ask-teen-spidey · 6 years
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Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame Prelude #3
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ask-teen-spidey · 6 years
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ask-teen-spidey · 6 years
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this is how you take care of your child, right
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ask-teen-spidey · 6 years
Europe’s planned copyright changes are Really Bad for fanfic sites
I mean you’ve probably got that impression already but honestly, they are really, really bad. Especially if you like uploading fanfiction to websites like AO3.
At the moment, the way the law is phrased is likely to mean everything you upload in Europe, to any website that allows user-created content, will need to be automatically scanned for copyright violations.
You know YouTube’s automatic content filter? Imagine having that for the entire internet. We already know that copyright trolls exploit YouTube’s system in a bunch of ways, making money off user content they have no actual rights to, and shutting down legitimate user content.
But here’s where it gets worse: Websites that host user-generated content – including fanfiction – will be responsible for putting those filters in place and maintaining them themselves.
This law would in all likelihood require AO3 to implement a system which monitors every single work uploaded in Europe for copyright violations, before they can be shared on the Archive.
We’re talking full-on “robotic censorship regime”, as the Electronic Frontier Federation puts it. 
Not only would that be that icky and invasive. Not only would it ignore the complexity of copyright exceptions like Fair Dealing. Not only would it be easy to exploit by copyright trolls. It would also be a massive, massive burden on an organisation staffed entirely by volunteers. The sheer volume of work AO3’s coders, wranglers, and policy and abuse staff take on – for free, in their own time – is already staggering.
And while AO3 is a pretty robust archive, and might miraculously be able to find the resources to comply with this ridiculous law, there are many, many smaller websites out there that would seriously struggle. Other non-profits, libraries, and archives, who would all have to either build automatic content filters from the ground up – or more likely, pay for off-the-shelf “solutions” that are overpriced and ineffective.
The OTW are doing their best to fight this change, and this EFF post also has links to a bunch of ways in which you personally can help lobby against this terrible law.
The European Parliament’s legal committee has just voted (in June 2018) to press forward with the law, but we’ve probably still got until at least early 2019 before the whole Parliament votes on it. The timing is about as good as it gets – the next European Parliament election is expected in May 2019, so our MEPs are going to be worrying about re-election right when we need to put pressure on them (that’s now!).
Europe has managed to reject bad legislation in the past. We can do it again this time. Please do what you can to spread the word or get involved!
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ IMAX Trailer! 
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
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Continued from HERE.
And this right here is the “special fun time” referenced in the second ask.
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
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Continued from HERE.
And this right here is the “special fun time” referenced in the second ask.
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
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DP: …Uh…?
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you’re all getting a mouthful of your favourite meat this time of year. 
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
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my nayme is wade adn wen im bore wen all avengers at civil war i do not fret or giv a dam i lick my boy the spyder man
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
Instead of giving Wade a banana give him a gun
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
Better This Way (Chap Thirteen)
So, I almost deleted this chapter, but I thought it was important that they spend some time together talking and being honest and (ahem) naked after finally working through their angst. Also I believe in realistic relationships (as real as ABO can be anyway) and just having sex doesn’t solve a relationships problems, so this entire chapter is them working through things with light smut mixed through.
LONG CHAPTER almost 4000 words.
TAGS ARE CLOSED– theres only two chapters left!
Enjoy :) ******************
“We have a lot we need to talk about.” Peter said quietly, and Wade paused halfway into the bed to nod hesitantly.
“Yeah. We do.” He clicked the lights off and slid beneath the covers. “Um, where do you want to start?”
“Turn the lights back on.” Peter kicked at him. “It’s like seven in the morning.”
“And I need to sleep, so we can go back out on patrol tonight.” Wade argued. “Lights off.” Peter started to argue, started to insist but then he felt the unsure, nervous coming from the Alpha and changed his mind.
He could see in the dark anyway.
“Will you hold me?” Peter asked instead, and Wade grabbed him close without even hesitating, urging Peter up and onto his lap, pulling him down to snuggle. Peter huffed a laugh– freaking Alpha’s with their weird cuddling positions– and straddled Wade’s waist, hugging him with his legs, pressing his nose into the side of the Alpha’s neck.
