Yugioh Kindredshipping
60 posts
A family can be a motor head, a reincarnated king, a ray of sunshine, a two-gendered humanoid dragon spirit, a spirit of darkness, a dead alchemist/professor, and a cat with an attitude. An ask blog for Judai Yuki, Johan Anderson, and Yusei Fudo.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
askygokindredshipping · 4 years ago
This year has been an eternity long and stressful. I haven't abandoned this blog. I've just been super busy.
I'm going to be bed ridden this weekend because I decided to work out, I'm going to open the ask box. Ask the bois (and accompanying spirits) any questions you'd like!
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askygokindredshipping · 4 years ago
Happy New Year's everyone! It's been a hot second since I posted any headcannons for the bois, but here we are. This set is on their "love languages" in domestic life.
[On mobile. Will add read more later.]
- They don't say "I love you" that often.
- You know.
- #Trauma.
- But that doesn't mean they don't show their loves in other ways.
- Judai's love language is the easiest to spot because he is very much a tangible person.
- He will often come up behind either of them and hug their waists, chin on their shoulders, while he allows them to keep working.
- Neck kisses are a must.
- When he notices that they are tense, small messages are also conducted.
- Yusei's neck is a sensitive spot.
- Johan loves scalp massages.
- Judai is also a big cuddlier. He will cuddle the mess out of them any chance he can get.
- Interesting items or gifts that he can find are also given in plenty.
- Johan has a Dragon scale collection from the Spirit World.
- Yusei has gears.
- Johan is a serial kisser.
- Tiny pecks are more common, but he will never skip a moment for a deep kiss.
- He also shows his affection in tiny gifts like giving Yusei his favorite foods for lunch or shooing the spirits away before they can get to Judai.
- Listening is also his forte. Whenever the other two need to rant [often for Judai; not often for Yusei], he's more than happy to do so.
- Yusei's love language can be difficult to spot, if one doesn't know what to look for.
- That's not saying he's reserved in his love; it was the exact opposite. The boys know how passionate he is.
- Yusei spends a lot of his time working.
- He takes breaks to be with the two of them.
- He takes them out on the D Wheel for romantic dates on days off.
- He showed them all his favorite spots, talking excitedly about everything he loves about the city and his friends.
- Johan and Judai know that Yusei's language is one of connections, and they couldn't love him any more for it.
- All three also like buying each other little things they see in their daily lives.
- For example, Judai bought Johan a new pen when he noticed that his old one finally broke.
- Yusei has taken them to lunch a few times.
- Johan bought Yusei some new oil that he needed.
- And so on.
- They don't say "I love you" that often.
- But everyone knows that they are in love.
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askygokindredshipping · 4 years ago
Never say “Yes” to Ghost Hunting... Unless....
Summary: Ghost Hunting AU anyone? Judai and Johan are sensitives and realize that Yusei is partially sensitive when he momentarily spots their familiar spirits Yubel and Ruby. However, Yusei doesn’t believe in them and thinks that the two of them are out of their minds. Can looking for non-existent beings lead to something else? (No Duel Monsters in this AU. Yubel and Ruby are both human spirits that died generations ago.)
Author’s Notes: Now that I am in a place where I don’t feel completely overwhelmed by everything and can remember to actually post here, here it is! This is the story I kept promising for that mini bang I was apart of! @hyperionnebulae​ did a fantastic job of setting it up. I’ll link the full collection at the end. Also, I had an amazing artist and I’ll edit this post with their information. The piece that they did is *chef’s kiss*.  I do know that you can visit their DeviantArt page and I highly encourage you to do so! 
Anyway, enjoy!
Yusei’s face was not looking down at the screen of his laptop, but instead, he was staring at the two men sitting across from him. It was a warm, sunny evening and he had decided that he was going to do some of his work at the local coffee shop so that he could focus. Focus. What a funny word it was. That was exactly what he was not doing.
