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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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still gotta pee rlly badly that was just bad leaks and spurts that came out not too long ago i rlly have to pee still but im gonna go in and change, drink 2 more waters and pee in another hr and 20 mins (still gonna come back out to pee in the grass)
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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daddy i REALLY don’t see what u mean—nobody can tell ????
new vlog here (:
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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A mighty pad will make this already amazing full-up go beyond your imagination…. Trust LA!!
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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This one is for you @carptrout ! I know you like them😘
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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Sunday morning Cheeks….
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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Something about a white sleep shirt 🤍🫠
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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You need one too!!! YOU Need it!!!!!
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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Peeking out on a bluebird day🐦🌞
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
Just a Diaper girl in a big world
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
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Happy Big Diaper Friday 🍼🧸
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
New vlog!
A day in the life of a ABdlr employee!
Come along with me, from open to close 🥰
First, let’s get cleaned, packed, and diapered up; then we can head to the store, open up, and do all my tasks for the day! 🩵
Once it’s closing time and I’m headed home, I’m absolutely desperate to get off in this diaper before going to bed - I’ve been wearing it all day and it’s perfectly soaked! Maybe even a little leaky, too 🥵
Every week on my JFF I post a full length clip for free! This week’s clip is an extra long 25min vlog of my day working at ABdlr! I really hope you love it, I had sm fun sharing my lil diapered workday with you 🩵
Wanna watch? Click here!
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
How did you get into diapers/pull-ups?
Omg how have I never answered these before! I’m so sorry!
* It’s a a longgg story so enjoy! *
- Ever since I was about 13 I always liked to wet myself when I was horny. I never knew why, I just knew I liked the feeling of holding and then letting it all go.. it turned me on.. a lot. 🙈
- At 18 I finally made a tumblr account and quickly discovered that omo was a thing and I wasn’t weird or crazy for enjoy my pee fetish. I still enjoyed wetting myself privately and hadn’t really told anyone about it, but it was nice to know I wasn’t alone in liking that feeling!
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- At 18, I also had a boyfriend who I had been with for a couple years at this point. We did a lot together and I hung out at his house every weekend. One afternoon, we were driving back from a beach trip when he had to pee really bad and told me he wanted to hold it. There was plenty of places to stop so he could relieve himself but he didn’t want to. Naturally, I was a little curious and wondered if he had a similar kink, but didn’t think much of it. In reality, he probably didn’t want to stop driving and also probably didn’t want to use a public restroom. He did wind up leaking a little into his shorts, but I didn’t want to embarrass him so I just never mentioned it again!
- A couple weeks later we were hanging out again and we were waiting in the drive thru at in-n-out when he had started talking to me about different kinks we’ve heard about. We talked about a few things and then he asked me if I knew what watersports was. At the time, I wasn’t familiar with the naming of it, I just knew what I had seen on tumblr, so I told him no. He then explained to me in detail what it was, and at the end of his explanation said, “But that’s super weird.” This was when I started to catch on a little more. How would he know so much about this if he wasn’t interested in it? But once again, I didn’t push it. This was my first serious relationship and I didn’t want to freak him out by suggesting anything.
- Couple nights later, we had been drinking while at his house and we decided to move things to the bedroom for a little. I was in a bikini and him in swim trunks while i straddled his lap and made out with him. Unfortunately, drinking has always made my bladder weak so I interrupted our make out session to tell him that I was going to use the restroom really quick and I’d be right back. He grabbed my waist and told me to wet myself on his lap. I was very surprised. I asked him multiple times if he was sure, but when I’ve been drinking, I definitely do things without thinking about it much. It took me awhile to finally let go, even though I really had to go, I was so nervous. I had never wet myself on someone before. Eventually, little trickles came out of me and instantly I felt him getting hard underneath me. The more I wet myself the more turned on he was getting and I must say, I really enjoyed the feeling. Once I was finished wetting myself, he flipped me over and began to wet on my stomach, boobs, and my private parts. 🙈 It was honestly one of the hottest things I had ever experienced. We finished up the night with some much needed rough sex and decided to go to bed.
- When living in area that’s close to the beach, we pass out in wet bikinis and bathing suits all the time, so a wet bed didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. Unfortunately, my bladder associated wet clothes and a wet bed with freedom, so I woke up in the middle of the night while wetting the bed. It was too late to stop, and I was already mostly finished by the time I had woken up, but the puddle I had created had spread to my boyfriend’s side of the bed as well. It had quickly woken him up, and he had checked himself first to see if he had wet the bed. He then looked over to me, only to see that I was all blushie and embarrassed. I could not believe I had just wet myself in his bed. I had noticed that I had been wetting the bed every once in awhile on my own, but only when I went to bed holding or had been drinking.
