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ashalightwood · 1 day ago
And If you wanna give spoilers, please consider talking pictures/scan the book for those who couldn't get It☺️
Seasons of Shadowhunters ships in batches.
Up until this point, spoilers have been a non-issue since we had SoBH online and most of the flower cards in the past.
However, A Sea Change is new canon TSC content.
As one of the last people to have their box ship out, please, please, please tag your spoilers. Matthew is my favourite-ever character and holds an extremely special place in my heart, and I feel like I am gearing up to mourn the loss of a friend. Give me and others who love him the chance to do so in our own ways.
I know that the TSC fandom has historically not been amazing at tagging, but it would be wonderful if we could all band together on this one to not spoil all the people who get their shipments last.
The same applies to Better in Black when it comes, by the way.
This is also important so we can help those who did not pledge the Kickstarter and plan to read the stories in future traditional publications.
I will personally be using #a sea change spoilers. Please let me know your spoiler tags so I can blacklist them.
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ashalightwood · 3 days ago
I'm crying again
🚨Oathbound Spoiler 🚨 scroll past quickly if you’re avoiding!
The Sun and the Moon
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One of my favourite moments in Oathbound was Bree casting an epiphyllum oxypetalum aka Queen of the Night, a flower that is nurtured by the light but blooms in the dark.
The theme of light and dark interacting with one another is present throughout this story, and the snippets of conversation between Sel and Nick about the Sun and the Moon really drive it home beautifully.
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ashalightwood · 3 days ago
🚨Oathbound Spoiler 🚨 scroll past quickly if you’re avoiding!
The Sun and the Moon
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One of my favourite moments in Oathbound was Bree casting an epiphyllum oxypetalum aka Queen of the Night, a flower that is nurtured by the light but blooms in the dark.
The theme of light and dark interacting with one another is present throughout this story, and the snippets of conversation between Sel and Nick about the Sun and the Moon really drive it home beautifully.
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ashalightwood · 6 days ago
Anyone has any Idea of when the kickstarter with Matthew's novella Will come out?
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ashalightwood · 2 months ago
A Little Legendborn/Bloodmarked (In prep for Oathbound) Who’s Your Daddy? Theory  
*Spoilers for both books ahead and mentions of Oathbound teaser*
We have about 41 days (at the time of writing) until Oathbound drops and what better time than now to explore a theory I have been kicking around ever since we met the illustrious Valechaz.  Those who have hung around my little page are not new to this, but if you are, welcome.  It is no secret that I think Erebus/Shadow King/The Hunter is the father of the one and only Valec AND Selwyn Kane.   There are ideas I have kicked around and figured it a good time to document them, so…
Here goes
Scent Signature Profile
Some time ago I did a scent theory profile for our crew (linked below) and in revisiting that, I noticed that Valec, Erebus, and Sel have a similar profile that falls in the oriental/woody category which brings forth scents of resins, vetiver, leather, incense and smoke.  In addition, the three of them share a similar color profile (also linked below).  There are many instances of black, reds, and golds.  All of them at some point are described as emerging from some sort of shadow.  These are the most shallow bits of evidence but…maybe not.
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Valechaz and Selwyn (Who’s the Pappy?!)
“Told you not to mess with that red-eyed devil, but you did, didn’t you?  Ain’t nothing good coming from a man you meet at the crossroads, Pearl. Nothing.”
I have always found it very curious that the identity of both Valec and Selwyn’s fathers is shrouded in mystery.  Not to mention the name of Valec’s bar is referenced here.  In the Oathbound teaser, we learn that Erebus is essentially a shapeshifter who can wear many faces and be in many places at once.  We also know that he has lurked around the Rootcraft community for eons protecting his “investment.”  It is not yet known who the “Red-eyed devil” is, but knowing his capabilities it is not out of the realm of possibility.
“He may look like a baby, but that is their disguise.  They cannot be trusted because it is their nature to lie.  You know this, Pearl.  Just like his father, he will turn on you one day.”
I found this interesting because it suggests that this community had dealings with this type of demon/shapeshifter before.  Katherine says Pearl KNOWS this as if this knowledge is something common and she should know better.
