arosist · 7 months
I'm aroace because kids made fun of each other for having crushes in elementary school and I went I'm not making that mistake
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arosist · 1 year
aromantic grief: mourning the could haves, would haves, what was, and what will be, as a result of being aromantic.
grieving the child who didnt know they were different, living in blissful ignorance. the child who tried to fit in with everyone else even if they could see the signs of what was to come. who was trying their best.
grieving the adult who will have to learn to cope with their friends drifting apart from them because they have partners and families that they will always prioritise over being with them, and who will have to learn how to be alone no matter what.
grieving the person who could have been considered normal, who could relate to romance and argue over how hot a character is with friends. who could have been made fun of for their crushes, and given good advice, and dated people, and settled down. who could have done everything right, everything they were supposed to, and who would have been rewarded for it.
grieving what you once wanted. grieving what you will never have.
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arosist · 1 year
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The Anti-Dating sim where you make friends instead of girlfriends is now available (free) on Steam!
Yes, you read that right. You play as an aro fem/non-binary/sapphic protagonist trying to escape from cute waifus in this anti-dating sim called- “I Just Want to be Single!” It’s available on pc/mac/linux! Download it here:
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arosist · 1 year
aces and aros should be allowed to talk about our experiences without having it make them understandable or palatable to allos. we should be able to make stupid in-jokes that are incomprehensible to others. we should be able to be ambiguous or annoying or silly or confusing about our identities without having to explain ourselves
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arosist · 1 year
Do you have the source in which Luffy was confirmed aroace? I’m making a project on the ace and aro communities that includes a list of aro, ace, and aroace rep in media and I can’t find where it was confirmed, but I hear everyone say he is. Thank you.
luffy is very very much aroace coded but neither he nor the author have ever directly said the words "luffy is asexual" - one piece's canonical queer rep is limited to transgender characters
that being said, here's the relevant passages, and some context if its needed:
in chapter 516/episode 411, luffy stumbles across boa hancock, the worlds most beautiful woman, in the bath. she has an ability to turn people to stone when they feel some amount of "love, lust, or adoration" to her; ie. when they are attracted to her. heres how it goes:
this is the first time hancock meets a man who isnt affected by her power. it basically suggests that, by not turning to stone, hes not attracted to her at all.
eventually, she develops a crush on him, and she wants to marry him, which he outright rejects (chapter 598)
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in regard to the "mero mero" moment, a fan noticed a discrepancy, and asked the author about it in the SBS corner from volume 54. luffy had previously responded to the naked body of a woman the way all the other guys did. oda decided to blame it on luffy imitating his friend
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"That's not the Luffy we know." "When Luffy is alone, his reaction is what it was with Hancock. He's interested, but he's not entranced by her." Luffy acting in a certain way because Usopp does - going along with the mood of the moment, or performing, or however you want to say it - feels awfully aspec to me. It's definitely a common aspec experience to try and force yourself into amatonormative - or, in this case, I guess allonormative? - behavior.
In the SBS for volume 88, oda was asked about why luffy called a woman a "beauty" at one point. The response:
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Luffy understanding physical attractiveness as a classification, understanding it but not caring about it - that suggests he probably doesn't experience aesthetic attraction (appreciating someones appearance, disconnected from sexual/romantic attraction). this definitely speaks to my experience as an aroace individual.
also, this isnt necessarily evidence for luffy specifically, but moreso a general answer - in the SBS for volume 34, oda was asked if there would be romance between the main characters, and he brushed it off:
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my impression, personally, is that Oda is generally fairly uninterested in pursuing any romantic relationships between his main characters.
in conclusion, I personally feel like the evidence here suggests that luffy is aroace, or at least aspec, given some of Oda's wording (which is probably a little up to interpretation, given it's been translated from japanese). His answer in volume 54 has always felt like a retcon to me, like Oda only came to a conclusion of sorts on this when Luffy met Hancock, and had to go back and find some reasoning for why Luffy would have responded that way. Luffy, more than anything, wants to have an adventure, and romance and sex aren't part of that for him.
I'm not gonna try to police how people view Luffy. it's not healthy for me to do that - luffy and his aroaceness is something that's very very personal to me and itd be way too messy. In addition, in the past I've had people point out that this evidence would only necessarily suggest luffy isnt attracted to women, and he could be gay; I personally don't see him that way, and I seriously doubt Oda would make that choice in canon, but people can do what they want. I think, however, it's pretty telling that a lot of aroace and aspec people see themselves in him.
This morphed into something of a modern take on my thesis here instead of just answering your question; sorry about that. I'd be interested to see your project when you're done, if you're able and willing to share!
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arosist · 2 years
More nonamorous content
You agree
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arosist · 3 years
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Chia-Chi Yu
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arosist · 3 years
Just helped 2 more friends figure out they're aro. Nobody's romanticism is safe from my boney lil aro hands
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arosist · 3 years
dont wanna sound like a slut but I really need a hug right now
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arosist · 3 years
don’t make me tap the sign…
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arosist · 3 years
I can and will romanticize my aroace life. I can and will believe that I have found the best lifestyle for myself. When I am alone, when I am out in the world, passing bakeries and stopping to stare at pools of water and flipping through funny birthday cards in the convenience store, I feel loved. I feel like the world was made for me, specifically. The universe has collaborated to make this one moment for me, alone at a bus stop at 2am, spinning a Pokestop under a dark sky.
My aroace experience has been loving my friends with all my heart, yes. But it's also been loving my existence, loving where my feet take me when I go for long walks, loving my own presence, a steady and reliable calm.
I am never lonely, never, not ever, least of all when I'm alone.
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arosist · 4 years
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arosist · 4 years
i’m getting the impression that every trans person to exist identifies with link in some way or another.  not just transmascs.  link is OUR gender and we have to share <3
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arosist · 4 years
contrary to popular belief not everyone has an innate sense of internal gender or care to have one or seek a name for it, some people go their whole lives without questioning their occupation in one of two gender roles, but for some people, if pressed, they don't feel that internal sense of 'i am a woman' or 'i am a man', and in that case i feel the switch over to transgender vs cisgender relies on active identification of a gender other than the one they were assigned. if someone's like 'idk dude I just work here' then that's valid
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arosist · 4 years
i think my aroness is the queerest thing about me and when i say that i don’t mean all aros are more queer than every other identity. i don’t mean that there is a “most queer” identity in the communtiy. i just literally think that what makes me queer is me being aro. yes im trans. yes im bi. but those don’t have the same impact on who i am as a person than being aro does. accepting that im aro has been like taking a sledgehammer to my life and my relationships and i mean that in a good way. so if i get defensive about it, i’m sorry, but it’s so important to me. it’s so so important to me.
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arosist · 4 years
Are you an ‘I hate friends-to-lovers because it ruins a perfectly good friendship’ aromantic or a ‘friends-to-lovers is the only kind of love story I actually find believable’ aromantic?
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arosist · 4 years
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Pretty sure somebody else has made this but I’m making one too
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