askprincessemma · 11 years
The Dark One. His father was the Dark One. A shaky breath escaped Emma's parted lips after receiving this information; not just that, but all of it. She couldn't imagine like without parents. She blinked slowly, gazing at him, how broken and vulnerable he was. He leaned forward, pressing a hand to his face, thinking all of this through.
The stress was eating her alive. She truly loved Pinocchio, she always had, but she also knew she was--or would--fall for Baelfire as well. She knew very well that both men were very much in love with her and that's the part that killed her the most, the fact that she couldn't make them both happy.
Pinocchio had lost his father that he had lived a wonderful life with, but here Baelfire hadn't a father to share a good life with; she didn't know which was worse. She herself had a wonderful family for eighteen years of her life, but after that was when it began to crumble and fall. Everything seemed to be falling apart. Her little perfect world was shattering before her eyes, causing her to fall without a safe net--when would she plummet and finally hit the ground?
She didn't know what to say, so she stood there for a few moments. She had been lost in her own thoughts, her own feelings, that she had forgotten that he was holding his breath, waiting for her to answer.
"N-none of this changes how I feel, what decision I will make... I will not judge you for any of this... Because of who your family is? That would be unfair? Because of your past? Also unfair..." The princess was very conflicted on what to do with her life, self hatred beginning to sink within her more in this moment than it had before.
A Moment Changes Everything || Baelfire and Emma
Through the whole walk, Baelfire clung to Emma’s hand as if he were clinging to his life. And perhaps he was. He was too afraid to let go, especially knowing what she might think of him after he’d told her his story and the thought of maybe having to live without her was numbing. Would she think he was damaged? Unworthy? Would she finally see the filth everyone else saw in him? It was nearly unbearable to think about and he was positive she could feel his nerves through their touch. He could feel her trembling, and gently squeezed her hand when he heard her whimper.
Leading her over to a rock near the river, Baelfire pulled his cloak off for her to sit on and led them both to sit. Taking her hands in his own, he gently caressed them in a motion of comfort, inhaling deeply to stem his nerves. Looking her in the eyes, he smiled, laying everything bare for her to see.
"Emma I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, and I’m sure I upset you with the way I reacted. It’s not… that I’m upset. I love you, so much, and I am so happy that we have a child, happier than I ever thought I could be. I’m just… I’m scared. I didn’t have a very good childhood growing up… non-existent actually," he trailed off, breathing out heavily, wanting to get up and move and do anything but have this conversation, but he willed the feeling away, unwilling to upset Emma any more than she already was.
"When I was younger, my father dropped me through a magical portal from another land. I was trying to save us, to save him, from the darkness that was inside him. And instead of coming with me, he let me go. Neither of us knew what was on the other side and he’d left me to die. The reason I panicked was because… he wasn’t, isn’t much of a father. He was once, but not anymore. I wouldn’t know the first thing about being a good father, or if I’d end up like him, trying to do the right thing, but giving my child a fate worse than death," he said, swallowing back the lump in his throat. And the worst part was still to come.
"There’s something you need to know, Emma, before you go through with this… My father… is the Dark One. I’m sorry… I didn’t know it would ever come to this, even though it makes me happier than you could possibly know. Nobody knows me or my lineage, it’s still secret," he added, hopeful it would lessen the sting.
And now he was sure he was full on shaking, though he couldn’t feel it over the numb sensation. This was the other part he’d been dreading. There’s no way the royal family would want the Dark One to have any hand in their bloodlines. Now, he was all but sure she would send him away, horrified and angry she hadn’t told him sooner.
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askprincessemma · 11 years
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She blinked, her lashes fluttering around her eyes at his comment. An angel, that was the exact opposite of what she was. If she were an angel, she would have broken wings from the sin she had caused, the infant in her stomach--no, she would not let him be called a sin. She swallowed and walked over to her fiancee, letting out a forced laugh that caused her to cough from the choked feeling, the tightness in her throat.
Once the distance was closed between herself and the man, she wrapped her arms around his neck. She took in the beauty of his face, of those blue eyes she had indeed fallen in love with, though she knew there was a darkness that lingered in those eyes, something that hadn't been there long ago; had it been because his father had passed that this possessiveness took root in him?
The princess laid her face against his shoulder, able to hear the steady beats of his heart, wondering if the shy little boy was still in there somewhere deep down. Could they make it past this change? Could they make it through these challenges?
Try to remember what we had in the beginning
She clung to him
I loved him in the beginning, I loved him and I still love him. I love him. I love him.