“When I was young, my mother was killed by an uchel while on a mission.  After that, my human father fell into a liquor bottle and never came out.”
Selwyn says this with so much certainty only for us to find out a few pages later that, that was not the truth. It is never stated that he actually met this human father and if he had, it would be quite easy for the Shadow King to impersonate him especially since he was close to Natasia.  In essence, the identity of both boys’ fathers is unknown.
Peek a Boo, I See You
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“Poor little cambion, little Kingsmage.  Leashed by the Order his whole pathetic existence and now manacled by them too?”
Valec’s taunting of Sel is top-tier, pure I will flirt with your girl and whoop your ass in front of her, older brother energy.  Their interactions are always tense and teetering on the razor’s edge of violence.  Selwyn despises Valec, not only because he flirts with Bree, but because he can see him for everything that he is.  He highlights his shortcomings and exposes them to the group.  I can imagine Sel felt this being in proximity to Nick in another way.  Nick being all the things he wants to be and be close to, but Valec exposes all of the things he is.
In all of Valec’s taunting (and ass-whooping) he also empathizes with Sel.  For perspective, as a formerly enslaved person, he would be well within his rights to hate Sel and everything he stands for, but he doesn’t.  He shows him mercy and understanding.
“When you’re a cambion, you’re caught between two worlds.  Always.  Not just two cultures or two communities, but literally two states of being.  Life.  Death. This plane, and the one that calls us back home in the middle of the night.  Most of us go a very long time without feeling like we belong anywhere.”
This was not only heartbreaking because we know in bondage, Valec experienced horror, not to mention being cast out.  The fact that he recognized the unique position of cambions in this universe and offered that grace to Sel only comes with the wisdom gained from the life he’s led. 
It does not seem coincidental that Tracy has given them this dynamic.  The line that he says to Bree “You can’t belong to an idea, Bree,”  The idea of slavery, mental and physical bondage, the Order.  You don’t belong to these things.  The idea that you were born as a unique being and that your spirit is autonomous even if your body isn’t.
Shadow Daddy
This brings me to Erebus.  Here is what we know:
He can shift form and travel through time and space rapidly.  He was in a close relationship with Selwyn’s mother (as Erebus) and has followed the Rootcraft community (whoring around if you ask me).  He is an opportunist and slips into bargains and situations that serve his purpose which is to gain power and ultimately get his crown back.  He is ancient.
The Parallels
The parallels and foreshadowing between him and the boys (I know Valec is old as hell) are glaring.  
The SK nameplate on Selwyn’s door
The fact that they have the same three-letters associated with their names (S.E.K)
Similar scent profiles and color profiles
Bree made a deal with Erebus at a crossroads in her journey, after seemingly exhausting every possibility
Valec’s bar being the Crossroads Lounge and he and Selwyn both being described as “Crossroads children”
The fact that Valec knows there is a Shadow Court, but Selwyn describes it as made-up children’s stories to scare young Merlins, hinting that he doesn't know as much history as he thinks he does.  
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Also, in the Oathbound teaser, he has two Black children that he describes as his “Wards.”  I have so many questions.  Was Valec a “Ward” at one point?  I find it interesting that they are Black as well.
The lineage comes into play too.  Valec is evenly split.  Pearl was human and his apparent father was a demon *Whispers SEX DEMON*.  He says balanced cambions are rare.
Natasia is split but if Erebus (Shadow King) is Sel’s father that makes him more demon than human, not to mention the “Assload of oaths” he has attached to him, which are wreaking havoc on his life.  
I hope we get more answers to Valec’s and Sel's lineage in book three.  Either way, I am excited as hell.  I believe he will be key in helping our crew gain balance and send his daddy back to where he belongs.  
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I would love to hear your thoughts, especially if you have the same theory that I do!  I have also linked some of my other nerdy works below.  Happy reading!
Scent Theory Part One
Scent Theory Part Two
LB/BM Top Ten
*Color theory is linked in one of the scent theories*
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ashalightwood · 2 months ago
At the same time, I wanna see How Nick abused that Power. Because Sel says they did to each other ALL the time but the only time we see Nick using is in a situation where is justifiable and deserving.