Two young men were sitting at the table next to him, chatting amicably about something he didn't quite catch. While they were both very appealing to the eyes, they didn’t interest him nearly as much as the two people sitting next to both of them. These two figures were translucent and clearly injured. He was not a doctor, that was Aki’s area of expertise, but he’d seen enough in his day to recognize deadly injuries like those. The tallest one (Yusei couldn’t quite determine which gender either of the translucent people were and decided it was probably best not to assume anything) had a scar that went down its face, nearly dividing it in two and what looked like a jewel embedded into its forehead. Their hair was a soft, metallic blue color. The other one was shorter with wide, ruby-colored eyes and lavender colored hair, a clear bloodstain blooming from their chest and out against their lovely lavender blouse. The tall one said something to the man next to it. He responded casually. Like… like there was nothing wrong!
Yusei blinked.
They were gone.
He breathed in deep and quickly turned back to his computer screen, the words suddenly not making any kind of sense as something cold shot up his spine. No. There was no way. Those things did not exist. He refused to accept what he had just seen. There had to be a logical explanation.
Didn’t there?
“Excuse me,” a voice asked him, “Are you alright?” He looked up. The two men at the table were now looking at him. The one who spoke had teal-blue colored hair and equally blue eyes; he wore a light lavender colored blouse-style shirt with a darker blue vest over the top. “You look like you’re about to be sick.”
“Or you’ve seen a ghost,” the other added. He was dressed in a dark t-shirt with a red jacket over it. His hair was a light brown and stood out in nearly every direction (not that Yusei could judge with his own black mess) and his eyes were a warm brown. He took a breath as he registered the statement. A ghost? Those things did not exist.
“I’m fine,” he finally answered. He couldn’t stop himself as he blurted out, “but what happened to your two friends?” The two of them shared a look.
“It’s only been us here,” the brown haired one said.
Yusei blinked, “You mean you don’t have two friends that are dressed up for Halloween somewhere around here?”
“Oh, they just left,” the blue haired one cut in just as the brown haired one went to say something. He shot the other a look and it seemed to take a second but, eventually, he got the meaning and quickly clamped his mouth shut again.
“They couldn’t have left that quickly,” he argued. “Are you pulling some kind of prank?” They shared a look again, and Yusei started to get mildly annoyed with it. They didn’t say anything to him for some time. Finally, he closed his laptop and stood to pack his things. Clearly, this was not where he was meant to be. Before he could walk away from the table, the brown-haired guy caught his wrist gently; electricity shot up Yusei’s arm and he flinched at the sensation even though it did not hurt. It felt a bit good.
“Sorry,” he said quickly, releasing him. “It’s just… Can we walk with you for a bit? Here’s not the place to talk.” Yusei blinked. A couple of alarms went off in his mind, but he ignored them, in favor of nodding his consent, and the three of them left together.
The brown-haired guy leaned forward as they walked, “I’m Judai Yuki and this is my partner, Johan Anderson.” Johan raised a hand in greeting when Yusei looked at him.
“Yusei Fudo.”
“Nice to meet you Yusei,” Johan greeted. Judai smiled and continued introducing the two of them.
“We’re paranormal investigators; basically, we work to help people in desperate situations involving anything they can’t explain or handle.” He straightened, walking forward a little bit. Yusei couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.
“Ghost? You two deal with ghosts?”
“More or less,” Johan nodded.
“You do understand ghosts aren’t real?” They shared another look.
“Yeah, that’s what a lot of people say.”
“But we happen to know differently.”
Yusei stopped and leaned his head to the side a bit, “Alright, I’ll bite. What is your proof? A grainy photo? Horribly shot night-vision scenes? A scar you got from something being magically thrown at you?” Johan snickered and Judai had to cover his mouth with his hand. After a few seconds, the two of them could not help but laugh at his response. Yusei was taken a bit off guard. “What’s so funny?”
“You were so deadpanned when you were asking,” Judai breathed.
“It was hilarious,” Johan added. Yusei found himself blushing a bit, and he turned his head away, trying to not let them see how embarrassed he was. They recovered after a few moments. “And to answer your question, nothing like that.” He pointed off over his shoulder, “Do you see them?”
