appvritions ยท 13 days
๐’๐“๐€๐‘๐“๐„๐‘ ๐…๐Ž๐‘: @pvregold ( sabine )
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her usual haunt after work would be helmouth โ€” not only because it's jaguar territory and where she conducts other 'business dealings' so to speak. but also, the atmosphere was one she flourished in, a place where chaos thrived and people tended to give in to their more carnal desires. mutant and human alike. yet; there were moments, however few and far between, she simply wanted something a little more placid. the dichotomy of darlin mejia. stepping into the establishment, she makes a beeline for the bar, almost instantaneous the way dark eyes find a very familiar face sat there already. and she thinks โ€“ perhaps the night could be fun after all.
flagging down the bartender she orders. โ i'll take a zombie, and.. โž peering over at sabine's glass. โ another of whatever she's having, on me. you don't mind, right ? โž turning her attention to the other woman then, slipping onto the stool beside her. the question was more rhetoric really, not exactly waiting for an answer, nor would it have deterred her regardless, flashing a cheshire like grin.
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appvritions ยท 15 days
taking the lollipop from her pocket, she swiftly removes the wrapper, before enjoying the treat, turning to face kit then. โ is the earth a literal hellscape wasteland ? โž darlin retorts with a question of her own, which held a similarly obvious answer. night or day, she was already intimately familiar with the alleyway, and most around the city by now. even though darlin was but a mere human, it was still quite a feat the way she seemed to almost meld with the shadows, and all but pop up out of nowhere. a reason โ€” in her mind that is โ€” she made such a supremely outstanding addition to the jaguars 'sales team'. โ unless you're hinting you've decided to moonlight as a serial killer, i think i'll be fine. i've cheated death once before. โž
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openย  ย toย  ย โ€”ย  ย everyoneย  ย .
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heย  slipsย  fromย  theย  backย  doorsย  ofย  helmouthย  ,ย  anotherย  underย  theย  tableย  jobย  completedย  quietlyย  asย  theย  bassย  hadย  poundedย  throughย  theย  wallsย  fromย  theย  backย  roomย  whereย  heย  hadย  deliveredย  theย  productย  .ย  cashย  inย  handย  isย  shovedย  swiftlyย  intoย  theย  insideย  pocketย  ofย  hisย  wornย  outย  jacketย  ,ย  handsย  areย  shakenย  ,ย  andย  he'sย  goneย  intoย  theย  shiveringย  drizzleย  ofย  rainย  fallingย  fromย  aย  moonlitย  skyย  .ย  withย  aย  sighย  ,ย  kitย  lightsย  upย  aย  cigaretteย  beforeย  headingย  fromย  theย  backย  doorsย  towardsย  civilisationย  ,ย  untilย  heย  noticesย  anotherย  presenceย  nearbyย  .ย  โ€œย  doย  youย  makeย  aย  habitย  ofย  hangingย  outย  inย  alleywaysย  ?ย  โ€ย  heย  asksย  ,ย  amusementย  inย  hisย  darkย  eyesย  .ย  โ€œย  it'sย  notย  exactlyย  safeย  backย  hereย  .ย  โ€
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appvritions ยท 15 days
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โ it's always nice to see you too dam, โž cadence of her voice remains light, carrying a small jocular undertone. โ the price of progress i'm afraid.. โž or at least, it's an attempt towards such anyway, working on a newly advanced prothesis project. trial and error was the key to most breakthroughs after all. โ clearly i've still got some kinks to work out with the neural interface. โž explaining a bit as violet hues move from the mended laceration on her forearm to the man.
open || dam's office
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"right, are we going through the song and dance of bullshitting our way around this, or do you want to tell me exactly how you ended up needing seventeen stitches on a random tuesday?"
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appvritions ยท 15 days
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โ honestly โ€” i do, โž typically if she wasn't at home, then she was more than likely held up within the cybernetics department, throwing herself into work. not that rey necessarily took issue with the fact, but still had to remind herself being cooped up there all the time, wasn't exactly.... the most beneficial. โ did you already have a something specific in mind ? โž
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"I'm feeling stir crazy, I feel like I have to get out and do something. You know?"
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appvritions ยท 15 days
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tongue kisses the back of her teeth, with a soft tut. โ well that's disappointing โ€” why not ? โž if there was any with a penchant for doing the exact opposite of what one's told or supposed to do, it was darlin. โ not a big deal, but if you needed a little pain killer or โ€“ whatever else may tickle your fancy, all you need to do is ask. โž
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"Look, it's not like I was actually going to do anything against the rules, alright? It's a headache, what's the big deal?"
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appvritions ยท 15 days
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โ of course, technically most, things in the pharmacy are okay to take, it just depends on the individual and what's ailing you. โž despite how unserious she was in many aspects of life, her job is one of few she actually tries with. not just because it provided multiple sources of income. โ promise i wouldn't give you anything that'd make you worse fins, just remember, you only need to take it once a day, alright. โž
starter for @appvritions !!