Acting as defense lawyers for Bree, Sel, and Nick
In defense of Nick punching Sel, he didn't like feeling murderous thoughts toward Bree through his and Sel's bond. Any other time, he apparently likes the murderous thoughts, just not directed at Bree
In defense of Sel trying to kill Bree at every second, he was just tunnel visioned on protecting Nick (his "former" crush) and at least he didn't use Alice as a scare tactic like Martin Davis did. Sel tried to keep the one sided beef strictly to Bree
In defense of Bree, she would be able to think wiser if it literally weren't for all the racism thrown at her while in the midst of grieving her mother and worrying for her father's safety. She's exhausted at always having to prove herself even when clear evidence is running in her blood/magical powers. So yeah let her kiss up on Sel and Nick in Bloodmarked without definite labels yet cuz she survived getting knocked, rocked, drugged, kidnapped, stalked, mesmered, magic surgery from getting gutted, and was almost killed countless times. And she had to hold in her pee cuz of the racist gas station owners in Bloodmarked. I'd be acting irrational too.
I'd take my chances with the demons like Shadow King atp with her cuz Bree got too many human opps/there's just too many options. At least Shadow King is evil to her fucking face and not hiding it like the cowardly Order
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ashalightwood · 3 months ago
I'm very tired of the "Is Bree a cheater" conversation, really.
Two things can be true:
1- Nick and Bree were building something and he probably (probably) will be upset with the fact she kissed Sel
2- Bree and Nick weren't in a oficial exclusive relationship and she did not cheat on anyone.
"Ah, but they both felt guilty about the Kiss"
Yes, because it's going to mess with someone they both care about. Still doesn't mean It's cheating.
"But Sel refered to Nick as Bree's boyfriend"
Yes, he did when he was being a menace and reading Bree. And he isn't the person who gets to put a label on them. Bree and Nick never refered to each other as "boyfriend"/"girlfriend". Bree say the world ONCE in Legendborn as a question to herself that IS never awnsered. When Alice says she is "dating" Nick, she is quick to correct her and stay they are "seeing" each other.
"Selbree shippers don't want to admit It was cheating because It would "tarnish" the moment
HA HA HA. I'm a poly shipper with a preference to selbree and I personally don't Care If my ship started as cheating. Sometimes is even better!
Furthemore, Bree knew Nick for a few weeks, she knows Sel for a few months. We are talking about 17-18yo figuring stuff out. It's not that deep. Some of you would survive Will/Tessa/Jem storyline. It's a love triangle, she'll get involved with BOTH of them.
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ashalightwood · 3 months ago
He definetely has a type😭
Honestly, Sel has a type cuz both Bree and Nick are stubborn scions that barely listen to him when Sel either gives some solid warnings/orders, desperately trying to protect them lol. Nick and Bree are competing in giving Sel a heart attack cuz they love trouble (intentionally and unintentionally.)
Nick especially in book 1 Legendborn doing all these unconventional things after publicly renouncing his "birthright" just to reclaim it again for Bree's sake in learning the truth about her mother. And Bree doing the most in Bloodmarked, like leaving the protective wards and wandering alone, knowing she is a Wanted Woman by so many magical/inhuman entities.
Like, Sel may complain but these are the types he's attracted to. And it makes it funnier on reread how hostile he is to Nick and Bree, but then how broken he gets if he feels he can't be their shield or something. All Sel's trying to do is his job, even if it annoys him cuz Nick and Bree are magnets for bloodthirsty enemies/assassins and make questionable choices in the books.
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ashalightwood · 3 months ago
OMG, that's Savage😭😭😭
Me and my friend didn't know how to adress the trio (Sel, Bree and Nick) without confusing Legendborn with Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. One day we realized neither of them have mothers... So we began calling them "The motherless trio".
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ashalightwood · 3 months ago
I'm very tired of the "Is Bree a cheater" conversation, really.
Two things can be true:
1- Nick and Bree were building something and he probably (probably) will be upset with the fact she kissed Sel
2- Bree and Nick weren't in a oficial exclusive relationship and she did not cheat on anyone.
"Ah, but they both felt guilty about the Kiss"
Yes, because it's going to mess with someone they both care about. Still doesn't mean It's cheating.