Yusei looked, then shook his head. “See who?”
“Our friends from the café,” Judai clarified. Yusei looked over their shoulders again, but still only saw the street in front of them. He shook his head.
“Nobody’s there.”
“But you did see them in the café?”
“I saw something ,” Yusei pointed out. “I don’t know what it is I saw.”
“Deny it all you want Yusei,” Judai returned, “but you did ask us about it, which meant that you did see them.” He pointed between the two of them. “Johan and I are mediums. We can communicate with spirits and we’re pretty certain that you’re at least a little bit sensitive since you could see our familiars briefly. You can’t see them right now even though they are standing next to us without utilizing too much of theirs or our energy.” Judai nodded, as if his point made a whole ton of sense. “I wonder what it would take to help you see them again? What made it possible at the café?”
“Do you think the setting had something to do with it,” Johan added. “I remember reading a report that that café has natural running water under it.”
“That might have something to do with it.”
“You two are crazy,” Yusei returned. Nothing they said made any sense! Ghosts didn’t exist, but now they were claiming… all of this ? Johan smiled at him apologetically.
“It’s a lot the first time. You probably don’t believe us, but I have a suggestion.” He clapped his hands together. “Why don’t you come with us tonight? We have a job at a local place this evening. It’ll give us a chance to show you what you’re talking about and to confirm if you are sensitive or not.”
“Full offense, but I just met you.”
“I know.”
“How can I trust you?”
“You can’t.” That took him by surprise and Yusei felt staggered a bit. “But you might find it more interesting than you think. I promise.” Yusei looked between the two of them. Logically, he had no reason to trust either one of them. Something in his gut, though, told him something completely different; it was whispering that he should take the chance and see where this was going to lead. After a few seconds of the two of them staring him down, he finally sighed. He raised his hands in defeat.
“Alright. I’ll join you.”
Johan and Judai smiled at each other.
My, my, my- how the night had suddenly turned around.
The house they were investigating turned out to be an older mansion on the outskirts of the city. Yusei made sure to let a couple of people know where he was going. Martha was worried, of course, but Jack and Crow got a huge trip out of the fact that he, Yusei Fudo, was going ghost hunting. Of all things in the world.
What a weird first date , they had teased.
He had left the house with red across his nose and both cheeks, but he had not given them the satisfaction of seeing it. Yusei slammed the door on his way out.
He now sat leaned up against his red motorcycle. Neither of them had arrived yet. This left him time to do a little extra research on the address on his transparent tablet. The mansion was built in the year XXXX by a rich mogul who wanted a place for his new bride to be the mistress of; however, he built over sacred ground, despite multiple warnings, and thus, “cursed” the home and his family for all eternity. They lost several children in birth and early into childhood. Eventually, the wife passed of an illness, but information on which one was scarce. Her death was the final straw for him. The mogul retired from the home and disappeared into obscurity. It was left to rot. Reports of families moving in and immediately moving out were plentiful in the first few decades after the original owner’s leaving, but quickly teetered off as rumors of a haunting became more prevalent.
He scrolled up on his tablet, murmuring. “Reports of a white lady…. Children laughing… shadow figures…. Objects being thrown. So just your run of the mill hoax?”
“Well, even if it is a hoax, it’s still our job to ease the worries of our customer.” He looked up, not necessarily startled by the sound of Johan’s voice, but a bit surprised that he hadn’t heard them approaching, especially in the large, older van they were driving. Judai was behind him, starting to mess with some equipment. Yusei closed the tablet and placed it in his pocket. “We’re glad you decided to come. What’d you find in your research?”
“Nothing out of this world,” he confirmed, arms still crossed. “Pretty standard reports. White lady, children, objects being thrown.”
Johan nodded. He turned his head a bit, as if listening to someone, and he smiled after a few seconds before saying, “That was pretty much everything we were able to find or was given to us as in our initial customer request.” He paused for a second, “I better help Judai with the equipment. As brave as he is as a ghost hunter, he’s a complete ditz when it comes to setting it up.”
