arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
can i get an outsiders and stranger things matchup no stress tho, if u don’t want to. but i have medium black hair, i’m 5’3, with fair skin and a pretty big bust, i love movies and i hope to be an actress someday and i have the habit of catching feelings very easily, i’m also kind of insecure but i’m working on it.
love ya <33
I really hope you enjoy! Ly<3
I match you up with Ponyboy Curtis!
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date nights at the drive-in (ofc)
that's actually how you two met
you were sat next to each other and at some point, you started commenting on the movie together
after the movie ended he made sure to walk you home and along the way you learned a lot about each other
while he was walking home you were the only thing on his mind
I can see you two acting out scenes from books and Pony's always praising your acting
very supportive boy
he'll help with your insecurities
Pony will flirt with you all the time but it would be that soft, cute type of flirting
best cuddles and hugs
I match you up with Jonathan Byers!
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mini photoshoots all the time (you're his best model)
he would fall first and he would fall hard
numerous times he would come up to you with the intention of asking you out but he would chicken out every time
one time you asked him to go see a movie together and that's kinda how it all started
always looking you with adoration
if you're in the theatre group and you have a show you can bet that Jonathan will be in the first row ready to give you a bouquet once you're finished
I feel like he's the type of boyfriend who would give you small random gifts just because they reminded him of you
many nights together are spent listening to music and watching movies
Joyce and Will adore you (literally, Joyce is always asking when will you come over for dinner)
since he's good 10 cm taller than you forehead kisses are a must
if you ever feel insecure Jonathan will always be there to reassure you that you are the most beautiful, the smartest and the most badass person he knows
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
can i get an outsiders matchup? i’m 5’5, sorta thin but also curvy and i have long hair sort of like cherry’s except brown, i’m very feminine and i love jewelry and makeup and pretty dresses. i’m also very opinionated and i love reading and writing and i’m in debate club.
I match you up with Sodapop
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He likes being taller than you but will often tease you about your height
SIMP™ (i am not joking, this man thinks you are a literal goddess)
Says I love you at least 5 times a day
Will give you his jacket even if it isn't that cold outside
He's holding your hand 24/7 and he always wants to cuddle + likes braiding your hair for fun
When you first started dating he noticed you liked jewellery so after he worked his ass off at DX he managed to buy you a nice necklace
You two would get dressed up and go dancing or to the drive-in
Pretty girl and pretty boy
Honestly, I feel like he would try to put makeup on you (he failed but it still looked cute??)
Soda loves it when you read him(especially something you wrote)
If your debate club has a public debate he will be there to support you
Arguments are non-existent between the two of you because you solve anything by talking
Darry was really proud of him because he found someone like you and Ponyboy sees you as a mother figure
If he ever gets hurt during a rumble you're there to take care of any wounds
You're each others physical and emotional support
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
I was wondering if you can do a little thing where (y/n) convinces Billy Hargrove to go to a haunted house (like an old creepy house not like a house with actors) and they scared the ever living hell on a Billy?
Thank you 💛
Once again I am really sorry you had to wait literal months but I finally did it. Hope you enjoy it! <3
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𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Billy Hargrove x gender neutral reader
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 1214
Another poke to his cheek. This has been going on for the last 5 minutes and Billy was getting rather frustrated. He was currently trying to sleep but the person next to him decided to interrupt him. ''Hey, Billy.'' He just murmured as a response. ''Can we go to that haunted house?'' ''What house?'' ''Oh, you know the one at the outskirts of the town.'' Billy opened his eyes to stare blankly at Y/N. ''I literally have no idea what are you talking about.'' ''There's this house that is supposedly haunted by the ghost of Amy Fletcher.'' He pulled out a cigarette and motioned for Y/N to continue. ''She lived there many years ago. One night while she was alone someone broke into the house and brutally murdered her. The killer was never found but it is said Amy came back as a ghost to hunt down the killer and punish them.'' Y/N tried to bring the creepy atmosphere but they obviously failed by the look on Billy's face. ''First of all, why is she still hunting the killer, that motherfucker probably died years ago. And second, there are no such things as ghosts.'' ''There are many scientific pieces of evidence of ghosts but that's not the point. The point is that I wanna go there and I want you to come with me.'' He scoffed. ''Yeah no way, I am not going into some shitshack to get killed by the falling debris.'' Y/N looked at their boyfriend with a scheming look. They need to convince him to go to the stupid house and there's only one thing that will work. ''Oh, dear if you're scared you could have just said so. Never mind then, we can do something else.'' The moment he heard the insinuations that he may be scared Billy shot up from the bed. ''I am not scared! There's nothing to be scared of. Get your ass in the car, we're going there.'' Billy Hargrove was tough and he was not scared of old houses or fucking non-existent ghosts. 15 minutes later the pair were standing in front of an old house. The scene looked like it came out of a Stephen King novel. ''Let's go inside! I am very excited.'' ''Lead the way then.'' They stalked closer until they reached the door, which was mysteriously opened. ''Uhmm… You sure no one's living here?'' '' Yeah, I am sure. Come on.'' Y/N confidently strode inside, Billy was left with no choice but to follow them. The only light was the one coming from their flashlights. The only sound was the creaking of the floorboards, but not for long. They started hearing thumps and knocks. At this point, Billy was getting scared(not that he would admit it). ''Maybe we should go back.'' Y/N smiled and continued onwards. ''If you want to you can wait outside, I wanna check something.'' Sure Billy wanted to get out of there asap but there's no way in hell he'd be leaving Y/N alone. ''Hey, can you please check that room there and then we can leave.'' Y/N pointed to the room at the end of the hallway with their flashlight. The faster he gets it done the faster they can get out. He went into the room and the door closed behind him with a bang. The noise made him jump. ''Billy!? Are you okay? Open the door!'' He tried to open them but they wouldn't budge. ''I am fine. The door is stuck, I'll have to break it. Stay back!'' ''No! Wait here, I think I saw a crowbar near the entrance. I'll be back in a minute.'' ''Y/N DON'T LEAVE I CAN BREAK THEM! Y/NNNN!'' He tried calling after them but the sound of their footsteps already faded away. With every second Billy grew more impatient and he was on edge. Random sounds were making him jump. He swore he felt a breath at the back of his neck. Y/N should have come back already. Now he really got scared. He called their name but he got no response. Tired of just sitting around he walked to the door and tried opening it once more. This time it magically opened. He had bigger problems on his mind so he didn't question it. He wasted no time in booking it out of that room. Continuing down the hallway and stopping next to the staircase he saw something on the stairs. When he shone his light over it he noticed it was a flashlight, Y/N's flashlight. His eyes skimmed over the darkness on
the upper floor but he bravely went up. Anything for his lover. The stairs creaked louder with every slow step. His ears picked up a noise coming from the hallway that the stairs led to. 'How many fucking hallways does this fucking house have!?' With trembling hands, he pointed the flashlight in the direction of the sound. He noticed the walls- or what was left of them- covered with something dark and liquid. 'It can't be blood, can it?' Another sound. His fight or flight response was ready to kick into action. At this point, he was nearing the end of the hallway and he saw a flash of light reflect from it. When he came face to face with the wall he registered the old cracked mirror on it. He breathed a sigh of relief but then his flashlight stopped working. 'How fucking convenient.' A movement in the mirror caught Billy's gaze. Once he turned around he saw a dark figure standing at the other end of the hallway. His soul left his body. 'Ghosts aren't real. Ghosts aren't real. Ghosts aren't real. Ghosts aren't real.' He tried telling himself in hopes of calming down(spoiler alert it didn't work). The figure made an excruciatingly slow step forward. His last option was to scream. ''Y/N where are you?!'' Another slow step. ''Please help!!!'' He can't run anywhere, he can't hide either. ''I don't wanna die!'' At that moment the figure started sprinting toward him. Billy let out a high pitch scream. But instead of killing him the figure stopped and started laughing. Suddenly the light was shone in Billy's direction. ''Oh love you should have seen your face! And that scream was amazing.'' Y/N. It was Y/N all along. They slowly came to Billy's side but the poor boy was still in shock. When their boyfriend didn't say anything they got worried. ''Hey, Billy? Are you alright? I am sorry I didn't think you would get so scared..'' Their rambling was cut short when Billy threw his arms around them. ''Thank god you're okay but if you do something like this ever again I swear I will kill you.'' Y/N sighed in relief. ''Sorry, Mr. tough guy but I can't make any promises.'' They kissed Billy softly and the said boy melted into the kiss, every ounce of fear left his body. ''We can go now.'' As they made their way down the stairs hand in hand, Y/N explained how they planned and executed the whole charade. Before they got in the car Billy spoke up. ''Just so you know, I'll be getting my revenge.'' ''Should I be scared?'' ''Oh you should be…and you will be.''