"But Sel refered to Nick as Bree's boyfriend"
Yes, he did when he was being a menace and reading Bree. And he isn't the person who gets to put a label on them. Bree and Nick never refered to each other as "boyfriend"/"girlfriend". Bree say the world ONCE in Legendborn as a question to herself that IS never awnsered. When Alice says she is "dating" Nick, she is quick to correct her and stay they are "seeing" each other.
"Selbree shippers don't want to admit It was cheating because It would "tarnish" the moment
HA HA HA. I'm a poly shipper with a preference to selbree and I personally don't Care If my ship started as cheating. Sometimes is even better!
Furthemore, Bree knew Nick for a few weeks, she knows Sel for a few months. We are talking about 17-18yo figuring stuff out. It's not that deep. Some of you would survive Will/Tessa/Jem storyline. It's a love triangle, she'll get involved with BOTH of them.
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ashalightwood · 4 months ago
Here are my predictions for Oathbound but first a warning....
Potential spoilers from both Legendborn and Bloodmarked so please ignore this post if you are not caught up.
Okay my predictions (not in any order).
1. There will be two POVs: Bree (main) and Nick (secondary)
2. There will be 60 chapters: 40-45 in Bree's pov and 15-20 in Nick's pov.
3. Both Legendborn and Bloodmarked had 4 parts so Oathbound won't be any different. I think the names of each part will be: (1) Confinement, (2) Isolation, (3) Deal- Breaker or Escape, and (4) Horizon or Hope
4. Sel will not make a physical appearance until Part 3 or 4 but will be mentioned a lot by both Bree and Nick.
5. Natasia will make her first physical appearance in Part 3 or 4.
6. "Erebus" (the Shadow King) or Isaac Sorensen is responsible for the mysterious kidnappings and deaths of Merlins.
7. Nick will not be the same. He will become more ruthless and cruel especially when it comes to dealing with the Regents. With everything he has been through, he will unleash built up rage and sadness.
7. In the synopsis it says that Nick invoke an ancient law that will grant him an audience with Regents. I do believe he has some demands will mainly be about helping find Bree and Sel. The synopsis also said that Nick might have some secrets and those secrets are mainly about how to end the Legendborn without harming/killing Bree.
8. Bree, our brave and magnificent protagonist, will suffer both mentally and physically during her time with the Shadow King. She will endure harsh trainings and lessons almost losing her life every single time. Without her ancestral connections, Bree will struggle of not being "corrupted."
9. Bree will end up being friends or allies with Zoelle and Elijah who might help her escape.
10. Bree will use her unregulated deal with the Shadow King to her advantage to help her escape but not before she can harness and use her powers to their full potential.
I have more predictions but this post will be far too long than it already is.
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ashalightwood · 4 months ago
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catching everyone off guard by drawing fanart of yet another completely random media I have never talked about before.
Here's sel bree and nick from legendborn in the one Anne Hathaway pose people were redrawing maybe a year ish ago.
(anyway, hoping their endgame is as a throuple)
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ashalightwood · 5 months ago
Lark couldn't handle ONE day on Sel's job and would rather make a plan to break him off jail so he could quit. I think Sel win😂
Do think sel would win against lark
asdfghjkl; i wanna poll this haha
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ashalightwood · 7 months ago
Well, It's MY birthday too and Matthew is my favorite Cassandra 's character, so I'm gonna pretend the "happy birthday" in her tags is to me!
A little snippet from A Sea Change (the Matthew novella.)
A small line appeared between Sylvain’s eyebrows. “What about you?” he said. “You are the son of the Consul, you and your parabatai are famous. James Herondale and Matthew Fairchild.” He didn’t sound bitter now, just curious. “Everything you and your friends have done — why would you leave after working so hard to make your world safe?”
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ashalightwood · 7 months ago
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Once again obssessed of how touch is important for selbree
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ashalightwood · 7 months ago
dark rise spoilers !!!
justice’s fine ass is dead ??
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ashalightwood · 9 months ago
So beautiful ♥️
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"I am the product of violence and I am the Scion of Arthur, and I don't want to be either. I just want to be me."
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