“Would you like me to help? I’m fairly good with technology.”
Johan shot him a grateful smile. “You don’t have to. We’re the ones that invited you out here.”
Yusei rolled up the sleeve of his jacket. “Don’t worry about it. I might as well do something useful now since I’m probably going to mess up your results anyway.” Johan shook his head but led him over to the wired mess that had become Judai. It took them about an hour, once they had untangled him, to set up all the equipment they planned to use and since they were getting paid a hefty price, they were using everything . EVP, static night vision, Mel meters, motion detectors. You name it, they had it. The sun was starting to set when they finally started to sync up all their equipment, recording audio introductions on their three different recording devices. Johan helped Yusei into a specially made vest with several different pieces of equipment attached to it such as a night vision camera, perspective camera, and a few other useful tools like glow sticks, back-up batteries, and flashlights. Yusei felt the electricity again as his hand brushed his arm. A soft blush touched his cheeks. He did not miss the fact that Johan had one as well. Was it possible that he was feeling it too? What was even more astounding to him was that this was the second time he had felt it… with both of them.
Judai smiled brightly when they came back from the back of the van, “That vest looks good on you Yusei.”
Oof, that blush was not going away any time soon.
“Thank you,” he managed to get out without sounding like a stammering idiot.
Yusei had had feelings for people before in his life. Aki, the young lady who had become one of his greatest friends of all time, was one such example. His friend Kiryu was another. However, he had never been in this kind of situation before; his feelings for the previous two had come at different times. This was new. And a bit confusing, especially with how fast everything was moving.
“Are you feeling alright,” Judai asked. Yusei turned to face him. He was looking up at him, his brow furrowed a bit. “You’re not having second thoughts, are you?”
“You make it sound like I’m regretting my wedding or something.”
“Hmmm, I’m pretty sure this isn’t as stressful as a wedding.” He smirked. “But if you’re feeling scared, I recommend hanging back behind us.”
“I can’t be scared of something that doesn’t exist.”
“We’ll see about that.”
“Me being scared or ghosts being real?”
Yusei shook his head as he walked away, and he followed. Johan bowed mockingly as he opened the front door. Judai gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before blowing a kiss back at Yusei and disappearing into the darkness, only the light of his flashlight illuminating a soft outline of his head and left shoulder. The two of them followed.
The entryway was as bad as you could imagine. Dust clung to everything. Spider webs decorated every corner, and the stairs, and the molding, and the walls, and basically every available square inch. Old paint and wallpaper were missing in great chunks. The building material was old and decayed. An odd sensation of dread shot through Yusei the longer he looked down the hallway. There was no discernible reason for the feeling. He grabbed both Judai’s and Johan’s shoulders, preventing them from stepping any further inside.
When they turned to look at him, he raised his hands apologetically, but dropped them and breathed, “Something isn’t right.”
Judai blinked, quickly looked to his right, and briefly nodded. “What are you feeling?”
“I don’t know. All I know is that if we go any further, something bad is going to happen.”
“But we’ve already been in here multiple times,” Johan assured him. “We had to set up all the static cameras, remember?”
Yusei hesitated. That was true. They’d already been in and out, and up and down all sets of stairs, as they’d been busy setting up static night vision cameras in a couple of the hotspots, specifically where the white lady and the children were often seen and heard moving about. Nothing seemed to happen during that time, and he rationalized that they would be fine in this moment.
The feeling, on the other hand, would not leave him alone.
He started to say something again, but Judai started moving inward and Johan followed. The feeling grew worse as he raised a hand to stop them.
A white figure suddenly appeared at the end of the narrow hallway. The three of them froze, but Judai, after a few seconds, threw a hand back. What Yusei could not see was how his eyes shifted from brown to green and orange, ready for whatever was about to occur. Johan took a step back. Something creaked. The white figure raised its head and with an unearthly scream, it shot forward at them. Judai jumped back. Johan moved in front of Yusei which put the three of them into roughly the same spot on the floor. Yusei looked down immediately as the sound of breaking wood caught his attention; just before the figure could reach them, he grabbed both of them close to him.