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
Hey, what kind of writing do you do? Like headcanons, ships, etc.?
Hi! As of right now I only did headcanons and oneshots (and 1 ship exchange) but I am willing to try new stuff. Ships are really fun to write so if there's a demand for that I can do more of those. If you have any more ideas/wishes just shoot me message :D
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
Hi🤠Can I get a stranger things and hunger games exchange matchup if your'e up for it. female she/her, straight, 5'4", brown hair but I dye it a lot, green eyes. I am an extroverted introvert, very flirty, sarcastic, dirty minded and I joke too much. Kinda short tempered and wanna fight people lol. I enjoy watching horror movies, playing video games, reading, listening to music and writing! i am also into crime documentaries, unsolved cases and stuff so i know a lot about that too.80s fanatic <3
Hey! So I read your info and I love your personality, like you honestly sound so cool! Now on to the match-up!
Stranger things: Steve!
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So lets start off simple! Steve is 5'11 so do expect him to use your head as an arm rest and he'll tease the crap out of you for being "Short".
Although he notices your feisty, "I wanna fight everyone!" nature so you make for it.
Speaking of which if you ever try and fight some then you better tell him! Number one so he can cheer you on and number two so he can beat someones ass for you if he needs to.
Very protective boi™
He really loves your joking and dirty minded personality! It goes well with his and boy oh boy you being sarcastic works out perfectly for him!
Whatever sarcasm you deliver to him.....well he'll shoot it right back! It makes amazing banters between you two!
He will watch whatever movies and documentaries you wanna watch! Might even take you to a drive in movie!
Although with music, that's different! When hes taking you for drive he CAN and WILL blast Aerosmith and Metallica.
(Also don't mean to flex or anything but my mom met the entire band of Aerosmith and she has a picture with the main singer)
If you ever get to the point where you want to isolate yourself he'll be sure to step in and try to help, but if you want space then of course he'll give it to you.
But hes always there for you and he can always usually tell when your angered or about to get angry.
He'll also let you talk to him. You can talk trash about anybody to him and you can complain about anything to him and he'll sit there and listen. Like honestly he's like your own personal therapist.
Also he likes to gossip so......its not big of a problem for him lmao.
All in all 10/10....I 100% ship it
Hunger games: Peeta Mellark!
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So this sweet boy....
You two are complete opposites! But that's what makes your guys relationship so wonderful!
When you get angry or ticked off at someone or something, he knows exactly how to calm you down and handle the situation without anyone getting hurt.
He's just very calming to be around and can help a lot if you let him!
He loves to watch movies with you, he'll pretty much watch whatever you watch but that's one of his favorite things to do with you.
He will also bake you things and teach you how to bake if you'd like to learn!
Will 100% paint you. This boy loves painting and is very soothing for him so he'll 100% paint you in his free time!
Does get worried about you sometimes though, hes afraid you'll get yourself hurt by trying to pick a fight with someone so he tries to keep an eye on you.
Now at first he may not be too good when it comes to sarcasm but he'll catch on and maybe even start to laugh at few of your funny sarcastic comments.
If you ever isolate yourself from him, at first he may be a bit overbearing or smothering but that's only because hes trying his best to see whats wrong.
You'd probably have to tell him it isn't his fault because that's what he'll think. But he'll soon be able to tell that isn't him and he'll give you time to cool off.
I hope you don't mind comforting him sometimes. Due to the games and everything he was forced to endure he gets bad nightmares so sometimes you being there helps.
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
Heyy! Thank you so much for doing this exchange with me! I'm super excited, anyways here's info and may I please be matched with Finnick from the hunger games and Dally from the outsiders? Tysm in advance and here we go!
Zodiac sign: Leo sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Personality Type: ENTP
Pronouns: She/her
I'm 5'4 and I have a very tiny body frame so i'm extremely petite and pretty small. I'm not very curvy and I literally have the body of a cereal box...lol but its fine because I have nice hips and thighs. I have thick brown hair that goes down to my back and it gets tangled pretty easily but its kinda fluffy. I have brown eyes and tiny freckles all over my face and body. Honesty at this point in my life I don't really have a style....i've kinda given up on how I look lmao. I just kinda pick out some random clothes like a band t-shirt and some tight jeans. Although I do wear this one Adidas jacket a lot and a nice pair of combat boots.
For my personality.....this is where things get interesting. At first people find me very intimidating due to my resting bitch face and cold exterior but I promise i'm not like that ALL the time. When you get to know me, i'm goofy and about everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcasm or some dry humored joke. I'm also that one friend in a group where they literally will do the stupidest shit ever like for an example one time it was super dark outside and my other friend was there, while I was trying to climb a tree and I failed and fell out of the tree, and landed on my back. I got straight up after that somehow it didn't hurt.....like at all? But yeah i'm super reckless and sometimes people have to save me from myself if you get what I mean. I also have a very strong "I don't give a fuck" attitude and I will not hesitate to stick up for myself or my friends.
I have bad anxiety and I can be very self destructive. This is where my feisty, stubborn, hardheaded side comes in. If I want something then i'll fight for it even if it hurts me and i'll get into a bad cycle of putting myself down and trying to do better even if I did great the first time but I always push myself too far and other people have to stop me because I usually can't see it when its happening. I also cover my emotions up and I have a lot of trouble talking about whats bothering me or what problems i'm having emotionally so I put up a wall and I act tough, or happy and sometimes i'll be the exact opposite but I try to hide it. Some people have also told me that I lack empathy....which I guess they aren't wrong....T_T
Weird things about me: I've grown up in the south all my life so sometimes when I talk a few words they'll come out sounding WAYYY more country and southern then I wanted, I don't have an accent but sometimes my words just come out that way. I also love the smell of cigarette smoke....let me explain. When I was a kid my parents smoked a lot and I was used to smelling it and now it reminds me of home and is sort of comforting. I also have lots of intrusive thoughts lol so sometimes i'll just be sitting there quietly and I'll just start laughing like a weirdo......i'm a big dork honestly. I also do that weird thing where i'm sitting down and I'll just be bouncing my leg....idk why I do it....I just do....and I also run my fingers through my hair a lot, thats why its always messy. Sometimes when i'm bored I space out and i'll chew on my lip or the side of gum...I need to stop I know but its hard to....
Things I like: I love swimming (I was on a swim team for about 9 years), I love horror movies, I like rain and the sounds of thunderstorms because its calming to me, I also love the smell of rain, I like cloudy days, cooking, listening to 80's and 90's rock but mainly 90's because 90's is the best, My favorite bands are Bush, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lincoln Park, Pearl jam but i'm pretty open to anything. I also love trying new things like skate boarding, playing guitar, learning how to cook things and bake.
Things I dislike: Spiders.......I will scream if I see a spider....like seriously I will move to the moon if one touches me.
Hey! Thank you for doing this with me.This exchange was so fun to do and I hope you like this. It was really nice talking to you <3
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬
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he likes that you're shorther than him and anytime you two are standing somewhere he'll lean on you or when he hugs you from behind he'll put his head on yours
you cannot tell me this man wouldn't enjoy messing up your hair as a sign of affection
you and your adidas jacket + dally in his leather jacket = iconic
hm you met when he started bothering you and your friend in the park so you put him in his place
when dally first saw you he thought you were pretty but what made him come up and talk to you was your resting bitch face (he loves a challenge)
the most chaotic couple™, you guys are always up to something stupid and probably dangerous khm the Tulsa police knows you guys very well khm
this boy is bad with emotions resulting in him being awkward and not knowing how to help you, over time you two can help each other get better + learn to express your feelings
at first he made fun of the way you pronounce some words again this is him showing affection i mean he still does it sometimes but like he's the one to talk
this man smokes too much but you don't mind, will blow smoke in your face for no reason
when you bounce your leg he'll put his hand on your thigh
big spoon when cuddling
his hands are always around your waist if you don't mind
you try to teach him how to cook but he'll probably give up after making a huge mess in the kitchen
of course he gives you his ring
your zodiac sign are compatible so that's always a plus
killing spiders for you while laughing his ass off
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬: 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤
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having his hand on your thighs all the time
finnick adores your freckles and kisses all of them
he doesn't care what you wear because to him you are always cute simp
for some reason he'll randomly ask you if he can brush and braid your hair
finnick likes your jokes and you guys have too many inside jokes, someone will say something and you two just look at each other before laughing making the third person be like ????
i feel he would be very protective so every time you hurt yourself he makes sure everything is fine no matter how much you try to brush him off
he always notices when you're not doing well and/or hiding your true emotions, tries to help in any way without being overbearing
why do i feel he would pick up the way you pronounce words and start pronouncing them that way himself without realizing
if he notices you chewing on your lips he'll offer you some gum or candy
randomly eating sugar cubes and sometimes offering them to you
really caring, would kill to keep you safe
flirting 24/7
cuddles all the time
adores holding your hand and doing that thumb thing
BEACH DATES, swimming competitions
i think this man can cook really well so you two work well in the kitchen
dancing in the rain
just like dally he'll kill any spider that tries approaching his darling
idk i just think finnick is kinda cool on the outside but the softest being on the inside especially for you
sure he is seductive to everyone but you're the only woman in his life
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
I have no clue if you take requests but if you do.... I am madly in love with really Billy Hargrove *cough* r o b l o w e *cough*. I was wondering if you can do imagine where the reader is a Gothic type chick. And she asked if she could do Billy's makeup and make him Gothic. No it's weird but I'm weird so....
