Hi, I’m not sure if you remember me, I was the person who roleplayed with you on this account, I wanted to check in and say hi and hru
I AM OK, ALIVE, AND VERY SORRY!!! I am SO sorry for the inactivity and for basically ghosting the rp. I recently moved, and it was hell. then a year later we moved again, into a lesser hell but still hell. then a few months later another move but into our dream home! Busy is the biggest factor in why I went poof, be gone. to be completely honest, i have been going through the worst of art blocks. its now lasted a year and is still affecting me mentally, i had left art college because pursuing art as a job just... it really fucked me up ngl. Lately, it HAS been slowly getting better, as now our family in a more stable and amazing house (that i find frogs in the backyard every night, its literally heaven on earth) i've been able to recover No, my family life isnt unstable, no we arent financially destitute, and nO i dont have any mentally debilitating conditions (none that i can see and never been diagnosed). I say this so no one is disillusioned, I just had a long rough patch and consciously knew i had been neglecting my blogs, i just couldn't figure out how to get back into it. Procrastination really to you specifically, redzirpinkasmt, i am deeply sorry for falling off like that. There is no excuse. I know how annoying and maybe even scary it is to have a rp partner suddenly disappear, to be frank i didn't even know you responded. thats how out of it I was and i wont let that happen again, everyone at least gets a small message to ensure them they are heard and not ignored from now on. And im grateful you checked in i think thats very sweet and thoughtful.
Now finally, as the blog itself i have no idea if i will be continuing it. i want to. but I dont know if i will commit. when i first started it i never imagined this could be so demanding. and i guess im the one who made it demanding, lol. i have a tendency to make things harder on myself than need be. but should i start posting, things are gonna be D I F F E R E N T LIKE, VERY DIFFERENT. and WAY more laid back, with no exact timeline. The blog may have been neglected but the characters have been thought about a lot. VERY different, but I like them now. to give you guys a taste, ripper is no longer the bad guy. its morally ok to simp for her now/lol. anyway, ive been meaning to make this update for a long time but didnt have it in me. a few weeks ago, this would have had me sobbing. now im doing better and realizing that this should be a fun lil thing to do on the side. maybe ill start posting doodles or lil text stories, make this blog more casual. i dont know yet, but what i do know is that im very grateful for those who stuck around, and those who still send asks and like my stuff. IF i continue the blog, the asks i have in my inbox WILL be answered, dont worry. but they will be answered by the newer versions of these characters, the "rebooted" I'll call em. Anyways, thank you all and i wish you all a good night/day. also, gem galaxies controversy has led me to not play that game anymore. wont get into it now as this post is long enough but yeah, thought i should mention that
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Get down here so I can kick your pebbles! You clod!
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Oh....who is this friend? :P *just proceeds to flick ''rhodo'' down so his face hits the vent*
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Repost bc I am big dumb and forgot how to use tumblr
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Happy New Year! Looks like red Zircon already has a new year's resolution :D
also, peri lookin rather thicc, no? 👁️
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Holy shit I'm alive also AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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So I heard the guards say that you were okay and a Angelite came over to heal you, but then what about your foot? I still have a healing cream if you need it, Hestia and the others did a really great on it
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figuring out this comic style is absolute hell lol
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No no, it’s okay Doll but how did you get in the vents?
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(Thank you all for being patient during hiatus, art school is no. joke. also, I will be trying out a new format for this blog (as you can see above) so that these can be more easily and quickly made (ad so my computer stops malfunctioning due to large files)
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Ugh hello has anyone seen two idiots? like a peridot and a dumb mail gem?
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Hello Dolly!
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LET US GO YOU FIEND! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US!? *fails at firing a laser*
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Stronk Porl
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Hestia incoming- “ Hello? This message is for the peridot we contacted earlier. We just wanted to check if you got the medicine we sent. We are very worried for our friend that delivered them since it’s been more than a hour and haven’t seen him since he left.”
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Miss me?
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5XJ? Where are ya this annoying ''flying pest'' almost embarrassed me by jumping out at me so you best be here somewhere!
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Hello everyone if you've seen a clumsy peridot with almost square shaped hair and a chest placement, that would be me. I'm just trying to get information in the seemingly safest way possible hope you are okay Doll
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*insert cool announcement voice* How will this turn out? Did Apollo just spill his identity to the wrong gem, or will these two find a common ground? Next time, on Hello Dolly!
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-goes up to peridot- hey peridot it’s me Apollo I got the medicine for doll eye and glueing her body parts back together. But I see doll is back together but here is the medicine if it happens again
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Jeez Apollo, either you're getting a bad habit of scaring people or the gems that work at the main Stellar Hub Station are r e a l l y on edge.
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[You’ve made it past the front gates! yay!]
(sry, i was lazy with this one T-T)
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Hey peridot! I’m delivering the medicine for doll. One is for glue and the other one is the cream for Doll eye. The hematite send me those medicine to give it to you. Also I’m undercover as a rhodochrosite so I can sneak in the stellar. So I’ll be there
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(A grumpy Amethyst blocks your way, what do you do?)
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Doll: *whispering* can’t believe all this happened...
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Doll: *whispering* O-oh! I got it on!
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Doll: *whispering* H-hey everyone! It’s been a while, huh? I kinda just woke up and I’ve been reading through the tumblr and seeing what’s going on, things have uh...certainly been crazy!
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Doll: *whispering* IIIIIII, probably should explain how I got like that at least. You see, I was visiting Coral in her room. We were doing each others’ hair, and chatting until she, uh. Well, sometimes she looses herself and tries toooo bite gems? She can explain it better than me, but it was my fault because I wasn’t careful with the exit and...well, you know the rest.
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Doll: *Whispering* I remember fuzzy bits of what happened next...Peridot found me and called for help...and then Reishi was there...
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Doll: *flustered* -!
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Doll: *whispering quickly* U-um, b-but I don’t remember much of it really, it’s all pretty fuzzy from then on...
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Doll: *whispering* B-but then... I remember being scared...I couldn’t see, my eye and neck hurt a lot, then there was a loud bashing sound. Everything spun, and I think i blacked out again?
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But once my head cleared, I was the only one in the lab. I don’t remember anything else, but I think Peridot took Reishi back to med bay.
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I wish I could have at least spoken to her..
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Doll: *whispering* O-oh well, I’ll meet up with you guys somewhere near the entrance! And then maybe I could introduce you to Coral! I don’t think you’ve got the best idea of her, she really is a nice gem! Sorry about “venting” so much, *giggles at joke you’ll understand better soon* but now I gotta go! See you soon!
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(Not an ask, but Why is this Ripper perfectly??)
gay as fuck to be a mad scientist. what are you mad about. men. are you just crazy about men
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