The floor gave way, and they fell into darkness.
“Yusei, Yusei, Yusei!” He blinked. Everything felt sore and painful. It took him a few moments to remember that they had fallen through the floor. He groaned. Thankfully, nothing seemed broken, but he was going to be feeling this for the next few days; Martha was probably going to order him to go to a doctor, and for once, he probably wouldn’t protest it. A soft smile crossed Johan’s face. He was momentarily confused.
“I’m dead,” he breathed, “I swear I’m seeing an angel.”
“You wish,” Johan laughed. “But Judai and I owe you quite a bit for saving our lives.”
“What happened?”
Johan crossed his arms, contemplating on how much to share. “Well, you see….” He paused and changed his question, “Did you happen to see a white figure come at us?” Yusei shook his head.
He struggled to remember. Nothing came to mind however and he shook his head. “All I saw was you and Judai get defensive.”
“Maybe that’s for the best,” he mused. Louder, he said, “Anyway, we all were standing on the same space and the floor gave way. You just barely managed to brace us against you before it happened. You took the brunt of the injury.” He pointed to some old bags of flour that were clearly busted in the fall. “You really do have to have a guardian angel at least since this is what we landed on. Judai went back upstairs to double check everything. We should really get out of here.” He stood. Johan offered out a hand, which Yusei took gratefully. Together, they made their way back up the stairs and, to his surprise, the sun was starting to rise.
How long had he been out?
Judai was at the back of the van, putting away most of their equipment. He looked up when they exited. Without hesitation, or warning, he ran for Yusei, catching him in a tight hug; Yusei flinched a bit but accepted it.
“Thank you,” Judai breathed. “We wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for you.” After a few seconds, he released Yusei’s waist, backed away from him, and bowed. “I’m also so sorry. I should have listened to your warning. I know better than to ignore things like that.”
Yusei waved a hand. “No harm, no foul.”
“Well, a little harm,” Johan reminded him, elbowing his side. He flinched again. Johan walked over and wrapped an arm lovingly around Judai’s shoulders. “As such, breakfast is on us.”
“If you’d like,” Judai quickly added. Yusei did not miss how brightly red his expression had become and he smiled.
“Sure,” he agreed. “As long as the ghosts aren’t invited.”
“No promises,” they said together.
The three of them managed to hook their transportations together and rode back to town in the van. Yusei looked out the window. He was surprised when a weight hit his shoulder; Judai had slumped over, soundly asleep. Johan smiled apologetically.
Something swelled in his heart. He turned to look out the window once more and mused that he would not mind trying it again. Ghost hunting that is. Falling into decrepit basements he could definitely do without.
Judai shifted a bit on his shoulder and Yusei looked down at him softly.
Yeah, maybe just one more time.
Thank you so much for reading!
The story on AO3
The mini bang collection
Check out LightningClawedSky on Deviantart
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
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Happy Birthday Jaden/Judai! 8/31
(And happy GX month! @gxmonth )
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
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*slaps this feh crossover* this baby can fit so many aesthetic wing accents. Yusei joins the party!
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
Hey, so about that story I mentioned....
The event got delayed but it is back on track. I'm working on editing out some wonkiness and there's even an artist! We have to submit everything by the 31st so be on the lookout for it some time after that!
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
OTP Questions- Food Edition
1. Who eats more?
2. Who steals food off of the other’s plate?
3. Who prefers to go out to eat? 
4. Who prefers to stay home?
5. Where do they like to eat together?
6. Which one likes to cook?
7. Which one should absolutely NEVER cook?
8. What is their favorite thing to eat together?
9. What is the first thing they ever ate together?
10. Which one would try to recreate the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti kiss?
11. Which one has a bigger sweet tooth?
12. Which one always has a snack on them? (Do they eat them, or just keep them around because their s/o is always hungry?)
13. Which one could probably finish off any giant meal that could get them free food?
Got a theme for OTP questions you’d like to see? Drop me an ask! (Please keep it SFW!)
