Welcome to My Honmaru
122 posts
Hello, this is your saniwa. Ask anything about your sword, historical figure, and of course the gameplay.
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ask-saniwas · 10 hours ago
Here is your task in this month. Don't forget to claim your reward from previous event on February.
The list of event.
Valentine Operation and New Touken Danshi
3x multiply koban in expedition
Limited Smith: Onimaru Kunitsuna
New Honmaru Background (cost 30.000 koban)
Daihonmaru outfit has been released in-game (cost 10 koshu gold - you have to buy with the real money via DMM website)
New Daihonmaru Background
New Kiwame Announcement - Onimaru Kunitsuna
New Background
Free login reward for a week
War Training Expansion
• Double stat refine
• golden troops guarantee
• Duties stat +1
Streaming Spesial Saniwa Day
Saniwa Day Announcement
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ask-saniwas · 1 day ago
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Look what i've got yesterday~
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ask-saniwas · 3 days ago
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Hmmm... perhaps i will end the game until Sasanuki. We had brought all Touken Danshi home except Moderator need more duplicate- (watched by Yamanbagiri) not you, Yamanbagiri.
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ask-saniwas · 10 days ago
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Sasa be like: Yolo, man~ 🤙
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ask-saniwas · 10 days ago
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Onimaru-san will have Kiwame soon 😳. He is more like an Oni. Can't wait to see him
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ask-saniwas · 12 days ago
Hello there... there is an update for 'guessing the Touken Danshi'. Here is a spoiler for you.
Source: Twitter/X
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ask-saniwas · 13 days ago
Hello, there. Happy Valentine for you all. Have you got or made the chocolate for your Touken Danshi already? Well, i get the chocolate now from our saniwa. I also made it too for Nihongo- just kidding.
Feel difficult to accomplish the team? Too long to change the team? Here is the team guide so you don't take too long to change the team.
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Aoe school, Kunihiro school, Kanesada school, Sadamune school, Nitto Kaigan (Uchigatana-Wakizashi), Light Infantry, Light Cavalry, Heavy Infantry, Archer, Catapult, Horse.
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Rai school, Samonji school, Awata school, Tantou, Wakizashi, Uchigatana, Heavy Infantry, Archer, Catapult, Gunner, Horse.
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Sanjou school, Osafune school, Tachi, Ootachi, Shieldman, Elite Infantry, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry
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Muramasa school, Yari, Naginata, Spearman, Shieldman, Light Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Elite Infantry,
[New Event: Tactical Enhancement Training ~Chocolate Operation~]
Hello, Saniwa. How was your day in the new event? Today is Tactical Enhancement Training ~Chocolate Operation~. Collect the chocolate points to get your reward by doing certain condition as mention there. Clear the panel and get your Touken Danshi.
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Some of the conditions displayed on the training panel include certain swords. There are also conditions that require you to equip equipment. You can check the equipment that can be equipped for each sword type in the attached image, or from the "Equipment Change" screen or "Instructions" in the game.
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There are item that can help you. The black fan can help you increasing the exp. The black scroll can multiply the point reward. The last one, the black hammer, can skip the slot that seem too hard to accomplied.
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There are Touken Danshi that you will get as a reward. But don't be mistaken. As you reach certain points, you just get your reward Touken Danshi which will be included into the banner.
List reward
Ishida Masamune (10.000 and 50.000 included into banner — 120.000 for get Touken Danshi)
Sasanuki (20.000 and 60.000 included into banner — 150.000 for get Touken Danshi)
Unshou (30.000 and 70.000 included into banner — 90.000 and 120.000 for get Touken Danshi)
Unji (40.000 and 80.000 included into banner — 100.000 and 200.000 for get Touken Danshi)
Have fun, everybody
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ask-saniwas · 14 days ago
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Waaah, new Touken Danshi debuted now.
Unji [雲次]
CV: Mizushima Takahiro
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ask-saniwas · 14 days ago
[New Event: Tactical Enhancement Training ~Chocolate Operation~]
Hello, Saniwa. How was your day in the new event? Today is Tactical Enhancement Training ~Chocolate Operation~. Collect the chocolate points to get your reward by doing certain condition as mention there. Clear the panel and get your Touken Danshi.
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Some of the conditions displayed on the training panel include certain swords. There are also conditions that require you to equip equipment. You can check the equipment that can be equipped for each sword type in the attached image, or from the "Equipment Change" screen or "Instructions" in the game.
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There are item that can help you. The black fan can help you increasing the exp. The black scroll can multiply the point reward. The last one, the black hammer, can skip the slot that seem too hard to accomplied.
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There are Touken Danshi that you will get as a reward. But don't be mistaken. As you reach certain points, you just get your reward Touken Danshi which will be included into the banner.
