically happened so clearly there is something on the physical plane that went on. Maybe itā€™s this person breaking into a room, and this door symbolizes (either metaphorically or physically) represents a barrier they have to get past. Thereā€™s something important behind that door! It hasnā€™t been opened, cause this is the second time itā€™s seen. And no room or animation or anytning has been shown to symbolize that door opening.
Thatā€™s the first one, this door, I feel like, represents a barrier that this person has to get past in order to achieve their end goal.
Now secondly, the person. This secret person thatā€™s somehow managed to break through any barriers or censorship Showfall could have placed up to prevent any of the truth getting out.
Now I feel like this person can be trust worthy, and hereā€™s why (though itā€™s up for debate! Iā€™d love to hear more about this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ OML ITS SO INTERESTING)
When I first watched generation one, Hetch seemed a littleā€¦ weirdā€¦ the way he was so dismissive of Genloss!Ranboo (ofc the environment at the time, or the perceived/fake environmentšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø, made it so Hetch couldnā€™t fully explain the situation at hand), all throughout the episodes always ticked me as odd. Especially in episode three.
The way Hetch was so dismissive of Ranbooā€™s concerns and questions, very valid questions too! Struck me as odd. He was so set on his end goal on trying to finish the show, to make it good (was that is end goal? Iā€™m still tryna figure it outšŸ˜…, something like it!) that it felt like his concern was fake (which it was). It all felt very uncanny. Even Ran said that Hetchā€™s lines in the founders cut were redone to make him sound uncanny!!!!
Yet this person in T_3 is different. They seem to be more human.
And okay o feel like thereā€™s a difference in Showfallā€™s performance of, well, acting human and actually and being human. Showfall desensitized its characters and forced them in character tropes, made them feel like their 2D. Such as in the carasoul of death and the streamers shown in episode three. These people are forced into character tropes and they seem inhuman, just 2D characters for the thrill of the show.
Yet with Jay and Zero and this person, they all seem human because, at this moment, they arenā€™t forced into a role. They arenā€™t necessarily being controlled.
This person has similar goals to Hetch. They wanna reach their end goal by stopping a connection (shown in timestamp 1:16, the blotted out text possibly reads ā€œThere is something coming, the connection has gotten strongerā€) because they themselves seemed to have been affected by it.
Yet the difference is that, unlike Hetch who was more or so ā€œaggressiveā€ (not angry but antsy to hurry on) in trying to reach his goal, Hetch seemed to know EVERYTBING about the facility. The ins and outs of the absconded mall and was able to control the camera man and employees, EVERYTBING was basically under his control.
YET THIS PERSON ISNT LIKE THAT! They donā€™t even seem to have full control or technology to reach their goal. They seemed unsure, yet certain, throughout the entire video. They seemed concerned and didnā€™t rush anything. They felt genuinely human. Which is what I love about this fucking horror project.
Maybe the person is Jay.. a reach, but Jay seemed close to Zero, or Miss RoadsšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø, so maybe Jay somehow figured out whatā€™s going on and wants to stop whatever this connection is.
And that brings into question, what is this connection?? Did it already happen (such as GL!Ranboo being in his own dimension (a theory, but one I believe) and yet showfall somehow connected to us on earth), or is it going to happenā€¦? Why is this specific video, one thatā€™s clearly opposing Showfallā€™s goal, posted on a channel where it seems to promote showfall. Is this channel a point of. Neutrality, showing any and all sides, or is showfall also controlling it. Mostly likely controlling it, but Jesus Christ I want to know so much about this world. DUDE.
Okay, rant over. But Jesus I canā€™t wait for morešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ no rush ofc, Iā€™m just so excited about this!!!
Edit: but rewatching ā€œwelcome to generation zeroā€ and what if Zero is the founder! Itā€™s a long stretch, but just a random thought-. Also the wormhole/portal is going backwards possibly indicating that gen one happened and now a new story is being shown.
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atreefox Ā· 6 days
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OKAY, RANDOM THOUGHTS BUT WHAT IF THAT DOOR (despite there being physical noises of movement) REPRESENTS SOME BARRIER, SOME SYMBOLIC SHIT THAY IS THIS PERSON TRYING TO GET PAST. MAYBE ON THING THEYRE TALKING ABOUT IS BASICALLY REVIVAL/RESURRECTION (e.g gl!Ranboo dying, Charlie somehow still alive without bleeding profusely (was he aware of what was going on when Ranboo was tearing into him??) during his ā€œsurgeryā€, the replay of gen 1 thousands of times (debatable, but I think that the cast constantly re did to get it perfect, who knows maybe Genloss Ranboo never actually died, jk)
I do think showfall has the means of revival/resurrection, especially with how violent gen 1 was and yet the cast was somehow alive.
