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orcx-nus · 5 years ago
@sharkwithadream​ liked for a starter!
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“Ah~, I didn’t expect that to take so much time!”          he lamented apologetically as they finally left.
         He still seemed pretty happy, though. It had been quite a while since he had seen Rin, after all. So, despite having taken longer than expected, he was too overjoyed to feel too guilty.
“... Thank you for coming to the aquarium with me, Rin, though maybe it was silly of me to insist on seeing the dog shark.”
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whalesharx · 6 years ago
@sharkwithadream​ !!
“I know you guys were close in Australia, but you could have told me that you were going to be gone for a week,” Sousuke says, more than a little hurt by the events that had transpired.
“It’s not even the fact that you blew me off, but I wish you’d said something about the fact that you were planning a trip. You hardly texted me the whole time, and I know that you were busy, but still. I worry.”
Through this whole rant, Sousuke is pacing back and forth in the living room. He missed Rin, and okay, maybe he’s jealous. He’s just not ready to feel like he’s being pushed away for someone else that Rin knew from the past.
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He crosses his arms in front of the couch and stares at Rin expectantly. “Well?”
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needsous · 7 years ago
Sousuke pored over his textbook, practice sheet, and hastily written notes as he tried to decipher which word would fit in this sentence-- but all of them seemed equally likely. No matter how many times he had checked and rechecked the textbook, it didn’t seem to make sense. A curse left his mouth as he tossed his pen onto his desk, quitting an angry cycle of not understanding and frustration.
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He turned in his wheeled chair towards Rin, who was reading some magazine: “Rin. You have to give me the answers to English.” It was all too easy for Rin-- apparently, some years in Australia does that to you. “I’ll trade you for my Comparative Law answers,” he demanded, an eyebrow raised suggestively.
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caetux · 7 years ago
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browsing through the aisles of a department store with rin was a slightly odd change of pace for makoto, but he had no reason to complain. he welcomed any time spent with a dear friend . . . and he was fairly sure he’d deduced his involvement, as well. it was cute, honestly. ❛ this size fits really nicely ! ❜ shrugging off the jacket, makoto gently placed it back on the hanger, fastening the buttons as well. ❛ though . . . not to state the obvious, but this size is too big for you, rin. is there a reason you brought me along as a mannequin . . . ? ❜ / @sharkwithadream​ ♡’d for a starter !
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savageorcacaptain · 8 years ago
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I know this is well overdue, but thank you for being patient with me and Makoto. I have a lot of you to thank and tag so I’ll put those under the cut here, and Mako and I love you all and appreciate everyone being there for us and supporting this little trashy Free! blog. Thank you so much!! I’m going to try to organize this in a bit of a better order than before, but if I double tag on accident, forgive me, 500 is a lot of people to tag, so this time I’m only tagging mutuals. Understand that I appreciate every last one of you, even if you aren’t in my list. 
♄Mutuals♄ A-M @angstyteenageshark, @allxnxwalkxr, @ammuniition, @aindecisivefishandabarracuda, @ancixntstardxmcn, @averysmallpotato, @ask-the-iwatobi-gems, @asprinkleofsour, @animorphmagus, @awadatsu, @amongsharks, @ari-rivaille-ackerman, @anunyun, @altruixtic, @betterhealing, @babygirl10220,  @blindingperfectionx, @brickerbeetle, @buddha-chan, @bobger99, @bxtrxyed, @behind-his-smilex, @clocksandcuts, @casgliadkingdcm, @caetux, @calystegiaidol, @calculatedxperfection, @dolphinbait, @dollblue, @daemonisres, @douchebagelss, @enduringspring, @eviscxration, @embersiisms, @evokcr, @eatingmaxhine, @footprintsonagoldenshore, @flcmed, @fakechisnothere, @freeblossom, @green-eyed-orca, @hananomajo, @hiddenxfeeling, @havruka, @haruka-nanase-chan, @haaibyt, @hazukinagisakun, @instvnkt, @iceaffluent, @ichigo-kitten, @illstrokeyourbackfordayzbaby, @ijustwanttoswim, @invxlidheart, @juviasbutt, @keyhclder, @kisumi-shigino-kiss-me, @little--duckling, @mladyofsabertooth, @missy01986, @matsuoka-taichou, @mistxmaiden, @miss-lucy-celestial-princess, @makotonagisarp, @makoto-is-a-good-boy, @makotosenpai17, @miscki, @matsuokalamna, @makotorp, @makoto-in-the-sea