List reward
Ishida Masamune (10.000 and 50.000 included into banner — 120.000 for get Touken Danshi)
Sasanuki (20.000 and 60.000 included into banner — 150.000 for get Touken Danshi)
Unshou (30.000 and 70.000 included into banner — 90.000 and 120.000 for get Touken Danshi)
Unji (40.000 and 80.000 included into banner — 100.000 and 200.000 for get Touken Danshi)
Have fun, everybody
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ask-saniwas · 17 days ago
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Hello. This is me, Fukushima Mitsutada. A sword of Osafune which belonged to my former master, Fukushima Masanori. Valentine day will be come. Should we have a time for arranging the flower as a sign of love?
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ask-saniwas · 22 days ago
*eat carrot enthusiastically*
*a little bunny is sneaking inside the kitchen*
*gives them a carrot 🥕 * There you go little one!
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ask-saniwas · 22 days ago
*shaking its head and looking at Nobunaga's picture*
*a bunny sitting down and wiggling its nose*
Holy Bun! *holds out her hand for it to sniff*
Did you escape from Kenshin, little guy?
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ask-saniwas · 23 days ago
Hello. Have you ever heard if Touken Ranbu has Kabuki show? There will be the second Kabuki Show in July and August.
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Here are the cast and visual
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Matsuya Onoe as Mikazuki Munechika
Ichikawa Shun'en as Kogarasumaru
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Kichitaro Kamimura as Hizamaru
Nakamura Kangyoku as Higekiri
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Takanosuke Nakamura as Doudanuki Masakuni
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Sakon Onoe as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Kasho Nakamura as Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki
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Nakamura Shidō as Onimaru Kunitsuna
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ask-saniwas · 23 days ago
Siege of Odawara: The Story Behind Jurakutei/Unreschedule Ambitious Japan Unification
Hello, there all saniwa. Special investigation: Jurakutei will be ended soon in 12 February. Don't worry for newbie. Just sortie until 300 enemies or you have to explore all nodes. But have you wondered what is the story behind it?
All right, Jurakutei or Jurakudai itself refered to Hideyoshi's residence and office in Kyoto. Or i can say... it was Hideyoshi's Honmaru which included as boss stage in Jurakutei event.
Hideyoshi began the contruction in 1586. It was the moment when Hideyoshi has taked the post of Kampaku. Fun fact, it needed 19 month to finish the Honmaru. Wow, that's very great. It reminded me to Osaka Castle with the treasure underground. It had a strong buiding with thick walls. It's pretty similar to Osaka Castle, i admit it.
By the time the Honmaru got finished in the late 1587, Hideyoshi began move to new Honmaru from Osaka Castle, following the victory in defeating Shimazu family in Kyūshū. Hideyoshi of course really proud of the new Honmaru named Jurakudai. Well, if i were him, i would held a celebration with a cake and lit the candle on the top of cake (or perhaps making a rice tower just like the Southeast Asian culture, ehehehe).
Hideyoshi assigned the new Honmaru as his new base. He introduced it to Go-Yōzei (he is the reigning emperor) and offer the emperor to stay there for a month in 1588. Well, the emperor was escorted by many Court nobles. Of course for protection. Maeda Geni also there to study more about emperor reception and protocol that must be done.
Hideyoshi rode shortly after, as the highest-ranking Court official in his capacity as Kampaku. Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobukatsu were among the prominent daimy�� who awaited the emperor within the Jurakudai. The emperor stayed in the palace for five days and asked the daimyō to sign an oath to the following principles:
"We who are assembled here weep tears of gratitude for the presence of His Majesty."
"If any evil persons should attempt to confiscate Crown estates or the property of Court nobles, we will take action against them, and we bind ourselves and our descendants to carry out this undertaking."
"We swear that we will obey the commands of the Regent down to the smallest particular."
In 1589, prominent Court nobles and daimyō were invited back to the Jurakudai. Hideyoshi displayed a large amount of gold and silver heaped on platters, which was subsequently dispersed to all present. Wow, a lot of money. No wonder more investigation would be assigned by the Inspector Honka.
Chougi: "I'M NOT HONKA!"
Ryuji: Okay okay, You are Yamanbagiri. Happy now? When Hideyoshi resigned as Kanpaku in 1591, his nephew Toyotomi Hidetsugu (Omokage's former owner) took up the role and settled at Jurakudai alongside Hideyoshi's other nephew, Toyotomi Hidekatsu. Hidetsugu welcomed Go-Yōzei back for a second visit. However, Hideyoshi began construction on his new castle in 1594, and when Hidetsugu was forced to commit seppuku in 1595, the Jurakudai was demolished, with many components relocated to Fushimi and reconstructed.
