asher-vaughan · 10 years
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to take up the whole table--here, let me move some of those books.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
Four floors? That's... incredible. And you're taking me to see it, right? Right now? -his eyes light up with excitement as they walk through the Sanctuary- 
You're the one who hired me, Bastian. I'll do whatever you think is the most important. Whether it's copying notes or organizing books or... or anything else you can think of, I suppose. Whatever you want me to do.
The Onyx Vault is the largest privately owned library in Great Britain. My family has existed for centuries as its guardians, keepers of knowledge and learning, protectors of the written word. Your office adjoins the Vault, but since the Vault occupies four of the largest floors, that leaves a lot of possibilities for office space.
-shrugs and starts walking down a narrow spiral staircase, wand illuminating the dark- I had not really thought that far. I have a lot of notes on subjects I find interesting, and a lot of notes on experiments I have run. Your duties could involve anything from rewriting my notes legibly to helping me keep the library in check. What would you like your duties to involve?
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
The Vault. Is that where my, uh... office is? -he smiles sheepishly, following after Bastian- Lead the way, I'm right behind you. So, um. What exactly are my duties?
-shrugs and pushes his hair out of his eyes- The Sanctuary helped. It let you in and helped push you to me.
Of course. My please. Shall we go down to the Vault?
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
I'm glad that I made it, at least. I've never apparated to a person before, always to a place that I could picture, so I'm glad that I didn't get splinched or anything.
Er... thank you. Again. For everything. 
-thumps out of bed and steps into a pair of jeans, pulling a shirt on over his skeletal frame- there was a chance this would happen, but it was the easiest way to get you here. Now that you’re here you can apparate into parts of the Sanctuary that aren’t my bedroom.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
Your bedroom... oh. -blushes, averting his eyes- I'm sorry. I was just trying, erm... to find you. I did what you told me. I didn't realize.
As you apparated into my bedroom, I can hear you very well.
Let me find pants.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
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Erm... Bastian?
This place is so big that he probably can't hear me...
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
I don't want your charity, Atticus! I... I can handle it myself. I'll. .. send you an owl when I've found somewhere to live. In case you ever... want to find me.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
Fantastic. Monday morning, first thing. I'll be there.
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Perfect. Then it should not be a problem getting to the mountain. 
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Excellent. Monday morning then?
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
I think I can handle remembering you, Bastian.
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Yes, that sounds satisfactory. A desk and supplies. If I find that I need anything else I'll let you know. 
I am simple enough to remember, am I not?
I will see what I can provide. At the very least there will be a desk and supplies. If you require anything else it will be provided for you, of course.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
Apparate to you. Of course. My... my office? No, nothing, uh, specific. I suppose. I've never had an office before. What do people usually require in offices?
Of course you do not know the exact coordinates, the entire mountain is Unplottable. Especially now that the battle wards are raised.
If you apparate to me, you will end up where you need to go. Do you require anything specific in your office?
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
Right. Erm... do I just apparate there? I've never been there before, obviously, I'm not... entirely sure where it is. Precisely. I mean, I've read about it, of course, but I don't know exact coordinates and I skimmed over the pictures rather quickly.
So it is settled.
I will set up an office for you adjoining the Onyx Vault. Please report to the Celestial Sanctuary Monday morning.
You are very welcome.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
...I'll accept the job offer, then, if it means that much to you. I won't be taking handouts, though, Bastian. I'll work hard for whatever you pay me. I'll earn my wage just like anyone else would.
Thank you.
I would not offer this position to anyone but a friend. You need employment, I require assistance from someone intellectually formidable and if you work for me it is yet another way I can ensure that you are safe.
If I do not spend my wealth on friends it will not be spent at all. Please let me help somehow, Mr. Vaughan.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
Answer me honestly, Bastian. If you weren't offering this job to me, would you be offering it to someone else? Posting ads? Or are you creating a position for me because you know that I need a job?
Yes, of course we're friends. But that doesn't mean that I can let you spend your money on me, or let you purchase my parents' house. I'll find a job. I'll move out of my parents' house and find a flat somewhere--that will make things easier for them, with only two mouths to feed instead of three. 
I could always use a skilled amanuensis. The outpouring of knowledge that I try to commit to paper each day is large and doing it by myself is becoming highly impractical.
Besides. We are friends, yes? This is what friends do. They make sure that the other is cared for and I cannot sit idly by watching a friend struggle when it is within my power to assist in some way. It does not seem right, and it does not sit well with me.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
No. I... I mean, no, Bastian, I couldn't let you do that. Buy the house, I mean, or even hire me... you'd only be hiring me because I need a job, not because you need to hire someone, and it's honestly too much. It's more than I could ever ask of you and it wouldn't be right to accept the offer. Either offer.
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I appreciate the sentiment, I really do, I just... couldn't. If I'm ever going to get anywhere in this world it'll be by the sweat of my own brow and not by something that was handed to me, whether out of pity or out of friendship. I can't rely on other people to make my life easier or to pay my bills or to put food on my table. I have to be responsible for that myself.
You're supposed to be sending a letter.
You really do not have to do anything to make it up to me. It is the least I can do. If none of them require an employee I will hire you myself. 
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Are you sure I cannot simply… offer to purchase the house outright? I would be more than happy to. It does not seem fair that when horrible and cruel people revel in their excess of wealth, good people should be concerned about it.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
I've told you, Atty. Things with Brax... they didn't even feel right. It just felt empty. You're like... this bright light in my life, okay? And when you're not there, everything's just... sad. Grey. You bring all of this color into my world and you make me smile and drag me out of my shell and you're so beautiful that sometimes it hurts to look at you and I wouldn't trade being in love with you for anything in the world, even if you never really love me back. I've loved you for this long and I'll love you forever and I couldn't change my mind if I wanted to.
Atticus... please, I can't. Honestly. My parents would never take it, either. I'm thinking of just... moving out of their house, so they don't have to worry about feeding me. It'll be okay if it's just the two of them.
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Okay, honey, I'll make this clear.
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asher-vaughan · 10 years
You're right. It is none of my business. I just... I didn't do it to hurt you. Even before I knew it hurt you I already wished I'd never done it at all. With you, everything was... incredible, Atty, everything I ever dreamed of. Okay? With him it was nothing. And I'm not saying it to convince you, I'm saying it because it's true. I can't see myself ever being with anyone that isn't you again, for the rest of my life. Whether I ever get to be with you again or not.
You don't have the money to lend me. You need it, and I know you need it, otherwise you wouldn't be working here, so no. I won't take it. I'll find another job soon and until then we'll make it, we always have. We'll just have to cut back somewhere else. It's fine.
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Okay, honey, I'll make this clear.
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