“Smell good, Alpha.” he murmured and relaxed even more when the insecurity faded from Wade’s scent. He rubbed their chests together, sighing as Wade’s rough skin sent shivers down him. “Feel good, too.”
A shaky sigh from Wade, then big hands on his back, rubbing soothing circles into the muscles. “You feel good, too baby boy. How are your bruises?”
“Haven’t thought about them in about an hour and a half.” Peter teased and nipped a little bite onto Wade’s ear. “Apparently it’s not just your non stop talking that’s distracting. You’re pretty good at being distracting in other ways too. “
“Well, as long as I’m good for something.” Wade laughed and turned his head to brush their lips together. “Pete, um—”
“Will you tell me what happened?” Peter urged, running his fingers over Wade’s side, pressing against the raised scars.
Grateful for the dark, for the chance to close his eyes and try not to think too hard about it, Wade took a deep breath. “Okay, short version. Um—cancer happened. Everywhere. So I went looking for a cure because I was in love and–”
“In love?” Peter interrupted, sounding surprised and maybe more than a little jealous and Wade squeezed him lightly.
Keep reading
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ask-teen-spidey · 7 years
Better This Way (Chapter Eleven)
Long Chapter this time, lots happens! LOTS HAPPENS. I expect lots of screaming and long asks talking about your favorite parts lol This Chapter should just SLAY you guys.
Buckle up! ***********************
The news stations weren’t entirely sure why or how the helicopter had crashed onto the roof of the skyscraper, but there it was.
The blades were still running, ripping through the air and the body was wedged into and against some railing, leaning precariously over the edge of the roof.
The people inside were screaming, too terrified of pushing the helicopter over the edge if they moved, too terrified of falling hundreds of feet to their death if they stayed. Emergency personnel were scrambling, trying to figure out how to save the six people in without sending the chopper crashing to the ground and exploding at the bottom of the building– something that could bring the building down and probably kill everyone inside.
It was not a good situation.
Peter was swinging towards the scene as fast as he could, all thoughts of anything and anyone pushed from his mind as he raced towards the accident.
He had just barely arrived, just barely landed on the roof when Deadpool went running past him, heading right for the chopper doors.
“Pool, wait!” he yelled, but the man didn’t even slow down, so Peter just started firing webs, flinging everything he had at the landing skids and tail rotor and tying them off onto the building, working his way closer as he did.
Wade glanced back, flashed him a thumbs up and Peter flung a few more webs to secure it before running to help him.
The door of the cabin was crushed, but Peter just grabbed and wrenched it off, sending it flying somewhere back behind them, and reached in to grab the first person.
“Hi!” he shouted over the noise. “Pool and I are gonna get you guys out of here alright? Just hold on!”
Peter carried the woman to the side of the building, looking over the side to where the firefighters had extended their rescue ladders and cranes as far as they could. “Ma’am, there is about a hundred feet between us and them, alright? I’m going to lower you down to them–” he raised his voice when the women started screaming– “–no listen, it’s perfectly safe. I definitely weigh more than you and my webs keep me safe every single day. Alright? Alright, here we go.”
It took a little convincing and some fancy web work, but Peter finally got her over the edge and into the arms of the firemen below, letting go just in time to turn and get the next person from Wade.
“Hey honey, this nice little Spider is gonna take good care of you alright?” Wade said to the eight year old, and handed her over to Peter without even looking at him, turning to run back.
Back and forth they went, until all six of the passengers were safe on the ground below, and all that was left was the pilot.
“I got him!�� Wade yelled and Peter shook his head.
“No! Too close to the edge, I can get him! At least I can catch myself if I fall! Goddamnit Pool wait! The webs won’t hold!”
“Maybe you should make better webs then!” Wade called over his shoulder and kept running.
“This isn’t a fucking joke, Wade! Stop!”
It happened all too fast, and horrifyingly slow all at the same time.
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