Okay that was a random tangent, but getting on the main track, I was gonna get at how the differences between Hetch and this mysterious guy is.
While there are some similarities (e.g, Hetch having control of the abandoned mall and access to Showfallā€™s technology, and this person being able to break through whatever barriers Showfall put up for any censoring, to name at least one right now) I feel like there are some major differences.
For example, Ran said, or something along the lines of it, that in the founders cut, Hetch lines were redone to make sound more uncanny. Even before the founders cut, Hetch, especially with in episode three, sounded really off to me. He was constantly dismissive and what I felt like was easily angered with gl!Ranbooā€™s valid questions. Hetch had final goal, and I feel like that influenced his actions and overall tone in The story.
Yet for this person, at least right now, seems more human. Showfall desensitizes its cast to seem more as character tropes than actual people (e.g, the carasoul of death and the streamers presented in episode three). Yet this person directly talks to us, and even admits that they donā€™t have to the full tools to do what they wanna do (I think??), yet they say they want stop whatever is coming (time stamp 1:16, I think the blotted text says ā€œthere is something coming. The connection has gotten strongerā€), that they have to stop this. Theyā€™re unsure of who theyā€™re talking to or where we are, but they seem genuine in what they wanna achieve. Unlike Hetch, this person seems human.
Maybe itā€™s Jay? I think Miss Roads, or Zero, is considered generation 0, and due to her diary in X, she seeemd close to someone named Jay. Just a wild guess.
Thereā€™s some connection that has affected fhis person, they donā€™t know what it is, or what itā€™s for, but this person seems dead set on stopping it.
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atreefox Ā· 8 days
Been thinking about Genloss lately
Like I saw this one video essay about the founders cut, the person said the show was replayed like over 12,000 times (with the vhs tvs and how many times vhsescan be played)
And I like to think Generation 1 is considered its own dimension. Like somehow show fall is able to connect across multi dimensional stuff, kinda like omega mart? Cause I get a feeling Genloss!Ranboos world is different from ours, in a way? (Maybe Iā€™ve read too many fanficsšŸ˜­)
So imagine that, Genloss!Ranboo had to experience this hell over
And over
And over
And over
And over again. Over 12,000 times.
Jesus Christ thatā€™s darkšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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atreefox Ā· 8 days
I apologize for what I am going to say to you, but I have to. I am Ahmed from Gaza, married with two children. We live in the shadow of war and destruction. I lost my brother, my home, and most of my relatives. We have nothing left. I ask you to help, even a little, so that we can survive and protect my children. Any amount, even a small amount, will save our lives.
Any small amount saves lives! Even just sharing the word helps!
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atreefox Ā· 2 months
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Starting a collection
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atreefox Ā· 4 months
Yall I just woke up the video was NOT supposed to come out at that time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ stand by for cool tweets though please hype them up šŸ™šŸ™
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atreefox Ā· 4 months
Help Marah reunite with her family and save them from Death,Famine and Epidemics
Dear compassionate souls..
This is Marah , 23 year old ... I am away from Gaza.
Please Help me reunite with my family. And Save them from the inevitable evil they face every single day. Donate click here
While being away is supposed to be a blessing every day while I watch my family suffer is a torture on itā€™s own .We were quite well-Off before this war stripped us from everything dear to us . Ų§Ł„Ų­Ł…ŲÆ Ł„Ł„Ł‡ Ų¹Ł„Ł‰ ŁƒŁ„ Ų­Ų§Ł„ Ā Ā Thank God Regardless of everything.
Please save my family ( 5 Members) find peace and refuge in Egypt .
You are our last hope . Please Donate and Share if possible.
Verified by : @communistchilchuck and @el-shab-hussein
This is our Family during and prior to this brutal War :
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Almost everyday I hear about losing a family member or a friend
and we fear if we didn't lose one another through bombing we'll die either of hunger or disease.
All of my family members are hit with diseases ,they're either canā€™t find the medicine or canā€™t afford it if its there.
With your generous donations, you will help us Reunite our family and find a safe haven in Egypt.
