midniqhtflower-blog · 5 years
“please, tell me i’m not the only one who’s bored of this damn town,” she grumbled to herself. even though she just came back from vacation recently, she already wishes to be elsewhere. “don’t you just get tired of the same old, same old? it feels like nothing exciting happens around here anyway.”
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midniqhtflower-blog · 5 years
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“ okay, and that’s fine — but hows’ i s’pose to know she’s not actually pregnant and’s just fat? why’s that my fault? all i fuckin’ said was it looked like it was gonna be a boy, like — like people say boys hang at the bottom,.. because that’s where they’re destined to be and not on top like they stupidly are.” she realised she’d trailed off slightly, shrugging in defeat as she lowered her voice. “i might have added that last part myself but the POINT is… i did nothin’ fuckin’ wrong. “ now with a shrug of content, she poured herself another drink and quickly got it down her.
furrowing her brows, she crossed her arms before giving a slight shake of her head. "and who says that? sorry, but i’ve never heard that expression before. to me, it just sounds like you're trying to make an excuse for yourself and whether she's thick or pregnant isn't really your business."
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midniqhtflower-blog · 5 years
tag dump.
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