ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
Germany cleaning your blog
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
( Um, I'm just saying but I thought about deleting this account because I'm locked out of the email for it, i don't remember the password, and I'm loosing my iPad tomorrow. I am actually considering it. But don't worry. I'd make another account for Berlin eventually....)
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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Am I the only one who thought he was hot/sexy because of it?
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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The Golden Age of Children’s TV, the 90’s.
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
(( If anybody wants to RP, I will stay up a little bit longer. I'm just warning you all, I loose my iPad on Monday (this iPad is the only way I can get onto the internet right now, until I have a job and can buy a phone and a laptop.) I won't be on for sometime after Monday. ))
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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This is Cancel a Format, an R18+ Otome Game/ Hetalia Sim Date created by Tomoyoshi (The creator of Hetaoni). The game revolves around the protagonist, who after a traumatizing event lost her memory and finds herself as a new student or ‘country’ at W Academy. You are able to choose from a large variety of characters to befriend and romance, including female countries and even Sealand.
The only problem is that the game is only in Japanese.
However, Cancel-a-Format-FC on deviant art is a group founded by gabgab01 who’s sole purpose is to translate Cancel a Format into English so that many more Hetalia fans can enjoy it. They are in desperate need of translators!
Please, If you are able to translate Japanese to English, or know others who can, visit the link above and send their group a message. If not, reblog like crazy and spread the word! This is a great game that is in need of a translation.
If you would like to get a better idea of the game and view more in-game screen shots watch this video here. And if your interested in playing Cancel a Format in Japanese there are free download links here. Again, If you can help the translation group in any way visit their site here.
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
When people talk shit about Jean
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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Pixiv ID: 12711863 Member: 口内炎
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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Kitten rejected by mother and raised by golden retriever
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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"I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day."-The Notebook
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
This is a Robert Pattinson appreciation post. I enjoy his existance.
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And here’s a little Cedric Diggory to end the post:
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
That was the best 20 seconds of my life
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
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Funny and bizarre German animal names
The German language is famous for some really long nouns (Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän comes to mind). This is because German nouns, verbs, prepositions and adjectives are like lego bricks; you can stick them together in almost any way to create new words that encapsulate new concepts. This gives the language a special ability to name just about anything. You could call it the German language’s lego brick-like quality, or Legosteineigenschaft (see what I just did there?).
But why does German rely on such an elaborate process to name things as simple as squirrels? When broken down into their separate components, the names of familiar animals mutate into bizarre new creatures.
The Uncanny X-Tiere
Comics are full of heroes with names like super, wonder, iron, ultra, bat or cat followed by -man, -woman, -girl or -boy. A lot of German animal names work the same way, where Tier – the word for animal – is preceded by a word describing that animal’s “super power”.
Stinktier – stink animal (skunk)
Faultier – lazy animal (sloth)
Gürteltier – belt animal (armadillo)
Murmeltier – mumbling animal (groundhog)
Schnabeltier – beak animal (platypus)
Maultier – mouth animal (mule)
Trampeltier – trampling animal (bactrian camel). The verb trampeln means to trample or tread upon, whereas the noun Trampel is a clumsy oaf.
Sometimes suffixes get more specific than -tier, but still tend to describe the wrong animal:
Schildkröte – shield toad (tortoise)
Waschbär – wash bear (raccoon)
Nacktschnecke – naked snail (slug)
Fledermaus – flutter mouse (bat)
Seehund – sea dog (seal)
Tintenfisch – ink fish (squid)
Truthahn – threatening chicken (turkey). Trut is onomatopoeic for the trut-trut-trut cluck of a turkey, but it’s also been hypothesized that the name comes from the Middle German droten which means “to threaten”.
No, I’m Pretty Sure That’s A Pig
Swine seem to be a popular yardstick in German animal taxonomy.
Schweinswal – pig whale (porpoise)
Seeschwein – sea pig (dugong). Not to be confused with the Seekuh, or sea cow, known in English as a manatee.
Stachelschwein – spike pig (porcupine). The English word is actually just as literal; porcupine sounds a lot like “pork spine”.
Wasserschwein – water pig (capybara)
Meerschweinchen – ocean piglet (guinea pig). The ending -chen denotes something small. Add it to the end of Schwein and you get a little pig, or piglet. Since the stems Meer and Wasser are often interchangeable, it’s most likely that Meerschweinchen actually means little capybara.
Just Plain Weird
I’d like to end this list by giving one animal a category all to itself: the humble squirrel.
little oak horn: Eiche (oak tree) + Horn (horn) + -chen (little)
oak croissant: Eiche (oak tree) + Hörnchen (croissant)
alternate names:
Eichkätzchen (regional name) and Eichkatzerl (Austria) – oak kitten
Calling a squirrel a “tree kitten” is reasonably literal, but where does “little oak horn” come from? It seems that the answer comes down to a misplaced h: Eichhörnchen comes from the Old and Middle German eichorn, which has nothing to do with oak trees or horns. In this case, the eich comes from the ancient Indo-Germanic word aig, which means agitated movement, combined with the now obsolete suffix -orn. Somewhere in history a superfluous h was added (along with the diminutive -chen ending) but the original meaning remained. Today, Hörnchen is a category of rodents that includes all squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs, prairie dogs and flying squirrels.
Keep an eye on this spot for an upcoming post where we’ll delve deeper into the animal kingdom: branching out to birds, insects, reptiles, fishes and any other mammals we find crawling around.
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ask-lovely-berlin · 10 years
(( Love how my dad and step mom decided to get married on my birthday where , just like last year , they will make it all about themselves and forget about me . Thank you , so much . ))
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