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artificalmouse · 7 months ago
if I'm part of a system that means all the stuff actually happened, it means my experiences were bad enough for my brain to need that to happen, and I don't know how to cope with that realization
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artificalmouse · 8 months ago
**Name -** Flare (birthname Oliver)
**Age -** 18
**Pronouns -** he/him
**Description -**
Flare is a paranoid daydreamer who can't remember yesterday.
He helps people and gives people control over their lives and choices because he never had that. He created a safe space for people of all kind to stay at, including hybrids, despite it being controversial.
He can get out of every situation, is immune to every poison, can build anything he can visualize, and can fight with every weapon with ease. He is undoubtedly the perfect soldier.
Unfortunately that's all he is. He doesn't have hobbies, friends, he doesn't trust anyone, and he lives his life triggering his trauma over and over again whenever he feels too uncomfortable.
He may have left the place, but he lives continuously through doing the habits he learned there, including making the phantom feelings of being watched real by locking himself in a room with cameras seeing his every move.
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artificalmouse · 8 months ago
I don't know what to call this yet, but maybe "the steps to become human"
This story is inspired by Arcane and All for the game, but with some tropes added
__Content warnings__
**On page:** death, violence, dpdr, and dissociation, paranoia
**Mentions:** child abuse/neglect/parentification, serventude/slavery, torture, child being forced to work
This story is about recovery and all the bad stuff has already happened, *there are a few scenes where Flare gets kidnapped/beat up but he's in control when this happens*
The Starwalkers is a place open for anyone who needs a place to stay, run and started by Flare, a man infamous for escaping the mafia and avoiding their attacks for the past two years
River has been a servant his whole life until one night he runs away, knowing if he didn't do it tonight he wouldn't do it at all. He goes to the starwalkers, a place known for accepting hybrids no questions asked, for as long as needed
Nova hates Flare and everything he stands for, so when she gets a chance to finally prove she's better than him she takes it
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artificalmouse · 8 months ago
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artificalmouse · 8 months ago
This is about a character I'm hoping to write a book about :)
Age 10
The other kids didn’t like him very much. His power was too weak to play most games, and the few they played without powers he had too much of an advantage. That was fine, he’d rather climb up the playground equipment instead. Maybe if he found a good enough hiding spot the teachers would forget all about him, his parents still didn’t know about his nightly habits. Or if they did they care didn’t enough to mention it. He didn’t know which he’d prefer.
They didn’t like him much in class either, his powers gave him the answers or something. They didn’t know anything about NorthStar and they’re outrageous claims only proved it more with each day passing.
The teachers liked him, he was a good kid they said. He was smart and would go places, just not to hero society apparently.
“Does anyone know where my water bottle is?” One of the annoying girls with bows in her hair asked as everyone packed up for gym. Rune assumed in her cubby, because that’s where everyone had to put their water bottles for reading hour. How she didn’t think to look there was dumb of her.
The class seem to wait for Rune to say something, which yeah he could, but they didn’t let him play tag so he didn’t really care about some girl’s water bottle. Mrs. Sam grabbed it from her cubby and handed it to her before the waiting got worse.
“Is everyone ready for gym?” The fifth grade class nodded and stood in what could be a single file line if you squinted.
Rune didn’t know why he had to be in the gymnasium, after stretching all he did was sit on the bleachers. He wasn’t allowed to play any team sports, the gym teacher had said it was unfair if he always knew where the soccer ball was. He thought that was the point of soccer, but his gym teacher said that the point was teamwork. Rune had decided playing soccer was dumb anyway. Dodgeball was somehow even worse for him to participate in, “it isn’t very fun for everyone else if you always know where to throw it.” Rune didn’t even like arguing that point, his gym teacher clearly just didn’t want him to play, so he decided dodgeball was dumb too.
Soon enough every single game or sport the class played had become Rune proof, so Rune decided the whole idea of gym class was dumb.
Capture the flag actually made some sense to leave Rune out of. Not knowing where the flags were was a big part of the game, therefore it would’ve been an unfair advantage. Still it just meant another Rune wouldn’t be allowed to play, so capture the flag was dumb too.
For once though there was another kid sitting out. Sometimes kids had injuries or were sick so they couldn’t participate but this kid looked perfectly fine. Could it be? Was the new kid, or visitor kid whatever, a NorthStar?
