MICAH sullivan​
who: @mattsullivan​  where: the tavern  when: the evening of micah’s arrival
The all too acquainted building was set just feet back from the edge of the sidewalk, and Micah could subconsciously count the number of steps it’d take to greet the entrance. And yet he still dragged his feet, filling the cemented void with the echoes of his scuffing boots followed by an aspirated exhale as his hand met with the handle of the door. It seemed like such a dramatic entry, particularly when no one had forced his hand back into this little town besides his own familial loyalty and resolution. Yet here he was, making a big deal out of nearly nothing and huffing up a storm. If anyone had been observing, he may have even had the nerve to be embarrassed by his actions. However, the sidewalk stayed barren, and thus he was left with no other option but to enter the establishment.
Luckily it didn’t take long to find his brother, not that it ever did. Granted Matthew’s height entitled him to tower over nearly all the other occupants within the bar, it was always pretty easy to spot the eldest Sullivan. And so Micah weaved his way towards the standing counter pausing only as he slid onto a stand, the creek of the plastic cushion under his weight an all too ordinary sound. “If I ask for a beer, you still gonna ID me after all this time?”
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When the door opened on just another evening with Matt behind the bar, the glance over to see who was walking in made him pause mid reply to a regular patron. This night quickly became anything but ordinary. It’d been a long time since he’d laid eyes on his little brother in the flesh. Sure, he did his best with keeping in touch and attempting to convince the youngest Sullivan to at least make an appearance back home if not just move back entirely. 
If not for his sake, then for Aileen. 
Everything had been hard since Aidan passed seven years before, and maybe even long before that when their parents went on that vacation to the Emerald Isle and decided to not return and instead stay. Somehow taking Matt’s little brother along with them in what felt like whole and permanent abandonment.
Quickly, Matt finished off his statement finally to the other while his eyes followed Micah all the way to the stool where he sat himself in front of him. 
He hadn’t actually expected Micah to come home, not thinking the phone call with the news would lure him back. At this point he had figured nothing would. Which made the big question become: how long was Micah staying?
“When the hell did this happen?” Reaching out, Matt’s finger brushed against the hair lining his younger brother’s jaw. He even tugged on it a little. God, he was all grown up now.
“Did you just get in?” Mostly he was wondering if he’d gone to see their grandmother yet. Aileen was going to wake up the whole town with her joy once she wrapped Micah up in a constricting hug. His hands busied at pouring his brother a pint, a pint of the tavern’s own brew that he’d crafted himself and was now selling exclusively for the bar.
Distribution was possibly in the works, but first he’d see what Micah thought of it.
Matt passed the drink over and felt like hugging Micah as well. He’d give him a little time first though. They had practically grown up in this tavern and yet it felt surreal to be standing face to face with the young Sullivan now.
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📷Hernan Rodriguez
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AARON levy​
It was the beginning of another year, and January brought a new audition season for Heartsdale High School. There was this fluttery, anticipatory feeling that Aaron knew to his core; every single year of his teens was consumed with this feeling… this need to show his best work, score the lead. Of course, things were different now. Back then, he was a gangly student, growing into himself, growing up. Now, he was older, and he was the professor; one of the ones he would have looked up to, all those years ago.
So now, he sat in one of his favorite seats at Betty’s Diner; the corner table he used to sit at with his parents. Now he sat here, drumming his fingers, dunking fries into his milkshake. There was a touch of neuroticism to his energy, but imbued with passion none the less. He had never directed a musical before; but it felt like time. Sondheim left behind such a legacy, and it was Aaron’s sole wish to honor it. He stared at the sheet music to Giants in the Sky, almost glared at it, as he shoved another fry into his mouth. It was tricky… Sondheim made it tricky. But it always ended up genius; every single time. “When you’re way up high, and you’re on your own. In a world like none that you’ve ever known. Where the sky is lead and the earth is stone, you’re free to do whatever pleases you.” He had a beautiful voice, something sweet and tender, but he barely even knew he was singing, before he felt a pair of eyes on him. “Oh jesus, did I start singing again?”
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A break in the errands he was running for Aileen, he sat at the bar and ordered a coffee and a slice of pie. Matt wasn’t exactly hungry but he needed a little fuel to keep on going with his day, especially since he had a long night ahead of him at the tavern later.