Thank You!
Alright, I hope I did justice to your request. Once again thank you for requesting<3
My request are always open so you're welcome to slide into them anytime.
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𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Billy Hargrove x female reader
𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆: fluff kinda
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 778
A fucking boring day is what today was. Billy and I were just hanging out at my house without an idea what to do. I was one of the few gothic people in Hawkins so that surely grabbed Hargrove's attention when he moved here which lead to us becoming friends and eventually dating. I sat on my bed and Hargrove laid on my lap. He was complimenting me on the outfit I wore yesterday and how I did my makeup. He thought it was 'fucking cool' in his own words. That gave me an idea. ''Hey Billy.'' He hummed in acknowledgement. ''Can I do your makeup?'' As the words left my mouth Billy shot up from his previous position and looked at me with wide eyes. ''Can you what?!'' ''Can I do your makeup like I do mine?'' ''Why do you wanna do that?'' ''Well I am bored and it seems like a fun thing to try.'' My voice was filled with enthusiasm but he was unconvinced. ''Princess I love you but there's no way you're going to put that shit on my face. Just because I think you look hot with it doesn't mean I want it on me.'' This was going to be harder than I thought, still it's nothing I can't handle. ''Come on Billy you're going to look so cool.'' No.'' ''You know rockstars use makeup all the time.'' ''No.'' ''I'll do it just this once and then I'll never ask you again.'' ''My answer is no and you can't change it Y/N.'' I leaned closer to him and looked him right in the eyes pouting and giving him my best puppy eyes. For a second his face softened but then he turned away ignoring me. ''Sorry doll, puppy eyes won't work this time.'' Huh, when did he become immune to that? Time to pull out the final trick. Huffing dramatically I stood up from my bed making a beeline towards my telephone. ''Fine then! Since my boyfriend won't do it I'll just call Steve. I know he'll be willing to do it. Gosh, Steve is so amazing isn't he?'' Before I could start dialling Harrington's number two strong hands made their way around my waist. ''Okay, you convinced me. You can put your weird-ass makeup on me. BUT this is the first and last time.'' Hehe. ''Aw thank you babe.'' I kissed him on the lips and motioned for him to take a seat at my vanity. Quickly turning on my radio I put the tape in it. The sound of Bauhaus filled the room. Now the real fun begins. Billy made himself comfortable on the chair, that stupid smirk on his face. ''Are you ready?'' He nodded so I started working my magic. While I was working Billy sat still like the good boy he is and every now and then he would ask some questions. Deep down I knew he was enjoying this. About 30 minutes later the makeup was finally done. ''So you're telling me that every time you do this it takes this long?'' ''Pretty much.'' ''And you do this every day?'' ''More or less.'' ''Wow, babe you're dedicated.'' He wanted to kiss me but I stopped him. ''Nope, no kisses you're going to ruin the lipstick. You can turn and look at yourself in the mirror.'' The mullet-wearing boy turned in the chair and let out a quiet 'what the fuck' when he saw my work of art. I must say it was really weird to see Billy with heavy eyeshadow, foundation that didn't match his skin tone and dark lipstick. It was even weirder since his mullet wasn't teased and he was wearing his light blue shirt. I held in my giggles. He was speechless but under all that makeup he looked kinda amazed. ''So what do you think?'' ''I don't look like myself! It's kinda cool though.'' That put a smile on my face. ''I told you so!'' Billy turned abruptly and pulled me in for a kiss. ''Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're always right, I know.'' The next 10 minutes were spent by Billy staring at himself in the mirror, I knew the boy was narcissistic but damn this is next level. ''Alright, can I take it off now?'' ''Not so fast! Let me take a picture of you.'' I grabbed my polaroid and snapped a picture. As my fake goth boyfriend slipped into the bathroom I waited for the polaroid to develop before taping to my mirror. ''Hey Y/N how do I take this off?'' ''I am coming! Don't touch anything!''
Trust me when I say that wasn't the last time Billy put on makeup.
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
Where did you get your name Greenleaf? If you don't mind me asking of course
Oh I was waiting for this question! Thank you for asking hehe <3
Right so I am huge fan of the Lord of the rings and I have been watching the movies since I was born basically. Of course I read the books too but the movies had a bigger influence 'cause I saw them first. That lead to Legolas Greenleaf being my first fictional crush ever. When I was younger I kinda started joking around with mrs. Greenleaf and that sort of stuff (you know kids being kids) but over the years it somehow just stuck with me. I started using it online for every username or whatever and boom now I am forever Arcana Greenleaf.
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
Hell yeah it's Dallas' birthday! I love scorpio men so much but who could blame me right. I wrote this while on a zoom lecture because once the inspo is here I need to use it immediately before it's gone forever. Anyway enjoy this little thingy. Once again I hope you're doing well <3
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a/n: I didn't know which gif to choose 'cause in every single one Matt looks too hot
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Dallas Winston (a little bit ooc) x female reader
𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆: fluff
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 1410
My knuckles hit the wooden door. Buck's was empty at this time of the day so while waiting for a certain boy to open the door I enjoyed the silence. A few moments later the door finally opened and there stood a shirtless Dallas Winston. ''Good morning Dally!'' He yawned before greeting me back. ''Good morning dollface.'' His morning voice made me weak at my knees. ''What are you doing here?'' ''Come on get ready, we're going out.'' ''What? Where's the hurry?'' ''Mr. Winston you ask too many questions. I'll tell you everything on the way.'' With a groan he closed his door and left me alone in the silence. Todays date was November 9th. To some it's just another day of the year but not to me. Today it's Dallas' birthday. He's the type of person who doesn't celebrate it but not on my watch. I planned the whole day so my favourite greaser (please don't tell the gang) could have a proper 18th birthday. After what felt like hours the said greaser came out again wearing his usual outfit. ''Gosh, you're so slow. Come on!'' I grabbed the sleeve of his trademark leather jacket before running down the stairs and out on the streets of Tulsa. Our first stop was a corner store where we were supposed to stock up on cigarettes and drinks. We did our usual performance, me flirting with the teenager behind the counter while Dallas swipes anything needed. When the cashier figured out what was going on we ran out and down the streets laughing. It took us some time to catch our breath. Man, concerning how often we do this you would think we'd be in better shape. Dallas was currently walking next to me smoking a cancer stick occasionally passing it to me to take a drag. ''So are you going to tell me why you showed up at my door at noon demanding that we go out or do I have to take back that soda?'' He gestured to the half drank drink in my hand. ''I just wanted to hang out with you.'' I said innocently. It was obvious he wasn't buying it but he shrugged and put an arm around my shoulders. He either thinks I forgot about his birthday or he was the one who forgot, I don't care which answer is the correct one as long as everything is going according to my plan. We went all around the city bumping into some familiar faces along the way. The stops I chose all had some kind of meaning. The place we met, the park where he saved me from some soc trash, our favourite hangout spots, our favourite makeout spots, we even passed next to the drive-in. Right now we were sitting on the old train tracks just enjoying the sunset. ''I can't believe you're making me watch a sunset. You have been spending too much time with Pony.'' My head was leaned on his shoulder. He acted like this was the first time we were doing that together. ''Calm down Mr Tuff guy. Watching sunsets is the best pastime. At this point, you should just admit that you enjoy it.'' He grumbled proving me right. Dallas Winston might be all cold and unapproachable on the outside but on the inside he's a big softie. Big softie who likes cuddles more than anything. Not like he'll ever willingly admit that. Dallas and I stayed like that up until the last traces of the sun were gone. Then the last phase of my plan started. ''Let's go see what the gang is up to.'' The final stop was the Curtis house. Dallas thought we were just going to hang out with the gang like I said but oh boy was he wrong. ''The lights are off. Do you think they're out?'' ''No, I am sure they're home. Let's get inside Dally.'' I pulled his arm for the 100th time today. The porch creaked as we neared the door and I pushed Dallas to go in first. When we did step inside it was silent but after a moment the lights turned on and the shouts of the gang filled the air. ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY DALLAS!'' The birthday boy stood still in shock and a look of confusion etched on his face. I can't believe the idiot actually forgot his own birthday. Since I was the closest to him I pulled him in for a hug while whispering my birthday wishes in his ear. That broke his trance and he returned the hug and kissed my head. The rest of the gang swarmed
