
We mistake beauty for happiness so frequently that when we have both at our feet we turn them away for being a foolish dream in the child’s left desk drawer.
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Superficial question about superficial feelings
I have a question. And an answer so questionable I feel like I should record it in someway. The question arose a while back when I went to this boring event and saw him after months. And my breath caught and my heart was beating fast, and I thought I was experiencing the most powerful emotion. Not love of course but something like it. And in two weeks that same memory, that same person inspired nothing but indifference and a slight taste of bitterness and disappointment. So, my question is how do we know which “love” is superficial and which is not, if both seem - and I repeat seem - to feel the same? I have always believed that a strong, deep feeling lasts in time, the heart never forgets. But what about the little sparks that we feel, the superficial, momentary, fierce emotions that we experience? They seem every bit as strong... Powerful enough to blast you across the room, drown you, hurt you, leave you gasping for air. So, my answer is that only through the passage of time can we know - and again not for sure - if it is love that we feel or just lust... Yet isn’t it pointless to try and understand love if we actually cannot comprehend feelings?
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