Just one forkful into his warm apple and Matt was turning to glance over his shoulder to see who and where the singing was coming from. It was from Aaron in the booth directly behind him and a quiet chuckle shook his shoulders as he watched, the guy was in a world of his own.
“You must be really happy.” Rather than answer the question that was the statement that came from Matt. Thinking of something Aileen had said a few times in his life— usually as commentary of someone she saw somewhere. 
Or that one time Matt saw someone singing in the car next to them when he was a kid and thought it was hilarious the way they had gotten so into the song.
“Aileen says a person is happy if they break out into song.” Because sad people didn’t go around singing on a whim.
In seeing the papers on the table Matt guessed he could have been making a wrong assumption, but then the fact that Aaron seemed so unaware— it seemed like such an unguarded moment. 
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ANTONIO angello​
Its was Tony’s only day off and he needed a break from the restaurant. He knew his staff was more than capable of running the show without him, so he slipped out for the evening to get some fresh air and socialise. His first stop was Sully’s. Tony had a craving for Guinness and hoped that Matt might be around. Tony walked in and sat at the bar and waved at the bartender and ordered  the Guinness he had been craving all day, he then saw Matt and gave him a wave. “ Hey Matt.” He said with a friendly smile. “ You busy tonight?” 
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The great thing about Sully’s being a longtime staple of the town was that it had a steady flow of customers at all times. It wasn’t always busy but loyal patrons and regulars kept the place from ever being empty. From open to close there was always a minimum of a handful of people. 
Spotting a familiar face, he gave Tony a nod and grabbed a beer for himself just before he approached the big guy from the other side of the bar. 
“Hey, good to see you, man.” He clinked his bottle against Tony’s pint. “Not too bad but it’ll pick up a bit more later.” Most of the regulars that came in for the night did so after dinner.
“Surprised to see you here at this hour though. You actually left your place in the hands of your staff?” It was a little tease, a smirk on Matt’s lips.
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NOA lovell​
who : @mattsullivan​
where : noa’s apartment
“How was Christmas?” Noa asked opening the shades in her living room. Her dark hues glanced at the street below curious about the customers coming to her shop. She’s spent the holidays with Thia’s family - they were the closest thing she had to the sort. At this point she could call it a tradition, but she refrained from words with permanence, as if it was bad luck. Noa sat in the corner as the aunts gushed about her cheek bones and kids played around her feet. To be surrounded by so much love was something that filled her aching heart to the brim. Still, all of it was overwhelming due to her shy nature. Her hand came up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear as she turned back to where Matt was. It was his first Christmas with his daughter (as if it all didn’t already feel rather complicated). “I um..” Noa turned to the basket beside her couch where a couple presents still sat. She picked up the beautifully wrapped boxes.
“One for you, one for Aileen, and I got a little something for Selvi.” The brunette explained somewhat tentatively. This was all new, and his daughter was so new. Not mixing that all together felt safe. “Can just say it’s from a friend.” She shrugged, a slight smile played at the corner of her peachy lips. Her eyes showed it all though, the glint. Noa, though this terrified her, felt centered for the first time in a long time. “Anyway, did you want to go out for lunch or order in?” 
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“It was—” Matt almost didn’t know how to finish that reply. The holiday had been equal parts magical and overwhelming. Despite it being months old news by now, it was still difficult to fully comprehend that he was a father. There was so much to catch up on, so much to get to know about the teenager that carried his DNA and mannerisms, and the immense weight of emptiness he felt on having missed so much in Selvi’s life.
“Let’s just say Selvi got spoiled, and no, Aileen was far worse than me. Bought her a new bike and a bunch of clothes, had some stuff imported from Ireland.” Which was how it should be. That’s one of the many things grand parents were there for, to spoil their grandbabies. 
From his spot on her sofa, his russet eyes watched Noa with adoration. They both had so much they were working through, and while he didn’t necessarily feel as though he deserved a chance from anyone anymore, Matt was grateful that she was giving him one. 
“How was yours? Did you have a good time at Thia’s?” It was something that he had been a bit twisted up over and feeling somewhat guilty about. A large part of him had wanted to have Noa with him for the Christmas holiday but it was so new with Selvi and his family, that he had decided to keep things as less complicated as possible. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” There was a smile on his lips when she came to him with presents. His head shook at her suggestion though. “I’ll tell her it’s from you.” 