him, while they were doing that I slipped into the kitchen. When I opened the fridge the birthday cake I brought yesterday was thankfully intact (not gonna lie I was worried about leaving it here with Steve and Two-bit). Carefully taking it in my hands I put it on the table and closed the fridge. My fingers fished a lighter from my jeans before lighting up the colourful candles. There were 18 of them and a smile was on my face while I was lighting the last one. As I made my way back to the living room the gang noticed me so we all started singing 'happy birthday' like we practised. The song ended and I was standing in front of Dallas who was looking at me weirdly. ''Blow the candles and make a wish already man!'' Two-bit yelled trying to rush him, undoubtedly Two just wanted to try the delicious looking cake. Once Dallas blew the candles out we cheered one more time and returned to the kitchen to finally cut the cake. Everyone grabbed a piece and found a place to sit. I received some compliments for my baking skills which is always a nice feeling. ''I can't believe you guys did this!'' Poor Dally was still shocked that we would do something this nice for him. ''It was Y/N's idea.'' The group nodded at me making Dallas turn his head to look at me with adoration in his eyes. ''Really?'' I chewed and swallowed the piece of cake while nodding. ''I know you don't usually celebrate your birthday but I wanted to do something special this year. I hope you're not mad or anything.'' By his body language he didn't look mad but the problem with Dallas is that he can go from 0 to 100 real fast. ''Why would I be mad? This is the nicest thing anyone ever did for me.'' Just by looking at his eyes you could see how much this meant to him. The next few hours were spent by joking around, eating cake, guys giving Dally little presents and just enjoying each other's presence. It was time for me to head home so Dallas insisted on walking me home. His arm was around my shoulders the whole time. ''Hey, I never thanked you for planning all this.'' ''Oh, you don't have to thank me. It's the least I could do.'' ''Thank you Y/N. It means a lot.'' A blush covered my cheeks but I hoped the darkness of the night would hide it. We fell into a comfortable silence that I had to break because a thought just occurred to me. ''Shoot! I almost forgot to give you your birthday present.'' My hand went to my jacket pockets taking out a small box. ''Um here! Happy birthday once again. I hope you like it.'' The box was now in his hands, opened, inside was a ring that I picked out last week. When we started going out Dally gave me his skull ring, sorta like a promise ring, so I decided to get him a new one to wear. He continued staring at it and I felt a bead of sweat race down my forehead even though it was very cold outside. My nervous thoughts vanished when Dallas hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head. ''Thank you dollface. I love it.'' He slipped the ring on his finger then intertwined his fingers with mine. He was the one to pull me after him this time. The Curtis household might have been the last stop in my plan but now Dallas' plan was in action. That's how I ended up here. In his bed, my head on his chest and his hands around my waist. ''This was the best birthday ever. I love you Y/N.''
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
Hey hey hey! Wow I am posting 3 days in a row. Today we have some Billy content :D I hope you're doing well. Enjoy <3
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𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Billy Hargrove x female reader
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 2675
Another hot day in Hawkins, Indiana. Perfect for a hangout at the pool with some friends. The pool was packed with people of all ages. My friends and I settled in and we were just putting on sunscreen. Our gossiping was cut short with a blow of a whistle. The current lifeguard descended the ladder and made her way towards the locker room. While she was walking, the locker room doors opened and there stood Billy Hargrove in all his glory. He walked with such confidence that it was hard not to stare at him. We had a weird relationship. When he moved here I tried to be nice but after I realized what he actually wants I gave up. But he didn't. Billy always tried to make a move on me and time after time I shot him down. It kinda became a game for him. Sure he sometimes succeeded in making me speechless or blush for a bit but I decided to play his game. When I first started flirting back he thought he stood a chance but I just found it fun to lead people on. Does it make me a bad person? Maybe but who cares. Don't get me wrong Billy Hargrove is extremely hot, from his toned abs to his mullet that looks so soft but his personality is the problem. Confidence is a good quality to have but this guy is overconfident and don't get me started on his sleeping around habits. If you want to try new things without any ties it's completely fine but trying to sleep with as many girls as you can to 'show off' is just sad. I also didn't like the way he treated Max and I offered to beat him up for her a few times, but after the threat with the baseball bat he kept away and started treating her better. Would I want something with him if he wasn't such an asshole? Sure, but he was so it ain't gonna happen. The subject of my thoughts was just passing next to me and of course he had to say something. ''Hey L/N looking good in that bikini!'' The smirk was on his face and I just rolled my eyes. ''Y/N he obviously likes you why don't you go out with him or something?'' One of my friends asked, making me scoff at that. ''First of all, he doesn't like me he's just saying things to get under my skin. Second of all, Billy Hargrove on a date, are you crazy? To him a date is the backseat of his Camaro.'' He did ask me out a couple of times but I always said no having my prejudices. There were times when I almost said yes because I too believed he liked me but then the next day you would hear that he slept with someone new so I gave up on that thought. The group shrugged and we continued talking about things that didn't involve the Californian. We went for a swim since the heat got unbearable. When our stomachs started grumbling we decided to grab some food from the concession stand in the pool premises. Our order was placed but we had to wait for a few minutes. ''You know Y/N it's kinda ironic that you hang around the pool so much but you can't swim.'' Oh, not this conversation again. ''That's not true! I can swim! I am not very good at it but it's enough for me to not drown.'' At that, another voice joined our conversation from behind me. ''Well princess I can give you private lessons if you want.'' Billy. From his voice it was quite obvious what he was hinting at. I thought about it for a second and then an idea struck me. I mustered my best flirty voice to answer him. ''Oh really? Well if you're free tonight we could meet up here?'' His face was priceless and it was obvious he didn't expect that from me. After he got over the shock his famous smirk was back. ''I knew you couldn't resist me any longer Y/N. Meet me here at midnight, everyone is gone at that time.'' I bit my lip, looked him up and down and turned around. ''I'll see you later hot stuff.'' With that, I grabbed my fries and walked away. If I had turned around I would have caught a genuine smile on Billy's face. My friends were quick to follow and when they caught up to me the questions were never-ending. ''What was that?'' ''I thought you didn't want anything with him?'' ''Hell yeah Y/N changed her mind, go get some of that ass.'' ''Did you have a heatstroke?'' I dismissed them saying that
I have a plan. As I was chewing one of my fries Lexi still continued asking questions. ''Wait do you actually like him?'' That made me choke and cough for a solid five minutes. ''Excuse me what?!'' I managed to get in between the coughs. ''My theory is that you actually like that guy and that you're just playing hard to get.'' My face resembled that of a deer caught in headlights. It took me too long to answer. ''HA! I knew it! You do like him!'' Lexi was smug and now her face was wearing a smirk. ''No. No! NO! Ew no, I don't like him!'' Great that sounded so unconvincing. ''Yeah right princess.'' She teased. I tried stating my case but at this point, they didn't want to listen to me. ''Oh fuck off you guys. I don't like him.'' My friends giggled among themselves and the realization hit me. They are never going to let that go. As we resumed our sunbathing I started overthinking everything. Was I lying to myself? Do I like Hargrove? Why did I ask him out? What if we actually dated? Maybe Billy is a softie underneath all that toxic masculinity? How would it feel to run my fingers through his curls? What if Billy likes me? I heard no stories of him sleeping around in the last month so maybe he changed. Maybe I should try to be friends with him. At that point I snapped myself out of that daydream and joined Lexi's and Bella's heels vs converse discussion. Who knew I would daydream about Billy Hargrove out of all people in Hawkins? The rest of the day passed in a blur but every now and then I caught a pair of blue eyes staring at me from across the pool. When I got home I went over my plan once again while my mother made me do chores. The clock was ticking and with every minute closer I started feeling nervous. That same clock struck 11 and the house was silent. My parents were thankfully asleep so I could slip out of the house without getting caught. It took me about 15 minutes to get ready prior to leaving. I decided to walk since the pool wasn't that far away which will result in me arriving right