asksibrand · 11 years
Yay welcome back! Tell us about your trip! Where have you been?
((Argh. I’m so mad. I had a whole response typed out for you and for some reason I misclicked and it wiped everything *headdesk*
Thank you so much anon! And so sorry for the belated response. My trip was utterly fantastic. We spent a week and a half in France, and two days in Barcelona, Spain. Four days in Paris, and four in Provence. We were all over Provence, too. Nimes, Arles, Avignon, and Carcassonne. It was amazing, and I got a great deal of immersion practice with my French! (I actually held a conversation with a lady in the metro in Paris when I got a bit lost, so I was damn proud of myself. Also, don’t believe any of the “French are rude” stereotypes. The nicest strangers I met were in France. I was actually met with more rudeness in Spain… But I’m sure not all Spanish are rude!)
My girlfriend and I are planning a trip to Germany next year, which has me SUPER excited because anyone who knows me knows my obsession with Germany and German history. We’re also in the process of teaching ourselves German!
That being said, that’s totally an open invitation for any of my German or French speaking followers to talk to me. My German is EXTREMELY elementary at best, and mostly vocabulary at the moment. However, my French is fairly intermediate. Either way, I will do my best!
Also, again I sincerlye apologize for my lack of activity. I was in the process of moving. But now I am settled in and can actually finally repay this blog the attention it deserves.))
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asksibrand · 11 years
Hello friends! I'm back from Europe! It was a fun but exhausting trip. And I didn't get to draw any replies, as I had hoped. We were pretty GO GO GO the whole time, with little down time. But! I'm going to do my best to get a couple up this week.
I've also added a disclaimer to my about section, so you guys don't have to keep seeing these OOC apologies and hiatus posts popping up.
Thank you so much, guys, for your patience!
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asksibrand · 11 years
Have a good trip! Don't worry I'm busy to and I'm sure everyone understands. I will have some spare time after the 8-th of july. Till then have fun!-George
((Thank you! I should be back at the beginning of July. :) ))
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asksibrand · 11 years
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I was impressed, for a moment.
And then...
I suppose you'll just have to wait a little longer...
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asksibrand · 11 years
((*Pines for ICly and OOCly))
Look what the cat dragged in
((Hello. After a very, very long time away, I’ve decided to come back. I just missed this place too much. I’m sure everything has changed, but I hope I am still welcome.))
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asksibrand · 11 years
I promise I'm not dead.
Life's been pretty hectic, lately. Just checking in to say that I appreciate your continued patience, and I am loving all of the asks you continue to send.
I'm going on a trip to France for the next two weeks, so I've decided to print out a lot of these asks and scribble answers out on paper to get this thing some semblance of active again.
You guys are awesome, and thanks for putting up with me.
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asksibrand · 11 years
((Hello friends!
Another apology for my lack of inactivity. It's been one thing after another lately. 8C
However, I do have a day off on Wednesday, and I will be sure to set aside some time to reply to asks!))
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asksibrand · 11 years
Oh Wonderful. DeSable is back.
Again, I apologize for my lack of activity. So many assassins to dispose much to do, so little time.
I hope to have some answers for you all soon.
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asksibrand · 11 years
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I know where that ship is destined.
I'd prefer not to sink to that level.
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asksibrand · 11 years
Thank you very much! I'm looking forward to them. Do you want to know some details about your underlings?-George-
((On that note, Yes! Please! 
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asksibrand · 11 years
I for got to tell you that if you wish I can write more reports and not only. I can be not only a captain or quartermaster but also a bishop,a merchant,a spy,an assassin,or a templar..., only ask.
Also I’m sorry I suck and my replies are so slow. But each of your asks have made me so happy. I should just make a master post of them.))
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asksibrand · 11 years
Good day , Meister Sibrand it is good that you have returned, the Order and the people of Acre are in need of your guidance.
Ah- I-.
Of course they are.
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asksibrand · 11 years
Why do you stay in the Holy Land fighting for Robert who mocks you every day while at the same time the Assassins are trying to kill you? Look at you! What you now call "my life" most people call "hell". You don't sleep, you barely eat or drink and live in constant fear. Does your cause is so noble that it deserves your sacrifice?
I do not fight for deSable. I fight with him. And I suggest you never confuse the two again.
And it’s obvious you have no understanding of what it is to hold on to something so dear. Of course it is! Of course it is worth it. When everything is ripped from under the very foundation you have built your entire life upon. What happens to a fort built on sand? It crumbles into nothingness. Nothing!
Which is what I have left. All I have is this life, and this fight to free this land. To make my mark, to leave my legacy.
There is no “Hell”. Do not speak to me of “Hell”. Or “Heaven”. The only true life after death is the mark you leave behind.
And my cause is to help these people.
I will make my mark.
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asksibrand · 11 years
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You have to ask?
I have my -concerns-, Herr Greyface. However, I am not -heartless-. I have no want for anyone to suffer.
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asksibrand · 11 years
((Good luck with Momocon! By the way does Sibrand know that you have dressed up like him earlier this year?))
((Thank you so much! It was pretty successful!
And he does. He’s about this thrilled:
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asksibrand · 11 years
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asksibrand · 11 years
((I promise I'm alive. Hi.))
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