ask-landofhoney · 8 years
Hit a Bit of A Rough Patch, Please Read
Hey guys, it's been a while.
Currently, I am in my last week of winter break before I head back to school for my spring semester. Two weeks ago, I was gone visiting my boyfriend at his house. I had a great time, it was so nice to spend New Years with him.
And then the last day came, and as we were saying goodbye, he took a deep breath and said "Babe, I'm not coming back to school this semester." And I felt my heart drop.
Apparently his anxiety medication hadn't been working during our last semester, and he was doing poorly in his classes as a result. This was completely unknown to me because I don't have any classes with him, and he didn't say anything to me because he didn't want me to worry. Every time I asked him about classes, he said they were going well, but I guess that wasn't the case. So now he's taking the semester off to get better mentally and become more stable for our junior year this fall.
I completely understand that he needs to do this, his mental health is the most important thing right now, but it still is breaking my heart thinking about living on campus without him. I'm so used to hanging out with him, seeing him, eating with him, falling asleep next to him, etc. every day while at school. And now I'm gonna be on my own.
I know that there are couples out there that have been doing a long distance relationship for years, and my situation isn't as extreme as those and I feel bad for, I guess a good word would be "complaining" about being alone.
But he was my rock at school, and the closer we get to going back to school, the more I am not looking forward to it.
I cried all last week, dwelling on what's to come, and I already know that these next few months are gonna be hell for me.
One good thing to come out of this is that since I'll be at school, we'll only be 2 hours away from each other instead of 5. And, my friend Katie, who is childhood friends with my boyfriend, says she would be happy to drive me to his house on the weekends, as long as I can help pay for gas. If I could go see him on the weekends, I think that would be enough for me to get through the following week. But to do that I'll need money for gas payments. So I'm gonna keep my commissions open, any commissions will help.
I'll have more time to work on stuff now because my schedule for classes is only 10-2 and it's not like I can go up to my boyfriends room after class and hang out anymore...
So please, any and all commissions help.
You can commission me through deviantartART, or send me an email of what you would like. My email is [email protected]
Here’s my commissions journal, it has all my prices and examples of my artwork. 
And I have a sale right now, SFW art is 40% off, or buy 2 at full price, get 1 free. NSFW art is buy 1 get 1 50% off.
I thought I could reach out on here because I would be happy to draw Hetalia style artwork for people and their ask blogs! It’s been a while since I drew Hetalia stuff ;; v ;;
Reblogs would help spread the word that my commissions are open and will continue to be throughout this semester.
I know I'm already pretty quiet on here, but this is gonna affect my anxiety and depression pretty bad. So I apologize if I'm not very talkative on here during these next few months or upload ask blog related stuff. Please know that I love all you guys on here, and appreciate all support I have received.
Thanks guys, I love you all <3
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
(( Reblogging because I updated the original post since I updated Ellie’s look. This update is from a few months ago, around the time I uploaded her haircut pic, but I’ve been a bit dead on here ; v ; Anyway, she now has her hair cut, as well as a new outfit, some moles on her neck, and a tattoo on her ankle. <3 ))
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(( My Malta OC in all her glory. I’ve worked so hard on her this past year so she really means a lot to me. I am always working on her trying to make her the best she can be, and I’m hoping that I am achieving that well! <3  ))
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
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(( Haircut!! Yeah I decided it was time for a revamp of Elena ; v ; so I gave her a haircut! She has a curly angled bob that goes back into an undercut. (^ v ^)
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
@ask-chibitalia-cosplayer @ask-ffr @she-is-italian
1500 Watchers Raffle Winners!
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, this is a long overdue post ^ ^; I did a lot of traveling this summer and dealt with a few family emergencies, so I didn’t have time for work and fell behind, meaning I couldn’t spend time on this blog ; A ;
But finally I had a free weekend and tallied up the entries! Then I put them into a random number generator, and here are the results!
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Prize: A Bust/Full Body artwork of one character in Hetalia Style!
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@ask-ffr​ and @she-is-italian​!
Prize: A Hetalia style or World Stars chibi artwork of one character!
Congratulations! Thanks to everyone who entered, and thank you so much for the continued support while I’ve been gone! I surpassed 1,666 followers a while back, which is amazing! (and also means I gotta get to work on the devil!Malta event! ; v ; ) thanks again! <3 and to the winners, please send me a private message with details on what character/artwork you would like!
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
1500 Watchers Raffle Winners!
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, this is a long overdue post ^ ^; I did a lot of traveling this summer and dealt with a few family emergencies, so I didn’t have time for work and fell behind, meaning I couldn’t spend time on this blog ; A ;
But finally I had a free weekend and tallied up the entries! Then I put them into a random number generator, and here are the results!
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Prize: A Bust/Full Body artwork of one character in Hetalia Style!
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@ask-ffr​ and @she-is-italian​!
Prize: A Hetalia style or World Stars chibi artwork of one character!
Congratulations! Thanks to everyone who entered, and thank you so much for the continued support while I’ve been gone! I surpassed 1,666 followers a while back, which is amazing! (and also means I gotta get to work on the devil!Malta event! ; v ; ) thanks again! <3 and to the winners, please send me a private message with details on what character/artwork you would like!