N-Z @nixflabra, @nahidasn, @otterboxers, @officialazami, @officialmasongray, @ourmakototachibana, @ottorable, @piictograph, @pluviatempestas, @pulseofthestars, @pink-elephants-on-parade, @plxvialis, @probably-not-haru, @pinkstrawberrynagisa, @riotbled, @ruxxian-punk, @rosy-nagisa, @rin-babysister, @redeyessharplies, @rin-matsuoka-daddy, @rinfestedwaters, @skitsies, @sacredxjewel, @starrysparklesandshit, @sou-lost, @shvrkd, @solisaeternum, @sougre, @shedemontolove, @samexnoxojo, @seagull-senpaiichirou, @starsempiternal, @sharkwithadream, @skullheist, @seirados, @shizuukana, @shxkusukin, @swimmingforthegold, @spasticswimmerpenguin, @thenoahfamily, @traxma, @tachinanabananase, @tachibanakouchi, @twiilightmultimayurp, @thatiwatobibitch-haru, @undertakers-witchy-mermaid, @ukemako-chan, @whaleshark-lover, @wuthering-emily, @wlwrphelp, @wreckingballrin, @wcnderfulrush, @xiberry
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fearbehindasmile-archive · 9 years ago
sharkwithadream replied to your post “//Omg. I finished watching Descendants and I love that move, and I...”
// *jumps up and down while squealing* I couldn’t help but smile while watching the movie- It was so awesome!~ and I can’t wait for Descendants 2, hopefully they show more Carlos in Descendants 2- I think Carlos is probably my favourite character now. xD though I love Mal too- I love them all- gdi me. 
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haruka-nanase-chan · 10 years ago
*throws a store bought cookie at you* HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY
*catches cookie with mouth* tHANKS M8
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sharkwithadreamarchive · 10 years ago
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savageorcacaptain · 8 years ago
💚 :Brighten my day when I see them
((Oh man there’s a lot of these.
@xmakoto-orca-tachibanax, @skitsies, @betterhealing, @yugitenderheart, @ammuniition, @dolphinbait, @footprintsonagoldenshore, @wcnderfulrush, @49thbookman, @sacredxjewel, @clocksandcuts, @matsuoka-taichou, @hiddenxfeeling, @keyhclder, @enduringspring, @anindecisivefishandabarracuda, @thexmusician, @duckling-lover, @sou-lost, @ancixntstardxmcn, @shvrkd, @flcmed, @invxlidheart, @whaleshark-lover, @havruka, @thenoahfamily, @casgliadkingdcm, @piictograph, @wuthering-emily, @haruka-nanese-chan, @solisaeternum, @rinfestedwaters, @sougre, @green-eyed-orca, @daemonisres, @shedemontolove, @nixflabra, @haaibyt, @traxma, @koalaties, @juviasbutt, @blindingperfectionx, @anactuallygoodusername, @sousuke-kuma, @embersiisms, @douchebagelss, @mistxmaiden, @iceaffluent, @ignicity, @amongsharks, @ruxxian-punk, @mikami03, @ari-rivaille-ackerman, @cutest-pork-cutlet-bowl, @voltron-babes, @pierced-blonde-rabbit, @miss-lucy-celestial-princess, @you-are-mine-and-mine-only, @awadatsu, @samexnoxojo, @orangebabycrowofthecourt, @caetux, @little-ikuya, @rosy-nagisa, @killerwhale-angel, @orcababymakoto, @makotonagisarp, @samezukasharkmatsuokarin, @secondgenerationcross, @wreckingballrin, @makoto-is-a-good-boy, @seagull-senpaiichirou, @eviscxration, @miscki @little--duckling, @instvnkt, @unfcrseenfate @calystegiaidol, @evokcr @australian-shark @mackerelisgood @officialmasongray @pluviatempestas @pulseofthestars @makoto-all-for-the-homo @kisumi-shigino-kiss-me @soudevoted @makoto-all-for-the-homo @xiberry @tachibanakouchi @demonharu @softkisumi @skullheist @kisumitenderly @twiilightmultimayurp @future-winner-shark-boy @blue-eyed-dolphin-prince @red-eyed-shark-prince @sharprin @calculatedxperfection @altruixtic @plxvialis @seirados @shizuukana @ottorable @bxtrxyed @sougre @glassesryugazaki @sousuke-yamazaki-senpai @thatiwatobibitch-haru @illstrokeyourbackfordayzbaby @redeyessharplies @probably-not-haru @sharkwithadream @makotorp @nanasecetacea @eatingmaxhine @breathless-swimmer @shy-duckling-nitori @matsuokalamna @romantic-crybaby @totally-not-a-makoto-blog @rin-matsuoka-daddy @makoto-in-the-sea @compassionatecaptain @rin-babysister @behind-his-smilex @ijustwanttoswim @spasticswimmerpenguin, and any and everyone else I follow. I tried to get every rp blog I follow and wish to interact with, and I apologize if I missed anyone or accidentally double tagged you. But just know I love everyone of you and look up to all of you for the amazing writers and role players you are!!))