She knew this was true, and she couldn't stop herself from loving him. But then there was Baelfire, the father of her child, a man that she could see herself falling in love with--did she love him? Did she love them both? It was so hard to tell.
"This is your fiancee here, not an angel, sorry to disappoint." 
Trophy Bride || Pinocchio and Emma
After an early hunting trip with Charming that was a miserable failure, Pinocchio wandered through the castle aimlessly as he so often found himself doing.  His hand idly brushed against the stone wall as he walked down the quiet hall.  All he truly want to do was see Emma, but that wish was becoming more and more difficult to achieve as the days went on.  The beautiful blonde never seemed to be in the castle anymore, and when she was she behaved liked it was all but painful to be near him. 
It must be nerves. What with the wedding date nearing…
His footsteps paused as the stone under his hand turned to wood, his gaze turning towards the door.  Of course I ended up here.  It didn’t matter where he started to wander, he always led himself back to Emma’s empty room.  His fingertips tracing over the delicate carvings in the heavily polished wood as he glared at the door.  Don’t you dare, you know what answer you’ll get; silence.  His hand curled into a fist against the door.  You know very well she isn’t in there. She’s out. Again.  He raised his hand to slam it against the door in frustration, but stopped.  You are not an animal, behave.  Pinocchio took a deep breath, desperately hoping that just maybe his princess would respond today.  He knocked twice, perhaps still a little harder than necessary, but it wouldn’t startle her.  
He waited, and what was that?— yes?  A response?  She’s finally here.  He smiled, pushing the door open. “Emma, I’m so—” He stopped short when he saw her in her flowing white dress. “I-I’m terribly sorry. I thought this was my fiancee’s room,” he said, closing the door behind him as he stepped into the room.  A smile playing across his face. “I was unaware that an angel was staying in the castle. Let alone walk this earth.”
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askprincessemma · 11 years
How do you think Pinocchio would react if you tell him about the baby? And how do you think Baelfire would react if you told him you were engaged?
"I don't know..." The princess answered honestly, gazing out into the distance, feeling lost. She was to be married and she was to bare a child, she should be happy, but she wasn't. The young woman's eyes fell down to her lap as she let out a soft sigh. "Pinocchio... he would feel betrayed. He would never forgive me... Or worse, he would blame Baelfire for my own mistakes, and I would never wish that upon Baelfire."
She thought about the choices she had made in her life, and there was not a day that she didn't regret them, all of them. She had loved Pinocchio, but something dark had entered his being, causing him to obsess over her; sometimes it scared her. Then she thought of Baelfire. Had she used him to give herself comfort? No, she wouldn't let herself believe that--couldn't let herself believe that. "And I would be surprised if Baelfire didn't already know about my engagement... The whole kingdom knows by now." She laughed and sighed. "But hearing it from me might kill him... I love them both... I hate that I'm hurting them both..."
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askprincessemma · 11 years
What are you gonna name the kid?
"I think that depends on my decision." On whether I pass it off as Pinocchio's child, or if I stay with Neal.
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askprincessemma · 11 years
If you could be anyone else in the Enchanted Forest for a day, who would you choose to be?
"I would like to be..." She paused, thinking about the question for a moment, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, as if to taste the question.
"I think it would be kind of cool to switch places with my mother for a day, to see the kingdom through her eyes, to get an insight of what I will be taking upon my hands one day."
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askprincessemma · 11 years
October || Pinocchio and Emma
Emma had an eighteenth birthday coming up towards the end of the month. This upcoming celebration was exciting news as well as it was also fearful news. The princess knew that entering adulthood would just be another step closer to the day that she would become queen and rule over the land. Emma was a strong woman who could hold her own, but that did not mean that when the time came she would not be nervous. The blonde let out a soft sigh, running a hand through her curls.
The princess decided to head into the dining area of the castle to get a bite to eat, secretly hoping that Pinocchio would stop be to take her mind off of her unease; he seemed to make everything comfortable, easy, he was her best friend.
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askprincessemma · 11 years
Trophy Bride || Pinocchio and Emma
Emma gazed at herself being fitted into her dress, a dress that would be used for her wedding day with Pinocchio. The woman gazed at the reflection that stared back at her, a girl that she didn't feel like she was. She took a deep breath, as deep as the corset would allow her to. She stepped forward, reaching to touch the reflection in front of her. Beautiful perfect blonde curls, green eyes, a face made up like a princess should. She reached up to touch the necklace that hung from her neck, clutching it into her hand as she often did when she was nervous.