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
OTP Questions- Beginning Edition
How do they meet?
Which one starts the conversation first? 
Is it love at first sight?
If not, how do they get along when they first meet?
What is the turning point in their relationship?
Who kisses who first?
Who tells the other “I love you” first?
Which one introduces the other to their family (either blood or chosen) first?
Where do they go for their first date?
Who asks who out first?
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
Y'all know that meme that's going around now where it's the person laying in bed and is like "Ah, yes. Me. My girlfriend. And her $500, 5' sheep" or something like that.
Imagine as Kindredshipping!
Yusei taking the photo "Ah, yes. Me. My boyfriend. Our other boyfriend. And the fifty different duel spirits."
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
The good news: Would you believe I actually have another one shot written? 👀
The bad news: It is part of an event so I can't post it just yet. 😫
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
ot3 prompts
characters A, B, and C realize they all only need to cook one meal each day. The problem: everyone calls dibs on breakfast
Tandem bicycle. Three people. Discuss. 
character A sleeps between B and C, but wakes up first. Options: climb over B, C, or the dog at their feet?
character A is dating B and C separately, but want a group activity they can all do together. each attempt at a new interest has B and C immediately sucked in. A is bored. (fluff ending: it’s okay, because B and C’s favorite common interest is A)
character A is afraid of their parents’ reaction to them being with both B and C, and so pretends to be in a love triangle for so long, their parents exasperatedly suggest polyamory. the trio now have a second anniversary and can never mention the first one
the constant need for a player 4 to make teams even, but everyone has a different suggested friend
intricate schemes to get the third person in for free at couple’s activities. “we’ll need an extra seat for their interpreter, yes, they only speak French,” etc.
everyone wants to be the one who drives
nobody wants to be the one who drives
double dating confused with triple dating by outside viewers, the person assumed to be with someone else gets insecure
characters A and B are preparing a surprise for C, and keep handing off C to each other as the other one frantically preps
illness dominoes
no shower big enough for three person shower sex (solution: hot tub?)
character A confuses B’s birthday with C’s
first class plane seats are roomier, but only two per row instead of three. character A is desperately afraid of flying and needs both B and C to sit with them. character B cannot fit into a coach seat
“what do you mean, that’s not your cat” “I thought it was yours” “I thought it was theirs!”
character A can’t remember who they’ve already told what, keep assuming both B and C have the same set of information
attempting to buy matching engagement rings for two people with VASTLY different aesthetics
TRIPLE simultaneous proposal, everyone has too many rings
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
Send me a ship and a number and I'll tell you
- How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
- How’s their team work? Do they share well?
- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
- First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
- Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
- Any tasks that are always left to one person?
- What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
- What do the like best about their partner?
- Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
- Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?
- Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?
- Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
- What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
- Anything they both dread?
- How adventurous are they?
- Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?
- What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
- What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
- What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
- What does their home look like? Their room?
- Do they share any interests or hobbies?
- Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
- How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
- Any doubts about the relationship?
- How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
- How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
- Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
- What are their vacations like?
- How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
- Could they manage a long distance relationship?
- Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
- Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
- What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
- Do they have any pets?
- Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?
- What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
- How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
- What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
- Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
- Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?
- Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often?
- Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
- Do they talk often? What about?
- Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?
- Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
Staying Home Headcanons
Is it horrible of me to want to do Staying Home Headcanons? I think I’m going a bit stir crazy. I’m going to put those feelings to good use and talk about the bois whom I’ve been neglecting. 
I’m actually doing this under a read more. I want everyone to be safe so if mentions of staying home in these trying times is harmful to your mental health, please avoid this post. <3
- Judai is practically safe because he stays at home twenty-four/ seven and/or is in the Spirit World trying to keep duel monsters from starting their shenanigans again. 
- Yusei has a mild chance of contracting anything. He still has to go to the lab everyday but his team is exceptional and jumped very early into the health procedures posed by the W.H.O. 
