chilabot · 12 years
But according to the British judge, it was Apple who stole others' work, not the other way around. Apple refused comment on whether it considered it an acceptable practice to steal others' work, a practice it has repeatedly condemned others for supposedly doing.
DailyTech - Android Win: Apple Blasted for Trolling, Sees EU Patents Decimated
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chilabot · 12 years
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chilabot · 13 years
Abajo Slim
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chilabot · 13 years
The day-to-day lives of these Foxconn workers are fraught with endless working hours, surveillance and enforced silence--all in the name of ensuring “quality.” One Foxconn worker at Chengdu plant remarked to Der Spiegel last year, “Order and obedience rule here.” The oppressiveness of the workplace may feed into the overarching regime of censorship and control, which ensures that political activism is consistently stifled by authorities.
After Tragedy, Apple Tries to Polish Image on Workers’ Rights | Common Dreams
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chilabot · 13 years
While the official Chinese workday is eight hours, the norm at Foxconn is more like 12 and even longer when the introduction of a product is at hand. One worker died after a 34-hour shift. Some of the workers he meets are as young as 13, and because of the repetitive nature of the labor, their hands often become deformed and useless within a decade, rendering them unemployable.
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » NYT's Apple Debate Factcheck, Without Facts
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chilabot · 13 years
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chilabot · 13 years
Para mi éste fue el mejor gol de todos los tiempos.
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chilabot · 13 years
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chilabot · 13 years
The near future of personal computing.
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chilabot · 13 years
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(via gno: Arnaldo Samaniego es el Homero Simpson paraguayo)
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chilabot · 13 years
Silvio Berlusconi: Un empresario exitoso que se hizo a si mismo, pero que una vez en el poder llenó de corrupción y escándalos a Italia, y terminaron hechándole gritando: "es hora de reconstruir al país".
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chilabot · 13 years
Se ven feas, pero ésto es el futuro...
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chilabot · 13 years
que bueeeeeenoooo......
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chilabot · 13 years
Por ejemplo, en marzo del 2000, la Dinar incautó 343 kilos de marihuana y 20 kilos de cocaína de un avión que aterrizó en la estancia La Esperanza, de Horacio Cartes. Este también compró en los primeros años de la década del 90 una hacienda perteneciente el brasileño Milton Machado, que a su vez estuvo en la noticia por haber sido derribado en su establecimiento un avión con 210 kilos de cocaína.
El lado oscuro de Horacio Cartes - Opinion - ABC Digital
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chilabot · 13 years
Paraguay's audience is one of the most intense ever they pushed us to play and sing better than I can remember in years.
Joe Perry (admiralperry) on Twitter
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chilabot · 13 years
The Apple II tested the wills of Woz and Jobs. Jobs wanted a sealed box, but Woz threatened to quit unless it could be expanded with new circuit boards.
'Steve Jobs' biography: A wealth of detail | Deep Tech - CNET News
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chilabot · 13 years
He [Jobs] will go through a process of looking at my ideas and say, 'That's no good. That's not very good. I like that one,'" Ive told Isaacson. "And later I will be sitting in the audience and he will be talking about it as if it was his idea. I pay maniacal attention to where an idea comes from, and I even keep notebooks filled with my ideas. So it hurts when he takes credit for one of my designs.
Jonathan Ive: Steve Jobs stole my ideas | Apple - CNET News
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