Am I to go on with this for my kingdom? Should I to pass the baby off as Pinocchio's? There were so many questions whirling around in her head that it almost made her dizzy. It broke her heart that she even had to contemplate such actions, that they weren't automatic, but there had been a change in her fiancee; she used to love being around him and now it seemed like all it seemed like was that she was a possession, his possession, his little princess, his little porcelain doll.
When Emma heard tapping on the door, her head whipped over towards it, her curls swishing at her back and spilling over her shoulder with the motion. "Yes?"
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askprincessemma · 11 years
Proud member of the ask/roleplay group Ask-ftl Additional information to be added soon.
It's Ask Wednesday.
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askprincessemma · 11 years
She didn't feel herself being robbed as he slipped the necklace from the back of her neck so swiftly, after her pause she continued on her way. She turned around swiftly, her mind screaming at her that she had forgotten something, and in turn of turning, she crashed into the man, causing her to stumble and fall into him.
"My apologies," The commoner dressed princess said to the man she had bumped into, one who was not but a few years older than she. The area they were in was not as crowded now, the few people had made their way either in or out of the door, paying no heed to the two of them, so now it was just those two.
The blonde fluttered her lashes at him, biting her lip nervously when her eyes caught a glint of metal. Her gaze followed it and she noticed that he had a necklace, one that mirrored her own. Her hand reached up to touch her necklace, as a comfort, but the necklace was gone. Her eyes grew wide as she looked down at his necklace again, now knowing it had to be hers.
Flashback: From the Moment We Met || Baelfire and Emma
Moving along the wall where it was darkest, Baelfire moved behind the girl, careful to keep out of her eyesight. He smirked when he watched her pull her coin bag out, the inside glittering against the flickering flames of the tavern lights. This was even better than he hoped for- this girl was no commoner. She had to be from the upper society, possibly even a royal. Suddenly he felt a little less guilty about stealing from her, given that it was probably a drop in the bucket compared to whatever else she owned.
He watched her from the shadows while she drank, waiting for her to move. He couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was, the way the light illuminated her soft skin, her bright blonde curls falling around her face and shoulders, the way her eyes held a certain mischief and kindness as she watched the others around her. But there was something else there too- sadness? Loneliness? He couldn’t quite tell, but he knew that look all too well- it was the same look he carried, the look when things were going horribly wrong and the need to escape it all. His heart began to ache for her, and a need to ease her pain. He hated the thought of someone feeling like that, and for a moment he reconsidered lifting her necklace, but couldn’t quite turn from it, knowing he had no other recourse to survive in this land. And so he shoved it down, to that little dark place in his heart that couldn’t afford to care about anyone.
Waiting until she began to move, he finally emerged from the shadows, seeing his opportunity when she bent to adjust her coin bag. Quietly and swiftly walking up behind her, he seized the opportunity to unlatch the necklace chain, careful to make little contact with her skin so that she didn’t feel it.
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askprincessemma · 11 years
Emma watched the woman, a look so similar to her own face, both the expression she held and the one that she was hiding; boredom and distress. "Wait," Emma said, calling to the princess, a small smile upon her lips. "Would you like to stay for tea and sandwiches?"
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Gate Crasher | Emma and Belle
Belle French’s expression relaxed when the guards released her, though neither seemed content on doing so. “Much thanks, Princess Emma.” She gives a somewhat respectful bow to the blonde woman, whom she would have been polite to under normal circumstances, and turned to exit the Drawing Room wearing a bored, plain expression to hide her distress: where would she go now?
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askprincessemma · 11 years
She had planned on being strong, talking to him like a woman, but once he tugged her into his arms and buried his face into her neck, she wouldn't stop the tears from spilling from her eyes. She swallowed nervously, all of her emotions betraying her. A small whimper escaped her lips, much to her discontent. A shaky inhale was taken into her tight chest before she let out a soft sigh.
When she finally regained her composure, she decided to speak. "Yes," she said in a small whisper, her arms lifting to wrap around the man she loved, loosely hugging him. "We can speak somewhere private."
Fear filled her chest, her heart fluttering rapidly. Everything was like slow motion around as she pulled away from him and began to walk with him through the village that their tavern was in. Each walk echoed in the silent air. The woman was terrified of losing him, she knew it had to happen someday, but she had let herself get too close to him and wasn't willing to let him go. She continued to walk by his side, waiting for him to find a place he deemed more private before he would tell her what he needed to say.