Looking away for a moment, guilt hit him once again and his shoulders drooped just slightly as he sighed quietly. The weariness he felt... “I’m sorry this is all so complicated.” It was mumbled but Matt lifted his eyes to hers a moment later.
“We can go out and get something.” A small smile quickly returned and he set the box for him that Noa had handed over to the side so that he could get to his feet. He pressed a kiss to her cheekbone then her lips. “If I’d known we were exchanging presents I would’ve brought yours with me. After we eat we’ll have to stop by my place.”
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NESRIN adem​
❝ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12TH, 2021 —  at her house in suffix mills with @mattsullivan​​.
Even months after moving home it was strange to wrap her head around the fact that she was actually living back in Heartsdale, but strangest of all was opening the front door to see him on the other side. Hands braced in his pockets and silhouetted by the peeling posts of her new porch— over the years she’d imagined similar scenes, countless times, and yet none quite prepared Nes for those daydreams to become reality.
“Hey, Matty.” A smile flickered across her lips, faint and uncertain but determined to hold its place. “Selvi’s still getting ready. Why don’t you, uh, why don’t you come on in?” But it wasn’t until she stepped aside so he could follow her into the living room that she became painfully aware of just how much his towering frame filled up the small space.
Or of how desperately she could use some new furniture.
It hadn’t occurred to her until that very moment that this was the first time he’d ever been inside. Usually, they met up somewhere public or Selvi was already anxiously awaiting his arrival from the porch. Now, her eyes dropped somewhere between his face and the wooden floorboards. Heat flamed into twin spots upon her cheeks while she hovered in front of their couch, its fabric faded from years of use.
Their home was clean and cozy, but Nes couldn’t help but fear he’d see her - see the patchwork of whatever secondhand pieces she could afford - and somehow find it all lacking.
“I’m sure she’ll only be another minute.” She murmured, hands twisted in front of her stomach.“Sel was just finding her coat and grabbing a few things.” Not Christmas presents, per se, but gifts for him all the same. She’d thrown herself into the holiday spirit ever since helping Matt decorate Sully’s, eager to join his family traditions and perhaps create some new ones, too, in her first ever Christmas.
It was sweet, but Nes wished she’d hurry up already. Selvi was the only buffer between them, awkward small talk, and far too many things still left unsaid. “How, uhm, how’ve you been?” And then, because she needed something to do other than stand there and pick at her cuticles— “Can I grab you something to drink while we wait?”
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In truth Matt wasn’t quite sure how he felt about all of this. Of not just going to his ex’s home and seeing her again, but of the fact that it was the holiday season and he was anticipating old memories to resurface. In the past Nesrin had to sneak away to spend Christmas with the big Sullivan clan— loud and full of life they were but back then he couldn’t imagine not spending any important day without her. His family considered her apart of theirs.
What were they now? As he stood on the porch, hands stuffed into his pockets and waiting on seeing Nesrin on the other side of the door, it felt as though they were all things left unsaid and unfinished.
“Hey, Nes,” he smiled a little and tipped his head before entering upon invitation. “We’re in no hurry.” Somewhere in the small house he could hear movement and smiled some to himself, having learned to love that sound so much since Selvi came into his life. Now, whenever his teenaged daughter wasn’t staying with him, Matt almost couldn’t stand the quiet.
As he moved further into his ex’s home she had made since returning home, for herself and their child, Matt looked around and tried to take as much in as he could. Nothing really matched and some things looked a little worn but it had a coziness to it. He spotted some things that could use handyman skills but didn’t voice anything. It felt rude to make an offer but he wondered if Nesrin had noticed he took care of her yard a little. Just in the front. It had happened one day after he’d come to pick up Selvi and he’d picked a few weeds when their daughter ran back in to grab something she’d forgotten. A couple of days later Matt had come by when no one was home and mowed, weeded, and trimmed the yard up.
Was she nervous? The familiar way she fidgeted and tried to fill the silences pulled at something deep in him, like an innate need to comfort and soothe things for her. He glanced through the house a little, kind of glad he had a moment alone with Nesrin before their daughter bounded in and demanded to head out. She’d been so excited since he enlisted her help in decorating at Sully’s, telling her all about Sullivan Christmas traditions. 