on time. Finally arriving I made sure that no one was there before climbing over the fence. I set my stuff on the same chair from this afternoon. I waited and Billy Hargrove was nowhere to be seen. What if I was the idiot here? Should I go home and forget that this happened? It was a stupid idea anyway. The creaking of the metal fence made me jump but what drew my attention was a dark figure climbing over it. He didn't notice me yet but he made his way towards where I was sitting. ''Well hey there hot stuff!'' That obviously scared him because I saw him jump a bit. ''Jesus princess you almost gave me a heart attack.'' ''Honestly I thought you wouldn't show up.'' Now he was standing directly in front of me and I had to lift my head a bit to look him in his eyes. Fine I'll admit it those eyes were the most beautiful blue I've ever seen. ''Oh you thought I would leave such a pretty girl waiting?'' Smooth talker. ''Well then since we're both here, what are we waiting for?'' Now was a good time to take off the top layer of my clothes which left me in my bathing suit. His eyes scanned me up and down but I paid it no mind. Instead I turned to the pool and sat on the edge while dipping my feet in. The water was lukewarm, perfect for a swim. Dropping in wholly I finally turned to look at the boy still standing in his clothes. ''Are you coming in or not?'' That seemingly motivated him enough because in the next moment he was taking off his shirt. I had to stop and stare. ''Take a picture it'll last longer.'' ''Hmm if I had my camera with me I would.'' An honest answer from me. The next thing I know he jumped in and swam close to me. Once again we stared into each other's eyes. I noticed he was starting to lean in so I dived under and got my hair wet before rising back to the surface. ''Alright coach what's first?'' Billy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. ''What?'' ''You said you'll be giving me swimming lessons. What are we starting with? Butterfly or breaststroke?'' He was still staring at me in disbelief. ''You mean you actually want
to learn how to swim?'' ''Um yeah, why else would we be here?'' Now it was my turn to smirk. ''I thought we'll have some fun or something!'' ''Swimming is fun.'' ''L/N you know what I am talking about.'' ''No I don't, please tell me.'' He kept silent. ''Oh Billy did you think we would fuck?'' My tone was teasing and by the angered look in his eyes I knew my plan was a success. ''By the way you said it, it sure sounded that way. Fuck you L/N!'' ''I know you would like that.'' Hargrove had enough while I was still smirking triumphantly. ''Whatever, I am leaving.'' The look in his eyes turned into one of a disappointment. ''Aw but you promised me free lessons Hargrove.'' It was clear he was contemplating if he should stay or leave and his words surprised me. ''Fine I'll teach you how to swim.'' Now my eyes widened. ''Woah no no no. I was joking I don't need swimming lessons, you can leave.'' That gave him some confidence because he was back to teasing me. ''There's no running away princess. You're stuck with me.'' Well fuck me sideways, this wasn't in my great plan. The next fifteen minutes were spent by him actually teaching me how to swim better and I must say he was a good teacher. Sure he did throw some dirty comments my way but all in all it was a nice spent time. Right now it was about 1 am and we were both sitting and drying off. The atmosphere was calm. I don't know when we started having fun and talking with each other like friends but it sure did feel good.
''I can't believe you actually stayed and helped me. That wasn't part of my plan. '' ''Your plan?'' ''Yeah. You know get you here under the idea that we're going to fuck, me saying no, you getting pissed and leaving.'' ''So I was right! You were hinting at that.'' Shit, why did I just admit him that? ''Mhm.'' ''I didn't know you were so sly princess. Why did you even come up with that plan?'' Well might as well confess everything now. ''I thought after me doing this you'll leave me alone and not bother me anymore.'' I shrugged. The other reason was purely wanting to fuck with him. ''Admit it you love when I bother you L/N.'' He wasn't mad at all which was weird. ''Keep telling yourself that hot stuff.'' ''Don't worry I do. Anyway your plan failed which means that I won't leave you alone.'' I groaned. ''Even if it did work I probably wouldn't leave you alone.'' ''What makes you say that?'' ''You are fun to chase and it would be a shame to stop when I am this close behind.'' ''What does that even mean?'' ''That means that I am chasing you and that I almost caught you.'' ''No I get that but what I don't get is why would you chase me?'' It seemed he was getting frustrated with me. ''Are you that oblivious Y/N? I like you.'' What? I felt like somebody hit me with a baseball bat. My brain can't process this information. Billy was staring at me expectantly. ''You like me? Why? How? What?'' ''What do you mean why? You're cool, smart, funny, nice and you're hot.'' I playfully hit his shoulder. ''I am shocked. Out of all girls in this shithole you like me? You like me even though we rarely had a civilised conversation?'' At this moment Billy Hargrove wasn't his usual cocky self, he was a normal person who just confessed his feelings to me. ''I don't know what is it about you that attracted me first but the reason I kept coming back is probably because you didn't give me the light of the day. At first you always shot me down and I wanted to prove to you and myself that I can get you. When you started flirting back I was happy you noticed me. This afternoon when you asked me to come here I was shocked and sure I thought about fucking first but I am serious about this. I actually like you and I haven't been able to think about anyone else for a while.'' Was this really happening? There's no way Billy was saying all those stuff. Where's the hidden camera? When I stayed silent he faced me. ''Well will you please say something.'' ''O-okay. You are completely serious? This isn't a cruel joke or a bet?'' Every single moment we shared over the span of one year came rushing over, every comment and every joke. Every thought I had about him or liking him was back. Shit Lexi was right I did like Billy Hargrove. ''I am 100% serious about all of this.'' I don't know what came over me but the next thing I know I was kissing Billy. That surprised him for a second but then he grabbed me around my waist and pulled me closer. I finally ran my fingers through his hair which was still wet. When we pulled apart the smirk was back. ''I fantasized about this princess but nothing beats the real thing.'' ''Yeah keep all your little fantasies for yourself.'' ''I knew you wanted me.'' ''And there goes the nice moment.'' He pulled me in for another kiss. ''So I guess this means you like me back?'' ''Why don't you take me out on a date and then we'll see?'' ''Anything for you Y/N.'' We kissed once again but this kiss was slow and soft something you wouldn't expect from Billy. ''How come you decided to confess all of this right now?'' ''I don't know the moment seemed right and it was kinda my plan to tell you after you say yes to a date with me but you never did.'' ''I guess you could say we fucked up each others plans huh?'' He laughed and it was such a beautiful sound. I don't think I've ever heard him genuinely laugh. We spent the next hour talking and making up lost time. ''Okay hot stuff can you drive me home now? I am starting to feel cold.'' ''Well I know a way to warm you up.'' Billy responded cheekily and I immediately knew what he was talking about.
''Shut up and just drive me home.'' When Billy Hargrove first stepped out of his Camaro I never thought I would fall in love with him but I guess never say never.
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
HEATHERS!! Could we have a fluffy lazy day hc with jd?? (add some smut if you like 😉)
Greetings and salutations! Here's some more hc for our fav psycho boy! Thank you for requesting anon <3 sorry i couldn't include the smut part i am literally uncapable of writing that stuff lol
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a/n: pls christian looks so cute in this gif
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: JD x gender neutral reader
𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆: headcanons
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 355
you sleeping in and enjoying the weekend and JD just decides ''hey let me go bother Y/N!''
he shows up at your front door and your parents let him in before leaving for work
wakes you up by running his fingers through your hair
it's really romantic but when you wake up it gives you a heart attack
''good morning darling! I brought you breakfast.''
''JD dear slushies and gummy worms aren't breakfast''
you guys decide to just have a lazy day and hang around your house
watching movies and making fun of people in them
''yeah well I hope the killer catches you carol! why would you go towards the sound instead of running away from it?!'' ''I hope they all die''
playing cluedo/clue because why not
''I think plum killed in the dining room with a bomb''
''wtf there is no bomb as a weapon ???''
makeout sessions every 5 minutes
you cook lunch together
well it's mostly you cooking and JD just standing and hugging you from behind
''Jason you're not helping''
''I know''
perhaps it's better if you don't let him help with lunch, who knows what he could cook up if you catch my drift
having a concert in your room
he reads you poetry while laying in your lap
just lounging around the house without knowing what to do
doing that painting/drawing each other activity
randomly kisses your forehead
you trying outfits and giving JD a fashion show
''I still think you look better in my coat''
''alright if you were to murder someone hypothetically how would you do it and how would you escape the police?''
