ask-egonspengler · 4 hours
Tell us more about Winston! Anything you want to talk about regarding him?
Has he ever suprised you with an unusual idea that turned out to be the answer you were looking for?
He’s given me a lot of tips on form and technique for operating heavy equipment while avoiding an angry opponent. With his military background and boxing knowledge, he’s well-versed in such things, quick on his feet and incredibly disciplined.
I don’t know that he’s ever surprised me with a solution, but he does have a wisdom about him that continually catches me off guard. He’s a great person to talk to about personal issues, which says a lot coming from someone who doesn’t like to talk to anyone about personal issues.
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ask-egonspengler · 4 hours
At your time of being a professor at columbia university. Was there anything that was interesting or odd or just crazy that happened in the university.?
Not really, which is kind of interesting. I just barely missed the apartheid protests, which took place the year after we were fired.
Actually…I did try to drill a hole in my head during those years.
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ask-egonspengler · 5 hours
I’m always mildly concerned about the fact that none of you wear safety goggles - what if you get slimed in the eyes?
Or helmets? I assume things fly around all the time when you’re busting ghosts.
Or ear protection! Please protect yourselves, PPE is important!
We haven’t had any eye or ear injuries yet. As for head trauma, we’ve only had two cases so far — one for me, one for Venkman.
Neither of them were life-threatening. His was a concussion and mine left a nasty bump, but again, nothing even approaching fatal.
That being said, if we’re aware that a bust may be particularly dangerous, we take care to wear whatever protective gear we think necessary.
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ask-egonspengler · 5 hours
Do you like cats or dogs more? Or both equally?
I like both. However, I think I’d be better suited to being a cat owner.
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ask-egonspengler · 5 hours
Did you (or Ray) ever try consuming the negatively charged ‘mood slime’ and if so, what happened?
Yes. It was not pleasant.
I volunteered to be our test subject for both rounds of experimentation. Ray agreed to it because I’m more than willing to do something potentially hazardous if I think it’ll advance science.
I only consumed about 15 ML, which is about half the dose of cough syrup I take.
Ray says I became agitated, grumpy, and quick to lash out. He likened me to an angry drunk. The whole episode lasted about 20 minutes before, like in our positively charged tests, I went pale and my body finally rejected the ectoplasm.
This time was far worse than the positively charged stuff. I was retching into a trash can for thirty minutes before I finally felt well enough for Ray to half-carry me to my bed.
I slept for 12 hours straight and woke up feeling awful. Not just physically, but mentally. I had nothing but nightmares for the entire time I slept. My head hurt, my stomach was churning, my mouth was dry, and there was a deep, cold sense of depression settled in my chest.
I felt a little better after I’d had some food and water. What really snapped me out of it was Ray spontaneously lurching forward and hugging me. I physically felt all the pain and loneliness and anger and every other negative emotion melt away.
Venkman didn’t dub him the heart of the ghostbusters for nothing.
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ask-egonspengler · 6 hours
Ask box is now empty.
Feel free to ask further questions and I will answer them as soon as possible.
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ask-egonspengler · 6 hours
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This is a canon-based roleplay blog for Dr. Egon Spengler from the Ghostbusters franchise. It is primarily an ask-style blog, with the occasional in-character post thrown in. Meaning most interactions with Egon will take the form of asks and his answers to them. There will be little to no thread-style communication from Egon. He may post his thoughts or observations from time to time, all of which will be under his journal tag. (Character sheet and full explanation of canonicity under rules.)
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- NO explicit asks
- NO discriminatory asks
- No private RPs
- No interactions with non-canon characters or future versions of characters
- This portrayal of Egon is how we see him in the first two movies and subsequent game. In-universe, he has no knowledge of his family’s exploits in Afterlife or Frozen Empire, so please don’t ask him about them.
- The person who runs this blog will not speak out of character to preserve the illusion that it truly is Egon Spengler speaking. The less you know about the proverbial man behind the curtain, the better.
Keep in mind that, despite evidence to the contrary, the owner of this blog has a life outside of this hobby. This blog functions mainly on a queue so it may take a few days for asks to be answered and posted.
#ask egon — all answered asks
#egon’s journal 📓 — non-asks, updates about his daily activities
#about egon — personal questions
#egon’s favorites — on preferences & favorites
#on the job — ghostbusting
#call the professionals — paranormal questions
#spores mold and fungus — mycology
#miscellaneous — uncategorizable
#always the quiet ones — the slime incident
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Name: Egon Zephaniah Spengler
DOB: November 21, 1947
Sexuality: Non-specified, gray-asexual
Positive Traits: Intelligent, hard-working, observant, insightful, curious, reserved, independent, innovative.
Negative Traits: Detached, guarded, isolated, avoidant, prideful, prone to rage, high-strung, condescending.