- Yusei doesn’t stay at work all day. He stays long enough to make sure everything is running properly before he heads home. This usually takes a couple of hours but no longer than noon. 
- He rotates the teams frequently. He, course, gives them full pay and if anyone shows signs of being sick, he immediately gives them sick leave with pay. 
- Johan runs the most risk as he works at the local duel academy. 
- However, the headmaster decides that it is best to do distance learning for a while which means that he ends up at home with Judai for a while.
- Cuddle monster Judai is more than happy with this. 
- Johan enjoys the extra time he has for a bit but then when it becomes clearly apparent that they will not be returning to the Academy for this school year, he becomes a bit depressed. 
- Judai and Yusei do their best to cheer him up. 
- Johan appreciates it and after a while, he does get better. Part of what helps is making and sticking to a schedule. 
- Johan also has digital office hours where he can conference call with his classes and demonstrate the new content that they were going to work on. 
- The kids absolutely love it. Especially because Judai and Pharaoh are usually in frame doing something ridiculous. 
- They also really love when Judai and Johan give exhibition duels to demonstrate said technique. 
- Even more so when Yusei makes an appearance. 
- Yusei does do a lot of work from home but that’s pretty par for the course for him. 
- Yusei was also the one that, as soon as the news broke, made sure that they had their supplies up to date. He didn’t go crazy about it but he did buy enough to make sure that they would be okay for a couple of weeks without too much stress. 
- Judai, when not cuddling one or the other or both, took his sewing skills (something he picked up in his travels and dimension hoping) to make masks for charity. 
- Johan helps him when he gets to his free time by cutting out the pieces and sewing. 
- They manage to make about hundred each week that they clean carefully before shipping out. 
- Pharaoh is irritated at the fact that his humans are home more often than not now. 
- Haou is always irritated but he becomes even more so the longer that Judai is cooped up. Something about not being able to connect properly with the universe and all that. 
- Yubel keeps him in check but even they are getting irritated. 
- This eventually leads to some outings to the spirit worlds just to calm them down. 
- Johan usually goes with him but Yusei passes- mainly because of the trauma. 
- They don’t do much; maybe a picnic every now and then and playing a couple of games with the Kuribohs that pop up. 
- Anything to stave off the insanity of being in the house 24/7. 
- The three of them recognize how lucky they are to have each other to help. However, they do make time to speak to others through video calling. 
- Yusei definitely talks to Aki a lot. He knows she’s on the frontline as a doctor and how stressful the situation is for her. He shows her the tattoo on his arm- the Dragon’s head that he got a couple of years after the Crimson Dragon left- as a sign of support. 
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
Y'all!!!! I have been gifted with amazing!!!!!!!!
Tumblr media
For the holiday challenge in the YGO server :> for @thecrazydragonlady
I hope you enjoy this and you have a good holiday full of love 
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
I forgot to mention that I have also all my headcanons collected on AO3! Check it out!
Since I'm stuck at a laundry mat, why not a laundry headcannon?
Laundry is a big deal in the Fudo-Yuki-Anderson home.
Mainly because Yusei manages to get grease on everything even when he doesn't work with anything mechanical (which is far and in between).
Johan usually gets some type of food on himself. Usually while he's cooking.
It usually takes one of the other two to let him know.
He presoaks all of his clothing immediately.
Judai owns exactly two outfits: the same one he's worn since Duel Academy and one he wears when he has to wash that one.
Bold of you to assume he wears anything to bed anymore.
He only did in high school because he was rooming why Syrus and Chumly for the longest time.
Not that he sleeps regularly anymore or needs to but that's a totally different headcannon.
They do not have a washing machine at home. So, once a week, they make a trip down to the local laundry mat.
It's not a bad place. Johan has befriended the owners and he usually has a pleasant conversation with them while the clothes get cleaned.
Judai has befriended the kids that are usually there. He's a hit. The kids love playing with him- especially when he does that trick where he summons Winged Kuriboh to play with them.
Parents explain it off as him being a complicated magician or something. Judai doesn't correct them but Haou, the Professor, and Yubel get a kick out of the idea.