“You a NorthStar too?” Rune said scooting closer to the boy, he’d be able to show him all his favorite spots when he wanted to avoid the “real” mages. He felt something suspiciously close to hope bubbling up inside of him.
“No, I’m a void.” He said blankly, he turned his entire body to face Rune and made direct eye contact. It was uncomfortable.
“Oh, that must suck.” Rune didn’t know much about voids but it was apparently super powerful and hard to control. Rune couldn’t imagine fighting to control his powers they were just there.
The boy looked at him like he’d just eaten a lemon, “my power is the most powerful out there, it’s a gift.”
“But like you can’t control it or something I can’t remember what they told me. It’s like alive or something.”
“I can control it.” He said quickly, “or I’ll be able too soon.” He said smaller, “it will take time.”
“So like I said that sucks, I can just use mine.”
“There isn’t much to use.” He said, but it didn’t sound like he was trying to be insulting, it was just a fact. Still the words stung regardless of how he’d meant it.
“Yeah I’m sure you would think that.” Rune said turning his back to him with his arms crossed, to think he was gonna show this boy his hiding spots. Humpf.
“I do apologize if I’ve hurt you, it wasn’t my intention. I just don’t understand how NorthStar magic works, to my understanding all you can do is know where things are, and even then precision and the distance in which you can locate things takes work and training. Correct me if I’m wrong.”
“You’re not wrong.” Rune muttered, “but I’m still going to be someone someday, weak power or not.”
“If you put you’re mind to it I’m sure, NorthStars are hired by hero society constantly.”
“No! I’m gonna be a hero.” Rune said facing the boy again and throwing his hands up in the air. This kid talked funny it reminded him of how his dad talked to business workers over the phone.
The boy thought over what Rune had said, “I’ve never heard of a NorthStar hero before, I don’t understand how you’d defend yourself, but me and my friends are going to be heroes too. You can sit with us at lunch if you’d like. Flynn is nice, but Jose is a bit of a butthead.”
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artificalmouse · 8 months ago
Mild tw of emotional neglect/abuse
Story about a character I'm hoping to write a book about :)
Age 8
It was late, Rune was supposed to be asleep a long time ago. He remembers the day they told him he needed a bedtime, he thought it was stupid they hadn’t cared before why would they care now.
They’d probably be mad if they caught him out of bed, that’s what the kids at school always told him anyway. He’d never seen them angry, they tended to get colder more distant when he was bad. Rune almost wished they would yell, or lectured him. At least then he’d know they cared, even if was negative.
He supposed that’s why he climbing up to the roof now. He climbed the trees before but his parents hadn’t bothered him other than muttering about how expensive hospital bills were.
His arms shook as his tried to put himself up the roof, he was dangling from the gutters but they were squeaking dangerously. The edge of the gutter dug into his hands.
He swung his body with all his might and got his foot stuck on the top of his window. Falling from the second story didn’t seem pleasant, but his parents did always take him to the doctors when needed. He was pretty sure this counted.
He got his other leg on the window, which gave him enough space to dig his elbows into the roof and let go of the gutters entirely.
From there he pulled the rest of his body up and crawled on all fours unsteady higher up on the roof. He made sure to keep low to the roof, basically dragging himself on his stomach, as the roof got more angled.
Rune wiped the sweat off his forehead and wiped the grime off on his pants before looking out from the roof for the first time. He was a lot higher than he thought he was, but the view was stunning. The night sky spread out endlessly in all directions, thousands of stars littered the sky. He’d never seen anything like it, not for more than a few glances or partially blocked from his bedroom window.
Rune spend all night outside, eventually falling asleep, hardly realizing that his parents never noticed his disappearance
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artificalmouse · 11 months ago
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BATMAN BAG!! it's finally finished! Just in time for comic con tomorrow!!!
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artificalmouse · 1 year ago
Have you ever wanted a group of friends? Or something silly to believe in so others question your sanity? Or perhaps are just bored and think joining a non-fear based religion could be fun?
Well look no further me and my friend have created an entire religion based around the most pathetic fish known to man, majicarp! While it was originally created as a joke for finding hope during rough times, majicarp has now become a source of genuine joy.
Join this discord server to join a friend group and worship a pathetic little fish!
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