“I’ve been alright, just working mostly— doing my best to convince Aileen not to go overboard on presents for Selvi this year.” Matt chuckled. It wasn’t as though he could blame great-grandmother or hold it against her, he wasn’t doing well in convincing himself to go easy either. 
Would he always feel as though he were making up for lost time? Maybe.
“A coffee sounds good, if you’ve got it.” By then he’d closed some of the distance between them and reached out to lightly grasp her hands with one of his own. “Stop picking apart your fingers, Nes,” he smirked, then took a step back and looked at her for a long moment.
“You should come with us. I can get some dinner cooking when we get back to mine and decorate the tree.”
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     casey deidrick in “a very merry bridesmaid” (2021)
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─── starter for @maggiehendry​
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ON THE SIDEWALK, DOWNTOWN — It wasn’t easy for Matt anymore when it came to friendships, he’d been through one too many betrayals and it had left him weary and cautious. That, in part, was why when he’d heard of Maggie Hendry returning to Heartsdale he had mostly kept his distance. Not only back when they were kids, teenagers, had she been Colt’s girlfriend but she was also friends with Nesrin. By the time of her return, Alara and Colt had happened and Matt was shaken and questioning love, loyalty, and respect. So, aside from casual hellos in passing, he mostly left the blonde lawyer to herself and didn’t attempt to rekindle a friendship that had been forged by associations and a small town back in their youth. When he saw Maggie today though, coming his direction on the sidewalk, Matt began turning over thoughts and questions in his head. They had to do with Nesrin and her return. “Hey, Maggie,” he greeted, hoping to steal a bit of her time, “wanna grab a coffee?” His hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans and he tried to read her for any reactions she might have to him. Clearly a big secret had been kept from him for some time, and it had become obvious now why Halime had avoided him. “Nesrin’s back. Did you know?”
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─── starter for @julia-simon​
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SOMEWHERE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, SUFFIX MILLS — Wherever Matt went his dogs went as well. They usually just stayed close and were never in need of a leash, even the husky. This evening they were walking the neighborhood so that Rian and Fiadh could stretch their legs a bit. With Sully’s being busy and him spending his free time with Selvi, he hadn’t gotten to the lake in a while where he usually let the dogs run their hearts out and expel all that energy they possessed.  When he saw Julia approaching, Matt turned his head and gave her a smile. “They’re friendly, don’t worry.” Currently, the dogs had stopped to check out a flower bush. Rian especially loved to stop and smell flowers, it was the funniest thing to Matt but all animals had their quirks too. “How’ve you been? Getting excited for the holiday break coming up?”
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✗: this would be a really, really bad time to sleep in all morning because my dad decided not to come in this weekend and now there’s a surprise waiting for you at the lake 💕 hint: it’s me. i’m the surprise. hurry up!
✗: listen, i know you’re probably really mad at me and that this isn’t what you want, so i have no right to even ask you this, but... i’m scared, matty. like really, really scared. would you maybe consider coming with me tomorrow? please? i know it’s not right to ask that of you, and i’m so sorry, but i just really don’t wanna go alone. 
✗: i’ve been sitting outside in the parking lot for three hours now and i don’t think i can do it, matty. when i said this is what i wanted i was wrong. i don’t care about my auditions, or what people are gonna say. i want to keep our baby. i’m coming home. i know it doesn’t fix everything and we’ll have a lot to talk about, but we’ll figure it out, okay? together. i love you and i’ll see you [...]
✗: i reminded selvi that it’s your birthday, so we baked you a cake. it was strawberry, because that’s her favorite right now, and more icing ended up in her mouth than on the actual cake, but we didn’t think you’d mind. did you wish for anything today? i hope it comes true. i still miss you, you know. i still hope you’re happy. i hope you’re okay. i should probably tell you that for real, but i’m still gonna delete this message in about five seconds anyway. maybe tomorrow will be the one that makes it, right?
✓: could you check and see if selvi left her math book at your place?
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─── starter for @warmshadcw​
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SULLY’S TAVERN, SUFFIX MILLS — There were many things Matt loved about owning and running a traditional Irish pub/tavern and only part of that was due to the family legacy. Since he had been in university more than a decade ago, he had been working on mastering his own brews. Now he had three varieties on tap exclusively for Sully’s. He couldn’t have been more proud, but even then, with the success and many requests to bottle and distribute— Matt couldn’t help himself when someone was enjoying something he’d crafted himself. “Alright, hit me with it,” he began when he returned in front of Ira, rag hanging over shoulder and empty pint glasses dropped into the bucket below the bar, “what do you think? Aileen says it reminds her of one of her favorites on the Isle.” Typically, his beloved grandmother was one of the first to get a taste when he was working on a brew. “Might actually start bottling this stuff soon.”
