||Indie Makoto Tachibana|| Multi-Verse || Multi-Ship || ||OC and Crossover Friendly ||
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
My character has accidentally taken a potion turning them into a child, with no recollection of adulthood. Send ☃ for them bumping into your character while in this state.
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tvtropes for tachibana makoto ◦ • ◦ • requested by anonbunny and homosexual-mages.
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im tired of all these askmemes being for otps tbh
so leave a brotp/platonic ship in my ask and i’ll tell you:
who steals french fries off the other’s plate
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk
who starts and who wins the pillow fights
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush
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Free! + 1 (favorite character) requested by gouhs
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//Care to take my hand and help me bring Makoto back? ((For real this time around?)) I know I’ve said this a million times, but after my one year anniversary of Mako, I couldn’t help but feel an incredible longing to get back into this muse. I’m making this a personal commitment of mine to become more dedicated to this blog. Without further ado, like/message me! Every little interaction is huge support. Thank you thank you thank you guys! Love you all <3
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send me them. i don’t care if you just started following five minutes ago, or if you’ve been following since the beginning of time. send as many as you want. if none of them work for our muses, that’s totally fine! but if you ever see something that might, by all means, literally HURL them my way. i love having my inbox spammed with things to answer, even if i don’t actually accomplish answering all of them. if i ever leave something you’ve sent unanswered, don’t let that throw you off from ever sending more! messages get eaten, or maybe i just couldn’t think of any way to properly reply to it. either way, if i reblog something, send to your heart’s desire. i mean it.
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Ahhhh. It’s been an entire year since I made this blog as of July 7th!! I suck I have procrastinated on this so badly. I have gotten to talk to some really cool people, and I’m so glad that I’ve seen some of you around since last year! Gosh, it feels so long ago. It’s been so awesome getting to talk to you guys and write with you and generally enjoy your presence on my dash. Without further ado, in no particular order, my follow forever of the people who I rp with and adore!
feather-in-the-sea || bashful-beautymarkai || piinkettes || iwatobi-mako || haruka-nanase-chan || nagisahazukifree || shinsen-na || rin-babysister || tachibananaren || tsundolphin || aquaphobicxorca || stillxswimming|| shyseal || fluid-haruka || momotaroured || the-makotokino || themastersnakecharmer || gouthesupermanager || little-miss-freckles || rtypus || ari-rivaille-ackerman || rei–ryuugazaki || mixture-of-fandomstry || totally-not-a-makoto-blog || tealbluewhaleshark || nharuuka || myrpnightmare || freestyleharu || undertheoceandepths || dolphinbait || harukatobichan/shizuukana || blueeyedharu || smilesofsunset ||decorus-delphinidae || swimmingforthegold || rockhoppernagisa || harukasakurapetals || yamazakisousuke-rpblog || needsous || microshiba || seijenderfluid || lascivus-persici || tomomitomo || fearbehindasmile || seijuurad || usurperbananase || nanasefreestyle || haruka–freestyle || thatredheadfromthegayanime || momoxtter || makoto-uni || makoto-tachibana-conrart-weller || iwatobis-penguin || ringivesadvice/headstrongpredator || seijuurad || apeculiarpenguin ||
I really hope I didn’t forget anyone haha. If you aren’t on here, it probably means that we haven’t roleplayed or spoken enough. I love and appreciate every single one of my followers, so by all means, please come talk to me, I’d love to get to know you! Thank you all again for a wonderful year!
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aquaphobicxorca at her finest when we try to kill a bug. wE LOST THE BUG AND IT TOUCHED HER
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In celebration of Hika, Kao, Lauren, and Catie having a mini high school reunion together to binge watch the first season of Free!, we have all decided that it’s been long enough that our muses have been sitting in the corner. We’ve said this many times, but this is the official end of all of our semi-hiatuses! We’re going to take it nice and slow as not to lose muse too quickly, but expect these three accounts to be active much more often. :D
Special thanks to Hika for making this triple promo. Remember. Hika, not Kaoru. Hika. ;) Kthnxbai <3
–Aquaphobicxorca, Stillxswimming, and Sharkwithadream
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[[There’s a handy dandy cheat sheet for those of you who are still having trouble with the new post editor
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//Aight let's realtalk for a sec
//Drarry. I need it. I rarely do this, but hit me up in my inbox if you're interested in a little skypey thing. Lezgo. I figure this is better than me making a Draco. So yeah. *shamelessly puts self out there* This is probably going to be going on for a while. In fact, I may just make a Draco skype ._. Whatchu waiting for? ;D
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SouMako or SouMako

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'The Scientist' lyrics sentence starters
"I'm sorry."
"You don't know how lovely you are."
"I had to find you, tell you I need you."
"Tell me your secrets."
"Ask me your questions."
"Let's go back to the start."
"Nobody said it was easy."
"It's such a shame for us to part."
"No one ever said it would be this hard."
"Take me back to the start."
"I was just guessing."
"Questions of science and progress do not speak as loud as my heart."
"Tell me you love me."
"Come back and haunt me."
"I'm going back to the start."
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