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rtypus-blog · 10 years ago
It wasn’t unusual for Sousuke and Rin to exchange emails. That was how they usually communicated. Life got busy post-high school - with Sousuke working a part time job and going to school to be a cop and Rin’s swimming career, emails were the easiest way to stay in touch. They texted each other constantly as well but emails allowed more details. It was like having a diary or a journal but someone else reading it.
Sousuke was grateful that Rin did this because it gave him insight about how Rin was feeling. After Rin opened up about how hard his first trip to Australia once, with the loneliness and the self-doubt, Sousuke vowed to not let it happen again. Even if he wasn’t Rin’s first choice, even if he could never take Haruka’s place, Sousuke wouldn’t let Rin feel alone, he wouldn’t let him feel like he was less than perfect. He would do this without ever confessing his feelings because things didn’t need to get awkward between them. 
It didn’t take a genius to notice how Rin’s writing had changed. His emails were shorter and he didn’t seem as happy. Sousuke tried to ask about it but without pushing too hard because Rin had a tendency to be a drama queen and he’d probably just stop replying all together.
When Sousuke got home from work he had three separate emails from Rin. That was weird.
He clicked the first one. A full page about how he was feeling.
He clicked the second one and it was... what!? A one-way ticket to Australia?
“...The hell?”
The third email was just one word, “Surprise???”
Surprise? Surprised was the understatement of the year. Sou needed his revenge.
He didn’t reply to Rin but he did print out the plane ticket and then went to pack a bag. He’d ask the airline not to give out any information to anyone but he knew Rin would be at the airport waiting, hoping, anyway.
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usurperbananase · 10 years ago
i{Thank you to everyone who joined in on tonight’s game(s) of CAH uvu/ It was really fun! We should all do it again some time And perhaps rp too?}
demonharu shinsen-na sharkbiterin lovelytachibanana sharkwithadream fidusorca sadisticiism tachibanaa-makoto
And everyone else whom I didn’t tag uvu/ I didn’t catch all the names ;A;
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sharkwithadreamarchive · 10 years ago
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iwatobi-mako · 10 years ago
sharkwithadream replied to your photo
[[laughs bc it is Danny. He deleted and remade his blog again XD
[[ wha- again?? XD 
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momotaroured-blog · 10 years ago
closed rp with sharkwithadream
Momo stood in the kitchen, trying to level off the flour in the measuring cup. Come on, come on... He thought to himself. This dinner had to be perfect for Rin. Perfect.
He scraped the rest of the flour off back into the bag, and dumped the cup into the bowl before reaching to grab the sugar. "Okay," the red head muttered. "He's going to be here at seven, so I have..." Amber eyes darted to the clock and froze.
6:53 it read.
Momo dropped the sugar on the ground, jumping back as it went everywhere. He had just looked at his phone, and it had said 4:35. Grabbing it off the counter, he checked the time. 4:35.
What is happening? Momo tapped the screen, and it swiped to the side, showing another picture. "Nooooo!" He groaned, running his hand through his hair, forgetting it was covered in flour. He had taken a picture of the recipe and it had the time screenshotted into it. So now his boyfriend was going to be here in seven minutes and there was no dinner and no clean house and...no...Momo? Maybe, Momo thought to himself, I could just run out or not answer the door!
This was turning out to be the worst first anniversary ever.
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