Likes: Junk food, various scientific (and pseudo-scientific) fields, music, art, poetry, architecture, reading, coffee, naps, thunderstorms, alone time
Dislikes: Slimy textures, tasteless food, excessive physical touch, crowds, cilantro, heat, slander, chewing noises, sports
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PRIME: This portrayal of Egon Spengler is canon-compliant and based upon how he is depicted in the first two movies and subsequent video game. Characteristics from the novelization may also crop up.
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SECONDARY: This portrayal is also influenced by the IDW comics version of Egon and, to a much lesser degree, the cartoon version. On occasion, he may make reference to things which would later show up in Afterlife or Frozen Empire, but that will be rare.
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ask-egonspengler · 7 hours
Cmon man you’ve gotta be curious about what would happen if you did [REDACTED] the slime
Curious? A little.
Willing to actually see what’d happen? Not so much. It damn near took my face off last time. I’d rather it not aim lower should it take offense to any advances. Those parts are a lot more sensitive than my face.
Besides, even at my most hot-and-bothered, I’m not that desperate.
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ask-egonspengler · 7 hours
I never said it was the smartest move on my part.
I’m sorry about your back hurting, king. Hopefully it’s not from falling asleep at your desk mid experiment, more likely it’s from carrying the proton packs cause I’m sure they weigh a ton to have on your back running around.
I appreciate your sympathy. I’m sure my habit of falling asleep in places I probably shouldn’t doesn’t help the situation.
But you’re correct, I decided to do some maintenance last night. I…may have tried to carry two of them up the stairs at once. I only managed to pick them up before I felt a sharp pain in my lower back and evidently cried out loudly enough to wake everyone sleeping upstairs.
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ask-egonspengler · 7 hours
so you sing? what genre do you prefer to sing the most? any artist you like to sing along with the most?
I like standards and new wave or rock best. David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Frank Sinatra, and Elvis Presley are among my favorites to sing along with.
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ask-egonspengler · 7 hours
Mr. Spengler what exactly Did you do with the mood slime? What research and experiments did you do with it? I’m very interested in your findings.
All manner of things.
We exposed it to various auditory stimuli. We also put it in a blender, a cake mixer, a toaster, a microwave, etc. We boiled it, mixed it with water, and ingested small amounts.
Ray and I found that it reacts to emotion much more readily when it’s microwaved or otherwise heated for a short period of time. The stronger the emotion it’s exposed to, the stronger the reaction.
It also responds incredibly well to music.
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ask-egonspengler · 8 hours
You seem like the type to be a loving father Dr. Spengler
Loving? Of course. But love isn’t everything.
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ask-egonspengler · 8 hours
Egon Spengler, I have a crush on you...
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ask-egonspengler · 8 hours
Good evening Dr. Spengler, hope all is well in the firehouse and best wishes for your back.
I saw your post earlier regarding questions about the team, and it brought back a thought I had a while ago. How accurate is everybody with the proton wands? I imagine it can't be easy steadying such a strong source of energy.
I feel like whenever I read the paper, busts range from a simple catch to burning somebody's house to the ground. I'm sure that largely relies on the class of ghost you're dealing with, but do some team members have more fun sort-of flailing around their streams than others?
It’s definitely not easy. And you’re right, the level of damage depends on the class of entity we’re called in to deal with.
Winston is dead accurate and is easily the best of the team. I’m…probably the least accurate, or I was when we first started out. Ray is a little better of a shot than I am.
Nobody can tell if Venkman is a bad shot or just doesn’t care enough to actually aim.
I have a bad habit of doing that…flailing motion you mentioned earlier. I’ve mostly managed to stop doing so, but I still occasionally blast our customers’ property instead of the ghost.
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ask-egonspengler · 8 hours
what do you think you woudlve done if you didnt wash the mood slime of
I…have no idea. Partially because I ordinarily react to feeling that way by becoming annoyed that I’m biologically wired to have a libido. I may not even be thinking about the act 90% of the time, but being grown man naturally comes with certain…urges.
All in all, I’d rather not think about how I would’ve reacted had the slime stayed on me longer.
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ask-egonspengler · 8 hours
do you know how to speak filipino? - language of the philippines?
I don’t, unfortunately. I could probably understand bits and pieces, but I’m no expert.
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ask-egonspengler · 8 hours
I dare u to write a romantic love poem. like one that knock our fkin socks off
I’m never one to back down from a challenge such as this, so I’ll give it my best shot:
My Persephone, goddess of spring,
we are bound by love that defies the seasons.
Her presence, a warmth in the chill,
her laughter, a spark in the darkness.
Her lips, as sweet as pomegranate,
promise of life and the taste of longing,
each kiss a bridge between worlds,
where the light and dark softly collide.
Together we traverse the underworld’s depths,
finding beauty in shadows,
our love a radiant bloom of light
in the heart of the eternal afterlife.
My queen of Hell,
I’ll love you to death and far beyond.
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