She knew what was coming, but that did not stop all of the numb tingles from leaking through her veins, pouring into her limbs and heart, yet she continued walking by his side. Her heart pounded, she could hear it, it was almost deafening. She wondered if he could hear it too, if he could hear the roars of blood rushing through her ears, through her body. If he could hear every sob she was trying to hold in. She kept her hand in his, afraid of letting go of it.
Her hand itched to touch her pregnant stomach, though she wasn't even showing yet. She wanted to protect her baby and show it that it was loved. She didn't let her hand touch her stomach though, she was afraid that she would upset Baelfire if she did.
Once they arrived to a private destination, she turned to him, looking straight into those brown eyes she had fallen in love with, bracing herself for the worst.
A Moment Changes Everything || Baelfire and Emma
As soon as the night air hit him, Baelfire instantly regretted bolting for the door. He felt incredibly stupid- he might as well have reached out and slapped her. She was pregnant and scared, and she needed love and support from him, not this meltdown he’d turned into. But the feeling of fear that he might turn into his father was overwhelming, suffocating, that night over the portal flashing through his mind again and again in an endless spiral. Sitting on a nearby bench, Baelfire sat, leaning forward with his head cradled in his hands, breathing deeply and watching while his breath coalesced in the cold.
He could leave. He could go and he’d be out of her life and she’d be free to continue her life normally. Their child wouldn’t have to grow up constantly shunned and outcast, maybe even growing up on the run. They could have a good life in the royal palace with their mother and have a stable father figure in her fiance. Their child wouldn’t have to grow up knowing their real father was nothing more than a shameful thief.
…a shameful thief who abandoned his family.
Shaking his head, he kicked the dirt under his feet, angry with himself for even entertaining the thought. He was scared to end up like his father, but here he was considering similar thoughts. He wouldn’t- couldn’t- let them win. For far too long he’d let himself get in the way, too afraid to take chances, maybe even too afraid to be happy. There was more of his father in him than he would’ve liked it seemed. But the more he thought about it the more Baelfire was determined to do the opposite.
Ever since he’d known her, Emma had given him all of her love. She was everything to him, and there was no way to ever put into words how much he loved her. He couldn’t just leave her to this fate. If he was going to die, then so be it- at least he would know love and have a family before he did. Even if he had to face down hell itself, it would all be worth it.
Running his hands through his hair, Baelfire stood, taking one last deep breath before calming his nerves. He needed to make sure Emma was okay. A feeling of dread crept over him, knowing he would need to explain his panic attack. He’d told her nearly everything about himself, however his past with his father had been the one thing that was too painful to broach. But if there was one person he could tell, it would be her. And she deserved to know.
Turning back towards the tavern, Baelfire was jolted slightly by the sight of Emma waiting for him in the doorway. A pang of guilt knotted his stomach at the sight of how worried and afraid she looked and Baelfire silently cursed himself for being so selfish as to only think of his own feelings. Walking up to her, he gave her a small sheepish smile, taking her into his arms, lifting her off the ground in a tight hug and burying his face in her neck. “I’m sorry," he whispered quietly. “Can we uhm… can we go somewhere and talk? Somewhere private?"
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askprincessemma · 11 years
If you could be anything but a princess, what would you be?
"If I could be anything besides a princess..." Emma thought about it, trying to decide what she'd want to be. "I'd want to be a warrior. Like Mulan. I admire her very much and would love to be able to fight like that..."
"But I am not unhappy with my title. I think it will be amazing to be queen one day." But I do enjoy my time when I dress out of royalty and go to taverns and live as a commoner for a few hours of the week.
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askprincessemma · 11 years
When he had told her he needed air and dashed for the door, she felt her whole world crashing on to her. Will I have to pass the child off as Pinocchio's? If Baelfire going to leave me because of this? Will I have to live a lie? All of these thoughts whirled around in her head, causing her to grow dizzy. She felt horrible as it was, and to have him just run out on her like that felt like glass breaking inside of her. The woman looked upon the ground for the answers she sought, but nothing came of course. She sat there awhile, giving him time to air out before rising from her chair. She had to go out there and see what was going on. She had to talk this through with him, and if he decided to leave her, than so be it. If he decided to stay, then they would have a difficult time deciding what to do. She wanted to be with Baelfire, but she also had a duty to her kingdom, and it wasn't as though she didn't also love Pinocchio, but he had changed lately; she missed the old Pinocchio she had once knew, she had loved him, rather than the new possessive one.