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
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“Anything for you Artie~!” //glomps
At least Malta gave you 12 points.
@ask-landofhoney I love you too 
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
1500 Watchers Raffle!
Ahhh thank you so much for 1500+ watchers! I reached the number over this weekend and like I mentioned in an earlier post, I will be holding an art raffle as a way of saying thanks and giving back to the community!
So here are the rules:
1. you must be a follower of this blog, new or old!
2. You must reblog this post to gain an entry
It’s that simple! In the end, three winners will be chosen. 
The first winner will receive either a Bust or a Fully Body artwork for one character in Hetalia style, as seen here and here! (you can choose whether you want a bust or full body, since you’re welcome to use it on your blog and one might be preferred over the other!)
The two other winners will receive a chibi artwork of one character in Hetalia style, as seen here and here! (you can choose whether you want old style Hetalia chibi, or the new World Stars Chibi)
The raffle will end on May 31st, 12:00 AM EST
Good luck everyone! And thank you so much for the continued support, compliments and encouragement throughout this past year I’ve had this blog, it really means a lot to me! <3
The next goal is 1,666 followers, where I’ll do a devil!Malta event > v <
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
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“And a little fun fact! Walk on Water is the first Maltese Eurovision entry to reach 1 million views before the actual competition! And the number you see above, 3 million views, is about 6 times the Maltese Population! (fact from here: )
Now if only I could sing as well as miss Ira Losco~”
(( this was a great ask, thank you! With the mun being American, I haven’t really watched Eurovision before, although I’ve heard things about it in the past. When I saw Malta’s entry, I fell in love with the song, it’s so catchy!
You can listen to it here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J7O5BGqPDk
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
Almost at 1500 followers, thank you!
So close! I'm planning on doing a raffle once the number is reached, with several art prizes in Hetalia style so I can give back to the Hetalia community! I hope it's reached soon!
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
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Valletta, Malta (by Marina Geleva)
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ask-landofhoney · 8 years
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(( I wanted to upload something to explain my absence yet again, though I’m sure it’s pretty obvious ahaha ;; 7 ;; 
mun has been ded cuz college yay //crai
that, and I’ve had to dedicate most of my artwork time for commissions, they’ve pretty much became my source of income.
BUT fortunately, I only have less than three weeks of school, and then I’ll be more active on here! For the time being, feel free to send in asks, which will totally motivate me more once the end of May has arrived!
Thanks everyone! <3
oh! And little bit of advertising lol, if you want a commission, (maybe a hetalia style picture of your APH OC, canon character, a non APH OC, etc. (^ 7 ^) ) you can find my commission info here! <3
(I know I just said I'm super busy cuz college lol but like I also said above, commissions are my way of income so every commission counts! )
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ask-landofhoney · 9 years
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(Hope this is alright!  Thank you, but not too much <33 which is also why these are taking me so long. Anyways I hope I got her right!
Drawing requests, 2/6, not accepting anymore.)
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ask-landofhoney · 9 years
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Elena: “Sì sì, of course it would be made with lace! I would help make it as well, to make sure everything looks right. The wedding ceremony would be beautiful, with lots of flowers and gorgeous decorations! Feliciano and Antonio would be the best men of course! And...”
*Continues rambling on and on about how it would be*
Lovi: ...
(( This is finally finished! Ahh I had such a fun time with these asks, drawing the wedding dress and her hair was my favorite part ;; 7 ;;
And for those who don’t know, yes I do ship Romano and Malta, aka RoMalta. And yes, they have historical relations. A LOT of historical relations. You can read about them here.
Please continue sending in asks like these, I love em! <333 ))
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ask-landofhoney · 9 years
✍ if you're still doing these ;; v ;;
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ask-landofhoney · 9 years
✍ if you're still doing it ;; 7 ;;
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(( -still crying at her curls- )) 
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ask-landofhoney · 9 years
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(( As promised, I’m going to  be more active! I’m hoping every Saturday I could upload something.
Anyway, this is what the Nekotalia version of Malta would look like! Ain’t she cute?  (^ v ^)
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ask-landofhoney · 9 years
(( hey guys, long time no see! ; 7 ; I have been busy with school, and most of my art time is taken up by commissions so I can earn money for college expenses. I promise I will get back to this blog regularly! Hopefully an answer a week. So send me some new asks, that should motivate me a lot! > v <  And I promise I’ll get to the rest of the selfies soon!
Anyway, I’m reblogging this because I added some changes and fixed the drawing a bit. For the record, Elena has very curly hair, not wavy hair. I’m to blame for the confusion though because I didn’t draw it accurately in Hima style the first time lol. I also added a new cross ring and handmade wire bracelet with a turquoise gemstone, as mentioned on the profile card above!
Enjoy! And thank you for the continued support! We’ve reached 1200+ followers, that’s amazing!! I’m truly grateful, thank you! ; v ; <3 ))
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(( My Malta OC in all her glory. I’ve worked so hard on her this past year so she really means a lot to me. I am always working on her trying to make her the best she can be, and I’m hoping that I am achieving that well! <3  ))
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