asksomnophiliac · 4 years
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ur like crocs no one would be caught dead in you
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
Do you wear glasses with your hero costume? If you do why not wear contacts?
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I can’t imagine my glasses breaking or coming off during a fight.
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
Not that I agree with the previous anon (Everyone has flaws, everyone makes mistakes) but they did bring up a decent point. Is you and Mic's relationship.. Entirely healthy? Are both of you okay/getting help?
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If I say ‘I don’t need therapy’, it’ll sound like I need therapy.
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
Ik you two have history and all but Mic just seems like a bad person. If I were you I'd ditch him.
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Say sike
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
Is it ever annoying to you, how you're perceived by others, especially the media? Your persona is very sexual, so I'll bet there are a lot of people who objectify you and/or downplay your abilities. What are your thoughts on that?
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
I know you tend to like Youth, but why are you so forward/sexual with your male students? Is it just the persona or is it something else? Have you just been pushed to act that way due to your persona?
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Midnight puts me in a headspace... I guess you could say I’m more ‘easy’ and inappropriate as Midnight. But my students? I’m a teacher to them. That’s, like, a professional parental figure.
[ mun note: that is like the one thing about midnight’s character i can’t defend and tend to write out lol. i hope you all don’t mind it ]
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
So how good are you at fighting without using your power?
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Sparring with Aizawa has made me cautious of any quirk-removing villains, or villains who won’t be affected by my quirk. I’m no All Might, but I can hold my own against two or three big guys!
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
So what does your quirk smell like? Does it affect based on the smell or just ingesting at all?? Have you ever tried collecting it in containers to throw incase you encountered a quirk similar to Aizawa's? Could you poison someone with a concentrated enough amount??
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As for poison, well, I’m sure I could. Anything in a large enough dose is lethal. I haven’t, though.
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
Has Hizashi ever proven to be boyfriend material?
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Plenty of times! He’ll make someone very happy someday.
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
What's a somnophiliac??
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It’s not exactly a kink of mine, but I chose this blog title because of the two things I’m known for; my quirk, and being sexy.  Stick them together and you get somnophilia.
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
Smh why do u peg mic this man has no ass no hoes he may admittedly have some money but. U have money too so clearly theres something else at play
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We just have... history.
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
I don't think Mic appreciates when you make him drink :( Do you ever say sorry?
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He’s had problems with... well, that’s personal.
There have been plenty of times where I feel awful afterwards.
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
How many dick pics do you get? Is it annoying?
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Sooo many. And I think saving these dick pics to send in response to other dick pics is technically revenge porn. I just like to screenshot the conversations and send them to their moms.
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
Do you actually bang all the time or is it just for the persona?
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I do feel sexier as Midnight, but out of costume, I can still get... really flirty.
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
I mean... Mic's got pretty flat tiddies. Flat ass too👀
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
Is your persona like that because you know you're not interesting enough for anything else besides sex appeal?
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Get better soon, honey!
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asksomnophiliac · 4 years
Is there anyone who you think you would settle down with if the opportunity arose?
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I don’t know if they would feel the same.
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