art-of-stone · 3 years
Hello everyone, I’ve been away for quite some time. Figured I’d check in! For some reason, I am no longer able to send any messages. I have no idea what’s going on.
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art-of-stone · 3 years
Hello everyone! I know it’s been awhile since I last posted. I’ll be doing more art soon. Life has just been crazy lately. In the meantime, please enjoy a repost of one of my favorite digital paintings I’ve done. Still one of my favorites.
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art-of-stone · 3 years
My birthday is in exactly one week. I’ll probably be spending it at home painting. Haha. I have nothing better to do.
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art-of-stone · 4 years
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Mayans M.C. had its season 3 premiere this week. So I decided to do a painting of Clayton Cardenas as Angel Reyes. Let me know what you think! 🔥❤️
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art-of-stone · 4 years
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Painting I did of Lip Gallagher from Shameless! Let me know what you guys think! I’m thinking of doing a Shameless character painting series. ❤️
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art-of-stone · 4 years
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“After all this time..”
Painting I did of Snape and Lilly! 🥺❤️
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art-of-stone · 4 years
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Painting I did of Lip Gallagher from Shameless! Let me know what you guys think! I’m thinking of doing a Shameless character painting series. ❤️
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art-of-stone · 4 years
I’m bored right now. So I’m going to do a little “ask me anything” Feel free to ask me whatever. I’d love to answer some questions.
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art-of-stone · 4 years
Hello everyone! I realize that I have been quite absent on here lately, but I’m back with a new painting. I have been going through a lot personally and I haven’t felt like making any art. Even considered not making anything for awhile. But working on this piece made me feel a bit better. So please, let me know what you think! As always, thank you for the support. ❤️
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art-of-stone · 4 years
This is absolutely amazing! Give it a read when you have some time. 😊
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A petyr x sansa fanfic 
Chapter 7 : the ones she had lost and the ones she had found
This ties in with the ‘How would you have ended Petyr and Sansa’s story?’ question: this is the third outcome. White-walker Petyr.
(Horror and gore warning for the squeamish)
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art-of-stone · 4 years
I changed my username. Formerly, kayla’s-artistry
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art-of-stone · 4 years
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The sky was beautiful this morning. ❤️
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art-of-stone · 4 years
Protect weird girls. Ya know…. the ones that used to make up intricate games on the playground about ghosts and saving the world. The ones that used to have a whole BOX of fucking rolly pollies and worms. Those girls that used to have mason jars FULL of fucking god knows WHAT on their mother’s back porch. Protect… girls. Girls that daydream too much. Girls that could go out to Walmart dressed in cow girl boots, and a faux fur coat. Girls that invent whole other worlds in their heads. Girls that love too much. Girls that don’t love quite enough. Girls that don’t look, or sound the way society expects them to. Loud girls. Quiet girls. Angry girls. Sad girls. Support girls being themselves, and being unapologetic about it. The ones that get labeled “weird” for simply existing and being brave enough to not dim themselves down, just because society tells them, too. The girls that never lost their magic once they grew up. Support weird girls. 
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art-of-stone · 4 years
This is the most notes I’ve ever gotten on a post before! Thanks for the support!
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I did some thinking and decided to post my painting anyways. I talked to @lifes-not-a-song about an idea I had. I wanted to do a collage painting of Aidan Gillen and some of his most popular characters. She helped me decide which characters and pictures to use. I worked VERY hard on this piece and I am extremely proud of it. I almost didn’t post it because I was nervous about the reaction. But I changed my mind and decided to post anyways. Thank you to @lifes-not-a-song @andinanotherlifetime and @kawaiipaii for giving me feedback and encouraging me while I worked on this piece. Let me know what you guys think! ❤️😊
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art-of-stone · 4 years
This is lovely! 😍❤️
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Sat, 31st of Oct: Free Day! (Halloween)
“Petyr, no!”
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art-of-stone · 4 years
This one is my favorite!!! 😍❤️
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Fri, 30th of Oct: Midnight Prey or Fantastic Quote | Alternate Universe
Modern Petyr x Sansa - Satan Is My Sugar Daddy
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art-of-stone · 4 years
They look so adorable!
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Thur, 29th of Oct: Trapped Player or Aesthetics | Colours
I live in fear that someone will come and murder my dear friend Lord Baelish.
(based on x)
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