*cracks knuckles* ''oh you're not ready for this darling'' *tells you the whole elaborate plan on how to kill someone and get away with it
It sounds like it could work
You're not sure if you should be amazed or scared
always has his hands on you in some type of way
playing strip poker instead of cricket
you don't know who won 'cause you both took off your clothes and decided to do some other activities instead
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
Steve Harrington x reader
Well hello there! I am not dead, yet at least. I am really sorry I haven't written in a while but school has been kicking my ass and murdering my inspiration. I must say haematology is not fun and neither is microbiology :( Anyways I have online school currently so I'll force myself to write. Today's imagine is brought to you because of the Stranger things day! Yay! I hope you'll enjoy it. ALSO, I AM REALLY REALLY SORRY IF YOU SENT ME A REQUEST AND I HAVEN'T WROTE IT YET I'LL DO IT ASAP <3<3<3 Oh and also I saw that a lot of people do that ''Who do I ship you with from ......'' thing and it seems really fun and motivational so if there are any of you who would like that my asks are open. And a third also I want to thank all of you who followed me and everyone who has been liking my stuff, I appreciate it so much <3 There are so many references in this one and if you get any of them i wanna be friends ❤️ -𝓐.𝓖.
Anyway onto the story!
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𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Steve Harrington x female reader
𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆: fluff kinda?
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 2794
The night was quiet but my living room was filled with the sounds of Simon Le Bon's voice coming from my record player. It was a nice Friday evening and my parents left me alone saying something about visiting my aunt Diana. But I wasn't alone. I was ''babysitting'' my cousin and his little friend group. I am not sure why they needed a babysitter, they were 15 for heaven's sake but I adore those kids so I couldn't say no. If we're being honest it wasn't even babysitting they just wanted a place to hang out without adults breathing down their necks. I am the cool cousin. Of course, their safety is my priority but I'll let them have fun and join their adventures. My thoughts were interrupted by a curly-haired teen that I called my cousin (my favourite cousin tbh). '' Hey Y/N! Why are you standing in the middle of the room?'' Judging by the silence I was probably on my way to flip the record before I got lost in my thoughts. ''I just zoned out. Do you guys need anything?'' He flashed his pearls at me before speaking. ''We were wondering if we could order pizza?'' '''Didn't you boys eat like 15 minutes ago?'' '' Y/N we are growing teenagers who need a lot of food to fuel our…'' I interrupted him before he could continue with this bullshit. ''Mhm sure, you need good food then. How about some fruits and veggies for dinner?'' I smirked while his smile fell before he tried a different approach. ''Y/N you know how you're the best cousin ever?'' Ah, so he's doing that. ''Mhm, go on.'' ''Well … As my favourite cousin and the best babysitter for the party, I think it would be really nice if you ordered us some pizza. But it's alright if you don't want to, I can go back to the basement and call John to tell him that he is the best cousin now.'' That little shit. Don't get me wrong I was also very hungry and I am always up for pizza but two can play this game Dusty. ''Okay you go do that and you can tell John that he is now responsible to drive you all around Hawkins.'' ''But he doesn't have a licence... or a car!'' ''Oh I am sorry but that is not my problem anymore since I am not the best cousin.'' Slowly I went to the kitchen and then I heard Dustin call out after me. ''Fine! You're still the best cousin! Please Y/N let us order pizza?'' ''Hmm, I am still not convinced. I think I am better off without you 'cause you make me spend all my money anyways.'' ''Okay! I'll buy you that Scorpions album if you continue driving and looking after us.'' I laughed at him. ''Alright, you've got yourself a deal. Go and continue the campaign and I'll order pizza.'' He beamed at me gave me a quick hug, yelled a thank you and ran down my basement stairs. I smiled and thought how much I love that motley group. I usually don't like kids but these are special. Technically they are not really kids and they're only 2 years younger than me but oh well. With quick steps I crossed the room and reached for the telephone, my fingers automatically clicked the series of numbers, that I know from the top of my head, and then I let it ring. When someone finally picked up I placed our usual order and hung up. Deciding to spend some time with the party I started walking down the hall but not before turning off my record player (we save electricity in this house, and with that we save money to spend it on pizza and new records). Spending time with the party was fun. Even though there were only 4/6 party members here since the girls had a sleepover of their own. We played some board games, gossiped and they asked me for some advice. The hungry teens perked up at the sound of my doorbell and bolted up the stairs making me chuckle. ''Hey check who it is before you open the door!'' I tried yelling after them, they either didn't hear me or they just ignored me. Sure we live in Hawkins where everybody knows each other but after last year and the whole demodog situation, I always made sure to be extra careful. Demodogs wouldn't ring the bell though, would they? As I neared the top of the stairs I could hear the happy exclaims of the party, I guess it was the pizza not
the demodogs. Hurrying up the last few stairs and to the front door so the poor delivery guy wouldn't wait any longer I was met with the closed door and an empty hallway. The only logical place to find the boys and the pizzas was the dining room. When I turned the corner I came face to face with Steve Harrington. ''Steve?'' For a moment I was confused but it wasn't weird to find Steve at my house since we became close friends. ''Oh hey Y/N!'' He was cheerful and smiling which caused me to smile. He is a nice guy. Well he is a nice guy now. I admit he used to be an asshole but it all changed when the Demogorgon incident first happened. I guess close encounters with weird supernatural shit makes your douche level drop down. ''Where's the delivery guy?'' I asked while taking a seat at the table. The teens were already eating and conversing among themselves. '' You're looking at him.'' Steve was the one who answered me after he grabbed a slice of pizza. He threw a glance my way and continued. ''I crossed paths with him outside so I paid him and took the pizzas.'' Giving him a grateful smile my hand reached out to grab a slice for myself before it was all gone. The corporate needs you to find a difference between the picture of the boys and a hungry pack of wolves but oh wait they are the same picture. ''Thank you Stevie, you're the best!'' He smiled while chewing. ''No problem! At first I was confused why would you order 3 pizzas if you were alone but all my questions were answered when these shitheads opened the door.'' The said shitheads perked up at this and they tuned in on our conversation. ''Hey who are you calling shithead, dickhead?'' Mike sassed back. ''Wait a minute. Steve what are you doing here when you didn't know that we were here?'' Dustin was the one who asked the question. ''What do you mean? I came to hang out with my friend and I actually hoped you wouldn't be here.'' He looked at me while talking about hanging out. ''Why do you want to be alone with my cousin?'' Steve blushed a bit before yelling back at Dustin. ''Geez, I wanted to hang out. Why do you have to make everything sound weird man?'' ''I am not making it weird!'' ''Whatever just shut up.''Of course the younger boy didn't shut up. ''I am just saying it's weird that you spend so much time around Y/N.'' ''It's not weird, we're friends.'' ''Don't you guys think it's weird?'' Mike, Will and Lucas nodded and everyone continued bickering throughout the whole dinner. When we finished eating I had enough. ''I feel a headache coming. Can you guys please shut up?'' They looked at me and muttered a sorry. ''Thank you. Now who's going to help me wash the dishes?'' The younger boys avoided my gaze too busy looking around the dining room. ''I'll help you no problem.'' I was thankful for Steve once again. The two of us took the plates into the kitchen and the kids ran into the living room to fight about which movie to watch. ''You know Steve, I would probably kill one of them if you weren't around to help.'' ''I get it, they can be such assholes but that's why I am here to save you m'lady.'' What a loveable dork. He was too charming and pretty for his own good. And for mine too. Even if I try to pinpoint when exactly I fell for the said boy I couldn't give you a correct answer. As we washed and dried all the plates there was a comfortable silence between us. ''Uhm I didn't know you were babysitting them tonight.'' ''Yeah neither did I. When they somehow found out I was alone they just teleported here and they wouldn't leave.'' I said in a joking matter. ''How come you came here? You didn't call or anything.'' I was genuinely curious because he always calls before coming over and his blushing face when Dusty asked him about our alone time popped into my mind. Steve doesn't really blush that much even though it's really cute. ''I wanted to hang out and maybe have a movie night.'' He shrugged acting nonchalant but it was obvious there was something he wasn't telling me. During our little chat we managed to finish up everything and now we found ourselves on my
