asteroiide · 7 days
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asteroiide · 7 days
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started watching cowboy bebop, heres the #1 goober(s) of all time
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asteroiide · 8 days
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spike drawing 🫶
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asteroiide · 8 days
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asteroiide · 8 days
Welcome back to the Bebop, it's part 2 of the guide.
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(artwork from MonoGraph artbook)
Previously we entered the bridge using B1 tube. Right in front of the entrance there's a fenced area which is a way down to the main hangar.
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After reaching a small stairwell we walk around to get down.
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This is where lesser ships are usually repaired and get ready to take off. The main gate is closed (because of one uncleared area), we return to the brigde to have some fun with control panel.
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The cylindrical part started to spin, giving us access to Red Tail and Swordfish II hangars in the upper and lower parts of the gravity passage.
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If you noticed before in the anime, the gravity doesn't work outside that "barrel" part of the ship, and so-called magnetic power is used instead (Jet switched it off in episode 1).
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The crew can float in the air like in zero gravity but once they touch the surface, their body "sticks" to it, and they can walk around or sit down without fear of being carried away.
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We enter B1 tube again to reach the gravity passage and Red Tail hangar.
This hangar is now at the same level as the main one, and we can walk through the middle gate (Spike and Jet tried to stop Faye there when she planned to escape with Whitney).
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And this is where Spike keeps his Swordfish II.
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Now we are ready to explore the freight passage (the one Spike used to get rid of the fridge) and the back hangar.
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This is where the last bomb was hidden. After teaching bad guys some manners Jet is ready to face Kult on the deck.
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The bossfight wasn't THAT epic but Jet showed that bastard what happens when you come without invitation.
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Here's some artwork from Mecha Zukan artbook that shows the Bebop from every angle.
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asteroiide · 8 days
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asteroiide · 8 days
yourfavewaifu ▷ asteroiide
hoping to be a little more active around here and needed a change! keep an eye out for some spaye art coming ... soon. 👀
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asteroiide · 2 months
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The Book of Cowboy Bebop
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asteroiide · 2 months
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asteroiide · 2 months
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The Book of Cowboy Bebop
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asteroiide · 2 months
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Samurai Champloo
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asteroiide · 2 months
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It’s warm
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asteroiide · 3 months
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asteroiide · 3 months
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asteroiide · 3 months
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asteroiide · 3 months
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asteroiide · 4 months
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