ashirehobbit · 2 years
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i’m back w my monthly phase check in and for the past 10 days (or so) i have been obsessed with lotr/the hobbit
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
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me changibg my tumblr theme every month ignoring the fact i only eever reblog and post on blue moons
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
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Sssshhhh, don't mind me, I'm just getting it out of my system 😌
Prints and other stuff on my RedBubble and Threadless (I'm Wisesnail on both <: )
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
Hi my name is Lord Morpheus Kai'ckul Sandman Oneiros Dream of the Endless and I'm the king of dreams (that’s how I got my name) and I have messy black hair and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Robert Pattinson (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m British but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a god, and I rule over a magic land called the Dreaming where I’m the king (I’m endless). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a long black coat with a matching black shirt and black skinny jeans and black combat boots. I was wearing white foundation, black eyeliner and messy black eye shadow. I was walking outside in the waking world. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
going thru my sandman phase rn… it is day 4
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
Reblog to give a trans girl a really cool sword
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
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( via )
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
fun facts about sharks
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
COMPARISON PHOTOS: hubble vs james webb
SMACS 0723
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southern ring nebula
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carina nebula (NGC 3324)
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stephan's quintet
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
also i am love eddie munson he’s the loml
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hi guys i forgot i haven’t posted on tumblein months for the past 2 months i’ve been obsessed w moonknight goodnight goobs
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
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hi guys i forgot i haven’t posted on tumblein months for the past 2 months i’ve been obsessed w moonknight goodnight goobs
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
me when bruce wayne
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
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hi…. 7th day of my batphase….. i have created multiple headcanons about bruce wayne and have digested multiple pieces of information about the batman movie…
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
I think one of the best things about the new batman movie is that rather than go the route of past adaptations where bruce is just this lone savior figure who stands apart in this sea of terrible heartless criminals, it makes it a point to show him as someone with deep roots within gotham and for whom the city’s degradation and the acts of cruelty that go on within it are deeply felt. it shows him as someone who has been the victim of incredible violence, as someone who is still carrying and processing that trauma (while also taking the time to explore his positions of privilege and how that privilege comes into play here) as someone who is able to empathize with other victims of similar trauma and who ultimately comes to understand that perpetuating a continuing cycle of violence is getting all of them nowhere. it takes a look at both the characters of bruce wayne and batman and gives us a hero who is able to look at a devastated city filled with devastated people and decide they’re all worth trying to save. this is a movie that says, “hurt people hurt people, but sometimes, hurt people can help each other too” and I think that’s brilliant.   
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ashirehobbit · 2 years
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THE BATMAN (2022) dir. Matt Reeves
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