couch staring at the TV which played the 'Poltergeist'. After a while, the party was half asleep so I ushered them to go and sleep. Sometimes during the day they decided to sleep over at my place too. Sometimes I feel like they spent more time at my place than at their own houses. Steve and I were the last ones awake so we decided to continue with watching movies. We just finished watching some romantic comedy, to be honest I don't know how we decided to watch that out of everything else but trying new things is fun right? The movie ended with a final kiss between the main characters and they walked off holding hands. During the movie, Steve was awfully quiet which was very different compared to his usual behaviour. ''So how did you like the movie?'' He snapped out from whatever daze he was in.''I am sorry, what did you say?'' ''I asked for your opinion on the movie.'' ''It was fine.'' He was avoiding my eyes and my concern grew even more. ''Steve are you alright?'' ''I am fine. Why wouldn't I be? Hehe, everything is good.'' ''Well obviously something is wrong. I won't press on but if you want to talk about whatever is bothering you I am here to listen.'' He finally met my eyes and slowly nodded. I could almost see the cogs turning in his head before he sighed and completely turned to me. ''Alright I'll tell you but you have to promise you won't laugh.'' ''I promise, cross my heart and all that shit.'' He sighed once again before continuing in a whisper. '' i am having girl problems…'' ''I am sorry I didn't hear you. Can you repeat what you said?'' '' I said that I am having girl problems…'' Is he serious? Sure my hearing isn't that good because I listen to every song with the volume on max but I swear no one could understand that. ''Steve I still don't understand you. Speak up please.'' ''I AM HAVING GIRL PROBLEMS!'' Steve yelled. It took me a second to process what he said and then I had to bite back my laugh. ''Yeah that's what I thought you said.'' Steve groaned and put his head in his arms. ''Y/N you promised you wouldn't laugh!'' '' I am not laughing!'' As the words left my mouth I couldn't keep it in anymore and I started laughing. Steve was probably thinking of killing me at this exact moment. I managed to calm down and when I turned to look at him again he was already looking at me. ''Stevie dear I am really sorry for laughing but I had to. Wow 'King Steve' is having girl problems huh?'' I teased him but when I noticed he wasn't having it I stopped. ''Listen Steve I am really sorry. You have my full attention now and I'll shut up.'' That made him genuinely smile. ''Okay so there's this girl I like. I have liked her for a while but I don't know how to tell her that.'' ''Are you friends with her or is she a complete stranger?'' ''We're friends.'' For a moment I hoped that maybe there was a chance that this was about me. ''Well why is it so hard then? Just sit down with her to talk and tell her everything.'' I shrugged since it seemed so easy to resolve. Wow Y/N you're the one to speak, you have been crushing on him for at least a year and you still haven't said anything. It just wasn't the right time. At first he was with Nance then they broke up BUT we had the upside down affair and since then I have been trying to find a good moment. I am good at finding excuses. We flirt a lot and tease each other so for now it's enough. ''But what if I don't want to ruin what we have now?'' That made me laugh. ''Well if you end up together nothing will change. She can be both your girlfriend and your friend.'' ''But what if she doesn't like me back?'' ''Well what if she does? Look you need to try and if she friend zones you, you can still stay friends.'' Steve looked so unsure and I really wanted to help him because that's what best friends do. Sure it bothered me just a little bit that my crush was ranting about his crush but I still had a glimmer of hope. ''Okay describe her actions towards you.'' He blushed and stuttered. ''W-what?'' ''Well you know body language will tell you everything you need to know.'' Steve seemed
hesitant about all of this which made me wonder. We've been through thick and thin together and we've seen each other at our lowest points but I've never seen Steve like this. When he finally got all his thoughts together he spoke up.''She likes to tease me a lot and we kinda flirt, at least I think it's flirting from her side. When we hang out she is touchy but I don't know if it is friendly or flirty.'' He stopped himself and avoided my gaze again. This was getting ridiculous but an idea popped into my head. I wanted to test the waters. ''So basically how I act around you huh?'' Steve jumped at this and he started blushing so hard. He didn't answer me and I decided to push it a bit more. ''Steve are you talking about me?'' Now his eyes met mine and he was speechless. Steve nodded and that nod meant everything to me. I laughed. ''Uhm sorry I knew this was a bad idea. I should go.'' Steve's voice was panicked and he quickly got up and started walking away. I realized he took my laughter the wrong way so I ran after him. Thankfully he was just at the front door when I stopped him. When he turned to face me I grabbed him and connected our lips. I felt him tense up and then relax into the kiss. A few moments later we pulled apart. ''You know what Stevie I think that girl likes you back.'' He flashed me one of his famous smiles that I adored. ''Really?'' I just nodded. ''I mean who could blame her right?'' ''Mhm don't get cocky now Mr. I have a girl problem.'' ''Well I don't have a girl problem anymore, now I just have a girl.'' Steve winked and I stood there dumbfounded. It was unbelieveable how fast he can switch from a shy blushing mess into a confident mf. ''Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?'' ''I guess it is. What do you say?'' ''Yes obviously you dork.'' Now he was the one who connected our lips. ''Come on Mr. Harrington we have a movie night to finish.'' We both laughed and went back to our place on the couch, now cuddled closer than ever.
I don't remember when we fell asleep but it must have been pretty late. The reason for my, well our, awakening was a hit on the head with a pillow. As I opened my eyes the first thing I noticed was that I was laying on top of my boyfriend and the second thing I noticed was a curly-haired boy holding the said pillow standing next to the couch. ''So that's why you wanted alone time huh Harrington?'' Dustin asked with a knowing smirk. ''Why are you still making it sound weird man?!''
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
Stormy nights
I am working on something rn, have this little thingy in the meantime. Requests are open so pls tell me what do you want to see/read. Also thank you for all your notes they mean a lot <3<3<3<3
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𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: male character x reader (no one specific, I guess you can imagine whoever you want)
𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆: fluff! kinda cliche tho
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 1016
I was getting ready for bed when the storm started picking up. It was raining heavily for the whole week and I wondered will the sun even come out again. Since I enjoyed the thunder and rain I decided to stay up late, sit on my window sill and daydream. After some time has passed I noticed a car pulling over to our driveway. I recognised the car immediately, it was his car. That got me wondering. Why is he here in the middle of the night and the middle of the storm? Deciding that I should leave all the questions for later I raced out of the room and down the stairs being careful not to wake my parents up. The moment I arrived in the main hallway I turned on the porch light to let him know I was awake. Slipping on the first shoes I could find and grabbing the umbrella I unlocked the front door and stepped outside. The wind calmed for the time being. I waved to him but couldn't see if he waved back. Opening the umbrella my shoes made contact with the wet steps and the ground. I ran to the driver's side of the car avoiding the puddles. He carefully opened the door and came out while I held the umbrella above us. Seeing him brought a smile to my face. We ran back inside while the wind started blowing harder. When we were both inside and the front door closed we started laughing for no reason. He took off his jacket and hung it in the usual place. At this point, that place was reserved for him since he was a frequent guest at our residence. ''Do you want to grab some snacks before we go upstairs?'' My voice broke the silence. He nodded. Both of us took off our shoes and tiptoed to my pantry. When we made sure we had everything we crept back into my room. Once we got to my room I decided to ask some questions but before I even got the chance to speak I felt a pair of arms around me. He liked to hug people out of the blue and I never minded because his hugs were the best. '' How did you know I was out there?'' ''I was looking through the window and saw you pull up.'' ''Well thank you for coming out and getting me. If you didn't I would have to run and then I would get wet.'' That made us both chuckle. ''What even brings you here on this fine evening?'' As I said that thunderstruck. ''I don't know. I couldn't sleep and I kinda wanted to see you.'' ''Aww, you're such a softie for me.'' I teased. We were best friends for a while but some people thought we were dating because of how affectionate we both were. Not that I would mind us dating. Honestly, I had a crush on the boy for some time now and was trying to come up with a plan to confess my feelings but nothing I came up with was good enough. I must have zoned out because the next thing I felt was a gentle smack to my forehead. ''Hey daydreamer, you okay there?'' I shook away the thought and smiled at him. ''Yeah just got carried away thinking. Sorry.'' He furrowed his eyebrows and I could see a big question mark on his face. ''What are you thinking about?'' ''You.'' He started laughing. Huh, he thought I was joking. ''So pretty boy, do you want to watch a movie or something?'' We agreed on watching 'Grease' for the 100th time. It kinda became a tradition. We ate too many snacks, made some bad jokes and sang along to some songs. They started singing 'You're the one that I want' on the screen and he turned to me and started singing Danny's part. I joined in as Sandy. We even got up and started doing a little dance. The song ended but we stayed in the same position and got lost in each other's eyes. The voices of the pink ladies and T-birds faded into the background, the rain and thunders were ignored. To a random onlooker, we probably looked like two crazy people. My thoughts were racing. ''I love you.'' I blurted out. Well, there goes my plan for doing something special. There was a second of silence before he spoke up. ''Can I kiss you?'' I nodded and leaned in. The moment our lips touched my mind went blank. His arms wrapped around my waist while my arms went around his neck. It was short and sweet. He was the first to pull away. ''I guess you can say you're the one that I
want.'' I started laughing and kissed him once more. ''You're such a dork.'' ''Well, I am your dork now.'' For the rest of the night we watched more movies and cuddled.
