::: Minimalistic musical rhetorics ::: (keep listening and watching from beginning to end)
Leonardo Álvarez de Colombia - “Un hombre llora sólo por amor” (-A man cries only for love- like a Engelbert Humperdink’s song, doesn’t it?). Song from Canciones para ti LP (Zeida-Codiscos LDZ-20377) [1969?]. Monophonic sound acoustically recorded during a vinyl reproduction on a Hi-Fi system. Image loop taken from Lady Oscar; image transitions occured accidentally, this description was written trying to decode meanings of this random events.
#Leonardo#leonardo alvarez#nueva ola#colombia#canciones para ti#cry#crying#vinyl#monophonic#back to mono#balada#ballad#wall of sound#muro de sonido
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And if i only could, i'd make a deal with god, and i'd get him to swap our places, be running up that road, be running up that hill, with no problems.
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Charlie Mur (founder and CEO) plys and sings “I’ll be back” from A hard day’s night, as if it were recorded on the White Album years; catched in the darkness, brung it from the obscurity.
#i'll be back#lennon & mccartney#beatles#a hard day's night#epiphone#Charlie Mur#Bachintosh Charlie Pan#Charlie Pan#shades
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From the Headquarters of The Archives, I want to share with all of you this piece of music confined into a vinyl LP. It's a tribute to english folk singer Nick Drake, who would turn 66 today. Had a short and a sad life, but enough to give us this. The song, "Which Will".
Desde mi guarida les comparto este pedacito de LP, un homenaje al cantante de folk Nick Drake, que hoy cumpliría 66 años; tuvo una vida breve y triste, pero le alcanzó para dejarnos esto. La canción es "Which Will".
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"Nocturnes for a Winter Solstice" is the new EP that we recorded and share for all of you as a gift for this Holidays, played entirely by our main pianist in our label, Alexandre Legler. Was home-registered during the late-afternoon of December 21st - 2013, in the pianist's study-room. There are very few printed copies of this EP, that includes an engraved picture, so each copy is an original. Pieces by Frederic Chopin.
Nocturnes for a Winter Solstice" es el EP que a modo de regalo para estas fechas tenemos para ustedes Alexandre Legler y éste, su servidor; grabado al caer la tarde de este 21 de Diciembre, en el estudio personal del pianista. Unas pocas unidades impresas, que incluyen una impresión de un grabado. Cada copia es un original. Música de Chopin.
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The Heritage and Legacy of Luis Alberto Spinetta (1950 - 2012). An still growing section in our Archives.

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Todo parlante pasivo (como los niños) vienen con Power Amp debajo del brazo (o un amplificador de Hi-fi, o al menos es lo que esperamos...) Bienvenidos los gemelos a los Archivos Neverlandeses. ------------------------- Every passive speaker (as a baby) is born with a Power Amp (like a silver spoon, or we hope so...) Welcome to the Twins at our Archives!

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The test press of Is Survived By. Posted by the band on Instagram.
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"Myriostos Gramophodisko" is the label born in the Archives. This will be part of the first album released by the label. The young colombian-swiss André-Alexandre Legler, plays this exquisite version of the Symphonic Etudes by the German Composer Robert Schumann.
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First 2-track recording of our Archives, inside a practicing room in 2008. Remastered 2013. Mistakes were not corrected or edited.
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A hiatus in the Encyclopædia Galactica; the Archives' deepest worries.

Nos preguntamos si los discos de oro que tripulan las naves Voyager están impresos con los estándares de ecualización RIAA... Los extraterrestres necesitarían el amplificador Phono, y conseguirlos en la 9ª es cada vez más difícil.
We wonder if the golden record on-board the Voyager spaceships were printed under the RIAA Equalization standards; aliens would need the Phono amplifier and guess, is not easy for them to get one in a Radiosjack or something.
(If anybody on earth could encode this public-domain image into Carl Sagan's hydrogen-based binary code, let's get an Antenna and transmit it.; they may be needing it).

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"A friend of mine had one of these; he didn't learn a thing" - A Chutlhu teacher.
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Las señales de audio también son apilables en otro rincón.
In another corner, the audio signals could be stacked too.
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Una canción que pertenece al Dominio Público, en un arreglo elaborado en coherencia con el material de nuestro Archivo. Grabación en vivo.
This song belongs to Public Domain; the arrangements were made according to the knowledge kept inside our Archive. This is a Live Recording.
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Torre de Babel: el centro de operaciones y acopio de los archivos.
The Tower of Babel: the Archive's headquarters, for operations and gathering.
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These are the archives:
Peter Pan abandonó el puesto, y alguien debía encargarse del negocio.
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