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"and this is... okay to take?" as much as he trusts their judgement, fins doesn't seem too convinced of the medicine.
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appvritions ยท 17 days
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( melissa barerra, 33, cis woman, she / her )ย โ€” Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, youโ€™ll find thatย DARLIN MEJIAย is a PHARMACIST that works in SECTOR 4. That must be why theyโ€™re VENTURESOME and SERPENTINE. If you ask me, they remind me of sunglasses hiding that cunning glint in your eyes, the shift of the temperature as a storm approaches, and always wanting for more. They are affiliated with THE JAGUARS.
basic information:
character name: darlin ( dar - leen ) jade mejia
nickname(s): sombra โ€” codename within the jaguars
face claim: melissa barrera
mutation status: none , human
birthday: august 10th
sexuality: bisexual
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
occupation: pharmacist
work sector: sector 4
affiliation: the jaguars
3 positive traits: venturesome, intrepid, loyal
3 negative traits: serpentine, obstinate, uninhibited
biography (optional):
born in a settlement not too far from sol city, it was mainly a trading post between the handful littered around the wasteland. a quaint life for the most part, until she was five and a group of mutants essentially swarmed their home. the settlement was comprised of mostly humans, so there wasn't a lot they could do in defense. fight for their lives sure, but run seemed the most obvious choice. only a few actually made it out, herself and her parents included, though unfortunately for darlin not unscathed. before her father had the chance to scoop her up, one mutant ended up leaving quite a nasty slash to her side.
it was only fortunate a group from sol city had been out and eventually found them, and immediately brough them in. to this day, darlin still has a scar running along her left side. in spite of the havoc wreaked on that day, she doesn't have a tainted view of mutants, may be a little wary of them sure, but definitely doesn't harbor any ire.
her parents did their very best to make the most out of what they say is the second chance they've been given to build a life, especially for their daughter who โ€” DID NOT always make it easy for them. a handful would be putting it very mildly, the city became a new playground. constantly slipping away from their watchful eyes, making her own adventures and getting into trouble. in school teachers would say she had decent potential, however hardly put in much effort in paying attention. still keeping rebel child alive even a century after the apocalypse.
joining up with the jaguars was originally the idea of a friends already in the small gang, though it certainly didn't take much coercion on darlin's part to say yes. a new adventure that seemed right up her alley, and truly who better to help with the "supplies" than a pharmacist ??? plus, despite simply being a human, she's actually pretty adept in hand-to-hand combat, and is incredibly spry as well, has spent a good amount of time mapping out various blind-spots around the city.
how do they feel about living in sol city? have they always lived there or did they travel from another settlement? even though she was born in another settlement, darlin's been living in the city since she was 5, so it's almost like she's always lived there really. she definitely doesn't mind it, after all there's worse places to be across this scorched earth.
do they trust the council's leadership? why or why not? not entirely, at least, in her mind those in their power and position can't always have the best interest of their citizens in every decision they make. not to mention she already has a very cavalier regard for people in authority anyway.
if they chose their sector and profession, why did they make that choice? if they didn't, why not? were they happy with their assignment or not? actually it was her mother that managed to get the assignment for her, already working in the same sector as a nurse herself. there weren't very many that spoke to darlin's strengths, but she obviously couldn't just do ... nothing, and Ines ( her mother ) would make sure of that. at the very least she was knowledgeable in areas of science, and medicine, so she went with it. and thus far, hasn't come to regret that choice.
what's one object that they always keep on their person? an iridescent plated butterfly knife โ€” where she managed to commandeer it from.. the world may never know. she hasn't had the need to actually use it , but tends to idly play with it.
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appvritions ยท 18 days
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( hande erรงel, 28, cis woman, she / her )ย โ€” Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, youโ€™ll find that REYHANย ULUSOY is a CYBERNETICS SPECIALIST that works in SECTOR 7. According to the file, theyโ€™re a mutant with the power of GRAVITY MANIPULATION. That must be why theyโ€™re ADROIT and GUARDED. If you ask me, they remind me of a ball made of crystal you can't see, setting yourself on fire to keep others warm, and thick fog approaching within twilight. They are affiliated with THE MUTANTS' SOCIETY.
basic information:
character name: reyhan emine ulusoy
nickname (s): rey
face claim: hande erรงel
mutation status: gen ii
birthday: february 28th
sexuality: lesbian
moral alignment: true neutral
occupation: cybernetics specialist
work sector: sector 7
affiliation: the mutants society
3 positive traits: adroit, solicitous, charismatic
3 negative traits: guarded, melancholic, pedantic
biography (optional):
trigger warning for: parental death.
born & raised in sol city, to a researcher mother and weapons specialist father. if the fact that both safiye and volkan were mutants themselves wasn't precursor enough to the fact their children would likely be, the unusual symptoms of her mother's pregnancy was enough of a giveaway. there were days the woman seemed to drift around instead of walk, and other when she felt so heavy she couldn't even get out of bed. though this was in fact, due to reyhan's own abilities manifesting themselves already.