Her feet began to move, causing clicks of her heels to patter along the floor of the tavern, a tavern that had been the first chapter to so many memories, she hoped it would not also be the last chapter of those. She continued to move forth, hesitantly, until she was lingering in the doorway of the tavern. She gazed out at him, quietly, not letting him know of her presence just yet. She gazed at him with sad longing eyes, wanting desperately to be with him. She had expected joy upon her telling of her pregnancy, she had not expected fear, though she guessed it should have been expected. She parted her lips to speak, but only silent air was released from them.
A Moment Changes Everything || Baelfire and Emma
‘I haven’t decided what I am to do.’
The words hit him like a thunderbolt, and for a moment his body went numb, every fear he’d ever had being conveyed in a single sentence. He didn’t really know why he was surprised- he really shouldn’t have been. But somewhere deep down he had been hoping that finally he’d found something real. He looked away, not wanting her to see the war inside him, scared that if she really knew what was going on in his head, that would be the final straw and she’d see him for what he really was- broken, maybe beyond salvage. A tiny voice in his head piqued up, telling him he was overreacting, that she’d seen him vulnerable before, that she hadn’t flat out said no and he shouldn’t be acting like this, but he couldn’t help it. Abandonment truly was the greatest pain the world had to offer and its scars were unparalleled.
Baelfire turned back to her, watching her face while she breathed, her own panic visible and her wanting to say something, but struggling. This was it he figured, that one last crushing blow, he was sure of it this time. But nothing could have prepared him for what came after- the lightning was now a thunderstorm.
‘I’m pregnant. And I-I’m certain it’s not my fiancee’s. I-if not certain, then almost certain. The timeline, it wouldn’t add up any other way…’
Not her fiancee’s.
Then that meant… the child inside of her was his.
Of all the things he’d been expecting her to say, that had not even been so much a flicker in his mind.
Inhaling shallow, shaky breaths, he stared off into the distance, stricken. He was going to be a father. Not only that, a father to a princess’s child. He could already see it playing out in his mind- she would for sure dismiss him now and she would go back to the palace and she would pretend the baby was her fiancee’s, or the royals might have even figured it out, and he would have a bounty and a death warrant in place within the week.
And it wasn’t just that. The fact of the matter was his father had never been much of a father at all, choosing power over his own son and leaving Baelfire with scars that would never fully heal. He could still feel the pull of the vortex, of his father’s skin sliding over his hand as he let go, the earth digging into his skin as he fell further away, his horrified scream when his father disappeared from view. His father had once been so adamant in his love and had sworn he’d never let his son go, but it had happened anyway and there was a large part of Baelfire that was terrified he would become just like his father. He couldn’t face that possibility, and even worse, knowing he might eventually be forced to do so without consent if the royal family had its way.
Suddenly the heat around him began to become stifling, nausea and alcohol churning in his stomach. He knew she was waiting for him to say something and knew she was every bit as terrified. Needing to compose himself before addressing the situation he leaned forward to embrace her, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek and a second time on her lips, trying to comfort her. It was his fault- he should have done better to protect her.
"I’m sorry… I just… I need air… I need out of here," he said shakily, making his way to the door.
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askprincessemma · 11 years
It's ask-Wednesday in the AU Once Upon a time RPG Ask-FTL.
Send any questions you have for me!
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askprincessemma · 11 years
Emma was used to angry shouting, and she almost dismissed them all so she could flee from it; she was used to shouting because of her parents arguments, but she knew she had to be a strong princess to be a strong queen one day. She gazed at the woman, a woman who had obviously been though a lot. She raised her brows at the guards before looking at the woman. "And it is my fault that you were so troubled? Do not raise your voice at me unless you would like to get thrown into our dungeon."
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The princess  looked at the guards for another moment before looking at the princess. "She is free to go." She waved her hands up and turned to walk away.
The guards gazed at the brunette woman in their grasp. "We shall let you go once you'd apologized for raising your voice to the Princess of the Charming family."
Hearing that, Emma turned around and shook her head gently. "No need for apology."
The guards shook their heads. "But she must..."
Gate Crasher | Emma and Belle
Belle felt the fingertips of the guard whose name she knew - it was Regulus - loosten his grip the slightest bit, and she wiggled to free herself with little success. “I was not tresspassing, per se: I was not within the gates of the palace land. However, I was seeking shelter under a tree after escaping the Evil Queen’s dungeons, in which she had imprisoned me in for the last what I imagine was a decade."