My Family Members:
1- Sami Kamal Dawoud (Father) Ā - He suffers from Chronic joint inflammations
2- Rania Abdallah Dawoud (Mother) ā€“ She suffers from Ā Eye inflammations (Conjunctivitis)
3- Ayham Sami Dawoud, 22 years old (Brother) ā€“ He suffers from Gastroenteritis
4- Hla Sami Dawood, 19 years old (Sister) -She suffers from Gastroenteritis (very severe)
5- Sama Sami Dawoud, 15 years old (Sister)- Ā She suffers from Urinary tract infections
( hopefully we can save our dear cat as well)
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This is my sister with our cat sitting in the ruins of our home .
Travel arrangements to Egypt (approximately $5000-$10,000 per person) for 5 family members.
Housing expenses.
Living and transportation expenses during the initial period of travel.
Food and medical expenses currently as it's urgently needed.
This is not the first war we face .. our home was bombed and destroyed in 2014 war .. then in 2023 war .. we keep fighting the best that we can hopefully we can rebuild what was taken away from us in a war we had no choice in partaking in.
We couldnā€™t be more thankful and grateful for your help and I highly appreciate your support by donating or sharing to give us some hope for better days might actually come. Where we can actually start from point zero ..
My family loves art and life and worked hard for it .
They deserve to live just like anyone in this world.
Forever Thankful for your support
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atreefox Ā· 4 months
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Nomad esims are needed!!!!
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atreefox Ā· 4 months
Here's a website where Palestine GoFundMes are vetted and shared that you can send out to people. The url is gazafunds.com
Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
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atreefox Ā· 4 months
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atreefox Ā· 4 months
Anyways a painting I finished when listening to that horrid episode
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atreefox Ā· 4 months
Just finished TMA 105 and dude
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I hate Elias fuck that guy what the hell Melanie did not deserve that
Iā€™m speechless oh my god I wanna throttle that guy Iā€™m gonna kill him fuck him fuck hjm
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atreefox Ā· 5 months
List of Palestinian Evacuation Fundraisers
Last Update: 05/06/2024
All fundraisers have been looked into by me or vetted by others. If anyone notices issues in validity with any of the fundraisers listed please let me know. Funding updates daily!
Fadi Al-Sharif and family ($10,439/$62,500 goal)
Hayam Taha and family (ā‚¬8,718/ā‚¬30,000 goal)
Deyaa and family (ā‚¬7,764/ā‚¬20,000 goal)
Fatima Alshanti (kr5,085 SEK/kr150,000 goal)
Shahed Ghazi and family ($6,776 CAD/$94,838 goal)
Little Yusuf and family (ā‚¬5,960/ā‚¬85,000 goal)
Sara & Huda Hajjaj and family ($240/$15,000 goal)
Mohammed JH Shamia's family (kr20,168 SEK/kr250,000 goal)
Maram Ahmed and family (ā‚¬1,032/ā‚¬30,000 goal)
Hamza Almofty and family ($3,772/$35,000 goal)
Mahmoud Jomaa (ā‚¬400/ā‚¬10,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Shara ($445/$20,000 goal)
Abdulrahman Alshanti and family (kr137,402 SEK/kr350,000 goal)
Besan Almabhouh's family (ā‚¬5,767/ā‚¬25,000 goal)
Said Tanani and brothers (ā‚¬30,935/ā‚¬50,000 goal)
Donia Tanani and family (ā‚¬67,538/ā‚¬100,000 goal)
Hussein Shamiya, his pregnant wife, and son ($8,042/$40,000 goal)
Mohammed Shamia and family ($15,020/$35,000 goal)
Amro Bakr & kids Bakir and Tala (ā‚¬1,772/ā‚¬15,000 goal)
Almadhoun family ($18,365/$80,000 goal)
Child Mohammed (ā‚¬6,420/ā‚¬10,000 goal)
Sana'a and family (Ā£19,668/Ā£50,000 goal)
Noha Ayyad and family ($23,050/$95,160 goal)
Nazmi Mwafi and family ($5,151/65,000 goal)
Ibrahim Almofty and family ($535/$40,000)
Hamdi Hejazi and family ($10,236/$25,000)
Mohammed and family ($7,620/$25,000)
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atreefox Ā· 5 months
Master doc that contains different resources and support for many countries including Palestine, Congo, Haiti, Hawaiā€™i, etc ((op is underneath the link))
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