Yusei has befriended one kid. He's shy and spends most of his time just looking through a deck of cards he put together.
They're all cute zombie monster cards.
The kid approached Yusei one day after working up a lot of nerve to tell him that he was a fan and was so thankful that Yusei did a lot to help save New Domino.
He asked if Yusei would mind dueling him and giving him feedback on his deck.
Yusei normally turns down duels (especially because he's been so busy with the Yusei Wheel project and designing newer and better D-wheels for all types of duelist) but he can't say no to that kind of request.
They end up dueling every week.
When the clothes are done, they fold them for transport home.
Judai always does something ridiculous like putting one of their underwear on his head before just walking around with it on.
Yusei and Johan aren't even phased by him any more.
They take their clothes home.
Judai immediately changes into his every day clothes.
Johan gets exasperated with him because the ones he was just wearing end up on the floor.
He makes Judai pick them up.
Johan and Yusei end up putting the clothes away together mainly because Judai is a disaster at organizing and they like the alone time.
Gives them a chance to sneak in a couple of small pecks over warm clothing.
The day ends with them all piling onto the couch for a tv marathon, wrapped in warm, fresh blankets.
If you like these heqdcannons/drabbles, why not join me in the Kindredshipping Korner Tumblr chat?
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
Since I'm stuck at a laundry mat, why not a laundry headcannon?
Laundry is a big deal in the Fudo-Yuki-Anderson home.
Mainly because Yusei manages to get grease on everything even when he doesn't work with anything mechanical (which is far and in between).
Johan usually gets some type of food on himself. Usually while he's cooking.
It usually takes one of the other two to let him know.
He presoaks all of his clothing immediately.
Judai owns exactly two outfits: the same one he's worn since Duel Academy and one he wears when he has to wash that one.
Bold of you to assume he wears anything to bed anymore.
He only did in high school because he was rooming why Syrus and Chumly for the longest time.
Not that he sleeps regularly anymore or needs to but that's a totally different headcannon.
They do not have a washing machine at home. So, once a week, they make a trip down to the local laundry mat.
It's not a bad place. Johan has befriended the owners and he usually has a pleasant conversation with them while the clothes get cleaned.
Judai has befriended the kids that are usually there. He's a hit. The kids love playing with him- especially when he does that trick where he summons Winged Kuriboh to play with them.
Parents explain it off as him being a complicated magician or something. Judai doesn't correct them but Haou, the Professor, and Yubel get a kick out of the idea.
Yusei has befriended one kid. He's shy and spends most of his time just looking through a deck of cards he put together.
They're all cute zombie monster cards.
The kid approached Yusei one day after working up a lot of nerve to tell him that he was a fan and was so thankful that Yusei did a lot to help save New Domino.
He asked if Yusei would mind dueling him and giving him feedback on his deck.
Yusei normally turns down duels (especially because he's been so busy with the Yusei Wheel project and designing newer and better D-wheels for all types of duelist) but he can't say no to that kind of request.
They end up dueling every week.
When the clothes are done, they fold them for transport home.
Judai always does something ridiculous like putting one of their underwear on his head before just walking around with it on.
Yusei and Johan aren't even phased by him any more.
They take their clothes home.
Judai immediately changes into his every day clothes.
Johan gets exasperated with him because the ones he was just wearing end up on the floor.
He makes Judai pick them up.
Johan and Yusei end up putting the clothes away together mainly because Judai is a disaster at organizing and they like the alone time.
Gives them a chance to sneak in a couple of small pecks over warm clothing.
The day ends with them all piling onto the couch for a tv marathon, wrapped in warm, fresh blankets.
If you like these heqdcannons/drabbles, why not join me in the Kindredshipping Korner Tumblr chat?
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askygokindredshipping · 5 years ago
Fanfic trope starters
send me a “(ʘ‿ʘ) “ and I will randomly generate a number between 1-40 and use the corresponding fanfic trope to write a starter
(all sfw, all platonic unless stated otherwise)
Keep reading
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