The next morning we came down the stairs laughing about something stupid. My parents were making breakfast. I noticed an extra plate set up and guesses they noticed his jacket. They were used to him staying over at our place. ''Oh good morning Sandy and Danny!'' My mum greeted us teasingly. We sat down at the table. '' You heard that?!'' ''Yeah, I was going to the bathroom. You two are adorable!'' He chuckled and went to grab some fresh pancakes. I was figuring out how to tell them that we are dating now. ''Uhm folks I don't know how to say this so… Meet my boyfriend!'' When I said that I pointed at him. At that moment he was just about to put a pancake in his mouth but paused and smiled. My parents cheered and I am pretty sure I heard them mumble a 'finally'. They liked him a lot and were constantly asking me when will we date. As we were sitting down and eating together I started thinking about how happy I am at this moment and how there's always sun after the rain.
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST<3 Since I don't know much about guns I watched few yt videos and linked the one I used for the explanation. I know JD has a revolver but I didn't look into which kind and if there are some differences between them. I hope you enjoy!
Here's the video:
Now onto JD content.
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𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: JD x reader (I think it's all gender neutral)
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 1016
The weekend was finally here and I was more than ready to sleep all day. Fate obviously had other plans, it wanted me in the middle of the woods. Actually, it wasn't fate that wanted me here, it was my dear boyfriend Jason Dean who I thought about killing right now. He came into my room, woke me up and brought me out here without telling me what's all this about. ''Why did you drag me out here? We could have had a lazy day and cuddled but no, we just had to come here in the middle of nothing.'' He smirked, clearly amused by my complaining. '' We can have a lazy day tomorrow. The weather forecast predicted a sunny day today and I wanted to use it as an opportunity to teach you something darling.'' I was beyond confused. ''What do you want to teach me here?' '' How to use a gun!'' ''You're joking right?'' JD kept silent. ''Tell me you're joking.'' ''I am not joking.'' ''Sometimes you're too much Jason. Why would you teach me how to use a gun anyway?'' Don't get me wrong I would like to know how to use it but technically I don't need that knowledge. '' You are asking too many questions Y/N dear.'' He came up to me. ''I want to teach you how to use it so you can scare off assholes and you can use it for self-defense.'' Before I could protest he shut me up with a kiss. When he pulled away he turned and started walking towards a big garbage bag. ''Come on love I need your help with this.'' I swear this boy is going to be the death of me sooner or later. The bag was filled with old cans. '' I am guessing we'll use this as targets.'' That earned me a forehead kiss. ''Wow, how did I get lucky with someone as smart as you?'' His tone was teasing. It took us about 10 minutes to set all the cans up and right now I was standing in front of JD who took out his revolver to explain to me how to use it. I saw him use it once in school and that earned him a week-long suspension. '' It's pretty simple. You have this cylinder that rotates in the direction where the lock notch is pointing in. Here you have an arrow that is pointing downward so you rotate it counter-clockwise. When you want to load it you need to press this, which is your cylinder release latch. It opens the cylinder up.'' I was paying attention to every detail so I don't screw up later. It was interesting to hear him talk about it. Where did he learn how to use it? You know what it's better to leave that mystery unsolved. ''Now when the cylinder is out like this..'' He popped it open. '' Then you can put your thumb through this hole. It gives you full access to your chambers and it also keeps the gun in a good position while you're holding it one-handed.'' I noticed the chambers were empty for now. JD pushed the cylinder back into its place and handed the gun to me. '' Here. Try rotating it and opening up the cylinder.'' I was very careful with it but did what he told me to do. My actions were a bit slower than his but I was successful. When the cylinder was out again JD took the gun back. He put his thumb through the hole like he showed me minutes prior and his other hand went into his pocket. He fished out a couple of cartridges and placed them inside the chambers. ''Are those blanks?'' ''Yeah, they can still cause damage if used improperly. Don't worry I would never put you in any real danger.'' I loved him but it honestly wouldn't surprise me, maybe it wouldn't be on purpose but he tends to be reckless. When he filled all the chambers he closed it and locked it in place. '' Now you just need to cock it. To do that you pull this thingy called the hammer back using the thumb from your firing hand.'' After he cocked the gun he turned to the cans and pulled the trigger. I jumped a bit. One of the cans was knocked down. Well, he does have a good aim. ''Now it's your turn!'' He gave me the gun and stepped aside. '' Is there a special way I should stand or hold it?'' ''Just stand straight, keep your arms straight ahead, both hands on the handle, good grip and both eyes open.''' Here goes nothing I guess. My focus was on the cans in front and then I cocked the gun like JD
taught me. I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. The blank hit a can. I can't believe I did it! ''Well done darling! You're a natural.'' I think even he was kinda surprised I got it on the first try. ''You are a good teacher.'' He came over and kissed me but I had to stop the kiss before it got too heated. '' Are you forgetting that I have a loaded gun in my hand?'' He smiled proudly. ''You look really hot with it.'' I rolled my eyes and turned back to the cans. '' Come on I want to shoot some more!'' After an hour, JD was driving me home. ''This was really fun.'' ''I told you so. Now you'll be able to protect yourself.'' ''Thank you for everything. I love you.'' I leaned over to kiss him. After a few minutes of driving, I realized something. '' Hey JD.'' ''Yeah?'' ''Why would I need to know how to use a gun if I don't own a gun?'' He kept his eyes on the road but he flashed me a mischievous smirk. ''We have an extra stop before I drop you off then.'' It took me a moment to figure out what the hell was he talking about. ''JD NO!''
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
heathers omg i love heathers 😩😩😩 do you have any headcannons at all in mind (or if you want some help daiting the character head cannon) for jd or heather duke :))
HELL YEAH! I rewatched Heathers this morning for some inspiration. This is what I came up with. Thank you for your ask Anon <3 Hope you'll enjoy it! 🤠
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-you two would be the embodiment of ''let's get red and blue slushies so people can ask us why we have purple tounges''
-wearing his flannels and his coat even though it's too big on you (he loves it)
-planning hypothetical murders together
-late night drives on his motorcycle
-your parents like him because they think he's a really smart and good boy™
-laying in his lap while he reads to you
-sarcastic comments and joking around 24/7
-he would be the first to confess his feelings
-sneaks into your room one night ''JD what the hell are you doing here?'' ''Just wanted to tell you I love you.'' ''And you couldn't wait for tomorrow to tell me that?'' ''I could, but why wait darling.''
-he has all sorts of pet names for you but he mostly calls you darling
-teaching you how to use a gun
''All I am saying is you need to be able to scare off any assholes who bother you.''
-Y/N: ''Using my scary dog privileges to walk alone.'' *camera zooms into JD*
-7/11 dates
-You help him go to therapy to solve his problems
-cuddles! All the time
-running your fingers through his hair (pls it looks so soft)
-he is much more affectionate in private
-if you guys argue it would get heated easily but he's the one to back down first and apologize
-I think he would be kinda like a bird and constantly bring you small gifts and souvenirs
- he's not a psycho he's just creative
A/N: Okay I know he's a literal murderer but I love JD so much, lord have mercy.
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-matching outfits, like really really cute ones
-going shopping together so you can buy said matching outfits
- you guys would be a power couple
-Heather teaching you how to play cricket
-dancing in your room late at night just because you can
-sleepovers are so fun; you watch movies, eat popcorn, sing and dance, have pillow fights…
-she's the sweetest person when you two are alone
-you help with her ED recovery
- you would be the first to confess, when you told her that you liked her she blushed and hugged you
-you don't argue, you have civilized talks
-you hated when she was mean to people for no reason so she started doing it less
-listening to her rants and gossiping together (she knows everything about everyone)
-''I hate perfect people.'' ''How can you hate yourself dear?''
-Heather is really protective of you, people know not to mess with you because she can and will make their lives a living hell
-study dates? STUDY DATES!
-you guys spend a lot of time together and you're not separated for long
-Heather's really affectionate and she likes to hold your hand all the time
-she gifted you her scrunchie when you started dating
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arcana-greenleaf · 3 years
just found ur acc!! i was wondering, who will you be writing for :)
OMG HI! <3 Well here's a list of movies and shows i like: Harry Potter, Lotr, Stranger things, BNHA, YOI, Yuukoku no Moriarty, Karate kid, The Outsiders, Cobra Kai, Back to the future, Shadow and bone, Heathers, and many more. So I planned writing for characters from those shows and maybe some actors and/or youtubers. If there's something specific you would like to see go ahead and request it! :D
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