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─── starter for @coltwinslow​
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WAYNE WINSLOW’S RESIDENCE — Something that was inevitable in life was loss, death escaped absolutely no one, but a parent wasn’t meant to bury a child. It had hit Matt hard when the news of Wesson’s passing reached him and he’d paid his respects. He knew grieving a child, he knew losing family and while he had wanted to be there in support of people that had been apart of his life since he was knee high— being allowed the space to mourn and grieve was also important. Matt had just pulled up in Wayne’s driveway with his truck and had barely made it to the front grill when Colt came into view. Despite their difference and the loss of their own brotherly bond, his heart went out to the man that was once a best friend. “Hey, I was just coming by to check on your pop.” His thumb jutted back to his truck just over his shoulder. “Aileen sent me with a bunch of food.” They’d been checking on Colt’s old man for a long while, and his grandmother regularly made food that he brought by. Matt just hadn’t expected to see Colt, even though he realized this shouldn’t have been a surprise. “How’ve you been holding up, man?”
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─── starter for @narisun​
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NARI’S PLACE, DOWNTOWN — “Alright already, you good to go?” It had been a while since Matt had been for a ride on his prized and much loved Indian Motorcycle. The weather was turning for winter and riding conditions wouldn’t be all that ideal for a while so this felt a bit like a last hurrah for a bit— at least until the dawn of spring was upon them. Plus, it was just generally difficult for Matt to get away sometimes, and having found Nari as an excursion buddy made a big difference in making the effort to get out more often than not. “Oh, wait,” Matt turned, looking to find where the brunette had gotten off to her in her place, “should we pull out a map and plot a general course or...” His shoulders lifted then dropped into a shrug, something that said it made no difference to him. “Just wing it?” Even if he had a feeling of what she’d say, Matt still wanted to give the option.
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OWEN: i was raised with manners. what can i say?
OWEN: thanks, btw. appreciate the space.
OWEN: really? must mean the rattlesnake or nickleback has become is favorite watering hole. i'll have to find out which.
OWEN: always.
MATT: i didn't think anyone really raised you. but kudos to your mother for a job well done
MATT: always for you, my man
MATT: i'm pretty sure your pops isn't hanging around the rattlesnake lol i doubt his company would be all that welcome there. so, my educated guess is the nickleback
MATT: swing by when you've got the time then!
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ALARA közen​
starter for @mattsullivan​ …
WHERE: Matt’s place.
     "Hey —” The sun had dipped beneath the horizon and while it wasn’t exactly late, Alara felt the need to keep quiet in the neighborhood, knowing it was a quieter area of the town. She smiled, “Sorry for dropping by unannounced, I was just down the street.” Aly pointed towards where her car was parked, two streets over. “You mentioned that I left something in the stuff I gave you? Thought I would come by and pick it up.” 
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With Aly at his door, Matt leaned a shoulder against the frame of the door while his hands stuffed into his pockets. A small albeit amiable smile sat on his lips as his russet eyes were directed to her car a few blocks over. 
“Hey. You don’t need an excuse, it’s all good,” he finally said, nodding that he did have something for her. 
When he took a step back, Matt waved Alara inside his Suffix Mills home, “come on in,” and shut the door behind her gently once she followed him inside. “I left it on the table in the kitchen.” Once he’d moved past the refrigerator, he gestured to it and turned to lean against the counter. “Want something to drink?”
The guess was that her answer would be no and she’d have some reason to get going but he’d be hospitable regardless. Matt let out a sigh, his eyes fixed on the pamphlets and information that hadn’t seemed meant for him, and briefly rubbed his hand down his bearded chin and jaw. There were some questions but he’d swallowed them down, it wasn’t his business anymore. Correction: she wasn’t his business anymore. “I figured you probably have a bunch of those around but on the chance my assumption is wrong, I wouldn’t want your client or... whomever to be without it.” His head nodded to what she had most likely unintentionally slipped into the information she’d given him.
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