growing up their home had to be... retrofitted with padding or other forms of child proofing, because before rey could fully get control over her power, there were moments she'd randomly float towards the ceiling or cause things fly around involuntarily.
has forever been a precocious little thing, especially for the world around her and what once was centuries ago, any time anything 'new' is uncovered about humanities past she wants to learn about it.
at the age of 16 her mother ended up passing after an incident involving one research subject, unfortunately the circumstances surrounding it remain fuzzy till even this day, orders from above to keep certain information omitted. a tragic accident and restraint failures, is what her father's explained many times, but nothing more, though she always felt he was hiding the full story โ€” whether to keep her from hearing something grisly or because he was told to keep tight lipped. who can say.
regardless, it would be understated to say part of her life crumbled after that, causing her once bubbly personality to be muffled, smiles becoming more reticent, secluding herself into her studies and anemoia for the most part. as time went on, she regained some of who she used to be, however there will of course always be a hole in her life of the woman she truly looked up to the most.
one of the reason's she ended up joining the mutants' society, safiye always voiced for the equality of mutants ( and even humans ) alike, after all the former were once upon a time humans themselves, they deserve to be treated no differently regardless of abilities or appearances, and rey will advocate for such with every fiber of her being.
how do they feel about living in sol city? have they always lived there or did they travel from another settlement? sol city has been home her entire life, and even with it's own flaws, she loves it there. now that being said, doesn't mean there isn't a strong desire to venture outside the cities limits, even knowing the wasteland can be harsh and unforgiving. to her, there's simply still a vastness worth exploring and learning about.
do they trust the council's leadership? why or why not? for the most part, and at surface level, she does. they haven't necessarily given her reason to not trust them. however, rey does hold her own reservations, mostly stemming from the fact that, she feels as though they may have had a hand in the secrecy surrounding her mother's death. even if indirect, they would be ones to hold the power for things to remain hushed.
if they chose their sector and profession, why did they make that choice? if they didn't, why not? were they happy with their assignment or not? she did choose both , and is extremely happy with that decision even still now. technology was high on the list of things she loved to learn about and tinker with. it helped her father being a weapons specialist, showed her how to take things apart and put them back together. currently she's always looking for ways to further advance the cybernetics department, and help create tools to better the citizens of sol city as well.
what's one object that they always keep on their person? a bracelet her mother gifted her, fitted with varying gem stones.
(mutant only section)
what is your character's ability (or abilities)? gravity manipulation.
are they gen i or gen ii? gen ii
what can your character do? what are their strengths? presently reyhan can exploit the gravity of herself, other and objects. in essence; she's able to decrease gravity to cause people and most things around her to float or even go flailing helplessly. and on the flipside she can increase it instead, which will immobilize and/or crush whatever she's focusing on. at times she's able to make gravity tangible, in the form of a forcefield. she can also more or less fly, at least often enough you might see her levitating around instead of walking.
what can't they do? what are their weaknesses? she cannot defy the laws of gravity, just control/manipulate what already is around herself. and it's certainly not to the level of having any exploitation of the gravity of earth or space. she has the MOST control of herself, second to that being other people and objects as large as possibly the building around sol city. even then it would require a lot of concentration on her part. her powers can also be linked to her emotional level, such as if she were to get upset/angry enough things around her may start to slam down and become crushed.
is there anything else you'd like to specify about them? reyhan always appears to have a very translucent aura around her, but it's really just light that continues to bend around her body due to her powers. similar to when she actually uses them, like there's orbs of light emitting from her hands. the iris' of her eyes also give off more of a purple hue.
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appvritions ยท 20 days
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TUA Appreciation Week โ˜‚๏ธ Day 4: Favorite Superpower โ†ณย GRAVITY MANIPULATION
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appvritions ยท 20 days
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MELISSA BARRERA as JOEY ABIGAIL (2024) dir. Matt Bertinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett
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appvritions ยท 3 months
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Hande Erรงel in BambaลŸka Biriย 1.01
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appvritions ยท 6 months
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#๐€๐๐๐•๐‘๐ˆ๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐๐’ : a dependent mumu blog for @๐–†๐–—๐–’๐–†๐–Œ๐–Š๐–‰๐–‰๐–”๐–“๐–‹๐–’.
โ†ช ๐‘๐„๐˜๐‡๐€๐ ๐”๐‹๐”๐’๐Ž๐˜ โ€“ twenty'8. cybernetics specialist. gen II mutant. intro. musings. threads. playlist.
โ†ช ๐ƒ๐€๐‘๐‹๐ˆ๐ ๐Œ๐„๐‰๐ˆ๐€ โ€“ thirty'3. pharmacist. human. the jaguars. intro. musings. threads. playlist.
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