" 饾様饾槹饾槷饾槷饾樅 饾槵饾槸饾槹饾樃饾槾 饾槪饾槮饾槾饾樀 ! "
25 posts
!! THE ART ON THE PROFILE AND BANNER IS NOT MINE. !!A loving yet violent spider with stretchy limbs and a tendancy to hold those she cares about close. Be a dear and be a fair playmate, will you? Games are never fun with a cheater!friendo w a cool blog; @ask-daddylonglegs(ask them questions or perish)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
LMAO where did that 馃晵馃獡 anon go
like actually please come back 馃槶-
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
Hi mommy!
"Oh! Hello there, dear! What have you been up to, darling? Mommy feels like it has been forever since mommy has seen any of the smiling critters."
[She frowns momentarily, her eerily wide toothless grin returning moments after the inflection of tone. With how quick the switch was, you could make the mistake of thinking she doesn't even care about what she's saying, or who she's speaking to.]
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
Question: Is this an rp blog?
!! OOC !!
yes and sort of no (mod bloom has given up on this blog, but they come around sometimes and do rp with asks)
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
What do you think of this . . . . peculiar fellow (In my opinion, he's scarier than the prototype)
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"Sorry, dear, Mommy doesn't know who or what that is."
[You can tell by the tone of her voice that shes neutral on the subject. She isn't particularly emotive with her face either, opting for a slightly concerned, slightly pitiful expression.]
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
Hello mother :]
"Hello, darling!"
[Mommy grins at the anon despite her lack of teeth, moving her head down to crouch to their level.]
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
(Miss Angel here)
[forgive me for this is my first time doing this, so you don't have to answer if you like]
(Miss Angel out)
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oh my! what's this? a new toy? it must be! it's Sunny Sadie! the playful pup ready to play! she's a ray of sunshine to your day, and she loves to make everyone smile! say hello to Sunny Sadie!
"Oh, they look absolutely delightful to play with! Mommy cant wait to see them in action, how adorable!"
[Mommy clasps her hands, bringing them to the side of her head as if to motion sleepiness, instead with the added folded hands the motion instead being a sort of endearment.]
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
oh my god I completely forgot about this account
..hi again
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
You crawl closer to the figure, you're starting to make out some details.. they look vaugely like a human, though their limbs look to be broken. You assume their limbs are broken based on the fact that theyre bending every whichway, like a ball-jointed-doll you decided to shake around.
Regardless, they still sound very angry, are you sure you want to approach?
A -- Approach.
B -- Leave them be.
(- 馃晵馃獡 Anon)
<< OPTION A >>
[Mommy hesitates, watching their limbs bend and twist rapidly. Seeing this, she assumes a child got up here and managed to break their limbs.. something like that.]
[Thinking a child may be hurt, she rushes towards the figure. She intends to see if they're hurt and help if they are.]
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
[She laughs, thinking this was quite funny]
"-ah, you didn't go up into the vents, did you? Mommy has had some children complaining about clanking up there.
"Oh! Hello dear, where did you crawl off to? Mommy was /so/ worried."
[She clasps her hands together, putting on a pensive face.]
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
"Oh! Hello dear, where did you crawl off to? Mommy was /so/ worried."
[She clasps her hands together, putting on a pensive face.]
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
You crawl towards Musical Melody, and head into the vent. Inside, its dusty and hard to see.
You can barely make out a figure at the end of the ventilation system, though you aren't close enough to make out any details.
Do you want to crawl closer to the silhouette?
A -- Approach the them.
B -- Maybe later.. (Turn around, crawl back out, and forget this ever happened.)
(- 馃晵馃獡 Anon)
<< OPTION A >>
[Mommy pauses for a moment, squinting in the darkness. Assuming they're still moving around, she can vaugely see their movement.]
[She makes a low humming sound, akin to the first note of a tune, before crawling forward to check it out.]
// OOC; It took me way too long to get to this,,,.,
take some art as an apology 馃挅馃挅
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
what do you think of this little guy
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"Mommy thinks he looks like quite the little gentleman! Mommy wonders the kinds of games they'd play at the Game Station!"
// OOC; mod bloom thinks theyre a silly fella : )
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
You can hear clanking in the vents, by the sound of it whatever's up there either isn't great at keeping quiet or is particularly angry.
Regardless, it seems to be scaring some of the nearby children into not going near the source of the sound within the game station, Bunzo looks lonely.
A small group of children waddle up to you, one tall with long blonde hair going down their back, another shorter with brown hair up in a ponytail, and two more who look to be twins in matching outfits, one twin has a bowl cut and the other has an undercut- both are men.
They ask you to investigate the thumping.
What do you do?
A -- "I'm on it!" (Investigate the mysterious noise right now.)
B -- "Sorry, no can do." (Tell them you cant do it.)
C -- "In a moment." (Tell them you'll do it later.)
(Signed, 馃晵馃獡 Anon.)
<< OPTION A. >>
[Mommy waves to the children as they approach her, smiling kindly. When they explain to her, she adopts a face of concern crafted to make children laugh. They giggle at her over-the-top reaction.]
"Oh dear, that can't be good! Not to worry, Mommy will check it out right away!"
[She only says this to comfort the children, she intended to check out the source of the clanking when the place closed. In all honestly, she couldn't really care less if Bunzo was bored, as long as he's up there doing his job, she doesn't care.]
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
momma i heard something in the vents
"You did? Oh dear! Not to worry, Mommy will go check it out."
[She smiles before turning around and crawling off, presumably in the direction of the vents.]
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
Aha.. is this you, potato cat?
!! OOC !!
haha nope, different person
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ask-mommy-longlegs 1 year ago
I am in ur walls
"..what was that, dear?"
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[She's.. scared? Vaugely confused? Something like that.]
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