Hmm... i guess this is why the Goverment of the time assigned the research more about Jurakutei Castle. But why? What happen then in 1590?
Here is the problem actually.
Hideyoshi requested Hōjō Ujimasa and Ujinao (father and son) to accompany the royal visit to Jurakudai (Hideyoshi's palace and office in Kyoto), but Ujimasa declined. However, Ujimasa proposed rescheduling the visit for the spring or summer of 1590, but Hideyoshi declined, worsening their relationship.
Ryuji: Owh, come on, Hideyoshi! Lord Ujimasa perhaps had another bussiness or maybe he got sick like flu or something.
Hideyoshi: Excuse me, saniwa! All Daimyo attended the meeting and proposed the written pledge. It's important for unification. He refused then it means rebellion.
Ryuji: You are really like Nobunaga! Have no taste of tolerance.
Hideyoshi: It's my job to reunite all Japan just like what Nobunaga-sama dreamed about.
Ryuji: Picky!
Well, as i learned more about Lord Ujimasa's absent in Jurakudai, there was a rumor if The Hojo clan was ready for fight as "the forces of Kyoto were called into action," according to rumors that they were being attacked. However, Tokugawa Ieyasu's demand, which said the following:
1. Ieyasu did not slander the Hojo family and did not desire any territory from the Hojo clan. 2. We will send out our brothers this month. 3. If he refuses to serve the Toyotomi family, he will divorce Tokuhime.
The Hojo clan did not send envoys to join the Emperor on his visit, but the feudal lords of the eastern provinces did.
Ieyasu, the eastern go-between, wrote to Hojo Ujimasa and Ujinao in May asking them to send a suitable representative of the Ujimasa brothers to Kyoto. Tensions between the Toyotomi and Hojo groups were reduced in August after the Hojo clan complied with this request and sent Hojo Ujinao, Ujimasa's younger brother, to Kyoto as a spokesman. Ieyasu also declared in December that he would visit Kyoto to defend his stance. This promise was not kept, nevertheless.
Ryuji: Why don't you give a time, Hideyoshiiiiiiii uweeee
Ujimasa: There was no hope if Masamune would come.
Ieyasu: At least i tried.
Hideyoshi: It's a consequence refusing my invitation.
Chougi: Okay, just let it be, Ryuji. Nothing happened in Jurakutei then. And the history just keep going as what it should be.
Well, i think that's all for the explanation about what happen in Jurakutei during 1590. It's just a campaign of unification. I admit it's very complicated. At least Ieyasu did the job for negosiation. Unfortunately Hideyoshi was being Hideyoshi.
Nobunaga: What's all this, Ryuji-
Ryuji: NYAAAAHHH, GHOST- owh wait, you came from the time before your death in Honno-ji.
Nobunaga: Owh, that 'monkey' just did the job.
Ryuji: No, God. Please, no. Not again calling him 'monkey'. Hideyoshi is a handsome guy (*seeing Narumi get melted and fainted) I told you, Nobunaga-sama.
Jurakutei/Jurakudai (EN/JP)
Siege of Odawara (EN/JP)
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ask-saniwas · 23 days ago
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W-waaa... Yamanbagiri Chougi... he... he... he is so... (*melted)
Unmei: Naaah, his attitude doesn't changed at all. Just more possessive and his belief as the real Yamanbagiri becomes more freaky.
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ask-saniwas · 23 days ago
Here is your task in this month. Don't forget to claim your reward from previous event on January.
The list of event.
• 3x exp in normal map
• 7x exp in node Kebishii
• 10x exp PvP
• 3x extra chance to Touken Danshi drop and fragment
• 3x multiply koban in expedition
• 1,5x multiply konpeito
• 0 token help for repairing
• 2x refining boost
0 repairment
+1 internal affair
100% guaranteed gold troops forging
Reward 100.000 resources, 10 help Token, 10 request Token, 1 birthday cake, 10 big feast, 3 turtle ofuda, etc
Omikuji (Touken Danshi released from Hacchou Nenbutsu until Douyo are not included)
100 sword as reward (Touken Danshi after Inaba aren't included)
Special Investigation: Jurakutei (End soon)
Jurakutei login reward 7 days
Beans Throwing reward (End soon)
Valentine Operation and New Touken Danshi
3x multiply koban in expedition
Limited Smith: Onimaru Kunitsuna
New Honmaru Background (cost 30.000 koban)
Daihonmaru outfit will be released in-game soon
New Daihonmaru Background
New Kiwame Announcement
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ask-saniwas · 1 month ago
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Waaaah, Dojigiri Yasutsuna Hakuraku finally debuted on 10 anniversary. He will be released on Summer. Owh... will it be... Regiment Battle Summer?
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Dojigiri Yasutsuna Hakuraku
(CV: Yuichi Nakamura)
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