- I knew he wasn’t pleased, but we had wet the bed together earlier, so honestly, I didn’t think it was THAT big of a deal. Of course I was embarrassed, but the bed was already wet. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the same mindset as me. He got up, walked over to his closet and pulled out something that looked strangely like a pull-up. He walked back over to me and told me he was going to put in on me, that he can’t afford to have me wetting the bed anymore. Irritated, embarrassed, and shocked I quickly told him no and that it was an accident. I didn’t need to be embarrassed more by wearing a pull-up. I’m not a child. Unfortunately he was insistent and said that if I was going to be sleeping in his bed, I had to wear it. I wasn’t in the mood for a fight, and I knew if I said no it would turn into that, so begrudgingly I let him put it on me. I re-assured myself that it was only for that night and then we would never talk about it again. He made me drink an entire glass of water before falling back asleep, “to avoid a hangover tomorrow”, grabbed a towel to place over my large wet spot, and cuddled up with me in bed again.
- Unfortunately, I woke up in the morning with the pull up feeling very heavy and kind of cold. I told myself it was because the bed was kind of wet and it wasn’t a big deal. My boyfriend woke up about 30 minutes later and pushed his hand up against the pull up. “This is why you needed to wear it.” he had said. I was confused, I insisted that I hadn’t wet myself but he quickly told me that’s not how it works. Confused and frustrated, I tried multiple times to tell him that I hadn’t wet myself, but when he reached over and squeezed the pull-up, I had learned that I was wrong and the wetness was definitely from me.
- He had me put a new pull-up on for the day which I was even more irritated about. I insisted that I didn’t need it, but my stubborn boyfriend reminded me that I wet the bed twice last night and he wasn’t going to take any chances, especially since we had a busy day. I pulled a skirt on over it and luckily it didn’t seem very noticeable but I still felt very embarrassed and didn’t want a soul to know. He started the morning by making me breakfast with a mimosa and a glass of water. I, of course, finished my mimosa, but he insisted that I finish my water too. He always wanted to make sure I wasn’t dehydrated.
- For the day, we were driving to San Diego since we had lunch with a friend, and that was over an hour drive so my boyfriend asked if I needed to go to the bathroom before we left. I told him I was fine and that we were running late. About 30 minutes into the drive, I began to regret my decision to not use the restroom before leaving. I felt pressure on my bladder come very quickly. I asked if we could stop somewhere so I could use the restroom but he told me we didn’t have time to stop and that we would be late for lunch. Unfortunately, I was going to have to hold it. 15 minutes go by and I’m beginning to squirm and it’s getting a lot harder to hold. I notice we still have 30 minutes left. My boyfriend is focused on driving and is on the phone with his friend to let him know that we’re on the way, and I’m tempted to just let a little pee out into my pull-up so it’s not as painful to hold. I wasn’t really sure how much this pull-up could handle so I wanted to be careful. Unfortunately, the problem with this idea was that I didn’t want my boyfriend to know I had used it. He would definitely make me wear pull-ups all the time if I did.
- He was on the phone, and not paying attention so I figured I’d be fine. I’d let a little out and no one would know. The problem with this plan was that I wasn’t used to “just letting a little pee out”, so when I relaxed my bladder, a huge stream of pee came out of me and into my pull-up. Scrambling to get control of my bladder again, I sat up and crossed my legs to stop the pee from coming out of me. I was surprised by the feeling of my pull-up being warm and pressed up against me. I didn’t realize it would’ve felt that good. Deciding I liked the feeling, I opened my legs a little and let more out. Unfortunately, I had to go so bad that a lot more came out again. I noticed my pull-up filling from front to back and becoming a lot heavier, but it felt sooo good. I was so nervous my pull-up wouldn’t be able to hold more, but I couldn’t stop wetting myself. Finally, I felt the last few trickles come out of me and I couldn’t help but feel a little turned on. It felt so nice up against me.
- My boyfriend ended his phone call and reached his hand over to my pull-up. I had forgot that I was trying to hide it from him, and it must have been very obvious that I was wetting myself. He pushed the pull-up against me and a little moan came out of me. “Good thing I put you in that pull-up today huh?” I was so embarrassed, but couldn’t deny that his hand felt good there. Unfortunately, I had to go to lunch like that only for him to tell me afterwards that he could see it peeking out from under my skirt.
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- From that day forward I have gone deeper and deeper into what ABDL is and quickly realized it was something I really enjoy. I’m no longer with this boyfriend, but I will say that I’m forever grateful I was introduced to it. 🙈
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batmandiaper · 2 days ago
Diaper check please
Gotta run errands this morning, then I'm going to MickeyDs UwU
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i know ill stay dry, but it doesnt hurt to have protection...
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batmandiaper · 6 days ago
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Chilly weather = Warm pullups🥶💦🥰
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batmandiaper · 6 days ago
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Just getting cozy🥰
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batmandiaper · 6 days ago
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A perfect pullup princess day🖍️👑🖍️
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