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askprincessemma · 11 years
Emma smiled at the woman, placing her hands on her dress to smooth out the silky material. She looked down at her hand before looking up at the other princess who had greeted her. "Good day to you. What brings you into my castle, Princess Belle?" She tilted her head to the side, her eyes intense yet curious of why the woman had trespassed onto their land; but she would let the woman speak for herself. She looked at each of the guards and lifted her hands, wanting them to loosen their grip a bit, and they did; though they would not release the woman.
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Gate Crasher | Emma and Belle
Belle French glared into the blue irises of Princess Emma Charming, her cheeks flused as two castle guards held her arms tight - there would be no chance of escaping now.
She had been sleeping under an oak tree outside the palace gates for shelter and protection, as it had been a storm-filled previous night, when a man wearing the most ridiclous outfit she had ever seen spotted her and claimed she was ‘tresspassing’ and ‘loitering’.
"Princess Emma," Belle said with a bow of her head. “It’s an honor."
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askprincessemma · 11 years
His sweet kiss upon her hand made her cheeks warm, coloring them with a soft pink. She gazed down at her hand in his, trying to keep her own nerves together. She still didn't have an answer for him about running away, partially because of the fact that she had nothing else on her mind but the baby growing inside of her. Her heart hammered in her chest as butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She wondered if her heart beats were as audible to him as they were to her. She tried to keep her breaths even but they were deep and ragged. She knew she was only making him nervous with her own anxiety and she hated it.
Emma pressed her lips together, the corner of them twitching, tugging gently on her features. The princess blinked slowly, her lashes fluttering around her eyes as she swallowed. "I haven't decided what I am to do." Before she could stop it, a tear escaped her eye and cascaded down her cheek. She promised herself she wouldn't do this, and yet she was. 
She took a deep breath, gazing up at him, her brows knitting into a sad expression. Emma didn't know if she could make the situation into words, so she took his hand which still rested in hers and placed it to her stomach, rubbing it gently. Now you have to tell him of he will think its Pinocchio's. It could be Pinocchio's. Except the fact that Emma wasn't convinced. She had hardly let Pinocchio touch her in any kind of intimate ways since all the fighting had started between her parents, he understood most of the time, but there were still times he would take her anyway, but not recently. And she had only once had an intimate night with Baelfire, but once was all it took.
The princess parted her lips to let him know what was on her mind, what had happened, everything, but only a soft barely audible intake of air was made. She closed her lips once more, gazing at him intently before trying again. "I'm pregnant," Emma said, her voice very soft and shaky. "And I-I'm certain it's not my fiancee's. I-if not certain, then almost certain. The timeline, it wouldn't add up any other way..." Emma closed her eyes, another tear or two falling from her eyes. Her heart ached for Baelfire, for Pinocchio, for her parents, for her kingdom and for her child itself. She moved his hand from her stomach and placed it against her chest, her other hand cupping over it, now holding his one hand in both of hers.
Time stopped. Speaking it out loud made it real, final. She had not wanted to face the truth before, but now that it was out, now that someone else knew, it was all set in stone now. Time felt like it wasn't moving. Her chest felt heavy, her heart felt heavy, a lump formed in her throat. She blinked slowly as she opened her eyes, gazing into his once more; maybe he would know what to say because she knew that she had no idea.
A Moment Changes Everything || Baelfire and Emma
Baelfire had quickly finished downing his pint when he saw Emma emerge from the entrance, his heart immediately thundering in his chest, nearing causing him to choke on the rest of his drink. Quickly brushing the mug to the side, he turned to face her, giving her a small, nervous smile, complete with worried sigh, heart nearly spiraling out of control when she kissed his cheek.
"Hey, babe," he said softly, voice shaking with his nerves despite his best efforts. It was amazing, really, not all that long ago, he’d sworn off love and all attachments, preferring to be the lone wolf who didn’t need anyone. And yet in such a short time, Emma had turned him into a nervous wreck that was falling all over himself. Life sure was full of surprises.
His smile faltered slightly when he realized she was nervous as well, and immediately his mind leapt to the worst possible of places.
‘She’s going to say no…’
‘What did you think would happen? Why would she ever say yes to trash like you?’
‘No one else wanted you, why would she?’
‘I’m sorry son, I can’t… ‘
‘Papa please!’
‘I CAN’T!’
Jolting back to reality Baelfire tried to steady himself on the stool, nearly knocking himself off it, trying to paste his smile back on before she could notice, even though he was sure she already did. He mentally kicked himself, not wanting to make this any harder on her than it needed to be. Trying his best to relax, he reached forward to grab her hand, bringing it to his lips in a soft kiss."So uh…" he said quietly, gently clearing his throat.
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